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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (St. Theresa High School, Hyderabad)

6 pages, 46 questions, 38 questions with responses, 38 total responses,    2    0
B.Venkata Siva Reddy
St. Theresa High School, Hyderabad
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Answer to thi~ paper must be written on the pap~ P .. d . fi t 15 minutes. 7 You t ill not be allowed to write urmg 1rs t0 Thi~ time is to be spent in reading the queS i n pap~~- the answers. The time given at t~e head of this paper is the time allowed for writmg d The paper has four sections. I . s t'ion A must be answere . h . 1 A. 1s fompulsory - All questions m ec S ectton B c and D and one ot er t , .1... t tt v. 1.ou mus a .e mpt une question from each of the sec tons , I question ft om any section of your choice. V - .- Section A (Attempt all questions from this section.) Question 1 i Choose the correct ~1swers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the [16] . question, write the cbrrect answer only.) 1. What! is this ~ellow mad? Whose word~ are these? Who is 'this fellow'? A. Caesar-! !Pecius B. Caesar - soothsayer C. Soothsaye r- Caesar D. Caesar -Arte1nido rus 2. Whose ranso4'is did the general coffers fill; Whose ransoips is Antony referring to? A. The soldi~rs Pompey defeated. B. The capti~es that Caesar brought to Rome. C. Julius Caesar D . Octavius <baesar of her. Give me a bowl of wine. 3. Speak no moJe . I , unkindness ~11 In this I bury What does th~ speaker refer to by the word 'this'? A. In a warm/embrace. B . In a bowl wine. C . (A) and (ij) D. Neither (1'.) nor (B). 4. Cinna was ly~ched by the mob because he had A . Brutality ds Cinna, the conspirator. B . Same na~e as Cinna the conspirator. I bf I 1 A is rrue and K ts raise 1 C. Grud ge against the conspirators. D . None of the above. . .. 5. How does Brutus define Cato 's act of comm itting smc1 de? A. Mean and short sighted. B . Low and cowardly. C . Sensible and timely. D . None of the above. 6. How did Porti a die? A. By jump ing from Mount Olympus. B. By swal lowin g burning coals. C. By drow ning in the sea. D. By swal lowin g poison. 7. The phot ograp her looked at the narrator A. Cheerfully. B. With enthusiasm. C. Without enthusiasm. D. Indifferently. 8. The old lady was wearing a _ _ _ _coat. A. Red B. Brow n C. Gree n D. Blac k 9. 'Tha t is a big surpr ise.' What was the surprise in the story, 'The Girl Who Can' ? A. Nana was pleas ed with Maami. B. Nana allow edAd joa to go to school. C. Nana did not laugh at Adjo a's statements. D . Nana wash ed Adjo a's school uniform. 10. Ident ify the figure of speec h in the line given below : ' .. . he woul d stride off, sending patterns of frosty air befor e him like the smok e of a cigar .' A. Metaphor. B . Anap hora. C. Simile. D. Perso nific ation . 11. Choo se the optio n that lists the sequence of events in the correct order. a. The news M.H amel gave the class seemed as a thunder-cl ap to Fran z. b. Fran z thou ght of skipping his class and spending the day outdo ors. , c. Fran z saw the back benches occupied by the village peop le. d. In his scho ol that day, everything was as quiet as Sund ay morning. A. a,b,c,d B. d,c,b ,a C. b,d,a,c 2 V D . b,d,c,a they 12. In the poem, Haunt ed Houses, how does the speaker find the spirits when enter a house? A . As impalp able impressions on the air. B . As noisy, offens ive, unseen ghosts . C. As dreadf ul giants. D. None of the above. 13 . Why did De Lorge leap 'among the lions wild'? A. To prove he is as brave as King Francis. B . To save face in front of the royal audience. C. To prove his love for the lady. D . None of the above. 14. What is sugges ted by the phrase -mem ory 'gnaws on'? A . The phase of forgetfulness. B. Time spent on grievin g for the dead. C. Unsaid words and unkept promises. D. None of the above. 15. How did the mite show it did not want to die? A. It gave up to its fate. B. It ran about in terror. C. It drank or smelt the ink. D. It tried to fly. 'the 16. In Sukum ar Ray's poem, 'the welkin weeps to hear his screec h.' What is welkin '? A . The billy goat B. The people C. The bullocks D. The sky SECTION B DRAM A (Answ er one or more questions from this Section.) (Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare) Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Brutus Soft! Who comes here? A friend of Anton y's. Servant Thus, Brutus , did my master bid me kneel ; Thus did Mark Anton y bid me fall down; And, being prostrate, thus he bade me say: 3 Brutus is noble, wise, valiant, and honest; Caesar was mighty, bold, royal, and loving: Say I love Brutus, and I honour him; Say I fear' d Caesar, honour' d him, and lov' d him. (i) (ii) {iii) (iv) (v) Where are Brutus and the servant at this time? What reason had been given earlier to explain Antony's absence? Why, do you think, was the [3] servant sent? What evidence is there in the play about the three qualities of Brutus (3] that Antony speaks of? Give one example of each. What did Antony say about Caesar? How far do you agree with it? [3] Did Antony really love and honour Brutus? Refer briefly to what he says (3] later about Brutus in support of your answer. What evidence is there in the play to prove that Antony fear'd, honour 'd [4] and lov'd Ceasar? ~estion 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Strato Free from the bondage you are in, Messala; The conquerors can but make a fire of him; For Brutus only overcame himself, And no man else hath honour by his death. Lucilius So Brutus should be found. I thank thee, Brutus, That thou hast prov' d Lucilius' saying true. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) What saying ofLucilius' has been proved by the manner of Brutus's death? [3] extract What announcement does Octavius make immediately after this [3] about all Brutus' men? (3] On what basis does Messala 'prefer' Strato to Octavius? In what way was Brutus different from the other conspirators, according to [4] Antony? [J] What are Octavius's plans for the burial of Brutus? 4 SEC TIO NC Section.) (An swe r one or more questions from this PROSE - SHORT STORIES rt Stories and Poe ms) (Treasure Ch est -A Collection of ICSE Sho d, !'l'uestion 4 questions that follow: Rea d the extract give n below and answer the they do with babies, and othe r very She carried the glea min g cup on her back. Like trouble to wal k by herself. precious things. And this time, not talcing the our compound to sho w the cup to my Wh en we arrived in our village, she entered dmaster, mot her befo re goin g to give it back to the Hea t now carrying me on her knee, and cryi ng Oh. Gro wn- ups are so strange. Nan a is righ softly. [3] y it on her bac k? Wh at was the gleaming cup? Why did she carr (i) [3] min g cup ? Wh y? With who m has the narrator compared the glea (ii) the nan ator's mot her? How did she (iii) Why did she wan t to show the cup to [3] react to it? What does it sug gest abo ut her? [3] (iv) Why did the grandmother cry softly? oa and Nan a as port raye d at Describe briefly the relationship between Adj (v) [4] the beginning of the story. Question 5 t story, 'Th e Las t Les son ' give n belo w Rea d the extract from Alphonse Dau det' s shor and answer the questions that follow: it all, poo r man; to hea r his sister mov ing How it mus t have brok en his heart to leave For they mus t leav e the cou ntry nex t abo ut in the room above, packing their trunks! day. to the very last. Aft er the writ ing, we had But he had the courage to hea r every lesson ted their ba, be, bi, bo, bu. Dow n ther e at a lesson in history, and then the babies chan his spectacles and, hold ing his prim er in the bac k of the room old Hauser had put on cou ld see that he, too, was cryi ng; his both hands, spelled the letters with them. You funny to hea r him that we all wan ted to voic e trem bled with emotion, and it was so that last lesson! laugh and cry. Ah, how well I rem emb er it, (i) (ii) (iii) ? Acc ord ing to Fran z, wha t Wh o is referred to by Franz as the poo r man y wer e they sup pos ed to leav e mus t hav e broken the poo r man 's heart? Wh [3] the country? ? Wh at did it reve al abo ut Why did he hea r every lesson to the very last . ?. (3] h un in the clas s? (3 ] Wh o was old Hauser? Why was he pres ent 5 I ; / (iv ) W hy did old Hauser's voice tre mble with emotion? Why did the listeners wa nt to laugh and cry at the same (v) time? Frhanz said "Ah h [31 , , ow well I remember 1t, . that last . . les son !" Explam briefly w at was the last lesson . [4) SE CT IO ND (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) POETRY . (T Q ue sti on 6reasure Ch est - A Collection of ICSE Short Stories and Poem s) Re ad the extract fro H W L c. 11 m ong1.e ow ,s poem, ,Haunted Houses' giv an sw er the questions that fol en below and low: So from the world of spirits the re descents A bri dg e of light, connecting it with this 0' er wh os e unsteady floor, tha t sw~ys ~d bends, W an de r ou r thoughts above the dark abyss. (i) (ii ) (iii) (iv ) (v) W ha t connects the 'bridge of lig ht' ? How is -this bridge made? Whose floor is referred to as 'un steady'? Why? W ha t are the 'thoughts' that wa nder above the dark abyss? W ha t is the significance of thi s 'bridge of light'? Gi ve four reasons to justify the poet's view that all houses are haunted. Qu est ion 7 [31 [31 [31 [31 [41 Re ad the ex tra ct from Sukuma r Ra y's 'Th e Power of Music' giv en below and answer the qu est ion s tha t follow: Th e we lki n we ep s to he ar his Bu t no w the re co me s a billy screech, and mighty mansions tumble. goat, a most sagacious fellow, He downs his ho rns an d ch~rg es straight, with bellow answ'rin g bellow. Th e strains of so ng are tossed and whirled by blast of brutal vio lence, An d Bh ism a Lo ch an grants the world the golden gift of silence. (i) W ho 'w ee ps ' in this extract an d why? Which figure of speech is used in the 'w elk in we ep s'? (ii) W ha t ha pp en s to the 'mighty (31 mansions'? Which natural objec t me t the sam e fate as the mansions earlier in the poem? (iii) Ho w did the mo st sagac (31 iou~ fellow grant the world the go lde n gif t of sile nce'?(31 (iv ) W ho all wo uld ha ve tha n\(ed the billy goat? Why? (v) (31 Ho w does thi s extract support the theme of the poem? [41 ******************************** ********** 6

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