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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Vivekananda Mission School (VMS), Joka, Kolkata)

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VIVEKANANDA MISSION SCHOOL PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION CLASS-X (1CSE 2024) Time: 2 Hrs. GEOGRAPHY-H.C.G.-2 Answers to paper must write during this the first 15 FullMarks: 80 be written on the answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to This time is to be the question paper: The time given at the head of the paper is the timespent in reading allowed for writing theanswers. Attempt all questions from part l Atotal offive questions are to be I1. The intended marks for(Compulsory). attempted jrom part questions or parts of questions are given in the brackets | I minutes. Note: () In all Map Work, make wise use of to avoid overcrowding of the () The extract of Survey of lndia Maparrows map. Sheet No. G43S7 must not be taken out of the be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on examination hall. It must of the paper. completion (1) The Map given at the end of this question paper must be detached, and after marking, must be your answer booklet. fastened to (V) Allsub-sections of the questions must be answered in the correct serial order. (V) All working including rough work attempted should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper:. Part- I Attempt allquestions from this Part. Question 1 1. Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. G43S7 and answer the following questions: a. What does .9r in the grid 3739 mean? b. Give the six-grid reference of spot height " [2] 269. ii. Which is the most important settlement in the given extract and why ii. Ryan is travelling from the settlement [2] Sangla to Bantawada (4490) in a straight line. If he walks at a speed of 2km/hr., how long will(3786) he take to reach his destination? iv. a. Government planned to build a canal [2] from Nani Bhatamal to Rampura. What will be direction of flow of water in the canal? the b. ldentify the source of water for the (2] settlement Antroli. V. a. Distinguish between the relief features in the grid 4294 and 4086. b. Why doyou think a distinct drainage pattern has (2] developed in the grid 3985. Question 2 On the outline map of India provided mark the following: ii. ii. iv. V. vi. vii. Karakoram pass. River Damodar. A city at the bank of river Yamuna. Laterite soil in peninsular India. Mark a sparsely populated area in the north eastern part of India. Malabar coast. Nilgiris. 1 [10] India's oldest oilfield. River Mahanadi. vii. ix. Thar desert. X. Question 3 [10] options. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given (Donot copy the question, write the correct answer only) her Christmas vacation. she i. Seema visited her Aunt's place in the state of Tamil Nadu during Aunt's place during that time of experienced rainfall there. What can be the cause of rainfall at her the year? a. South west mons00n. b. North east monsoon. C. Western disturbance. ii. d. October heat. Laterite soil is rich in the following minerals: a. Iron oxide and potash. b. Lime and iii. nitrogen. C. Magnesium and silica. d. Lime and Magnesium. Which forest is found in the Krishna Delta region of India. a. Dry deciduous forest. b. Littoral forest. C. Tropical desert forest. d. Tropical evergreen forest. iv. Vinod lives in area with scarcity of water. Which method ofirrigation will be most suitable for farming in this area? a. Tank irrigation. b. Canal irrigation. C. Furrow irrigation. d. Drip irrigation. V. Which of these ores is mainly used for extraction of Aluminum? a. Iron. b. Copper. C. Bauxite. d. Magnesium. vi. This renewable energy is independent of weather conditions and seasonal variations. Jdentify the energy. a. Petroleum. b. Solar energy. C. Wind energy. d. Geothermal energy. vi. Which among these is NOT a step involves in processing of Black Tea. a. Withering. b. Retting. C. Rolling. d. Fermentation. viii. Saba plans toopen an industry where she willproduce leather bags. Which type of industry will she start? a. Forest-based industry. 2 b. Agro-Based industry. C. Mineral-based industry. d. Animal-based industry. Srinagar to Name the express highway which connects a. Golden Quadrilateral. ix. Kanyakumari. b. North-South corridor. C. East-West corridor. d. Yamunaexpressway. Which among these is an example of Reuse? bricks. plants are used to nmake power from Flyash for dairy products. d. make packaging materials to used is Bagasse D. X. C. Shoes made of old tyres. d. Using jute bags for buying grocery. PART II (50 MARKS) part) (Attempt any five questions from this underground water to irrigate crops in on stress put has February during the The lack of rain in January and Punjab and Haryanathis Rabi season. Moderate rains themajor wheat-growing states Rabiseason crops. According to the Indian Meteorological to rainfallas winter are considered the best for was the worst month when it came above February centre, Chandigarh Department (IMD) temperature remained rain was received. Also, the not even 1 per cent of the normal Question 4 i. normal for several days in February. [2] -The Indian Express time this during source of this rainfall in these states a. As a student of Geography, what is the of the year. b. Where does it originate? What is the source of the following: (2] in the state of West Bengal in the a. Heavy rainfall accompanied by thunder and lightning ii. month of March to May. b. Rainfall in theKonkan coast in the month of January. [3] Give reason for the following: Heat waves are common in Delhiduring summer. a. iji. b. Uttar Pradesh would have been much colder if Himalayas was not in its present position. C iv. Mangalore receives more rainfall from the Arabian sea branch of South west monsoon winds than Bangalore. Study the climaticdata of station Aand answer the following questions: Month Temp (3) JAN 23.6 FEB 24.6 MAR 26.0 APR 29.6 MAY 32.0 JUN 33.0 JULY 33.3 AUG 32.3 SEPT 30.7 OCT 29.3 NOV 28.0 DEC 25.4 18.0 10.0 0.3 0.2 1.5 4.6 6.1 7.8 10.8 16.8 17.0 20.0 ( C) Rainfall (cm) a. Calculate the annual range of temperature in station A. b. Name the wind that brings most of the rainfall to Station A. State one reason for your answer. 3 Question 5 i. [2] Define the following terms: a. Soilfertility. b. In-situ Soil. ii. With reference to Alluvial soil answer the following: a. iii. [3] How is it formed? b. Classify it on the basis ofits age. C. State any one characteristicfeature of this soil. Give reason: a. Red soil is 'red' in colour. (3] b. Laterite soil is infertile. iv, C. Cattle rearing can be a cause soil erosion. State two methods of soil conservation in the Semi-arid region of India. [2] Question 6 i. Suraj went tovisit Sundarbans and observed that the trees in the forest looked different from the trees of his hometown. ii. iii. iv. [2] a. What type of vegetation did Suraj observe? b. Write one unique characteristics which the trees of this region can only possess. Discuss three importance of forests in our daily life. [3] Why doyou think the forest cover in India is decreasing? (two points) [2] a. Mention the rainfall requirement of evergreen forest. [3] b. Afforestation on barren land helpingtropical in social,rural and environmental G. vegetation found in the eastern development. Rajasthan region. Question 7 Distinguish between surface water and ground water. Why do we need to conserve ground (any two points) water? ii. a Being farmer of Uttar Pradesh why would you advocate canal irrigation over any other [3] method of irrigation? primitive ii. Name the type of irrigation in which [2] is water sprayed directly to the required plant. drawbacks of this type of irrigation. Discuss two iv. Mention two drawbacks of tubewells. [3] [2] Question 8 a. Mention any one use of copper. b. Name any two districts of Jharkhand where iron ore is found. ii. With reference to hydel power answer the following: [2] a. Name a state which get benefitted from the b. Mention any two project. advantages of this type of energy. i. Give two of using coal in India. [3] Mention the type of coal which is an ingredient for smelting of iron and steel. a. Mention one iv. important advantage that nuclear energy has over thermal b. Wind mills provide [3] the land owners with energy. extra income, -Give reason. [2] i. disadvantages Bhakra-Nangal Question 9 i. Why do you thinkto With ii. is taking reference steps to discourage the government of cul t i v at i o n one sugarcane answer the following: practice of shifting agriculture? [2] b. Mention of Why advantages a. is ratooning. Mention theTamil Nadu an a. ii. b. Name any iv, Suman ng important sugarcane producer. temperaturebecomi condition of required for the growth of wheat in India. one leading [3) producers wheat. the (2] which is visited great Deccan region and found a plantation which a. Which demand in the textile grows afibre crop of crop industries did she observe? India. b. State any [3] one climatic of Name the process this requirement crop. by which the lint is separated from the seed. north-western C Question 10 i. i. iii. Differentiate between heavy industries and light Why industries. information a. Which mine technology has developed industry in Bengaluru. supplies iron ore to TISCO? b. Namne the state where Bhilai steel plant is which region is called the located. With reference to silk textileManchester of India. industry answer the following: a. India has monopoly over which type of silk? b. Why silk industry has developed in Mysore region? C. iv. [2] [2] (3] [3] Question 11 ii. ii. iv. State tvwo economic importance of Quadrilateral. Name the world's longest tunnel. Railways are cost-effective yet it hasGolden Air transport is of great advantage many limitations. Enlist any three such limitations. during the natural calamities- Justify. Give reasons: a. Ganga river is navigable only from its mouth up to Allahabad. b. Transportation bringsin national integrity. [3] (3] [2] (2] Question 12 i. State any one effect of the following on our a b. ii. ii. 1V. Eutrophication. environment: [2] Incineration. How does the waste accumulation in water humans? (2 points) Somnath made aphoto frame using broken affect [2] tiles. Which method of waste did he management use? Distinguish between the above method and reducing waste with the help of an example. Study the image and answer the following: [3] (3] 5 WET WASTE iDRY WASTE E a. What is the above method of b. Distinguish between the two waste disposal known as? types of waste shown.

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