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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Physics (St. Joseph's Convent (SJC), Chandannagar)

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ST. JOSEPH'S CONVENT,CHANDANNAGAR PRE ISC EXAMINATION - 2024- 2025 Class - X PHYSICS. Date:-08.01.2025 Time : 2 hrs. F.M. - 80 SECTION - A.( 40 Murks ) Answer all the questions from this Section. Question - 1. Choose the correct answer to questions from the given options & A single fixed pulley is used because ) a) Itchanges the direction of applied effort Conveniently. hy It multiplies speed c) It multiplies effort d) It has MA greater than I The colour of white light which is deviated the least by a prism is vellow c) Red d) green a) Violet A car has a mass of 1000 ke and a momentum of 12000 kgm/s. Its KE is a) 6 KJ Red 1V 12 KJ b c) 72 KJ d) 144 KJ blue yellow When Red, yellow, blue cnter glass with the same angle of incidence for which colour is the angle of deviation maximum a) Red b) yellow blue Kreen P V) 12cm T6 3cm Cm 5.33cm 12cm The above diagram show 4cones P .Q,R, S of height 16cm. The dot indicates the position of cente of gravity. Which of the 4 represent a solid cone. Ovi) 240 J of hecat is supplied to 20g ofa solid and the temperature of solid rises from 1'C to 20 C. Statement A. The HC of thesolid is 24Jle. Statement B. The SHC ofthesolid is 1.2J/g a) Only statement A is correct c) Vi) Both statement A and B are correct b) d) only statement B is correct Both statement A and B are incorrect. Two notes are produced from a flute and a piano, such that they have same loudness and same pitch. The notes so produced differ in their. a) viii) waveform b 3 b) d) C) refraction The direction of force can be found out using a) Lenz law xi) wavelength d) amplitude can be 4 or 3 The working of an optical fiber is based on a) reflection x) c) The VR of ablock and tackle system of pulley's is 7, The no of pulleys in the fixed block is a) ix) frequency b) d) scattering total internal reflection experienced by a current carrying conductor placed normally in an external fiel c) clock rule c) flemming right hand rule d)flemming left hand rule Assertion:- The electric power generated at the power generating station is 1l Kv. Reasoni- The power generated higher then I1 KV involves high current. a) Both Assertion and are true, and the Reason is the Reason b) Both Assertion and correct explanation of the Assertion Reason are true but Reason is not the correct c) Assertion is true but explanation of the Assertion. the Reason is false. d) Both A :-2:- Physies, Class - X. J N diagram shows a free conductor AB is kept in a magnetic field and is carTying current from B to A. The The direction of force experienced will be a) Up wards Ni) b) downwards towards N c) d) lowards S Which of the following substance A,B.C.D has the lowest heat capacity if heat is supplicd to all ol them at cqual rate. Given A,B.C.Dare all of equal mass. D temp c time When a current I flows through a wire of resistance R in time t. then thc clectrical energy given by produccd is NIV) TRI b) Free Vibrations are a) IR C) IR d) IR The Vibration under the influence of a periodic force Vibration with larger amplitude The b) The c) dy Thc Question - 2. Vibrations with a constant decrease in frequency and Vibration with a constant frequencv and amplitude amplitude A 2 If the resistance b) of B is 162. What is the A resistance of A , if A,B are made If AB of same material. stands for a current carrying conductor the dircction of dellection in the magnetic compass kept below show it. 1) a) b) iii) An What is the ratio of wavelengths hetween P.0.R Compare their pitch. element hav ing 15 protons and 19 neutrons emits two bcta particles to forn an elennent O a) Show the transformation by means of cqualion only. b) What are P and Q called? 3:- Physics , Class- X. 3oD The diagram shows variation of PE of a body with height above the ground. Calculate the mass of the body raised if g= 10m/s. 2004 (2) 10 20 30 above the ground ( m ) A roller with diameter 60cm is raised over a pavement AB by applying force Fand F2 cach of magnitude 50N. Compare the magnitudes of torque produced by the 2 forces. (2) F: F (2) 20N vi) 20 N When 20ON force acts in 2 different ways to displace a trolley in the same displacement. find the ratio of the work done in both cases. Vii) A geyser is rated 1 kw 220v. What do you mean by the statement? Question -3. (2) (5 x2= 10 ) )a) Name the kind of lever that always acts as a force multiplies. b How can we increase its MA without increasing its length. air B Water C D cyes of the diver A diver in water looks obliquely at un object AB in air. a) Does the object appear taller, shorter or of the samne size? b) Just1fy your answer by completing the diagram. 1) iv la) b) State the principle of calorimetry,on what law is it based.? Name the two wifes of the cable which are at the sane potential. State their colour., according to the new convention. v) The nuclcus A emits a particle and is transformed into nucleus B. a) Name the particle. b) If Bcmits a bcta purticle, and is ttansforned into nucleus C. what is the composition of C Contd. 4: Physics , Class - X. SECTION -B(40 Marks ). Section. this Answer any fourquestions fron (3+3- 4 =10) . Question - 4. A and B having index of 1.5. It is placed inside two liquids Adouble convex lens has refractive when a parallel beam rays refracted of the show the path i ja) refractive index of 1.7 and 1.33 respectively of light is incident on the lens liquid B liquid A b) Aray of light incident obliqucly on a surface separately two media under what condition will it suffer no refraction. Name an invisible radiation which is studied using rock salt prism. State I similarity of this radiation with visible light. ii)a) b) State I use of this radiation. A source of light O is trapped inside a glass slab. The rays emeaging from the sourat are OP and OQ They suffer refraction as shown i) a Identify the critical angle. b) Calculate the critical angle. c) What is the angle of refraction at point P Calculate the angle of incidence on the d) mirror. Sitjewla. Question 5. i) a) Redraw and complete the path of light till it emerges out of the prism. b) Name the phenomenon that takes place on the surtace QR 20 Q ii)a) The vessel of depth 30cm is filled with a liquid. It looks shallower by 10cm. Find the refractive index of the liquid. b) The critical angle of yellow light is 45".What will the critical angle of blue light be? ( use<,>) i) A 5cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of aconvex lens of radius of curvature 40cm. The object is placed 30cm from the lens. a) Calculate the distance of the image from the lens b) State the magnification of the image. c) What is the nature of the image formed. Contd. :5:- Physics , Class - X. Question-6. when no weight is suspended on the ruler. A meter ruler is balanced at the 55cm mark, i) 100 a) Is the ruler uniform? part AB and BC. b) 1f the ruler is cut at the 50cm mark compare the wt of the act. weight will its at which point uniform. c) If the above ruler is B 3.2m A girl at rest at gate of her society which is 3.2m above the road comes down the slope AB on a cycle without paddling (g=1Om/s ). Calculate a) The velocity with which the girl reaches point A. b) If the mass of the girl is 40kg then what is the kinetic energy of the girl at A. c) What is the total energy possessed by the girl half way through ii) a) Asatellite revolves around the planct in a circular path. What is the work done by the satellite at any instant. Give reason. b) Under what condition is the work done by a force i) positive ii) negative Question - 7. Apulley system with VR 4 is used to lift a load of 100kgtfthrough a vertical height of 1Sm. The 1 effort required to do so is 40kgf, which is applied in down ward direction. Calculate a) Distance through which the effort is applied. b) Work done by the cffort C) Efficiency of the pulley system The diagram shows a displacement time graph of two waves A and B. 2Cm TA Displacement (cm) m T, B Compare a Iheir wave length b) Pilch c) Loudness Aman stand1ng at S10n in front of a wall produces a Sound hears the ceho atter 3s. He no, walks Xm away lrom the wall and produces the same sound. ,and Now he Calcu!ate hears the ceho after Ss a) Specd of suund. by c) Distance he walked away fron his initial posilion Define ccho Contd :6:- Physics, ClaSS - X. H connccted Thrce 500 watt heaters are supply. Calculate i) in parallel to a 25Ov a) The total current supplied b) Resistance offered by cach heater. heaters in 5 hours c) Energy supplied in kwh to the H copper wire wound around a soft iron core. When current The adjoining diagram shows insulated electromagnet. The direction the magnetic lines of forces are shown. flows through it, it turns into an A a) The polarity A. B Identify b) Terminals of the battery P and Q c) Name the rule used to identify the terminals of the battery 220 v I000V AC output AC input The diagram shows a device that converts 220v AC into 1000v AC. a) Identify the device b) On what principle is its working based. c) Name another device that is based on the same principle. d) What is the core of this device made and why? Question-9. temp c + D C time (s) A Asource of heat supplies heat at a constant rate. The variation of temperature of the solid with the time taken is shown. a) What does t, and t; represent. b) If atmospheric pressure increases then how does tzchange. c) What does the heat supplicd during BC represent. Contd 1PHysics cLASS - x Observe the circuit and answer the questions wwm A or using the rheostat will he voltmeter reading increase a) If the current in the circuit is increased by decrease. b) Justily your answer. 4v when a current of 1.6A flows through it c) If the emf of the cell is 6v and the voltmeter reading is calculate the intemal resistance of the cell. iii) 60 No of 55 protons 50 85 90 95 No of neutrons The graph shows a correlation between the number of protons and neutrons of an element X. a) Write the chemical symbol of the element Xalong with its atomic no and mass no. b) IfX emits an alpha particle and changes into Y. express this change wvith the heip of anuclear cquatiorn. c) Name the radio isotope used in the treatment of goitre. d) Name a source of internal back ground radiation.

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