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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Geography (Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS), Mumbai)

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D-22-Khush Jogi
Gopal Sharma International School (GSIS), Mumbai
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DHl"UIH AI AMBANI fNTlfUIAT'I OflAl SCHOO\. PRA CTIC E EXA MINA TION 2024 - 2025 Date: Nove mber 29,20 24 Std. X A GEOGRAPHY (HCG PAPER-2) Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two Hours provided separately. Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet You will not be allowed to write during the first 1O minutes. This time is to be spent reading the question paper. for writing the answers. The time given at the head of this pape r is the time allowed attempted. Part I is Compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be All five questions are to be attempted from Part II. given in brackets [ J The inten ded mark s for questions or parts of questions are t No G43S1 O To be supp lied with this Paper: Surve y of India Map Shee Note: ing of the (i) In all Map Work, make use of arrow s to avoid overc rowd map. must not be (ii) The extract of Surv ey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 rvising taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed to the Supe Examiner on completion of the paper. booklet. (iii) The Map of India given should be fastened to your answer ered in (iv) All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answ the correct serial order. answer (v) All working including rough work, should be done on the same sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper. (vi) This paper has9 printed pages. DHlltUIHAI AM ANI INTfflNATlOHAl I C ~ Part 1(30 Marks) Question 1 (i) (Attempt sll questions from this part) G43 M Sheet No. Study the extract of the Survey of India ap S1 o and answer the followlng queSlions. Give the: (a) Four figure grid reference for settlement Karja on the banks of River Banas. (b) (ii) (iv) (v) ) ~, f', 1> Six figure grid reference for~ 592 (2] Name the following: (a) The drainage pattern seen in 4500. (b) The pattern of settlement seen in Manpuriya. (iii) [2] [2] VVhat do the following symbols mean? (a) White patch in Banas River. (b) 3r in grid square 4001 . (a) Name the dire.ction of flow of the Banas river. (b) Identify the landform in grid square 3802 (a) Give the direction of: Jasor Hill from Chauhangadh. (b) Name any two manmade features in grid square 9844. [2] [2] Lf 1~& Question 2 (i) (@) Mark and name the following in the outline map of 'India' . Shade and label an area with coastal alluvial soil. Mark with a dot and name the city that lies on the confluence of river Ganga and Yamuna. ~~~ (iii) Mark and name the mountain range which forms a climate divide. (iv) Shade and label the Gulf of Mannar. (v) Mark with arrows and name the Western Disturbances. (vi) Mark and label the river Brahmaputra . (vii) Shade and label a sparsely populated area in North- east India. (viii) Mark and label the Western Ghats . (ix) " Mark and label largest iron ore producing area/( I-~h - [10] -2- :\s\\.l...'-~t U OHlltUIHAt AMBANI mTnl'fATIONAl SCHOO~ (X) Mark and label the most important right bank tributary of the Ganga. "'-/ \ "-,\_)\. I 'v\ J' Question 3 Choose the correct option: (i) (a) Which place among these will never experience the overhead sun? Chandigar t, (b) Kolkata (c) Mumbai (d) Hyderaba d (a) Which of the following methods does not cause soil erosion? Ploughing across contour lines (b) Cutting terraces on the slopes. (c) Ploughing across the slopes (d) Ploughing up and down the slope (ii) (iii) (a) Which type of forests have more trees of great commercial value? Evergreen forest (b) Mangrove forest (c) Himalayan moist temperate forest (d) Deciduou s forest (iv) (v) {101 Name the type of irrigation which uses perforated pipes? (a) Canal (b) Sprinkler (c) Drip (d) Tubewell Which type of coal possess a high moisture content and more sulphur? -3- Aft19ANI Dtflf1Ult4AIAL tcHOOL tHTIIINA1'totl (a) Gondwana (b) Tertiary {c) Both Gondwana & Tertiary (d) Coal does not contain sulphur . intensive activity Assertion (A): Tea cultivation, ,s a labour hout the yea .Tea Reason (R): Cultivation can be done throug (vi) bushes require warm and moist frost- free climate. (a) (b) Both A and Rare true but R does not explain A Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A (c) A is true but R is false ( d) R is true but A is false (vii) Which crop is associated with regur soil? (a) Coffee (b) Tea (c) Jute (d) Cotton (viii) (a) Methane, ethane, propane, Naphtha, ethylene, benzene are raw materials for which industry? Sugar (b) Petroleum refining (c) Petrochemicals (d) Fertiliser (ix) Which port does not lie on the west coast of India? (a) Marmagoa (b) Kandla (c} Cochin (d) Tuticorin DHl"UIHAI AM8ANI ntTlfUtAT'lO..Al SCHOO\ (x) (a) (b) Which of the following can be done easily on an individual level? Segregation ,.... ..._"),) <-. Dumping ~ ..... ~ ) (c) Waste transportation (d) Incineration v~ /4 ,i. Part II (60 Marks} (Attempt any five questions from this Part) Question 4 Answer the following questions briefly :- {2] What is the direction of the advancing monsoon winds over the (i) ~ v-. ~~r.c,. lndo Gangetic plain? Why? - [2] How are the sources of rainfall in the northwestern part of India (ii) different from the rainfall experienced in the co~~~~ Eastern India in winter? [31 Give Geographical reasons for the following: (iii) ( a) Kanyakumari experiences equable climate. (b) Nagpur is colder than Mumbai in winter. (c) Malabar coast experiences more rain than Coromandel coast inspite of having less rainy months. Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that (iv) follow: Mth Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec oc 24.3 26 28 30 32 32.5 30.7 30 29.7 28 26 24.6 cm 2.8 0.7 0.7 1.5 4.5 5.1 9.5 11.3 12.4 28.1 34.5 13.6 (a) Calculate the annual range of temperature. (b) What type of climate does the station have? (c) What is the total rainfall experienced by the Station ? In which season does the station receive most of its rainfall? Question 5 (i) Answer the following questions briefly :Name the soil type found in the following areas:- {a) Eastern Rajasthan -5- \ 1 ~-~ 9\,\ ~ .. ' ' OHl"U IHAI AMIA NI tNtMNA TtotfAI tcHOOL (b) (ii) (iii) (iv) . Summits of Western ghats soil suitable for growing Give two characteristic features of the . cotton and sugarcane In Maharashtrar/ ..) on. ~~tr omp its~c e Stat ed? form soil rite How is Late d' . 1n In 1a. State two methods Explain the need for soil conservation [2] (3] {3] of soil conservation. Question 6 (i) (ii) fly :Ans wer the following questions brie sts are found. Name any two regions where Evergreen fore pted to withstand the How are the trees in the Littoral forests ada tidal influence? (iii) (a) (b) (c) (iv) Question 7 (i) fly :Ans wer the following questions brie ation in: Give a reason for the significance of irrig Punjab (b) Rajasthan (b) Tubewells are common. Tank irrigation is popular. (a) wing: Give a geographical reason for the follo semi- arid regions. Sprinkler irrigation is practiced in arid and (a) (iii) (b) (c) [3] [2] [2] Name the state where: (ii) [2] [3] forests found? Where are the Southern Montane types of State one characteristic of these forests. Name one important tree of these forests. ironment? How do forests help in protecting the env (a) (2] Northern plains. Canal irrigation is more suitable in the and productive region A tubewell should be installed in a fertile -6- (3] DHIM.18H AI AM8AN1 tN~f11111tAT10tlAl tCHOO\. (iv) Study the diagra m below and answe r the questi ons that follow: (a) (b) {3] Name the water conservation method shown in the diagram. Give two objectives of this method. Question 8 (i) (a) (ii) (iii) (iv) Give the names of three important types of iron ore found in India. Give one important use of iron ore. [21 State any two advantages of Natural gas Write any three uses of manganese. [2] (a) What is geothermal energy? (b) Which place in India has the maximum potential for geoth erma l [3] [31 energy? (c) What are the uses of this energy? Question 9 (i) State two ways by which agriculture plays an important role in [21 India's economy. (ii) (iii) State 2 characteristics of Plantation agriculture. Observe the given picture and answer the questions that follow: [21 [31 OHl"U IHAI AMINI ! f'4ThUIA T\0.,\l tCMOOI.. (a) State the temperature and rainfall requirements (b) In which month are the crops harvested? Why? Give geographical reasons for the following: (a) Transplantation is the best method of sowing rice. Ratoon cropping reduces the cost of cultivation of sugarcane. Jute grows best in the alluvial soil found in the flood plains and deltas. (iv) (b) (c) of this crop. {3] Question 10 (i) Explain the terms: (a) Cottage Industry (b) Private Sector Industry (ii) [21 Mention two problems faced by the sugar indu stry in \ndia. What are integrated Steel Plants? Name one integrated stee\ p\ant in the Public sector. From where does it get its iron ore and coal? With reference to the Petrochemicals industry, answer the following: (iii) (iv) (a) [2] {3] {31 Mention two advantages for the deve\opment of Petrochemical Industry in India. (b) Name any two products of this industry. Question 11 (i) (a) Why is the Railways an important means of transport as compared to Airways? -8- [21 DHlltUIH AI AMIANI INTlftNA1"1otlAl ICHOOl State one econ omic bene fit of the Golde n Quad rilate ral Proje ct. Road ways are alway s consi dered more impor tant than any other mean s of trans porta tion. Give two reaso ns in supp ort of the state ment . (ii) (21 (iii) fr:') State one important difference between an expressway and a {3] ~-, , highway. Name any one major expressway constructed in the coun try. . ~ ~ (>.. ~ ~I ~~~ ,r-. State a reason why the-NGr:the FA-Rwers are more suitab for '"'<.Q.J>"\.... ~ ~navigat.on tt:laA-t-Ae Deccan-RiveF&~ Northern rivers are perennial. They have water throughou t the year. Deccan rivers are seasonal rivers. (iv) Mention two advantages and one disadvantage of wate rways. (3] Question 12 (i) Define the term waste. What is the best method of transferring waste? Explain briefly the meaning of the following terms: ~ (iii) (a) Composting. (b) Landfill. (c) Segregation. (iv) [2] [2] [31 [3] (a) "Waste segregation is important''. Give a reason to supp ort your answer. (b) Explain two ways by which you as a student, can help in the reduction of waste generation. ******************** -9-

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