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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Ryan International School, Nashik)

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Barnika Rout
Ryan International School, Nashik
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RYAN GROUP OF SCHOOLS ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-25 ICSE,FIRST PRE B0ARD EXAMINATION 8 X STD: SUB: RYAN MARKS: BIOLOGY 80 DURATION: 2 HRS SECTION A J40 MARKS] (Attempt all questions) Q 1. Select the correct answers to the questions from the given (Do not copy options. [15] the question. Write the correct answer only) 1.Hydathodes are located on a. At the petiole b. Upper surface 2. c. of leaves Lower surface of leaves d. margins of leaves valves are located at the opening of the right ventricle into pulmonary artery. a. Pulmonary b.Aortic 3.The semilunar semilunar first scientist d. Bicuspid whoproposed his theory for evolution was a. Darwin b. c. Tricuspid c. Lamarck Mendel d.Wallace 4. In the human menstrual cycle, the ovulation occurs around: 7days c. 21 days a. d. b. 14 days 5. 6. Theexternal female 28 days genitalia is called Vulva a. Uterus c. b. Vagina d. Ovary A gland which a. Adrenal secretes enzymes and hormones both c.Thyroid is the STD:X ICSE -2 b. Pancreas d. Pituitary 7.The deficiencyof GH in childhood results in a. Gigantism c. b. Goitre is located in a. Stroma c. b. Thylakoid is influenced by a. Gibberellins c.Cytokinins b. Ethylene 11. Auxins d. nitrogenous waste formed a. Uric acid b. Ammonia The process in the human body Urea c. d.Creatinine of tubular secretionoccurs in DDT d. DCT a. PCT b. Stoma d. Fret 9. Apical dominance The main Dwarfism d. Addison's disease 8. Chlorophyll 10. BIOLOGY C. DPT 12. The white matter of cerebrum mainly consists of C. Axons a. Cytons d. Dendrites b. Dendrons 13. Tears have an antiseptic property due a. Lysosome to the presence of c. lysozyme d. Vitreous b. 14. humour Aqueous humour The sensory cells for hearing spiralorgan possessing C. Vestibule a. Ampulla is STD: X ICSE BIOLOGY -3 b. Semicircular Canal d. Organ 15. of (Corti109 Dit 1oeo0 Assertion:(A) The innermost highly supplied with blood is pia vascular mater. Reason: A nerve may be compared to containing numerous conducting wires, membrane of the brain, richly (R) an underground electric cable each insulated from the A and R both are other. true statements but R is b.A is true not thecorrect andR is the correct explanationo explanation Both A andR are false. a. C. of d A. Noneof these. d. Q 2. 1.Name the following a. Phenotypic Dihybrid b. c. ratio in The type of bond which The process by which space they F2 generation. joins the complementary molecules distribute N bases. themselves evenly within the occupy. d. A biomedical waste. e. An intra-uterinedevice. [5] 2. Give the function of the following a. Ethylene hormone in plants. b. Eosinophils c. Kidney of the eye d. Cone e. Amniotic fluid cells statements are true or 3. State whether the following false. Also correct the (5] false statements a. A single DNA molecule isyery macromolecule. large, and hence it is described as a STD: X b. ICSE -4 The process of conversion molecule is called d. Population of severalglucose molecules into a starch polymerization. C. Transpiration directly lenticular BIOLOGY from the surfaceof the leaves and stems is called transpiration. grows by arithmeticprogression, and production of food by geometrical Ae. The fine particles human health. rises progression. (sulphates,nitrates) degrade and harm the visibility Match theitems given in column I with the most appropriate ones in colunn IIand rewrite the correct matching 4. pairs. ColumnI Column a. Haemophilia i. b.Cell bursts C. ii. ABA man like Solution outside is hypotonic is hypertonic iv. Genetic disorder Homo habilis v.Stimulates vi. Largest 5. Choose the ancestor. ii.Solution outside d. Monocytes e. First II closure of stomata of WBCs odd one out from the following terms and name the category which the others belong. a. Grasshopper, rabbit, rat, snake b. ACTH, Oxytocin, GH, FSH c. Pinna, wisdom teeth, eyes, vermiform appendix. d.Vasectomy, condom, diaphragms, spermicidal agents. Cholera, asthma, jaundice, typhoid. SECTION B |40MARKS] Attempt any 4 questions from this Section to [5] STD:X -A ICSE BIOLOGY -5 Q3. State any one function 1. of Centromere. 2. Distinguish between the following [2] pair. a. Karyotype and Karyokinesis 3.Give reason- Ifyou uproot a plant from the soil, 4. its leaves soon Explain any twO adaptations in plants to reduce excessive 5. The figure given above answer the following is wilt. transpiration. [21 [2] an organ system of humans. Observe the same and [3) questions 4 3 a. Identify the organ system. b. Label the part numbered c. Write 1 oneimportant role of part 3 Q4. 1. State any 2. What is one application of Mendel's laws. [2] the site of synthesis of Auxins and Gibberellins? 3. Draw a neat and a labelled diagram to show structuraldifference between (2] artery and vein. 4. Add a note on Survival 5. The given diagram parts. (21 of the fittest. shows a section of the human Answer the questions. brain and its associated [31 STD: X ICSE BIOLOGY -6 a. Name the parts b. Name the basic unit of the brain. 1 labelled 1,2 c. Write the function of part 2 I Q5. 1.Write the full form of CNG. 2. Mention two reasons for the rapid increase of population 3.Why is insulin not given orally but is in India. injected into the body? [2] Where is the location ofpancreas? (2] Draw a neat and a labelled diagram ofthe phase that comes 4. animal afteranaphase in (mitosis) cell. [2] 5. The given figureabove represents a kidney tubule in humans and supply.Observe the figure and answer the questions.Write its blood specific name and numbers shown in the diagranm for each answer. a.Name the part which consists of a knot-like mass b.What is C. the specificname for 3] of blood capillaries. thecombination of parts shown as 5 and 3? Where is the most water reabsorbed? STD: X ICSE -7 BIOLOGY Q6. 1. What would a child suffer from if there was hyposecretion from his thyroid? [1] Forests tend to bring more rains. [2] functions of placenta. (from mother to the foetus) [2] 2. Give reason- 3.Give any two 4. What are the common 5.Given the alongside is sources of oil a diagram depicting same and answer the given a. Name the defect affect sea a defect of the human eye. life? [2] Observe 3] shown in the diagram Give one possible reason for this C. Name part How do they questions. b. the spills? defect. 2 labelled1 Q7. 1. Explain 2. List any one significance of any two features of garden 3. Explain thetwo main steps mitosis. pea with their dominant and of photochemical phase in recessive traits. [2] 2] short. [2] 4. Explain the term a. Hydrotropism b. Thigmotropism setup 5. Study the experimental A in thegiven figure and then answer B 5%SUCROSE SUCROSE SOLUTION MOLECULES 10% SUCROSE SOLUTION WATER MOLECULES SEMI-PERMEABLE MEMBRANE questions. [3] STD: X ICSE a. What phenomenon is -8 being studied by BIOLOGY this set up? b. What is meant by semipermeable membrane? c. What will youobserve in the set up after about half an hour? Give a reason for your answer. Q 8, 1. State any one precaution in theuse of potometer. [1] 2.DifferentiateActive transport and Diffusion (concentration gradient, movement of molecules) [2] 3.What is meant by the term Double Circulation'? [2] 4. Explain natural reflex and give one example. [2] 5. Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up same and answer the following questions. (final stage).Study the 3] OXYGEN GAS GAS BUBBLES SUNLIGHT BEAKER CONTAINING WATER TEST TUBE FILLED WITH WATER -FUNNEL -HYDRILLA PLANT TWIGS a. What is b. Oxygen the main aim of the experiment? gas shown in the experiment is released from which materials? C. How would you confirm the presence of Oxygen gas? **** * of the raw

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