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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata)

7 pages, 38 questions, 8 questions with responses, 8 total responses,    2    0
Swapnil Ray
La Martiniere for Boys (LMB), Kolkata
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LA MARTINIERE FOR GIRLS HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION2023-24 ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASS X Time : 2 Hours + 15 mins. reading time Full Marks-80 This paper consists of seven printed pages & one blank page. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. The time is to be spent in reaing the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all five questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets. [ ]. You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. This paper consists of 8 printed pages. Kindly check that all pages are printed. 1. (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question) Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: [20] (1) Different people mould and shape our lives in different ways. Write a description ofany one such person and showhow he/she has affected your life and influenced your thinking. (2) You recently atended a music concert at Eco Park with your farmily. Narrate your experience of being present at a live concert. Describe the atmosphere at the venue and what made the event special. (3) Write an original short story that begins with: Fifteen-year-old Pamela has only wanted one thing: to be the best at violin. X ENG LAN-1 | Turm Over ) 4) Amother should be more of a friend than a parent. Express your views either for or against this statement. (5) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an acoount of what it suggests toyou. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a lear connection between the picture and your composition. 2. (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question) Select one of the following: [10] (1) Write a letter to the Principalof your school requesting her to allow a Book Reading Session once a month in school. Do tell her the importance of reading, how it is losing its place in the world and how it can be revived. (2) Afriend and her family are moving to your city and she plans to join your school. Write aletter to your friend giving her details of what you think she would likel find different about your school. Also give her tips that you think will enable her to adjust more easily to her new environment. 3. (1) Your school is hostingan inter- schoolclassical dance competition. Write a notice informing your school about the event. [5) (2) Write an e-mail to the Principal of a school informing him/her of the event and requesting him/her to neighbouring send a team of students to participate. [5) 4. Read carefully the passage given below and answer the When Ila and I were ten, her family came to Calcutta from questions that follow: Tla came with Tridib and her mother to visit Colombo for a holiday us, and her mother, in her kindly way, XENG LAN-2 Victoria. Queen ofhad knot But crocodile 'Man squashed 'Save , thought Myfell'Never gaunt He onand One were and farm.Tnereflashed 'Mugger-muchh' at Corner. Itwere jacaranda. large through Iived. Their SIory t h e was grandmother out come ofnow, was was a the burst This was meveranda morning, face chickens. house heard hair It about back. aopenverandas of their And of a noise, g being by was quiet in to intogether my in hov. caused only tall burra Ila' s back and the a her It Their lanes ofwillowy, whitehada it knoW upon anfascinated was their easy seemed s0on upstairs. f o r the state.' sheltered tiled such his and Still, mem. one garden, mother, and to house that area in shrieked house Ila' s she SOwoman bellies in ia' s the after a lips blue-tiled chair. floor a the problem: well, I she quiet a were steeply to looked bachaO had where usually mother a thing,' were mother they top was schoolbag, that was garden, stretch of house with at that ofsnorted. Ram she part heard often was I the at t h e she lily Ila'flecked s drOWsy carefully sloping onesprawling enough a her me whomoved was adioining of characteristic her was, drawing by out good Dayal. pond with flooded sun. that thought Colombo LAN-3 ENG X head 'Never mother from rounded the end wassurrounded from falling she i n , roof in a with man, snakes deal to away countries ofwith this the taking their roominside bungalows andfolded reduce on bronze was covered said a of out seen where to centre, spittle. but very figure, from crocodile!" cook puddles interesting. pose sat wereworry, the merged to her of the vat, her nOw they by upanything usher quiet diplomats us. each Ram garden with in house; mid-morning certain that intiny apart wi t h as a taller to his which 'Crocodile lived easy very without mossy lane. of softother, had herhands helpless Dayal scarlet huge eyes from at than when to like chair in, high and chair, and lt earned the plump, appear asked the but came was lawrns a a tiles.gulmohur were it.' in t h e in nap break senior wall. in laughter. plump bother back, fan-tailed child, at ever my the her French The big a were her Ila in wherever running starting t h e lap, garden; was civil into an standing way afterwards to gardenhouse and the of thought as easy tell t h e pushed threaded the servants agoldtish windows [ the Turnnickname two from upstairs yellow poultry me lawn. there smell almost was with chair in family Over buns of a his the a her a ] Ila's Ila's questions Ila's Why? [2] [1] own poultry Ila's words. show so the said, al he Queen (3] off. (2] the (as used in like with garden in my creature, screech. into alike ouKking buk 'Stop it wo Thero is Therechhokra-bov! amazement. about great-big voice thin his snapped. again, Victoria said vanishing nasty with meaningWanderingblack, shrll passage) [2] like lizard, abig tongue Victoria tne a her grey booiace, correct and voice chocse well was and family farm? jumpy? Victoria'? frantic and'Queen from mother mother drowsy themother X briefly the passage have to Ram nickname be in witty Dayal, that about your genious? LAN-4 ENG below N (a) (e) (d) (C) (b) Answer (2) wandering(3) s. fascinated(1) from Eor a litle a aAnd iDekho Shat governor Would What What State What thinking heck in adjoining each (d) dreaming (b) (a) opposite(dbehind sauntering (c) hopping ) against (b) (a) captivated(d)happy (c) adjacent infatuated (b) (a) (c)contented right the the pointed of up the burra-mem' , had made concerns he Ram any following options word at agarden.' you ahead huge was, considerearned the two Dayal,' given provided.gymkhana. and greatQueen otherwise things did (1) a (ii)In (ii) and(8) (look) room Coraline stayed. into Answer: (i ) against I) morenot blackness. brackets. or Eil Fill and, Join (h) (g) () (e) (d) (c) (b) (a) up wh ch 2. 1. something. in (0) (phrase in We' r e {C) The You into 0) The The The He I (b} (a) (b)Machines (a) The (d) (d) (c) but the each think than the was closed could The deeper Do Thepatient That The The That following The The or doctor's meetingspeech youngshould not blanks dark. She appropriate of 50 you not the so. day day patient patient patient doctor day day wil words not (click) She moved happy boy copy Somnething darkness, Choose wi l (close) died. not have keep was was numbered is is is is sentences with be ( 6 ) both has pick but not not near not it arived died had died ahead give replete rulers called to the The farther on, a appropriate t h e f a r to need f a r we the remedy when the passage a because died anddoctor sweeping and (3) be ud when door description of when but and cautiously do LAN-5 ENG X correct to blank blanks to when the looked when as machines approvediscuss could we make (reach) behind p machines arrived. machines doctor she the words: space. but with with the the machines al l options. hi m notdoctor one for write did slaves. down, doctor beam t h e her (rustle) above her. t h e at arrived. wit. correct the just save a complete so, wil wil the while and in problem progress be wil house disease. this arrived because around her ( 7 ) correct The the arrived. be rule wil rulers, eleventh (1)A form and be teel feet rulers, patient. day whereIla over sentence decision their late. rulers, t h e ( 2 ) of serial of (5)ollai he and is hour. t h e the us. and room. not is She(4) and we class. (pick)up a order word different. andher we far. without forward (walk) t we all, all, private. (Turn Over ] thgiven e Xknock) (enter) a alslaves. l, slaves. family slaves. word using torch in [8) [4) (4] (4] E 3. You arrived early. I am surprised. (a) You have arrived early but Iam still surprised. (b) It is surprising for me to note that you arrived early (c) You arrived early so Iam surprised. (d) Your early arrival has surprised me. 4. Ishouted at a man. He did not come back again. (a) The man I shouted at did not come back again. (b) The man did not come back again so Ishouted at him. (c) Not only did l shout at the man but also did not want him to corme back again. (d) The man I at shouted (iv) never returned. Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be meaning of each sentence. Choose the necessary, but do not change the correct option. (1) "What a horrible accident it is!" he exclaimed. (Begin: He exclaimed ..) (a) He exclaimed about the accident and its horrifying consequences. (b) He exclaimed that it was a horrible accident. (c) He (d) He exclaimed the horridness of the accident. exclaimed what a horrible accident it is. (2) Rohit is the best boy in the class. (Begin: No other ...) (a) No other boy in the class is close to Rohit. (b) No other boy in the class is more better than Rohit. (c) No other boy in the class is as good as Rohit. (d) No other boy in the is class (3) He is too weak to lift that box. (a) better than Rohit. (Remove 'too) Weakness preventing him from lifting that box. (b) He is so is weak that he cannot lift that box. (c) Lifting that box will not be possible for him owing to (d) He is not at all strong to be able to lift to lift that weakness. box. X ENG LAN6 () No aoonor hadoo onteront the muso, hanhe startod clicking picturss, (ttegin: Hardly .) (a) (b) (o) (d) Hardly did Joe ontered the museum than ho startod clicking pictures. Hardly had Joe entered the musOum when he started clicking pictures. Hardly had Joe entered the museum than he startod clicking pictures. Hardly was Joe insldo the museum when ho started clicking pictures. () The Rajputa pretorrod doath to dishonour. (Begirn: The Rajputs would...) (a) The Rajputs would dle before dishonour. (b) The Rajputs would rather die than be dishonoured. (o) Tho Rajputs would prefor to die and be honourable. (d) The Rajputs would welcome death and avoid dishonour. (6) Foolball genoraly attracts boys more than it does girls.(Begin: Boys .) (a) Boys and girls both play football but boys are more attracted to it. (b) Boys are more attracted towards footbalI. (c) Boys genorally gets more attracted towards football more than girls. (d) Boys are generally more attracted towards football than girls. (7) Amit was the only one to survive after that car accident. Begin: No one except. ...) (a) No one except for Amit survived the car accident. (b) No one survived the accident except Amit. (c) No one but Amit survived the car accident. (d) No one except Amit survived the car accident. (8) There is a huge fan following of reality shows. Ibelieve they are useless. (Begin: In spite ...) (a) In spite of the huge fan following of reality shows, I believe they are useless. (b) In spite the huge fan following of reality shows, Ibelieve they are useless. (c) Inspite of the huge fan following of reality shows, I still believe they are useless. (d) Inspite of me believing in the uselessness of reality shows, they are still popular. X ENG LAN-7

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