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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Geography (Ryan International School, Nashik)

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Barnika Rout
Ryan International School, Nashik
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YDO RYAN GROUP OF SCHOOLS ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-25 8 MAP STD: SUB: RYAN 0oF EXAMINATION ICSE,FIRST PRE-BOARD DSTYTUTIONS MARKS: X 80 2HRS DURATION: GEOGRAPHY General Instructions: 1. Attemptallthe questions frompart I 2. A total of five 3.Answer to this 4. You willnot This is to (compulsory)tbl a questions are to be attempted from part lI. paper must be written on the paper provided separately. be allowed to write dring first 15 be spent in miuies.c2 alus bs reading the questionpaper. 5. The time given at the head ofthis paper is the time allowed forwriting the answers. 6.The intended marks for questions or parts af questions are given in brackets LI PART I Answer all the questions Q1. Study the extract Eastings of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S10 61-71 and Northings 13 to 23 and answer the following questions: 1. [21 a. Give the six-figuregrid reference for spot height .639 b. What type of settlement is found in grid square 6213? 2. [2] two man-made features seen in grid square 6821 a. Mention two natural features seen in grid square 6221 b.Mention 3. a. What do you understand about the causeway in grid square 6213? b. What is the pattern of drainage seen in the grid square 6217? 4 [2] a. What do you D. What is understand 6614?od by 11r in the compass direction of oii Fathehpura. (5115),from t 20o oiteeA Mount Abu? STD:X GEOGRAPHY -2 ICSE square 5. Calculate the area in kilometer 63to65 and Northing 19 to 21. ofthe region enclosed between Easting [10] map Q2.On the outline 1.Mark and name 2. Mak and of a river label the Indiaprovided flowing through a rift pass which is valles:. on the border of Sikkim. 3. Mark and name the Standard Meridian. Sea Branch 4. Mark and name South West Monsoon Wind Arabian Mark and name a hill 5. called 6. Mark and name a river Blue Mountain. port. 7. Mark and name Kanara Coastal Plains 8. Shade and label a region of dense population in Eastern India 9. Shade and label the Gulf of Kutch 10. Shade and label Thar Desert [10] Q3.Chose the corrcctoptions. 1. Which of the following coasts of India is most affectedby violenttropical cyclones? a. Malabar c. Coromandel b. Konkan d. Kanara 2. Favourable conditions for the formation a. High Temperature and heavy b. Low temperature and heavy c. Low temperature and low rainfall d. High temperature and low 3. Assertion:Trees in of laterite soils are: rainfall rainfall rainfal! theThorn Forests remain Reascin:These trees short. do not receive ample surlight ICSE STD: X A is true but R a. false R isthe reason for A b. c. is GEOGRAPHY -3 Both d. Only A and R is false R is true but A is false 4. Namami Gange Yojna focuses on a. abatement of pollution in river Ganga b. C. abatement ofpollution in abatement Ganga and of pollution in river Ganga, d. afforestationand 5. river its its conservation conservation and rejuvenation water conservation and reafforestation, soil conservation Which of these is a tertiary coalfield? 6. Korba a. Talcher c. b. Neyveli d. Raniganj A majority.of Indian farmers fertilizers and pesticides. who cannot afford inputs like They therefore practice; a. Intensive Farming b. Extensive are smallholders Farming c. Subsistence Farming d. Commercial Farming goods. 7. It is widely used forpackaging agriculturaland industrial and Bangladesh. cultivated in the delta region of West Bengal It Identify the fiber. C. cotton a. Jute b. 8. d. coconut Bamboo The largest steel making company in India in the Public Sector: a. Steel production unit of India b. Steel company of India C. Steel Authority of India d. Tata Iron and Steel Plant 9. National Waterway 2 is on which river? is mostly ICSE STD:X a. -4 Brahmputra G. Ganga GEOGRAPHY d. Krishna b. Godavari 10. Which of the following method of disposal is best applicable for the waste depicted in the picture below. a. Composting b. Recycling c. Burning Waste in an open area d. Dumping Waste PART- 2 (50 Marks] DlznG-(Attempt any five questions from this part) Q4. 1.State two factorsthat affectthe climate of India. [2] 2. Name the following. a. The winds that [2] bring heavy rainfall wind brings a light and tea crops. b. The local to Cherrapunji. rainfall to South India and is good for coffee 3.Give geographical reasons for the following: a. The number of tropical cyclones experienced in the Bay of Bengal thn in the Arabian Sea b.Winter Monsoon brings c. 4. Visakhapatnam records less is more rain a low annual range oftemperature Study the climatic data given beloW and answer the questions that follow. [3] X STD: Temp MarApr May Feb Jan Month 24.3 27.2 28.0 21.9 21 GEOGRAPHY -5 ICSE June July 26.4 26.1 Nov Aug|Sept Oct 25.4 25.0 26.0 23.8 (0C) Cm 3.9 1.7 1.2 2.8 5.1 4.6 8.4 11.4|11.931.6|34.6 Name the hottest month. b. Calculate the annual rainfall. c. Calculate the annual range of temperature. as the soil hetills is 1. Sohanial, a farmer of UP does not get good yields Motilal on the other hand has his coarse and has a fair proportion ofkankars. field closer to the river a. Identifythe two and gets better soils that yields. are being discussed in the above passage. a possible reason why Motilal benefits from having his b.Give field [2] Give one geographical reason for each of the following. a. Black soil [21 along the river bank. 2. 21.2 14.8 Rainfal a. Dec [3] has selfploughing property. b. Afforestation prevents soil from getting eroded. c. Laterite soil is not fertile. 3. With reference to soil erosion in India answer the following questions. [3] STD:X GEOGRAPHY -6 ICSE forthe erosion seen in the a. Name the agents responsible may be done to restore the soil in such areas. What b. Q6. 1. friend and Rajan went for an excursion with his with trees that had b. Name an area in three reasons belt did India where 2. Why does the vegetation in 3.Give came across a marshy area (2] stilt-like roots. Which Natural Vegetation a. picture. why the forest this he kind comeacross? of vegetation is found? Himalayas vary with altitude? conservation is the need of the hour. [2] [3] (3] A. a. Why is the Tropical Deciduous Forest commercially the most exploited forestbelt of India? (Two points) b. Nameone region in India where Tropical rain forest is found. Q7. 1. Study the given picture and answer the question that follows: a. Identifythe method of b. Why is it so named? irrigation depicted in the picture. (2] STD:X GEOGRAPHY -7 ICSE 2. Distinguish between the Inundation canal and the Perennial canal. 3. Give a. a reason for each Name a State in b. What are the 4.What is [2) [3] of the following. India where tube wells are commonly used ideal conditions forthe drilling of Tubewells? meant by water harvesting? Mention any two objectivesof Rain [3] water harvesting. Q8. 1. Howdo manganese and copper differ in nature, even though both are [2] metallicminerals? 2. Why are conventional sources of energy not considered an ecofriendly source of energy? [2] 3. [3] a.Mention two ways Odisha? b. Across which river in is which Hirakud dam has helped the people of the Hirakud dam built? 4.Give geographical reasons for each of the following: a. Geothermal energy b. Biogas is is not popular in (3] India. beneficialfor the farmers and householders c.Solar energy is gaining popularity. Q9. 1. Why is agricultureconsidered an important sector of the Indian economy? (Anytwo points) [2] 2. State two points ofdifferencebetween Rabi and Kharif cropping season. [2| 3.What is the residue aftercrushing 4. Explain the following terms. a. Retting b. Ginning c. Fine plucking oilseeds called? Give two of its uses. 3| [31 STD:X [2] Q10. 1. GEOGRAPHY -8 ICSE Differentiate and between heavy industry of silk 2. Name the type light industry? ofBihar availablein the states and Assam. 3. Give reasons: a. Iron and steel Industry is concentrated largely are b. Petrochemical products c. Sugarcane 4. a weight is in losing on Chota Nagpur 3] Plateau. great demand. commodity. the entertainment industryrevolutionized How has the electronic [2] sector? (3] Q11. 1. Name two situations where helicopter 2. Study the given servicesmay be used. map and answer the questions that follow. Delhia ADra Udalpur PKangur Alababad Ahmedabad kolkata Bhubaneshwar Mumbai Pune Vjayawada Hubia Bangalore Chennai oKrishnagiri a. Name the highway project shown on thegiven map. b.Stateany two economic benefits ofthis project. [2] [21

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