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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Bombay Scottish School, Mahim, Mumbai)

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Kripa Talekar
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psc Wombay bcottish hool, fMabtm A88ESSMENT 3 Grade: 10 ENGLIH LANGUAGE Max. Marks: 80 Date: 08.11.2024 Duration: Two hours No. of Questions: 05 No. of Pages: 09 IAnswers to this paper must be written on the answer booklet proided] The first 15 minutes is allotted for reading the question paper. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in the brackets |]. Question 1 [20] (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question) Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following. a) You met with an accident. You were more hurt by the cold attitude of the people around the accident site than physical injury. People were taking videos and pictures, no one came forward to help. Narrate the incident describing your plight and emphasizing the need for empathy. (b "Search engines are adversely affecting conceptual knowledge'. Express your views either for or against this statement. (c) Write an original short story by continuing the following: "surprise!" They cried, leaping out from behind the door. (d Recently you attended a webinar on 'Cyber Safety. Describe the webinar, the various measures discussed by the experts to promote responsible netism. Also mention why cyber awareness is of great value to the students at present. 1 (e) or an Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection betwecn thc picturc and your Composition. Question 2 [10] (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question) Select any one of the following: (a) Your mother is out of town for official work. Write a letter to your mother telling her about how you are helping your father in managing the house. Give details of what chores you are responsible for and how you are helping your younger sibling. (b) You purchased a book from a well-known shop and discovered later that the book had some pages missing. Write a letter to the Manager of the book store. complaining about the defcct, and asking him/her to take necessary action. Question 3 (5+5] la) You are the Head of the Literary Club in your school. Draft a notice for your school notice board inviting the students to participate in the Story writing competition being organised by your club on the oCcasion of the World Book Day. (bi Write an email to the Principal of a neighbouring school informing him/ her of the event and requesting him/her to send their English teacher to judge the competition. answer the questions that follow: and carefully pasSage Read the following Healdtown, the Wesleyan Justice at joined I nineteen, In 1937, when I was miles southwest of Umtata. In the College in Fort Beaufort, about 175 one of a number of British outposts nineteenth century, Fort Beaufort was which a steady encroachment of white Wars, in their land. during the so-called Frontier the various Xhosa tribes of Healdtown dispossessed systematically settlers overlookinga verdant valley, road winding a of end the at Located Clarkebury. It was, at the time, the than impressive and was far more beautiful equator, with more than a thou sand largest African school south of the graceful ivy-covered colonial buildings and students, both male and female. Its privileged academic oasis, which a of feeling the it gave tree-shaded courtyards was a mission school of Healdtown Clarkebury, Like is precisely what it was. Christian and liberal arts education a provided and Church, the Methodist based on an English model. Wellington, a stout and stuffy Arthur Dr was Healdtown of The principal the connection to the Duke of Wellington. At his of boasted who Englishman would walk on stage and say, in his deep Wellington Dr assemblies, outset of the great Duke of Wellington, aristocrat, bass voice, 'I am the descendant of Waterloo Question 4 Frenchman Napoleon at statesman, and general, who, crushed the and for you, the natives.' At this, Europe and thereby saved civilization for profoundly grateful that a of us each applaud, enthusiastically we would all take the trouble to educate would Wllington of Duke great the descendant of Englishman was our model; what we natives such as ourselves. The educated sometimes derisively called. were we as Englishmen', 'black were be aspired to the best ideas were English ideas, the We were taught - and believed - that men were government and the best best government was the English Englishmen. a.m. We were in the dining hall Healdtown life was rigorous. First bell was at 6 sugar water, watched over by a by 6:40 for a breakfast of dry bread and hot Those who could afford sombre portrait of George VI, the king of England. kitchen. I ate dry toast. At butter on their bread bought it and stored it in the dormitory for 'observation', eight we assembled in the courtyard outside our 12.45, and then had a lunch standing to attention. We remained in class until then studied until 5 p.m., of samp, sour milk and beans, seldom meat. WNe then studied again followed by an hour's break for exercise and dinner, and from seven until nine. Lights went out at 9.30. country, from different tribes. Healdtown attracted students from all over the same tribe kept together. I After school and at weekends, students from the Healdtown that I made my first adhered to this same pattern, but it was at 3 remember feeling quite bold at I Moletc. Zachariah Sotho-spcaking friend, havinga friend who was not a Xhosa. Sotho-spcaking and was very also was Lebentlele, Frank Our zoology teacher, approachable, Frank was not and Personable students. the popular among played in the freely with students. He even much older than us and mixed star performer. But what mOst college's first soccer team, where he was a girl from Umtata. Marriages Xhosa a to marriage was his him about us amazed I had never known of between tribes were then extremely unusual. Until then, taught that such anyone who had married outside his tribe. We had been undermine my unions were taboo. But seeing Frank and his wife began to I parochialism and loosen the hold of the tribalism that still imprisoned me. Xhosa. began to sense my identity as an African, not just a Thembu or even a But this was still a nascent fecling. Our dormitory had forty beds in it, twenty on either side of a central passageway. The housemaster was the delightful Reverend S.S. Mokitimi, who later became the first African president of the Methodist Church of South Africa. Reverend Mokitimi, who was also Sotho-speaking, was much admired among students as a modern and enlightened fellow who understood our complaints. Reverend Mokitimi impressed us for another reason: he stood up to Dr Wellington. One evening, a quarrel broke out between two prefects on the main thoroughfare of the college. Prefects were responsible for preventing disputes, not provoking them. Reverend Mokitimi was called in to make peace. Dr Wellington, returning from town, suddenly appeared in the midst of this commotion, and his arrival shook us considerably. It was as if a god had descended to solve some humble problem. Dr Wellington pulled himself to a great height and demanded to know what was going on. Reverend Mokitimi, the top of whose head did not even reach Dr Wellington's shoulders, said very respectfully, 'Dr Wellington, everything is under control and I will report to you tomorrow.' Undeterred, Dr Wellington said with sorme irritation, 'No, I want to know what the matter is right now.' Reverend Mokitimi stood his ground: 'Dr Wellington, Iam the housemaster and Ihave told you that I will report to you tomnorrow, and that is what I will do.'We were stunned. We had never seen anyone, much less a black man, stand up to Dr Wellington, and we waited for an explosion. But Dr Wellington simply said, 'Very well', and left. I realized then that Dr Wellington was less than a god and Reverend Mokitimi more than a lackey, and that a black man did not have to defer automatically to a white, however senior he was. (Extract from: Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela) 4 For pas 1 For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the A. passage) from the options provided: (3) 1. Sombre (a) gloomy (b) cheerful (c) clear (d) bright 2. Undeterred (a) Anxious (b) Determined (c) Timid (d) careful 3. Give a word similar in meaning to 'a special right' from the passage. (a) deprivation (b) discrimination (c) bondage (d) privileged Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. B. (a) What made Healdtown a privileged academic oasis? (2] (b) Describe Dr Welington. 21 (c) The zoology teacher had done something unusual, what was it? [1 (d) Why were the students grateful towards Dr Wellington? [2 (e) How did the narrator divert from the regular pattern? Describe how he felt thereafter. C. [2] In not more than 50 words describe how Reverend Mokitimi stood up to Dr Wellington? [8] Question 5 i. the corrcct form of the word give with blanks numbered the Fill in each of but write in corrcct serial order the passage the copy not Do brackcts. the in (4) word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. Example: have changed over time, and older (change) (0) words many of The meanings isappear entirely from everyday senses of a word may grow uncommon or modern English use. The majority of the words uscd in (2) (1)(borrow) from other languages. Some new words are sirmply. exam from (3) (cxist) words, for instance (short) forms of (4) examination, and fax from facsimile. A new word may also be engine, (create) by combining two or more existing words, for example: fire word and babysitter. A blend, also called a portmanteau word, is a more (5) (form) by merging the sounds and meanings of two or other words. (6) (develop) can teach us a great deal about our cultural history. In addition, studying the histories of familiar words can help us (7) (deduce) the meanings of unfamiliar words, (8) (enrich) our vocabularies. thereby_ Understanding how words 14] ii. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word. 1. There is hardwood the carpet. from children. 2. Medicine should always be kept the meeting. 3. The manager presided 4. We will have to pass a busy market to reach our destination. 5. Dr Johnson apologised to Oliver Goldsmith had spoken. 6. We had a discu ssion 7. The temperature fell the rude words he reservations in education. freezing point. more Work. 8. We are too busy to take 6 1. 1. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the correct option. (4] It may be a pleasant day tomorrow. We will not go for the picnic. (a) Although it may be a pleasant day tomorrow, we will go for the picnic. (b) Although it might be a pleasant day tomorrow, we will not go for the picnic. (c (d Although it may be a pleasant day tomorrow, we will not be going for the picnic. Although it may be a pleasant day tomorrow, we will not go for the picnic. 2. They saw the futility of war. They laid down their arms. a Seeing the futility of war, they had laid down their arms. (b) (c) (d) Seeing the war being futile, they laid down their arms. Seeing the futility of war, they will lay down their arms. Seeing the futility of war they laid down their arms. 3. I went to Delhi. I attendeda seminar on energy conservation there. (a) (b) Attending a seminar on energy conservation, I went to Delhi. Iwent to Delhi to attenda seminar on energy conservation. Iwent to Delhi where I would attend a seminar. (d) Iam going to Delhi to attend a seminar on energy conservation. 4. Her mother warned her not to talk to strangers. She told her not to accept gifts from unknown people. (a Her mother wanted her not to talk to strangers but not to accept gifts from unknown people. (b) Her mother warned her not to talk and accept gifts from strangers. (c) (d) Her mother warned her neither to talk to strangers nor accept gifts from unknown people. Her mother neither warned her to talk to strangers nor accept gifts from unknown people. 7 given after the instructions to according the iv. Rewrite the following sentences do not change but necesSary, each. Make other changes that may be 8 meaning of cach sentence. Choose the correct option. faults. (Rewrite using: s0......that) 1. God is too kind not to orvive our (a) (b (c) (d) our faults. God is so very kind that he will forgive kind that he will forgive our faults. God is God is so kind that he may forgive our faults. faultS. God is so kind enough that he will forgive our His...s... 2. I had examined his scarred wrist and forehead closely. (Begin: (a) (b) (C) (d) His scarred His scarred His scarred Fis scarred wrist and wrist and wrist and wrist and forehead forehead forehead forehead was closely examined by me. had been closely examined by I. have been closely examined by me. had been closely examined by me. 3. Only a little child would write like this. (Begin: Non... (a (b (c) (d None other than a little child will write like this. None but a little child can write like this. None but a little child would write like this. None except the little child could write like this. 4. As soon as Mary sees her grandmother, she runs to hug her. (Begin: Hardly ... (a) (b (c) (d) Hardly does Mary see her grandmother then she runs to hug her. Hardy had Mary seen her grandmother when she ran to hug her. Hardly does Mary see her grandmother when she runs to hug her. Hardly did Mary see her grandmother when she ran to hug her. 5. As soon as the shopping mall opened, the customers sprinted in. (Begin: No sooner ......) (a) No sooner did the shopping mall opened than the customers sprinted in. (b) (d No sooner did the shopping mall open than the customers sprinted in. No sooner had the shopping mall opened the customers sprinted in. No sooner the shopping mall opened than the customers sprinted in. 8 (Begin: He ....... Isaw him carrying your briefcase. He was seen carrying your briefcasec. He was seen carrying my briefcase. He was sccing your briefcase carried by me. (a) (b) (c) (d) He saw me carrying your briefcase. before. (Begin: This is.....) I've never seen so many people in this building (a) (b) (c) (d) This is the building where I have never seen so many people. This is the building where many people don't stay. there. This is the only time I have seen so many people this building. This is the first time I've seen so many people in We will..... ) 3. If we light the fire, the rescuers will see us. (Begin: (a) (b) (c (d) We will be seen by the rescuers if we light the fire. We wil1 light the fire, then the rescuers will see us. We will see the rescuers, if we light the fire. We will light the fire for the rescuers to see us.

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