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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Biology (Don Bosco Senior Secondary School, Vaduthala, Kochi, Ernakulam)

6 pages, 89 questions, 76 questions with responses, 102 total responses,    2    0
Tiara Elizabeth
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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___________________________________________________________________________ BIOLOGY SCIENCE Paper 3 (Tow hours) ___________________________________________________________________________ Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. __________________________________________________________________________ Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ___________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 (a) Name the following: (i) The hormone that releases glucose into the blood. (ii) The place where implantation occur in the female reproductive system. (iii) The statistical study of the human population of a region. (iv) A neurotransmitter stored at the terminal end of the axon. (v) Introduction of weakened pathogens in the body. [5] (b) State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, rewrite the correct form of the statement by changing the first word only: [5] (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Hyposecretion of thyroxine causes Grave s disease. Alpha cells of the pancreas secrete insulin. Vasectomy is the surgical method of sterilization in men. Natality Rate is the number of deaths of the given population per year. Antiseptics are strong chemicals used for killing germs. (c) Choose the correct alternative from the choices given below each statement so as to complete its meaning: [5] (i) A reflex arc in man is best described as movement of stimuli from a) Receptor cell, sensory neuron, relaying neuron, effector muscles b) Receptor cell, efferent nerve, relaying neuron, muscles of the body. c) Receptor cell, Spinal cord, motor neuron, relaying neuron. d) Receptor cell, synapse, Motor neuron, relaying neuron. 1 ICSE (Grade : X) | BIOLOGY (SCIENCE Paper-3) | Pre Board Exam-II (ii) The part of the human eye where rod cells and cone cells are located a) Retina b) Cornea c) Choroid d) Sclera (iii) The gland which secretes both hormone and enzyme is the a) Pancreas b) Pituitary c) Thyroid d) Adrenal (iv) Ovulation occurs: (a) at the beginning of menstrual cycle (b) in the mid of the menstrual cycle (c) at the end of the menstrual cycle (d) during any time of the menstrual cycle. (v) Ozone layer is getting depleted because of a) Excessive use of automobiles b) Excessive formation of industrial units c) Excessive use of man-made compounds containing both fluorine and chlorine d) Excessive deforestation (d) Give technical terms for the following: (i) The point of contact between two neurons. (ii) The inflammation of meninges. (iii) Cessation of menstruation in females (iv) Membrane that protects the foetus and secrets protective fluid. (v) The process by which white blood cells engulf harmful microbes. [5] (e) Sate the function of the following: (i) Neurotransmitter (ii) Eustachian tube (iii) Beta cells of pancreas (iv) Prostate gland (v) Penicillin [5] (f) Given below are six sets with four terms each. In each set one term is odd and cannot be grouped in the same category to which the other three belong. Identify the odd one in each set and name the category to which the remaining three belong. The first one has been done as an example. [5] Example: Calyx, Corolla, Stamens, Midrib Odd term: midrib Category: Parts of a flower. 2 ICSE (Grade : X) | BIOLOGY (SCIENCE Paper-3) | Pre Board Exam-II SET ODD TERM CATEGORY (i) Cerebrum, cerebellum, Olfactory lobes, diencephalon (ii) Cochlea, basilar membrane, utriculus, Reissner s membrane, organs of Corti. (iii) ADH, TSH, NADP and ACTH (iv) Ovary, Ureter, Fallopian tube and uterus. (v) AIDS, Small pox, Diphtheria and measles (g) Explain the following terms: [5] (i) Ependyma (ii) Glaucoma (iii) Parturition (iv) Tubectomy (v) Antibiotic (h) State the location and functions of the parts given in the following table . Parts a. CSF b. Meninges c. Hypothalmus d. Axon e. Corpus Callosum Location Functions SECTION II (40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 2 (a) Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow: (i) Name the parts labelled 1 and 2. State the functions of each part. (ii) State any two functions of the amniotic fluid. 3 ICSE (Grade : X) | BIOLOGY (SCIENCE Paper-3) | Pre Board Exam-II [5] (b) (iii) What is the role of the umbilical cord in the development of the foetus? (iv) Name the part in the diagram which is endocrine in nature. [5] (i) Differentiate between 1. Menarche and menopause 2. Infertility and Impotence (ii) state any one function of placenta [5] Question 3 (a) Draw a well labelled diagram of a Neuron and name the following parts (i) Node of Rancier (ii) Nissl s granules (iii) Cyton (b) (i) State the function of sensory neuron and a motor neuron. (ii) State the main function of medulla onlongata. Question 4 (a) (i) Name the process of production and maturation of sperm. (ii) Name the main copulatory organ in males. (iii) Name the stage of permanent stoppage of menstruation. (iv) Name the technique used for detecting congenital defects in the foetus. (v) Name the term used for mature follicle. (b) (i) Which day is observed as World Population Day every year? (ii) Mention two reasons for the increase in population in India. (iii) Give two disadvantages of large family. 4 ICSE (Grade : X) | BIOLOGY (SCIENCE Paper-3) | Pre Board Exam-II [5] [5] [5] [5] Question 5 (a) Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow: (i) Label the parts from 1to 8. (ii) State any two functions of part 8. (iii) Which part is responsible for conduction of semen in vagina? (b) Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is given in brackets: (i) Sperm and ovum (structure) (ii) Implantation and Gestation (definition) (iii) Prostrate gland and Cowper s gland (the nature of secretion) (iv) Vasectomy and Tubectomy (Sex) Question 6 (a) (i) (b) [5] [5] Draw a neat labelled diagram of the membranous labyrinth found in the inner ear. Name the part of the structure that is responsible for static balance in human beings. [5] (ii) Name the tube which connects the cavity of the middle ear with the throat. (iii) Name any two microbial diseases and the vaccines used as preventive measures for each. Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of the human eye. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: 5 ICSE (Grade : X) | BIOLOGY (SCIENCE Paper-3) | Pre Board Exam-II (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Question 7 a) (i) ii) iii) iv) b) Name the defect shown in the diagram. Name two possible reasons for this defect of the eye in human beings. Name the parts labelled 1 to 4. Draw a labelled diagram to show how the above mentioned defect is rectified using an appropriate lens. [5] Mention three reasons for the increase in population in India. Write the full forms of NADP and BCG. Explain the term antibiotic. Give an example of an antibiotic. State any three functions of the World Health Organization. [5] Give reasons for the following (i) Injury to the medulla oblongata results in death. (ii) There is a need to check the present rate of urbanisation. (iii) Explain the following 1. Tropic hormone 2. Hormone [5] 6 ICSE (Grade : X) | BIOLOGY (SCIENCE Paper-3) | Pre Board Exam-II

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