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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (GEMS Modern Academy, Dubai)

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GEMS Modern Acaderny PreliminaryExamination 2024 History and Civics HCG- Paper 1 Grade: 10 Date: 11-01-2024 Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: 80 INSTRUCTIONS: All answers must be written on the BOOKLET provided. DO NOT WRITE ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THE ANSWER BOOKLET. Read all the questionscarefully before writing. As far as possible try to write your answers in points The intended marks for questions or parts of the question are given in brackets. > Please number your answers as per the Question Paper. Marks will be deducted for incorrect numbering IMPORTANT: Attempt all the questions from Part Iand anytwo questions from Section A and any three from Section B of Part I. PART I(30 Marks) [Attempt allquestions from this part] Question 1 Choose and write the correct option: [16] . The resignation of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who led the Government in 1999, occurred after 16 days when it became evident that he lacked sufficient support to establish a govermment. The Government collapsed leading to the conduct of General Elections'. This is an instance of a) Individual responsibility. b) Adjournment Motion c) No-Confidence Motion d) Prorogation 2. a) b) c) Which of the following is NOT an exclusive power of the Lok Sabha? Motions of No-confidence introduced and passed by the House The House declares that creation of new All- India Services be made in the National Interest Money bills can be introduced in this House. d) In case of a deadlock over ordinary bills, the willof the Lok Sabha always prevails because of its greater strength. Page 1 of8. Jent e ve of the Indian Pariiament when there is an emergency declared in a State. a) Assumes on, financaal powers of passing the State budget. Seomes the legisature of the State concemed Takes al ucnal deSONs Seames the legslature of the State and also assumes financial powers of passing the State 1. Penty the oficals who fom the Electoral College for the Vice-Presidential Elections in India. eleced of members both the Houses of the Partliament Qnaminated members of both the Houses of the Parliament R eeced members of State Legislative Assembly Snominated members of the State Legislative Council a) Pang S D) Q and R C) Pand Q d) Pand R 5 Mrx was researching on an Article describing the Financial powers of the President of india. Which of the following statements would NOT be describing his/her Financial powers? a) it is on his/her recommendation that Money Bills can be introduced in the Lok Sabha. b) Hel she can promulgate an ordinance which has the same status as an Act of the Parliament c) He/she authorizes withdrawal of advances from Contingency Fund d) Hel she appoints a Finance Commission every five years 6. Prasanna B.Varale has been the Chief Justice of the High Court of Karmataka since 15th October. 2022. Which of the following would be absolutely TRUE for his appointment? a) He had delivered the highest number of judgements. b) He was appointed by the President of India who may consult the Chief Justice of India. c) Has been an Advocate of a High Court for at least 15 years. d) Has held a judicial office in the territory of India for at least 10 years before his/her appointment. Court of District Judge : Civil Cases :: Sessions Court a) Criminal b) Advisory c) Appellate d) Constitutional Page 2 of 8. Cases. M.G.Ranade, R.C. Dutt pointed out that the 8. Nationalist Economists like Dadabhai Naoroii. Britain to India's raw materials. resources and wealth by procesSS of continuous plunder of enrich itself at the cost of India's growing poverty led to Reference: Sumit Sarkar, Modern India 1885-1947 a) Decay of cottage industries and handicrafts b) Law of Property c) Drain of Wealth d) Inam Commission 9. a) b) c) d) first aims of the Indian National Congress in his the declare to asked was Bonerjee If W.C would definitely be a part of his speech? Session in Bombay in 1885, which of the folowing Ensure mass participation in public movements. political workers from different parts of the Promotion of friendly relations between nationalist Parliament country British citizens and Members of the Provide information on all Indian subjects to aware of their rights by educating them. Liberation of depressed classes and make them suspended due to the 16. The Non Cooperation Movement was a) Chauri-Chaura Incident. b) Gandhi-Irwin Pact c) Rowlatt Act d) Cripp's Mission M.ldentify one of the clauses of the Rowlatt Act. a) Arrest people with warrant b) In camera trial anything against the British c) Vernacular Press must not publish d) Compulsory License for Arms military organization 12/With reference to the Image below, identify one of the main objectives of the formed in 1943. nsT/ CutLr Friends, vou bve the holour to be the pioneer soldiers of Ad Hind Fauj. Y'our Names will be Written l golden lelers m he history of Free Iuda. EseI Soldlier who is ilhartsrcd in this lol war will hwe a ounen n Free India. Page 3 of 8. a) Abolition of the Zamindari system b) Introduction of anew monetary and credit system c) Decaration of war on Britain and the USA d) Formation of a Provisional Government of Free India in order to mobilize allthe forces effectively 18.ldentify the Alliance formed by England, France and Russia in 1907. a) Triple Entente b) Triple Alliance c) Alliance by the Axis powers d) The Allied Forces 14.ChoOse a COMMON element between the First and the Second World Wars. a) Policy of Appeasement by Britain and France b) War techniques c) Defeat of Germany d) Japan and Italy became weak . The lnternational Court of Justice is composed of (a) 10 judges elected by the General Assembly and Security Council (b) 15 judges elected by the Security Council (c) 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and Security Council (d) 15 judges elected by the General Assembly 1 A health journal called Public Health Parnorama' was published by one of the agencies of the United Nations in order to (a) Emphasize on the education of women and girls (b) EncOurage the study of Social Sciences (c) Uphold the freedom of press and independence of the media (d) Create health consciousness among people Question 2: [14] What is meant by the 'Doctrine of Lapse'? [2] Which Viceroy of India was responsible for the Partition of Bengal? Mention any one of the concealed motives of the British behind this Partition. State any two objectives of the All-India Muslim League. (2] (2] Enumerate the clauses of the Indian Independence Act of 1947 with respect to treaties and agreements between Princely states and tribes and the British Government. [2] Mention any two ways in which the Treaty of Versailles benefitted France. (21 v. ldentify any two causes behind the rise of Nazism in Germany. Page 4 of 8. [2] In 2009 there was a case between Belgium and Switzerland regarding jurisdiction and enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial matters. To which organ of the UN would these countries make an appeal? Who are eligible to make such appeals to the concerned UN (2] organ? Part Il (Section A) (Attempt any two questions from this section] Question 3: powers of the two Structure of Government in India and the Federal the to reference With following questions: Houses of the Union Parliament, answer the federal set up of the Government in India? the by understand you do What je the Union Parliament. ji/ Mention the Financial powers of Parliament can control the Executive. Union the which through ways ( ) Specify the Question 4: Executive of India, and functions of Union powers the to reference With (3] [3] (4] answer the following questions: judgement.'Which have to use his wisdom and may President where [4] i.There are cetain grey areas him in this respect? When does he use these powers? by enjoyed are of his powers (3] Cabinet. Minister in relation to the Prime the of role the ii. Enumerate [3] Parliament? Prime Minister inside the the of responsibilities iji. What are the Question 5 Supreme governance. With reference to the federal of feature is a An independent judiciary following questions: the Court of India, answer President? Supreme Court appointed by the consult before making the of Justice When is the Acting Chief Supreme Court? Whom does he the of Judge (3) hoc Who appoints the Ad this appointment? Gn . Supreme Appellate jurisdiction of the the under come cases which (3] Mention the three kinds of Court. of Supreme Court called the 'Court the is Why Record'? (4] understood as a 'Court of What is Record"? Page 5 of 8. Section B PART II(30 Marks) [Attempt any three questions from this part] Question 6 The culmination of discontent against the British rule came with the Great Revolt of 1857.With reference to this, answer the following questions: What was meant by the Subsidiary Alliance by Lord Wellesley? Mention any three clauses of this alliance which the Indian ulers agreed to. Mention any three economic causes of this Revolt. (4] [3] 'The most significant result of the Uprising of 1857 was the end of the rule of the India Company .... This was done by the Govemment of lndia Act of 1858.'Specify any East three provisions of this Act which brought about administrative changes. [3] Auestion 7 With reference to the Mass Phase of the National Movement between 1930 and 1942, answer the following questions. Explain the importance of the Dandi March which marked the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement, in 1930. (3] Specify the programme of the Civil Disobedience Movement. What was its impact on the National Movement in India? (4] The Congress Norking Committee passed the famnous Quit India Resolution at Wardha in 1942. What was the significance and impact of this Movement? (3) Question 8 With reference to the following: significance of the First and Second World Wars, answer the Explain the immnediate cause behind the outbreak of the First World War. [4] Name the countries which came under dictatorship after First World War. Name the Dictators and state any one of their common ideologies. [3] ij. Explain how dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles was responsible for the Second World VWar. Page 6 of8. (3] Question 9 Picture study: Identify the picture below and answer the following questions: i iji. represent? Mention any two objectives of this Which organization does this emblem [3] organization. (3] organization. What is its composition? Name the 'executive body' of this (4] UNICEF. Enumerate any four functions of the Question 10 significance of Panchsheel, answer the the and Movement With reference to the Non-Aligned following questions. containing five principles of peaceful co 1954, in agreement an signed principles was India and China i. to as 'Panchsheel'. One of the referred collectively were These existence. 'Panchsheel. (4] the four other principles of Mention non-aggression'. 'Mutual Movement was launched at its first Non-Aligned the when fathers' Who were the 'founding [3] ii. Belgrade? 1961 at September summit held in [3) Non-Aligned Movement. the of objectives three Specify any iii. Page 7 of 8.

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