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ICSE Class X Notes 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Sandhya Thakkar s Classes ICSE/ IGCSE English | Grades IX & X hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 Contact : +91 9967030165 | English II Prelims 10.2 Maximum Marks 80 Time Allowed 2 hours hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 Section A (Attempt all the questions from this section) Sa nd Section A is compulsory- All questions must be answered You must attempt one question each from section B, C and D and one other question from any section of your choice. What did Brutus s troops do after their victory over Octavius? They became indisciplined and started looting They got too engrossed in celebration They ran to help Cassius troops None of the above Sa nd hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 iii) a. b. c. d. nd hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 iv) Who according to Cassius had formed a canopy so fatal over their heads? a. Two huge eagles b. Crows and kites c. Enemy soldiers d. Both a and b v) How does Brutus define Cato s act of committing suicide? a. Mean and short-sighted b. Sensible and timely c. Low and cowardly d. None of the above Sa vi) How does Brutus carry anger within his nature? a. As a flint carries fire b. As a match stick c. As a drop of water carries ocean d. As a wick of a candle Sa Sa nd ii) Who among the following was not a part of the second Triumvirate? a. Lucilius b. Brutus c. Lepidus d. Octavius nd Sa nd What do the citizens of Rome offer to do after Brutus s speech at Caesar s funeral? Avenge the murder of Caesar To crown Brutus as the king To fight for the freedom of Rome To crown Mark Antony as the king hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 i) a. b. c. d. hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 Question 1. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. Do not write the question, copy the correct answer only hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 0 Sa 30 16 nd 5 hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 vii) Cassius suicide is in keeping with his desire to .. a. Achieve victory over his enemies b. Die for his friend Titinius c. Live or die as a free man d. Sacrifice himself for Rome hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 Sa nd viii) Who from the following was not asked by Brutus to help him commit suicide? a. Clitus b. Dardanius c. Volumnius d. Lucilius Hence! Wilt thou lift Olympus? Who speaks these words and to whom? Caesar to Cinna Caesar to Brutus Caesar to Metellus Cinna to Metellus x) a. b. c. d. The way Roman citizens reacted to the speeches of Brutus and Antony proves that Their anger after a lot of thought Their being fickle minded. Their having a headstrong determination Their love for Mark Antony xi) to? a. b. c. d. Cassius : A peevish schoolboy, worthless of such an honour. What is the honour the speaker is referring Sa nd xiv) O setting sun! As in thy rays dost thou sink tonight So in his red blood Cassius day is set. What poetic device is used in these lines a. Personification b. Apostrophe c. No poetic device d. Simile xv) By your leave, Gods! This is a Roman s part What does the speaker refer to with the word this ? a. Mourning the death of Cassius b. Committing suicide hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 Sa nd xiii) Fly further off my lord, fly further off Mark Antony is in your tents Who is the speaker and whom is he speaking to? a. Pindarus - Brutus b. Cassius - Brutus c. Brutus - Cassius d. Pindarus - Cassius nd hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 xii) Let them set on at once, for I perceive But cold demeanour in Octavius wing What does the speaker mean by cold demeanour ? a. Unfriendliness b. Anger c. A fiery spirit to be victorious d. Lack of enthusiasm Sa Sa nd Dying on Cassius s sword Dying on Brutus s sword Being killed in the same place where Caesar was killed Being killed by Caesar s assassins hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 Sa nd hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 ix) a. b. c. d. nd ection B Drama : Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare (Answer four questions from this section) Sa ya Th Co ak nt ka ac r s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 xvi) All that served Brutus, i will entertain them. Whose words are these? a. Antony b. Julius Caesar c. Lepidus d. Octavius Caesar hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 c. Getting Cassius s body for burial d. Garlanding Brutus hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 Sa nd h Question 2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Messala - Mistrust of good trust hath done this deed O hateful error, Melancholy s child Why dost thou show to the apt thoughts of men The things that are not? i) What was the mistrust of good success? What error did Cassius make? Who was with him at that time? ii) What news and by whom was the reason for his making that error? iii) Why was the day significant to Cassius? Explain in detail? iv) What was the consequence of the news given to Cassius? What did he tell the person who had brought the news to him, to do? v) What had Cassius earlier advised Brutus to prove that this tragedy could be prevented? How had Brutus disagreed with him? nd hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 nd Sa nd Sa Sa nd Question 3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Lucilius : With courtesy and with respect enough But not with such familiar instances Nor with such free and friendly conference As he hath used of old. a) Who is being spoken about? Where does this scene take place? Who is Lucilius speaking to? b) How does the listener assess a hot friend cooling after the extract? c) Why was the mention of hollow men made? Explain in detail the comparison. d) Whose army approaches? What are their intentions? e) Compare the relationship between Brutus and Cassius to that of Antony and Octavius who appear to more logical and rational. Give reasons for your answer. nd hy aT ha Co kk nt ar ac s t: Cl 99 as 67 se 03 s 01 65 Sa Sa Question 4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Antony : O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils shrunk to this little measure? Fare thee well i) What does Antony wish for? Why does he make such a wish? ii) What reason does Brutus give for not granting Antony s wish? How does he justify to Antony the reason for murdering Caesar? iii) How does Brutus try to convince Antony that they have no ill will towards him? What does Antony do to extend his hand of friendship towards the conspirators? iv) What was Antony s real motive behind his extended friendship? What does he compare the conspirators to? v) What request does Antony make? Who objected to his request? Was he right? What does this tell us about the person who had objected? Question 5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Brutus : There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads to the fortune, Omitted all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. i) What instructions are being given before the extract and to whom? ii) Explain the aforementioned lines iii) Was Brutus justified in taking advantage of the tide in his life? Give reasons for your answer. iv) What does Brutus propose to do after the extract? Who does he call for and why? v) An apparition turns up twice during the play. To whom does it appear and what does it tell that person? (contact : Sandhya Thakkar/ 9967030165 **Write well. Stay focused. All the best*

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