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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Vidya Valley School, Pune)

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Vidya Valley School, Pune
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Tidya Valluy Prelims Jansary 2125 Cl2ss: 10 Sabject: English Language Arswer to this paper must be Markss Time 2 hrs on the pper priei sezare? You will not be alloRed o we during e f 15 This time is to be spet in raig te quesis page s The time given at the bead of this paper is the time Iocei for wrtng e Atempt 2l questiors The inteodai merks for questios or pats of the Guestics re in r a c s Question 1 Write acopostion (300-350 words) on 2ry ose of the folowis () You decidei to plzy a przkon a dez iezd b i d ot 20 s parei Narzting the evets 2nd bo taffetei your fien st. st2te e imporant lesson you lezrnt zfaitvs ll orer. n) Traimc jams 2re a common sight DOR. Yoe too ttrpecai z reais : pience scae faced the brunt of it Descibe tte commuters nd the constzble on dty. (im) Write an original story that wel Iszs te provetOne to w2ter, but you canot eke tim eai2 hone i (v) There is nosuch 2thing soriginal idez Pzgzn sigiitoc 2 crime.State your vins bafo or 2 2 s Ssane aoo () Suty the pictre givea below. Wrieasoy or 2desiooo r of tebjez of what it Suggest to Vou You omposiice may be zbo Kbe tae the picte or you may takesuggesocs iroibozeve, coposca ndyor clezr conaaion betwen tbepictre Sd 10 Erg larg Presan c 2025 i c Questlon 2 Select any one of the following: |10| (0) Write a letter to your friend suggesting that he or she should use the time afler the Board examinatins for learning a new skill. Describe the importance of that skill and how it would benefit him or her in the future. (i1) You happened to take part in a medical camp organized by Health Club of your school. You are surprised to find that most of the people there have no @warenes8 of basic health and hygiene, As a concerned citizen youdecide to lako up their cause and organize camps to make the people living in slums aware of the importanceof bygienc. Write aletter to the Commissioner (Family Welfare), expressing your concern and suggest ways to spread awareness of basic health and hygiene in such areas. Questlon 3 (i) You are the Secretary of the 'Recreation Club' of your school. Write a notice for the school notice board requesting students of Classes VI to Xto take part in the various events on the occasion of Independence Day celebrations in your school. [5] (i) Write an email to the Principal of a neighbouring school requesting the school's participation in the events. Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: For his first job, the postmaster came to the village of Ulapur. It was avery humble village. There was an indigo factory nearby and the British manager had with much effort established a new post office. The postmaster was a Calcutta boy- he was a fish out of water in a village like this. His office was in a dark ,thatched hut; there was a pond next to it, scummed over with wecds and jungle, jungle all around. The suitable company for an cducated man or rather, his Calcutta background made him a bad mixer in an unfamiliar place he was cither arrogant or ill at case. So, therc was not much contact between him and the residents of the arca. But he had very little work to do. Sometimes, he tried to write poems, The bliss of spending one's life watching the leaves trembling in the trees or the clouds in the sky that was what the poem expressed. God knew, however, that if a genie out of an Arab tale had come and cut down all the leafy trees overnight ,made a road, and blocked out the sky with rows of tall buildings,this half-dead, well-bred young man would have come alive again. The postmaster's salary 'was meagre. He had to cook for himself and an orphaned girl did housework for him in return for a little food. Her name was Ratan, and she was about twelve or thirteen. It seemed unlikely that she would get married. Page 2 Std 10/Eng Lang/Prelims/Jan/qp/ 2025 Inthe evenings, when smoke curled up troim cowsheds, crickets grated in the bushes, a bandof intoxicated Baul singersheinvillage a far villago sang raucously to dums and cymbals and even a poct if seated alone on a dark veranda might havo shuddered a little at the trembling leaves. The postmaster would go inside, light a dim lamp in a comer of the room and call for Ratan. For cach word choose the correct meaning as uscd in the passage from the () options provided : (21 1. scummed (a) b) (c) (d) a dishonest scheme covered with dirt on the surface clean a fraud 2. intoxicated (a) mentally or emotionally exhilarated (b)poisoned someone (c) sober (d) angry Which word, in the passage, means the opposite of the word () (a) (b) (C) (d) (ii) melodiously? raucously quietly harshly sweetly Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. (a) Why was Ulapur considered a 'humble village ? [2] feel this way ? did the postmaster do for leisure ? What inspired him ? What (c) (d) What would he willingly trade his present life for ? (e) How did the postmaster and Ratan prove helpful to each other ? (2] [2] [1] [2] (b) What do youthink 'a fish out of water" means ? Why did the postmaster (iv) In not more than 50 words, describe the postmaster's life in Ulapur. Std 10/Eng Lang/Prelims/Jan/qp/ 2025 [8] Page 3 Question 5 () ofthe wordgiven in numberedblanks with the correct formserial ofthe each order the word Fill in write in correct but passage the brackets. Do not copy [4) or phrase appropriate to the blank space. Example:(0) made force (make) use of his inventive genius to Man has always (0). made spectacular break- throughs in nature to yield its secrets. He has (belief) that the sort of progress he seldom (3) (make) is an unmixed blessing. He has (breathe), the water (2) (give) thought to the fact that the air he (4) (eat) could be (drink), or the food he (6) he (5) what he (exhaust). There is little realisation on his part that () ecological (consider) progress is seriously disturbing the (8) technology firmly (1) balance of the earth. (ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 14] the faults of their children. (a) Parents are often blind hispoor relatives. (b) The rich man provided c) The talks between the management and the workers have broken with a bill, on (d) As anticipated, the Parliament came inheritance rights for women. the experience. (e) Sonali cannot get current trends in informed well () Our teacher is Economics. a life jacket before getting intothe boat. (g) Be sure to put in large numbers because the (h) Textile workers are being laid mills are closing down. (ii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using 14] and, but or so. Choose the correct option. it. 1. The river is very deep. He cannot wade through (a) He cannot wade through the river because it is not very deep. -(b) He cannot wade through the river because it is very deep. (c) He can wade through the river because it is very deep. (d) He cannot wade through the river because it is not very deep. 2. Ramesh did not win the race. He had worked hard. (a) Although Ramesh worked hard, he did not win the race. (b) As Ramesh worked hard, he did not win the race. (c) Ramesh worked hard therefore he did not win the race. (d) Ramesh did not win the race because he had worked hard. Std 10/Eng Lang/Prelims/Jan/qp/ 2025 Page 4 3. My brother reached very late. The train had left by then. (a) The train had left before my brother reached. (b) My brother reached very late but the train had left by then. (c) The train had left as my brother reached very late. (d) My brother reached early but the train had left by then. 4. Youhelped him. He will be grateful to you. (a) You helped him so he will be grateful to you. (b) He will be grateful to you for your help. (c) You help him and he will be grateful to you. (d) You helped him so he was grateful to you. (a) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each[8] sentence. Choose the correct options. 1. How do you tolerate his nonsense ? (Begin: How do you put ....) (a) (b) (c) (d) How do you put across his nonsense ? How do you put up with his nonsense ? How do you put up with his nonsense. How do you put his nonsense? 2. Cleopatra is the most famous Egyptian queen. (Use : more famous) (a) Very few queens are more famous than Cleopatra. (b) Cleopatra is more famous than any other Egyptian queen. (c) No other queen is more famous than the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. (d) Cleopatra is more famous than other queens. 3. Don't play on the road', he said to his son. (Begin: He forbade...) (a) He forbade his son from playing on the road. (b)He forbade his son to playing on the road. (c) He forbade from playing on the road to his son. (d) He forbade his son of playing on the road. 4. The pupils are opening their books. (Begin: The books..) (a) The books are been opened by the pupils. (b) The books are being opened by the pupils. (c) The books are being opened to the pupils. (d) The book are been opened for the pupil. Std 10/Eng Lang/Prelims/Jan/qp/ 2025 Page 5 5. As soon as Sebastian approached the town, he was arested. (Begin :No sooner....) (a) No sooner had Sebastian approached the town, when he was arrested. (b) No sooner as Sebastian approach the town, than he was arrested. (c) No sooner did Scbastian approach the town, than he was arrested. (d) No s0oner was Sebastian approaching the town, he was arrested. 6. Australia is the largest island in the world. ( Begin: No...) (a) No other island in the world is as large as Australia. (b) No other island is larger as Australia (c) Noother island is the largest as Australia. (d) No island is as larger as Australia. 7. The men are painting the furmiture. (Change the voice) (a) Thepainting of furniture is by the men. (b) The furniture was being painted by the man. (c) The men painted the furniture. (d) The furniture is being painted by the men. 8. Their glory can never fade. (Add a question tag ) (a) Their glory can never fade, will it ? (b) Their glory can never fade, could ir? (c) Their glory can never fade can it. (d) Their glory can never fade, can it ? Std 10/Eng Lang Prelims/lan/qp/ 2025 Page 6

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