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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Karnataka ICSE Schools Association KISA, Bengaluru)

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Shivani Gouda
Lodha World School (LWS), Palava, Dombivili
1st to 10th
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KARNATAKA ICSE SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION ICSE STD. X Preparatory Examination 2025 Subject ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 1 Duration: 2 hrs Maximum Marks: 80 Date: 08.01.2025 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This Paper consists of 8 printed pages. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Attempt all five questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Question 1 [Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question] Write a composition in about 300-350 words on any ONE of the following: (i) [20] You have recently been to a holiday resort and found the service to be excellent. Describe your experience at the resort, the surroundings, its natural beauty, the games you played and what you liked best in and around the resort. (ii) Narrate an incident in detail where you found yourself in great difficulty when a miracle helped you come out of it. (iii) Home food can never replace hotel food or fast food. Give your views either for OR against the statement. (iv) Write an original short story which begins with: It happened that at dusk we were passing the deserted house when ... Page 1 of 8 (v) Study the picture given below. Write a story or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it but there must be some clear connection between the picture and the composition. Question 2 [Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question] Attempt any ONE of the following: (i) [10] An open space in your locality used by the children as a playground is being turned into a rubbish dump. Write a letter to the Mayor of your city pointing out the nuisance, the danger, and the health hazards of this. Request that action be taken to stop this immediately. (ii) You are a boarder in a different city. Write a letter to your mother describing a school concert you are a part of. Describe your feelings, your learnings and the changes before and after the concert. Question 3 (i) You are the School Sports Captain of your school. Write a Notice inviting students of Std IX and X to give their names for various sports events to be held on the occasion of the Annual Sports Day of your school. (ii) [5] Write an email to two famous sports players from your city to be the Guests of Honour at the Sports Meet. [5] Page 2 of 8 Question 4 Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: Jane was remarkable for being the most absent-minded woman in Middlesex. I have really been unusually clever this afternoon, Jane remarked gaily, as she rang for the tea. I have called on all the people I meant to call on; and I have done all the shopping that I set out to do. I even remembered to try and match that silk dress for you at Harrod s but I had forgotten to take the dress pattern with me, so it was of no use. I really think that was the only important thing I forgot during the whole afternoon. Quite wonderful for me, isn t it? (6) What have you done with Louise? asked her sister, Susan. Didn t you take her out with you? You said you were going to. Good gracious, exclaimed Jane, Where have I left her? I cannot remember if the Carrywoods were at home or if I just left some cards for them. If they were at home, I may have left Louise there to play bridge. I will go and telephone Lord Carrywood and find out. She rang up Lord Carrywood and said, I want to know, have you seen Louise? Louise, came the answer, it s been my fate to see it three times. Not the opera Louise my niece, Loiuse. I thought I might have left her at your house. You left cards with us this afternoon, I understand but I don t think you left a niece. (15) She s not at the Carrywoods , announced Jane, returning to her tea; now I come to think of it, perhaps I left her at the silk counter at Selfridge s. I may have told her to wait there a moment while I went to look at the silks in a better light and I may easily have forgotten about her when I found I had not your pattern with me. But you said you tried to match the silk at Harrod s, interjected Susan. I am rather surprised that you can sit there making a hearty tea when you ve just lost a favourite niece, she said. You talk as if I had lost her in a churchyard, instead of having temporarily mislaid her. I am sure to remember presently where I left her. I rather fancy she must have been with me when I went to Mornay s. There, Malcolm gave me two theatre tickets. I have probably left them at Mornay s but still it was awfully kind of him to give them to me. (25) Do you think you left Louise there? Jane asked her servant, Robert, to ring up Mornay s and ask if she had left two theatre tickets and one niece in their shop this afternoon. A niece, ma am? asked the servant. Yes, Miss Louise didn t come home with me and I m not sure where I left her. Miss Louise had been upstairs all the afternoon, reading to the second kitchen maid. I took up tea to Miss Louise at five o clock, ma am. Page 3 of 8 Of course, how silly of me. I remember now, I asked her to read the Faerie Queene to poor Emma. Anyhow, you can ring up Mornay s, Robert and ask whether I left two theatre tickets there. Except for your silk, Susan, those seem to be the only things I have forgotten this afternoon. Quite wonderful for me. (i) (36) For each of the words given below, choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: 1. 2. (ii) (iii) (iv) [2] interjected (line 20) (a) stuttered (b) interrupted (c) fumbled (d) objected fancy (line 23) (a) realise (b) dream (c) fear (d ) think Which word in the passage is the opposite of sadly? (a) probably (b) easily (c) gaily (d) unusually [1] Answer the following questions briefly in your own words: (a) As per Jane, what important thing did she forget during the whole afternoon? [1] (b) What response did Carrywood give to Jane s enquiry? [2] (c) State in your words what happened at Selfridge s. [2] (d) What happened when Jane visited Mornay s? [2] (e) Where was Louise? What was she doing there? [2] In not more than 50 words, summarise, in a grid format, Jane s experiences at various stages. [8] Page 4 of 8 Question 5 (i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order, the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4] Example: (0) was pattering The rain ____(0)____ (patter) incessantly. It ____(1)____ rain for over a week. The village _____(2)____ (flood) badly as the tempestuous water hit the mud-wall houses of the villagers. The _____(3)_____ (administer) was working on a large scale helping and _____(4)_____ (rescue) the villagers twenty four hours but that _____(5)____ (prove) nothing against Nature's Fury. Many NGOs like Bachpan _____(6)____ (also engage) in the rescue operation and did their best _____(7)_____ (save) the precious human lives. The head office was stationed in Mumbai but they took no time to reach the village when the heavy rains ____(8)_____ (hit) the village and caused havoc. (ii) (iii) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word: (a) In this way, matters went . for sometime. (b) Anuj was well .. time for the interview. (c) The lady passed . temporarily when she heard the shocking news. (d) . me, Sara and Amit were present at the concert. (e) He was always ready . a fight or a frolic. (f) In cold weather, Mr. Anand was always distinguished . a fur cap. (g) The young boy had a wise head . his shoulders. (h) The scouts felt lost . the absence of their leader. [4] Join the following pairs of sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the correct option. 1. [4] Nicholas was not to join the party. He was in disgrace. (a) Since Nicholas was not to join the party, he was in disgrace. (b) As Nicholas was not to join the party, he was not in disgrace. (c) Nicholas was not to join the party as he was in disgrace. (d) Nicholas was not to join the party so he was in disgrace. Page 5 of 8 2. On Monday morning, they both arrived early. They both waited impatiently for the results. (a) On Monday morning, they both arrived early waiting impatiently for the results. (b) On Monday morning, they both having arrived early, waited impatiently for the results. 3. 4. (iv) (c) On Monday morning, they arrived early waiting impatiently for the results. (d) On Monday morning, they arrived early and waited impatiently for the results. Fanny cooked Willy dinner. They ate by a fire. (a) Fanny cooked Willy dinner to eat by a fire. (b) Having cooked Willy dinner, Fanny ate by a fire. (c) Fanny cooked Willy dinner and they both ate by a fire. (d) Fanny cooked Willy dinner which they ate by a fire. A Primus, is a little camping stove. You light it at the top. (a) A Primus, is a little camping stove that light it at the top. (b) A Primus, is a little camping stove that you light it at the top. (c) A Primus, is a little camping stove that you light at the top. (d) A Primus, is a little camping stove which is lit at the top. Choose the correct option to rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each sentence: 1. [8] He had never seen anything of this kind before. (Begin with: It was the ) 2. (a) It was the first time he had seen something of this kind. (b) It was the first time and he had seen something of this kind. (c) It was not the first time he had seen something of this kind. (d) It was the first time he had not seen something of this kind. She spoke as though her heart was fluttering. (Begin with: The manner ) (a) The manner in which she spoke suggested that her heart would start fluttering. (b) The manner in which she spoke suggested that her heart was fluttering. (c) The manner in which she had spoken suggested that her heart was fluttering. (d) The manner in which she spoke suggested that her heart would start fluttering. Page 6 of 8 3. She always contradicted him. (Begin with: There was ) 4. (a) There was never an occasion when she did not contradict him. (b) There was never an occasion when she did contradict him. (c) There was always an occasion when she did not contradict him. (d) There was never an occasion that she did not contradict him. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with disgust. (End with: corruption.) 5. (a) He was filled with disgust at anything that hinted at corruption. (b) He was always filled with disgust at anything that hinted at corruption. (c) He was always filled with disgust at everything that hinted at corruption. (d) He was always filled with disgust at the hint of corruption. Katherine was a tall, fair haired girl with splendid movements. (Begin; Tall and .) 6. (a) Tall and with splendid movements, Katherine was a fair haired girl. (b) Tall and fair haired, Katherine was a girl with splendid movements. (c) Tall and fair haired, Katherine was a splendid girl. (d) Tall and with splendid, Katherine was a fair haired girl. The President said, Long live our country! (Change the narration.) 7. (a) The President told that their country lives long. (b) The President wished that their country had lived long. (c) The President wished that their country lives long. (d) The President wished that their country lived long. The Christmas night was intensely cold. Even Santa could not be on time for the party. (Replace intensely with too.) (a) The Christmas night was too cold for even Santa to be on time for the party. (b) The Christmas night was so cold for even Santa to be on time for the party. (c) The Christmas night being too cold, Santa could not be on time for the party. (d) The Christmas night was too cold for Santa to be on time for the party. Page 7 of 8 8. It was probably the first time in twenty years that anyone had smiled in that lumber room. (Begin: In ) (a) In every probability, it was the first time in twenty years that anyone had smiled in that lumber room. (b) In all probabilities, it was the first time in twenty years that anyone smiled in that lumber room. (c) In all probability, it was the first time in twenty years that anyone had smiled in that lumber room. (d) In every probability, it was the first time in twenty years that anyone smiled in that lumber room. Page 8 of 8

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