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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School (CNM), Mumbai)

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Aymaan Ghalib
R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road
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C.NM.&N.D.PAREKH ShriVile Parle Kelavani Mandal's & N.D. Parekh Pre-Primary School School C.N.M. DATE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION TIME MAX 16.01.2025 2024 -25 BIOLOGY 2 hours MARKS 80 STD X Number of printed page/s -8 separately. Answers to thispaper must be written on the paper provided minutes. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 paper. question the This time is to be spent in reading allowed for writing the answers. ue time given at the head of this paper is the time Section A and Section B This paper comprises two sections: Section B Attempt all the questions from Section A and any four from brackets []. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in SECTION -A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions. Question 1 [15] Choose the correct alternative from the options given: () Which of the following is responsible for Acid rain? (a) Carbon Dioxide (b) Nitrous oxide (c) Carbon Monoxide ay Sulphur dioxide (ii) The diagram shows a cross-section through the heart of a mammal. R Which row correctly identifies P, Q and R? P R (a) valve right atrium right ventricle (b) (c) left atrium valve left ventricle left ventricle left atrium valve (d) right atrium valve right ventricle Std. X- Biology Preliminary Examination -2024-25 Page l of8 (iii) Afler meiotic (a) 44 femalc cell division, a have: human cell will XX chromosomes (b) 44 +XY chromosomcs (c) 22 + X chromosomes (d) 22 + Y chromosomes (iv) Adjusting done by: different distances is at objects lensto view the focal length of the eye (a) Cornea (b) Ciliary muscles (c) Iris (d) Sclera His urine output was much less, afternoon. summer hot a on (V) Thomas played cricket could be the possible cause? though he drank plenty of water. What P - Kidneys reabsorb a lot of water Q- Sweat glands are active R- Kidneys absorb less water S- Sweat glands are inactive (a) R and Q (b} P and Q (c) P and S (d) R and S hair cells. soil is lower than the concentration inside root (vi) The concentration of sodium ions in the taken into root hair cells from the soil? Which process will be used when sodium ions are fa Active transport (b) Diffusion (c) Osmosis (d) Transpiration production of antibodies? (vii) Which type of white blood cell is responsible for the (a) Neutrophils (by Lymphocytes (c) Monocytes (d) Eosinophils days, she sprinkled 5 kg of common salt on the grass growing on her lawn. After a couple of Mary (viii) conditions? observed that the grass had wilted and died. This was due to which of the following (a) Endosmosis (b) Turgidity (c) Deplasmolysis Plasmolysis abnormal (ix) Assertion (A): The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for violence against conditions. Reason (R): The sympathetic nervous system stimulates secretion of saliva. Which of the following is correct? (a) Both A and R are True (b)A is True, R is False (c) A is False but R is True (d) Both A and R are False Std. X Biology Preliminary Examination -2024-25 Page 2 of8 (x) The process of (a) Diapedesis squeezing out of WBC through the capillary walls is: (b) Phagocytosis (c) Active transport (d) Transmigration (X1) The basis of genetic variation in the living organisms is due to: (a) Cell division (b) Cytokinesis (c) Crossing over (a) Karyokinesis (xii) Transpiration is significant for all except: (a) Cooling effect (b) Suction pull (c) Ascent of sap (dy Translocation of food (xii) Assertion (A) :The foetus respires but does not breathe. Reason (R): The maternal blood supplies oxygen to the foetus through placenta. (a) A is True andR is False (b) A is False and R True (cBoth A and R are True (d) Both A and R are False (xiv) The individual flattened stacks of membranous structures inside the chloroplast are known as: a Grana (b) Stroma (c) Cristae () Thylakoids (xv) The diagram shows how the appearance f apotted plant changes over a period of four days. Which environmental conditions are most likely to cause this change? Humidity Light intensity (a) high high (b) (c) high low low high (d) low low Question2 (i) Name the following: (a) The statisical study of human population. (b) (C) (@) (e) ( The onset of menstruation in a female. Pressure exerted by the cell contents on the cell wall. Alternative form of a gene on a pair of homologous chromosome. The openings on the barks of trees through wvhich transpiration oCCurs. order so as to be in a logical ATange and rewrite the terms in each eroup in the correct sequence beginning with the term that is underlined: (a) Response, Stimulus, Efector, Spinal cord, Receptor [5] (b) Vitreous humour, Comea, Aqueous humour, Retina, Lens (c) Fallopian tube,Vagina, Ovary, Cervix, Uterus ( ) Hypothalamus, Testes, Pituitary gland, Adrenal gland, Thyroid gland (e) Survival of the fittest, Over production, Variation, Struggle for existence (iii) In each set of terms given below, there is an odd one and cannot be grouped in the same category to which the other three belong. Identify the odd term in each set and name the category to which the remaining three belong: e doa chante)y (2) Yellow seed, White flower, Round seed, Inflated pod re (b) Coleus, Oleander, Geranium, Croton vsi eont (c) Newspapers, Vegetable peels, DDT, Sewage bio derdole (d) Sweet pea, Cuscuta, Drosera, Vines vesl cenofrei 2-4,940l b csielrrotetrel {oety. (iv) Given below is an internal structure of the human ear. Match the structures marked (a) to (e) with (e) Amnion, Allantois, Choroid, Chorion their correct functions (1 to 5): Example: () - 6. Transmits impulses to the brain. Internal structure of the human ear (d) 4 (e) Functions () 1. Converts sound waves to sound vibrations. 2. Equalizes the air pressure on either sides (a) of the ear drum. 3. Deals with (b) \ (c) dynamic balance of the body. 4. Amplifies and transmits the sound vibrations. 5. Transmits sound waves to the ear drum from ear pinna. 6. Transmits impuises to the brain. Std. X- Biology Preliminary Examination -2024-25 Page 4 of8 (v) .Complete the following byfilling in the blanks 1to 5 with appropriate words: The human female cells called (a) present in a sac of is gonads are ovaries. A maturing egg in the ovary enlarges and gets filled larger, the follicle 20 ue eg8 grows releasing hollcle follicle. The process of with a fluid and is now called the called (b) the egg from the ovary is called (c) picked .The ovum is up by the oviducal week the bas Tunnel and fertilization takes nlace in the (d) osdt. In about a called(e) gets fixed in the endometrium of the uterus and this process is SECTION B (40 Marks) section) from this (Attempt any four questions Question 3 [1]O [2] O () (1) Define Root pressure. Genotype on the basis of definition. Ditferentiate between Phenotype and reduces the rate ofphotosynthesis,) (2] Give reason. [2] 2 very high (11) Lower amount of water and (1V) Mention any () Given temperature man. two features of the Neanderthal a stage during mitotic cell below is a diagram representing and answer the guestions that division. Study it carefully [3] 3 follow. (a) Identify the stage shown. your answer in (a). (b) Give a suitable reason for that stage identified? follows the one shown here. How is (c) Name the stage which Question 4 of DNA. (i) Write the full form Tricuspidvalve. When does it close? (ii) Give the exact location of of each (11) State any one significance (a) Diffusion in a plant O {2] 1 of the following: (b) Gravitotropism Preliminary Examination -2024-25 Std. XBiology PreumuIar y Page 5 of 8 . magnified root hair. associated parts. a of diagram and its (iv) Dravw a neat and well-labelled the human brain of section (v) The diagram alongside shows a (31 Answer the questions that follow: A C (a) ldentifythe part labelled as A. part mentioned as B. (b) Write the important role ofthearranged in parts Aand C? ic) How are the parts of neurons Question 5 () State Mendel's Law of Segregation. (Lumen). () Ditterentiate between Artery and Vein andse retory functions. Explain. (i) The placenta performs both deliveryduplicated chromosome. iV) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a experiment toprove the importance of afactor in The diagram given below represents an (2)2 [2)2 photosynthesis. Answer the questions that follow: Paper Biack Paper Chp (a) Nanne the factor studied in this experiment. b) What willyou observe in the experimental leaf after the starch test e) Give abalanced chemical cquation to represent the process of photosynthesis Question 6 Briefly explain the term Photolysis.. (11) The number of asthma patients increases during winters in metropolitan cities like Delhi Why is it so How can it he reduced Std X- Biology Prelim1nars I xam1nation -2024-25 [21 Page 6 of8 (2)2 ( i) Meiosis maintains the chromosome number in aspecies. Give rcason. (iv) Mention one function cach of: [2! (a) Thyroxine [3]1 (b) Oxytocin O (v) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follows: A B present. where the part marked A is kidney the in region (a) Name the occurring in part marked B. (b) Define the process (c) What is the above structure called? Question 7 [1] Define Natality. each of the following: (ii) Write the specific location of (a) Pons a (b) Seminal vesicle Mention its importance. (ii) Expand the abbreviation IAA. urination. He also gets thirst and hunger with frequent (iv) Shyam's father has increased to get a blood sugar profile test done. fatigued very often. His doctor advised him (i) E [21 [21 [21 I20 descles (a) Name the disease based on the symptoms givenabove. ilin (b) Which is the hormone whose deficiency causes this disorder? (v) Draw aneat,labelled diagram of humansperm. Std. X- Biology Preliminary Examination -2024-25 eltu [3] Page 7 of 8 Question 8 the world. (1]1 (2] 2 [2] 2. population'in statements: (i) Define Nucleosome. Human in rise sharp Rewrite the correct (i1) Mention two main reasons for the Re incorrect. which are (ii) Given below aretwo statements glycosuria. Testosterone. secrete is called urine (a) Seminiferous tubules with probability of her sons out comes the blood be which would What (b) Abnormal condition in colour blind man, a marries square. following (iv) Anormal visioned woman the help of aPunnett with Show and answer the blind? same colour the be to Study and daughters system of humans. organ an is ahead given (v) The figure questions: A B C suspended outside the functions of parts A and B. separate sac a in (a) Write important located being significance of the part C (b) What is the body? Preliminary Examination -2024-25 Page &of8

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