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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Geography (Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata)

8 pages, 91 questions, 69 questions with responses, 70 total responses,    2    0
Madhuchhanda Mandal Biswas
Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata
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Delhi Publc School Megacity, Kolkata PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2022-2023 Subject: Full Marks: 80 GEOGRAPHY Time: 2Hrs Class: 10 PART-A(30 Marks) (Answerall questions) Question 1 Study the extract of the Sheet No Survey of India Map G43S7 and answer [10] following questions a. reference of A179 () Give the four figure grid of a region enclosed by Eastings i) What is the area (in sq. km) the 23-28 and Northings 99-05 b. Identify (i) (i) c. drainage pattern in type of settlement in the a 2698 2396 nadi indicate? does the blue line in the Sipu nadi flowing? which direction is the Sipu (i)What (i)In d. i)Besides agriculture, state two the people of the region probable occupations of the map extract. (ii) e. What does 3r' in the grid square2403 indicate? km between Bhakador and Jorapura. (iState the distance in 2cm-1km (i)Name the scale-(a) (b) 1:50,000 Question2 IndiaOn the outline map of a.Mark and label the course of River Tungabhadra Plateau b. Mark and label Deccan [10] in

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