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ICSE Class X Notes 2023 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Bhavya Somaiya
Children's Academy, Bachani Nagar, Malad East, Mumbai
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THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT III - SCENE 2 1. Portia And yet a maiden hath no tongue the other half yours. (Pg 87 Lines 8-17) 1) Where does this scene take place? What is meant by the first line of the extract? Ans: Portia s palace A young girl is not supposed to express her innermost feelings and emotions 2) What reason does Portia give at the end of her speech for speaking so long? What does this show about her feelings towards Bassanio? Ans: To make time last for as long as it can She o has developed soft emotions for Bassanio; o wants him to stay longer in her company o does not want him to choose the casket immediately and lose Portia by choosing the wrong one 3) Why can t Portia teach Bassanio to choose the correct casket? If Bassanio were to make an incorrect choice what would Portia have wished? Ans: As she is under oath not to tell that to anyone That she had broken the oath and told Bassanio about the right casket 4) Give meaning of : Beshrew your eyes, They have o erlook d me and divided me; Ans: Your bewitching eyes cast a spell on me Have confused me Cursed be those eyes 5) What light does the extract throw on the character of Portia as a daughter and as a lover? Ans: Daughter o loyal and conscientious will follow her father s wishes despite the threat of untoward consequences o Honest - Even though she is tempted to help Bassanio, she doesn t help him Lover o Anxious - Very ill-at-ease at the prospect of Bassanio losing the challenge o Desires closeness - Doesn t want to be separated from him therefore tells him to stay with her for a while before he gets into selecting the casket 2. Portia Let music sound while he doth make his choice; And summon him to marriage. (Pg 89 Lines 45-55) 1) Explain the meaning of he makes a swan-like end. What contemporary belief about swans is expressed in the extract? Ans: Sing and die music before the end Elizabethans believed that the swans sing only once, before they die 2) Why does Portia want music to be played while Bassanio makes the choice of caskets? To what does Portia compare the music, should Bassanio choose correctly? Ans: Shakespeare does not give the reason for her desire to play music. Probably Portia wanted some kind of distraction, instead of focusing continuously on Bassanio movements as he went about his selection Music that is produced by trumpets, played at a monarch s coronation Sweet music that is sounded at the break of the wedding day for the bridegroom 3) How could Portia s eyes be a watery death-bed for Bassanio? Ans: Portia compares Bassanio s defeat and exit to the swan-like end where he sings and dies Just as the river is the death-bed for the swan, Portia says that she will cry and her tears will provide Bassanio with his watery death-bed. 4) In what way does Portia set as a romantic heroine in this scene? Ans: She shows desperation to be with Bassanio as she pleads with him to stay with her for a while before starting to choose the casket is extremely nervous on whether Bassanio will be able to choose the right casket is tempted to tell the Bassanio which casket contained her picture says she already belongs to Bassanio even as he just looks at her and wins her heart and being; gives up everything to him her palace, wealth, servants, etc. is willing to be guided by her lord Bassanio compares Bassanio with Hercules but says that Bassanio rescues Portia out of love rather than chivalry or any other desire allows him to be with his friend, Antonio, as true love is about giving and making the other person happy vows to stay like a maid and a widow in his absence 3. Portia Now he goes The issue of the exploit. Go, Hercules! (Pg 55 Lines 55-62) 1) Who is Alcides? What is the virgin tribute ? Why does Alcides save the virgin tribute? Ans: Hercules another name after his mother, Alcaeus Hesione, the unmarried daughter of the Trojan king was being offered as a sacrifice to the sea monster Alcides saved Hesione to win the horses offered as a reward 2) In what way is Bassanio compared to young Alcides? Why does Portia here stand for sacrifice ? Ans: As a dignified saviour of the virgin tribute Hesione was a sacrifice for the sea-monster; Portia is being sacrificed at the altar of her father s plans to get her a wise husband 3) Give the meaning of: i. howling Troy: ii. bleared visages: iii. the issue of the exploit: Ans: a) people crying at the prospect of a young girl being sacrificed to the sea-monster b) faces stained with tears c) outcome of the rescue operation 4) What is rest aloof referred to in the extract? Who are the Dardanian wives? What were the wives doing in the scene when Alcides was saving the virgin tribute? Ans: Stay out of the way Trojan women - descendants of Dardanus who founded Troy Crying with anxiety as they looked upon and waited for the outcome of the rescue operations 5) Why does Portia say, Go, Hercules ? What will she be doing at the same time? Ans: Tells him to go ahead and choose the casket She will be watching him with anxiety 4. Bassanio There is no vice so simple but assumes To render them redoubted! (Pg 90 Lines 83-90) 1) Which theme in the play is highlighted in the above extract? How is it highlighted? Ans: Theme of outward appearances being deceptive; false appearances By the comparison between coverings for everything and anything an eloquent argument for a law suit; a reference to the scriptures for a great sin committed; beards of bravery upon the chin of people essentially cowards 2) How can vice assume the external show of virtue? Ans: A man with pious appearance can commit a sin Will present an excuse to justify what he is doing by referring to/quoting the scriptures /religious text 3) What are stairs of sand ? To what are these stairs compared? Ans: Something that does not last Unreliable/false hearts 4) Who is Hercules? Who is frowning Mars? What are they, with their beards known for? Ans: Hercules is the God of strength Mars is the God of war; he wears a frown because of the stresses that he undergoes Being formidable 5) Give the meaning of the following: i. Have livers white as milk: Ans: i. The liver that was considered to be the seat of courage, was not red (with blood) in cowards, but white for the lack of blood / courage 5. Bassanio Look on beauty To a most dangerous sea; (Pg 91 Lines 90-100) 1) Explain how is beauty purchased by weight? How does it make the wearers lightest? (Give the two meaning of the word: lightest.) Ans: The cosmetics are purchased by their weight amount payable decided by the weight of the cosmetic Lightest as in o fair or beautiful o character 2) What is referred to as crisped snaky golden locks ? Who wears them and who is their actual owner? Ans: Hair Women wear them Dead people whose hair has been taken to make the wigs 3) What is referred to as the dowry of a second head ? Who has bred this head? Where is the head now? Ans: The wigs The dead people s skulls In the grave 4) Why does Bassanio say that ornament is but the guiled shore to a most dangerous sea? Ans: Ornament deceives people do not know what lies beyond or under the beautiful appearance Guiled shore is a tricky shore and could lead into dangerous waters so it is as deceptive as the ornament that beautifies and leads into unforeseen, dangerous situations 6. Bassanio A gentle scroll. - Fair lady, by your leave; ratified by you. (Pg93 Lines 142-151) 1) Where was the gentle scroll? Give the summary of what was written on the scroll. Ans: In the lead casket The meaning: o You choose not by the appearance alone o May you always have good luck and make the right choice o Since you have won this prize, be happy and don t look for another one o If you are happy with this prize and consider this as your good luck o Then go to your lady and claim her with a kiss 2) What prize had the speaker won? Give the reasons, which led to the winning of the prize. Ans: Portia Bassanio rejected the golden casket as according to him gold was gaudy and deceptive He rejected the silver casket as coins are made from silver and he feels money enslaves people He chooses the lead casket as the dullness of the metal lures him even though the message on the casket was the least promising Thus, Bassanio s choice of the simple as against the gaudy results in his winning Portia s hand 3) Give the meaning of: i. universal shout: ii. Giddy in spirit: Ans: i. shouts of approval from all the people ii. so excited from success and happiness that the head starts to spin 4) Why is the speaker doubtful whether what he sees is true? Ans: He said earlier in the scene that he is not sure whether he will be able to win Portia s hand So when he actually wins her, the shadow of his doubts linger and play upon his mind and doubt whether what he sees is true 7. Portia Myself and what is mine my vantage to exclaim on you. (Pg 94 Lines 169-177) 1) Which possessions of hers, does Portia transfer to Bassanio after he chose the correct casket? Ans: Herself Her mansion Her servants And her ring 2) Mention three of the wishes of Portia, which express her desire to excel in everything. Ans: So that Bassanio values her highly, Portia wishes to be o three times twenty sixty times better o a thousand times fairer and o ten thousand times richer than what she was then 3) On what condition does she give the ring to Bassanio? Ans: That he must have the ring on himself at all times If, in case he loses the ring, it will be a sign of the ruin of his love That would be an excuse for her to be angry with him 4) Give the meaning of : Let it presage the ruin of your love, And be my vantage to exclaim on you. Ans: that will be the sign of problem for your love and will be an excuse for me to be angry with you 5) After Portia s speech, what does Bassanio say in his excitement? What assurance does he give to her about the ring? Ans: He is speechless communicates with her at the emotional plane is confused in his thoughts but experiences joy that cannot be expressed 8. Gratiano My Lord Bassanio I may be married too. (Pg 95 Lines 192-197) 1) Give the context in which Gratiano speaks these words. What good wishes does he give to Bassanio? Ans: Portia and Bassanio are overjoyed as Bassanio makes the right choice Nerissa congratulates the new couple Gratiano wishes them all joy that they can wish Says that they could not wish for more joy than Gratiano wishes for them 2) What request does Gratiano make to Bassanio? What condition does Bassanio put regarding Gratiano s request? Ans: That he and Nerissa be married at the same time as Bassanio and Portia That he must find himself a wife 3) Explain how Gratiano s fortune too stood upon the caskets ? Ans: As Bassanio went from casket to casket to choose the right one, Gratiano followed Nerissa expressing his love for her She however said that it would be possible only if Bassanio ended up marrying her lady that is if he chose the right casket 4) How has Gratiano-Nerissa episode added humour to the story in this scene? Ans: After all the tension of the selection of the right casket, the Gratiano and Nerissa episoed provides comic relief Also the manner in which Gratiano explains his falling in love with Nerissa and how he expresses it adds humour to the story 9. Portia There are some shrewd contents this same paper brings you. (Pg 98 Lines 245-252) 1) Where does the scene take place? Who brings the letter from Antonio to Bassanio? Ans: Portia s house Lorenzo 2) How does Portia conclude that there is some bad news in the letter? What could be the bad news according to Portia? Ans: Change in Bassanio s complexion Death of a good friend 3) What right does Portia now have to know from Bassanio the contents of the letter? Ans: She claims to be Bassanio s better half his wife 4) Briefly state what Bassanio told Portia about the bond and the destruction of Antonio s cargo ships. Ans: That Bassanio was worse than nothing without his friend, Antonio He borrowed money from Antonio who in turn borrowed money from his sworn enemy, Shylock to give him the loan The letter in Bassanio s hand is like Antonio s body and every word in it is a bleeding wound on that body. Antonio had several businesses of which, it seems, many had failed He also had ships to Tripolis, Mexico, England, Lisbon, North Africa, and India, and not one of those ships had survived Antonio s financier, Shylock, is hell bent on taking his dues as promised in the contract with Antonio - a pound of Antonio s flesh 5) What did Salerio say about Shylock s insistence on the forfeiture of Antonio s bond? Ans: That Even if Antonio had enough money to pay back, Shylock would not take it. Salerio says that he had never seen a man so eager to destroy another man. Shylock goes to the duke s every morning and night, questioning the integrity and honesty of the state as they were denying him justice. Many people of consequence - twenty merchants, the duke himself and Venetian nobles of high rank have all tried to persuade him to forget the bond, but without any success. Shylock is determined to get the forfeiture of Antonio s bond. 10. Portia First go with me to live as maids and widows. (Pg 100 Lines 308-315) 1) Give the meaning of: i. call me wife: ii. with an unquiet soul: Ans: i. have our marriage ceremony preformed; marry me ii. a mind distracted with troubling thoughts 2) What is Bassanio supposed to do as far as Antonio s forfeiture of the bond is concerned? Ans: Carry enough gold from Portia to pay the debt twenty times over if it comes to that 3) What would Portia and Nerissa supposed to be doing in Belmont after their husbands leave for Venice? Ans: They would live like spinsters and widows 4) How important is this scene for the forward movement of the storyline? Ans: The crisis that has started to develop with Antonio s ships being lost at sea The crisis gets precipitated with Bassanio s attempt to pay the debt Shylock s desire and obstinacy to take nothing less than Antonio s life just becomes clear 5) After the choice of the casket by Bassanio, Portia takes over the leadership in the play. What are your views on this statement? Ans: Portia does take up the leadership of the play She decides the forward action for Bassanio and Gratiano As also for herself and Nerissa

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