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ICSE Prelims 2016 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (HVB Academy, Mumbai)

27 pages, 108 questions, 10 questions with responses, 10 total responses,    0    0
Saurabh Hemang Morparia
HVB Academy, Mumbai
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English 2 Literature in English (Two hours) Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers Attempt one question each from Section A, B and C and any other two questions. You should answer five questions in all. All the questions carry equal marks Section A Drama The Merchant of Venice: William Shakespeare Question 1 Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: Nerissa Your father was ever virtuous; and holy men at their Death have good inspirations: therefore the lottery, That he hath devised in these three chests of gold, Silver and lead, whereof who chooses his meaning Chooses you, will, no doubt, never be chosen by any Rightly but one who shall rightly love. But what Warmth is there in your affection towards any of These princely suitors that are already come? (a) (b) (c) (d) How does Portia respond to these words of Nerissa? Depict the lottery discussed in the extract. Give the responses of Portia and that of Nerissa to the lottery. Portia is melancholic in the opening of the scene so also is Antonio in the earlier scene. Bring out the difference between Antonio s melancholy and that of Portia. (e) This scene expresses a mood of melancholy, anxiety and suspense. Discuss. Question 2 Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: Shylock [Aside] how like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian, But more for that in low simplicity He lends out money gratis and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. He hates our sacred nation, and he rails, Even there where merchants most do congregate, On me, my bargains and my well-won thrift, Which he calls interest. Cursed be my tribe, If I forgive him! (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Why does Shylock hate Antonio and call him a fawning publican ? Explain: If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. What ancient resentment does Shylock have against Antonio? What is the sacred nation refer to here? What are the insults Antonio had piled upon Shylock? What is Shylock s plan to get hold of the money immediately? Comment on the character of Shylock based on his plan. Section B Poetry Question 3 Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: The Sun in the heaven was shining gay, All things were joyful on that day; The sea-birds scream d as they wheel d round, And there was joyaunce in their sound. The buoy of the Inchcape Bell was seen A darker speck on the ocean green; Sir Ralph the Rover walk d his deck, And fix'd his eye on the darker speck. He felt the cheering power of spring, It made him whistle, it made him sing; His heart was mirthful to excess, But the Rover s mirth was wickedness. His eye was air the Inchcape Float; Quoth he, My men, put out the boat, And row me to the Inchcape Rock, And I ll plague the Abbot of Aberbrothok. (a) Explain with reference to context the above lines. (b) Give a character sketch of Sir Ralph the Rover. (c) Who was the Abbot? What does he symbolise in the poem? Why? (d) Why was the Rover jealous of the Abbot? What did he do to plague the Abbot? (e) Comment on the theme of the poem. Question 4 Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. (a) Explain with reference to context the above stanza. (b) How does the signal of the horse that he wanted to move ? What does it reveal of its nature? (c) Why did the poet say that the horse might think there was a mistake ? (d) Comment on the form and structure of the poem. (e) Discuss the central idea of the poem. Section C Short Stories Question 5 Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: But the Princess September ran through all the rooms of the palace, singing like a lark, while the little bird flew round and round her, singing like a nightingale, which indeed it was. Things went on like this for several days and then the eight Princesses put their heads together. (a) Why did Princess September sing like a lark? Who is the other singer in the story? (b) What is the significance of singing in the context of the story? (c) Explain the comparisons being made in these lines. (d) What did the eight princesses do when they put their heads together? Why? (e) Were the eight princesses successful in their plan? Substantiate. Question 6 The short story The Lost Dollar by Stephen Leacock is highly humorous. Discuss. English Paper 2 Literature in English (Two hours) Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to read the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allotted for writing the answers. You must attempt one question each from Section A, B, and C and any two other questions. Attempt five questions in all. SECTION A Drama: The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare Question 1 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Antonio: Content, i faith: I ll seal to such a bond, And say there is much kindness in the Jew. Bassanio: You shall not dwell to such a bond for me; I shall rather dwell in my necessity. Antonio: Why, fear not, man: I will not forfeit it. (a) Where are Antonio and Bassanio? Who is with them? Why are they there? [3] (b) What are the terms of such a bond? Why does Shylock call it a merry bond? [3] (c) Do you think there much kindness in the Jew? Substantiate your answer. [3] (d) Explain: [3] a. dwell in my necessity b. I will not forfeit it. (e) Do you think that Antonio s confidence that he shall not forfeit his bond is misplaced? Why? What does Shylock say earlier in the scene regarding the perils of the sea? [4] Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Shylock: Shall I not have barely my principal? Portia: Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture, To be so taken so at thy peril, Jew. Shylock: Why, then the devil give him good of it! Portia: Tarry, Jew The law hath yet another hold on you. (a) Where does the scene take place? Why? (b) How are Portia and Nerissa dressed now? Why? (c) What had made Shylock ask for barely his principal? (d) Why does Portia say at thy peril? (e) Do you justify Shylock s fate at the end? Give reason. [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] SECTION B Poetry: A Collection of ICSE Poetry and Short Stories Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: The boat is lower d; the boatmen row, And to the Inchcape Rock they go; Sir Ralph bent over from the boat, And cut the Inchcape Float? (a) Where is the Inchcape Rock? Why is it dangerous? Who kept a bell over there? Why? (b) Why did Sir Ralph cut the down the Inchcape Bell? What does his action reveal ? (c) What happens to Sir Ralph s pirate ship when he returns? Why? [3] [3] [3] (d) Later in the poem. The poet writes The Devil below was ringing his knell. Describe the circumstance that makes the poet to write so. [3] (e) Why is the poem often referred to a didactic poem? Elaborate your answer. [4] Question 4 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Neither love me for Thine own dear pity s wiping my cheeks dry,A creature might forget to weep, who bore Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby! (a) Who is referred to as creature here? Why? [3] (b) In what way does the speaker want to be loved? Why? [3] (c) How can the creature forget to weep? What will be its consequence? [3] (d) Comment on the form and structure of the poem. [3] (e) What is the theme of the poem? Do you support the ideas expressed in the poem? Give reasons for your answer. [4] SECTION C Poetry: A Collection of ICSE Poetry and Short Stories Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: With thoughts such as these crossing his mind, Rizwan stood at a shop selling cold drinks, looking for someone who worked for a living but not was a shop owner. At that instant his eyes fell on a man carrying a load on his head and walking in his direction. Rizwan quickly went up to him and, without any greeting placing a hand on his shoulder, enquired: Your Name? (a) Why was Rizwan selling cold drinks at the shop? What thoughts occurred to him as he stood in the market? [3] (b) Who was the man carrying the load and walking to Rizwan? What was the load he was carrying? Why? [3] (c) What do you understand about Rizwan s nature from his stopping the man without saying any words? (d) What are the personal problems faced by Rizwan at home? (e) What is the central idea expressed in the short story Hunger by Nasira Sharma? Has the writer conveyed this idea clearly and effectively? [4] Question 6 With close reference to the short story The Kabuliwala by Rabindranath Tagore, discuss how the story presents the complexity of human relations. [16] ICSE 2015: English 2: Preparatory Test One Drama: The Merchant of Venice Time: One hour Maximum Marks: 30 All questions carry equal marks Question 1 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Shylock (Aside) How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian; But more, for that in low simplicity He lends out money gratis and brings down The rate usance here with us in Venice. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. He hates our sacred nation; and rails, Even there where merchants most congregate . (a) Who is called a fawning publican ? Why does Shylock call him so? (b) Give at least three reasons for Shylock s hatred towards this person? (c) Explain: If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. (d) What old grudge Shylock has against this person? (e) What do you understand about Shylocks character from the extract given? Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Shylock Lock up my doors, and when you hear the drum And the vile squealing of the wry-necked fife, Clamber not you up to the casements then, Nor thrust your head into the public street To gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces, But stop my house s ears, I mean my casements. Let not the sound of shallow fopp ry enter My sober house. By Jacob s staff, I swear, I have no mind of feasting forth tonight; (a) What advice dos Shylock give Jessica? Why? (b) Where is Shylock going? Why? (c) Explain: a. To gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces b. Let not the sound of shallow fopp ry enter/My sober house (d) Does Jessica follow her father s advice? What does she do instead? (e) I have no mind of feasting forth tonight. Why reasons does Shylock give immediately after the extract for his reluctance to go to the feast? Drama: The Merchant of Venice Time: One hour Maximum Marks: 30 Question 1 Portia: .....Now he goes, With no less presence, but with much more Than young Alcides, when he did redeem The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy To the sea-monster. I stand for sacrifice, The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With blear d visages, come forth to view The issue of th exploit. Go, Hercules! Live thou, I live. With much, much more dismay I view the fight than thou that mak st the fray. (a) Who are young Alcides and Hercules here? What is the fight and the fray here? (b) Explain with reference to Troy and Alcides, how Portia associates the situation present. (c) Explain: i. virgin tribute ii. the Dardanian wives (d) Explain: i. The issue of th exploit the Dardanian wives ii. Live thou, I live (e) Why does Portia look at the fight with much more fearful expectation? Describe the reaction of both Portia and Bassanio at the result of the fight. Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Portia: The quality of mercy is not strained, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. Tis mightiest in the mightiest, it becomes The thron d monarch better than his crown. (a) Where is Portia? Why? (b) Explain: The quality of mercy is not strained, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven (c) Why does Portia say that mercy is twice blessed ? (d) Give the meaning of the phrase and explain: Tis mightiest in the mightiest (e) Is Shylock s mercy towards Antonio the only release for Antonio? Comment in the context of the events that happen in the scene. ICSE 2015: English 2: Preparatory Test Three Drama: The Merchant of Venice & Poetry Poetry: Time: One hour Maximum Marks: 45 All questions carry equal marks Question 1 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Stephano: Stephano is my name; and I bring word My mistress will before the break of day Be here at Belmont: she doth stray about By holy crosses, where she kneels and prays For happy wedlock hours. Lorenzo: Who come with her? (a) Where does this scene take place? What message does he bring? (b) According to the extract, what was his mistress doing during her absence from home? (c) What was she actually doing in her absence? (d) What was the role of his mistress (e) The love story of Lorenzo and Jessica is a subplot in the play. Discuss how this sub-plot relates to the main love story of Bassanio and Portia. Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: My little horse must think it queer. To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. (a) Where is the poet at this time? What makes these woods beautiful to him? (b) How does the poet present the horse as a symbol of human alienation from nature? (c) What are the sounds heard by the poet? What is the significance of these sounds? (d) Explain: The darkest evening of the year. (e) The journey in the poem is a metaphor for the journey of life. Discuss. Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: What do you weave, O ye flower girls With tassels of azure and red? Crowns for the brow of a bridegroom Chaplets to garland his bed Sheets of white blossoms new- garnered To perfume the sleep of the dead. (a) What is the poetess describing ? Why? (b) Who are the flower girls doing? (c) Explain: tassels of azure and red (d) What are chaplets? Who are making these? Why? (e) Elucidate: the sleep of the dead Where the Mind is Without Fear Rabindranath Tagore About the Poet: Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore was a person of great and varied learning who wrote Gitanjali with its deeply spiritualist, bracing and beauteous verse. One of the greatest writers in modern Indian literature, Tagore was a poet, philosopher, musician, writer, and educationist. He established the Santiniketan with its refreshing vision of education and later Viswabharati University. Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 for his collection of poems Gitanjali. He was awarded the knighthood in 1915 which he returned 1919 as a protest against the Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh. The spiritual and expressive quality of his poems in translation together with his outwardly charismatic prophet-like appearance created around him the aura of a mystic in the West which hazed over his reformist and global vision and outlook. Tagore was instrumental in the introduction of new prose and verse forms as well as the usage of colloquialism into Bengali literature which liberated the Bengali Literature from the traditional forms excessively dependent on classical Sanskrit. Tagore, the exceptionally influential creative artist, is celebrated as an icon of Indian culture. About the Poem: Where the Mind is Without Fear The poem Where the Mind is Without Fear is a prayer to a universal father-figure, that is, the God Almighty. The poem, with its inspiring lines, elaborates Tagore's vision of a new, enlightened India. The poem, written originally in Bengali, was composed before India s independence most probably in the year 1900. The original poem titled Prarthana was included in an anthology named Naibedya and the poem was translated into English by Tagore himself around 1911. The poem is Poem 35 in the English Gitanjali published in 1912.The poem had a special place in Tagore s heart and he recited its English version at the Indian National Congress session in Calcutta, 1917. Theme The poet, Rabindranath Tagore, envisages an ideal nation; liberal in outlook, united in strength, dynamic in progress. The poet is totally devoted to God and entreats Him that He must direct the poet s fellow countrymen to be industrious, truthful and rational so as to advance the country towards the most ideal stature. The poet desires peace and prosperity among his countrymen and prays that his country might attain overall welfare and selfreliance. The prayer transcends the constraints of time as well as space and achieves the appealing quality of being universal in nature. Structure The poem is written in free verse and consists of just one sentence. The poem can be considered to consist of two sections: the first seven lines with a series of adverbial clauses and the principal clause coming at the end. The first seven lines refer a circumstance presented by a setting, where the mind is without fear, where knowledge is free, and so on. We do not know the exact setting or scene which these lines refer to until we come to the concluding line of the poem. However, we can envisage that the place referred to is an aweinspiring, almost an ideal, place. It is almost a utopian realm where all the sublime features- such as valour, knowledge, harmony, truth, intellect, and advancement- prevail. In the principal clause of the sentence the poet identifies that circumstance, that metaphorical scenario as that heaven of freedom and requests the Father, the God Almighty, to let his country to reach there or his country to realise that that she ought to endeavour to accomplish the capability to establish all these marvellous lineaments. Summary At the outset, the poet prays to the God Almighty that all his countrymen must be brave and have their heads held high in selfrespect and self-confident undaunted by any fear of repression or force. Everyone in his country should have free access to education and education should not be the exclusive right of the aristocrats and the wealthy. Acquiring of knowledge by the people should not be constrained by narrow ideas and loyalty. Tagore was deeply distressed by the dominance and suppression of the British Imperialistic forces and was dispirited by the loss of pride and dignity of his mother country India because of her repression by the British rule. Therefore, Tagore envisaged a country where the people live with pride, knowledge and strength. The poet continues his universal prayer with the assertion that the world is broken up and the human beings are divided on many a narrow considerations, like social, economic and religious or caste restrictions. The poet prays that minds of the people of his country should be above the influence of social status, economic circumstance, colour, religious belief or doctrine, parochial narrow-minded considerations and destructive superstitions. Their minds ought to be enlarged with worthy thoughts and fruitful actions gainful to the nation. The words of truth should emerge from the soundness of heart and should be uttered forthrightly and bravely for the entire world to take heed. He prays that his countrymen should endeavour unflaggingly to accomplish perfection in the struggle and strife they undertake for the betterment of the nation. Their actions should be based on reason and free from superstitions as well as outdated customs and conventions. They should be focused on their destination and should not be misguided by the barren beliefs and meaningless rituals or customs. Their minds should be filled with progressive thoughts and their logical activities should concentrate on the betterment of their country. Tagore desires his country to be aware of the possibilities and potentials of logical thinking and virtuous action. He entreats the God Almighty to guide his country to progress to a heaven of freedom. I Believe : Brucellish K Sangma The crux of the poem I Believe is the celebration of the countless longings and abilities of man. Man s aspirations are majestic and boundless and the poet Brucellish Sangma firmly believes that man is endowed with the abilities and competence to fulfill his boundless desires and lofty ideals. Working hard with determination and purpose, man is capable of accomplishing all that he aspires to. The poet believes that a human being can soar to unimaginable prominences and overcome numerous barriers to arrive at his or her life s objective. The poem has the feel of a Japanese haiku poem, with its three-lined stanzas- each stanza an entity in itself. The six haiku-like stanzas, each stanza consisting only of a single sentence, cumulatively assert the leitmotif of the poem- the infinite capacities of man and his limitless dreams and untold aspirations. The poem is written in a simple style and is in Vers libre - in free verse with no specific rhyme scheme or steady weave of rhythm. The poet recourses to the use of the poetic technique Anaphora by deliberately repeating the phrase I believe at the start of each stanza. In spite of its apparent simplicity, the poem is highly symbolic and deeply philosophical. Anaphora is a poetic technique in which a word or a phrase is repeated at the beginning of a sequence of sentences, or stanza in a poem. I believe if a pebble is thrown upwards I can pierce the heavens And see the angels at play. The speaker of the poem I believe , probably the poet Brucellish K Sangma herself, asserts that if she throws a throws a pebble into the sky , she can pierce the sky and have a glimpse of the heavenly heights and see the angels frolic. On a literal level, the utterance of the poet seems a fantasy; however, what makes the utterance pregnant and significant is the symbolism. The pebble thrown up symbolises the relentless endeavours and persistent efforts directed by man to elevate his life to a lofty stature and to achieve the apparently unattainable objectives. The heaven stands for the seemingly unreachable goals and achievements. With the appropriate attitude coupled with willingness as well as competence and diligence, we are bound to create our world a better place to live in, thereby making not only our life but also the life of our fellow human beings joyful and wonderful. Thus, we can create heaven on earth. The angels symolises both the great achievers of the worldly world and also the spiritual aspiration of each and every soul in this world. The poem has different tiers of being and import: in an all-inclusive level, the poem illuminates the abilities and desires of all the men and women; in a feminist standpoint, the abilities and desires of all women smothered by the outdated social norms and banal cultural traditions; and in a specific viewpoint, the abilities and desires of the tribal women in North East states of India. The I of the poem can signify all or any one of these levels. These individuals who strongly wish to liberate themselves from customs and boundaries that stand in the path of their advancement, want to unshackle themselves and soar into the greater heights of human achievements. I believe I can soar to the heights Touch the silky clouds And feel the stars. I believe I can dive Right into the depths And swim with the sharks. The poet believes that she can soar high up to the heights and flavour the delicate fluffiness of the clouds. The heights or the sky stands for the pinnacle of human triumphs and the sensation derived from the fluffiness of the clouds signifies the fulfillment and pleasure of attaining the unattainable. Stars are the congregation of astral figures among men, the ultimate achievers. The poet believes that with resoluteness and consistent efforts she can be one of these astral figures who have achieved celestial stature and brought glory to the human race. The poet is confident that, like a diver diving into the depths of the sea to forage for the treasures in the depths of the ocean, she can dive deep into the sea of life and immerse herself in the treasured experiences of life. These myriad experiences of life ennoble and enrich the poet and she emerges as a better human being with profound understandings of the intrinsic qualities of life. The depths stands for the sea of life and the sharks symbolise the challenges of life. The challenge to confront the travails of life and the exhilarating sensation of overcoming them are immense and gratifying. The poet here uses binary opposites- soar/heights and dive/depths- to bring out the aptitudes and competence of human beings and the limitless potentials of their accomplishment. I believe I can claw into the earth s belly Pick up the priceless gems And adorn myself with them. I believe I can do many things Amidst the human angels Surrounded by the world s treasures. The poet furthermore asserts that she has the resolve to claw out the invaluable stones in the earth s interior and adorn herself with these gems. Here, metaphorically, the poet affirms that, with dogged determination and firmness of purpose, man can exploit the natural resources on earth for the collective benefit of mankind. Even though clawing connotes a destructive and violent activity, here the poet confirms that the violence is not destructive but constructive and beneficial for the whole of humanity. Man has to resort to violence and destruction at times to bring about the social changes conducive to his evolution and advancement. Many a man, throughout the ages, has achieved great things by utilising their innate qualities and their inbuilt resourcefulness. They have accomplished many things that have turned out to be extremely beneficial to the human race and their cherished humanitarian efforts have endowed them with a celestial status. Hence, they are angelic in nature and stature. These angelic men and women have stridden to the pinnacle of glorious achievements with their innate magnanimous spirits and their characteristic purposiveness. The poet is confident that she can emulate these victorious achievers through imbibing their life-force and purposeful resolve. But I firmly believe I ve to complete The role assigned to me here Where I dream and breathe. In the concluding stanza, after listing all the potentials and possibilities that she can realise in her life, the poet comes out with a firm pronouncement that before the realisation of all these dreams and aspirations, she has to first fulfill her duties, her obligations and responsibilities of the familial and the social spheres where she currently subsists. Each and every human being has innumerable roles in life and innumerable duties in accordance with the different roles he or she takes up at different stages of life. Before embarking to accomplish the countless capabilities and the infinite aspirations, the poet firmly believes that, man has to first fulfill his temporal duties of his life. The poet, being a woman has different duties designated to her as a woman and these responsibilities should be her priority. The world of reality with its multitudinous obligations is right before us and first we should fulfill these responsibilities of the real world. Afterwards, we can start our pilgrimage towards individual advancement so as to fulfill our dreams and aspirations. If Thou Must Love Me Sonnet 14 Elizabeth Barrett Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning is a Victorian English poet whose literary eminence essentially depends upon Sonnets from Portuguese, a collection of 44 sonnets that expresses her deep love for her future husband Robert Browning. If Thou Must Love Me is one of the sonnets from Sonnets from Portuguese. The poem sets out with the poet calling for her lover not to love her merely for the sake of love; but love her truthfully and unconditionally. She enjoins him not to love her for outward or visible aspects but for her essence so that the love will be true and genuine. Furthermore, she tells her lover not to love her for her appearances or smile which will deteriorate with the ravages of time. She then asserts that he should not love her for her manner of speaking or for her gentle voice. He should not love her for her virtues which would offer him pleasure only for a day. Here the poet desires to express that true love does not merely grow out of appearances but true love goes deeper than the shallow show of outward countenance. She holds that if her lover loves her just because of endearing attributes, then, in all probability, in future his love would die out when her outward merits die away. In the subsequent lines the poet asks her lover not to love her because of his compassion or pity towards her. She says this because she knows in the comfort and delight that her lover offers her there is likelihood that she may bury in heart her sorrows which are too deep for tears and also that she might forget to weep . In the spell of such an exalted experience her lover will find no tears on her cheeks to be wiped off by him making him to stop loving her. In the concluding two lines of the poem, the poet reiterates what she had stressed earlier; that is, she wants her lover to love her unconditionally so that he will continue to love her even if her qualities wither with the passage of time. When you love someone unconditionally the relentless passage of time can have no effect on such a love and love transcends the withering effects of the course of time and remains eternal and everlasting. Thus the poet wants her lover to love her eternally with a love that lasts forever. The main theme of Sonnet If Thou Must Love Me is the everlasting character of love. Love can be eternal only and only if one loves the other not for short-lived earthly motives and ephemeral reasons. Earthly reasons are transient, and so are the momentary feelings of man. True love itself does not weaken and die away: thus, her lover should love her, if he ought to love her, for the sake of love only. The poet desires the love to be elevated out of the domain of transitory human fervour into the dominion of endless, blissful ardour. A Note on Structure Sonnet Sonnet is a lyrical poem of 14 lines with a definite rhyme scheme. There are two types of sonnets in general the Petrarchan Sonnet and the English Sonnet popularly known as the Shakespearean Sonnet as Shakespeare was an ardent practitioner of the Sonnet form. The Petrarchan sonnet (with the rhyme scheme a b b a, a b b a, cde, cde) has two divisions: the first eight lines called the octave and the remaining six lines called the sestet. The octave is further divided into two sections of four lines each known as the quatrains. The Sonneteer, usually, presents a problem or an argument in the octave and then tries to resolve the problem or argument in the sestet. The Shakespearean Sonnet follows a different pattern (with the rhyme scheme a b b a, cdcd, efef, gg) with three quatrains and the final couplet. Love in its myriad forms was the trendiest theme of the sonnets. In If Thou Must Love Me the poet Elizabeth Barrrett Browning fuses the two sonnet structures, the Petrarchan and the Shakespearean, so as to create a new form. In this sonnet the rhyme scheme is a b b a a b b a cdc dc de. Moreover, the problem presented, that is, the need for unconditional love, stretches into the sestet of the sonnet and the resolution is in the final couplet of the sonnet. This variation in form and content endows the sonnet If Thou Must Love a harmony, and implies the theme of the poem- an harmony in sentiment and the desires of the lover and the beloved to be loved till eternity. Stopping By Wood On A Snowy Evening Robert Frost The poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is in general viewed as a Frost's masterpiece. It is Frost's most famous poem and also perhaps Frost's most regularly taught poem. The speaker in the poem, probably the poet himself, is a traveller by horse on the darkest night of the year. He stops to gaze at a woods filling up with snow. While he is entranced by the beauty of the woods, he realises that he has duties and obligations and this realisation drags him away from the lure of enchantments of nature. He thinks the owner of these woods is someone who lives in the village and will not see the speaker stopping on his property. While the speaker continues to look into the snowy woods, his little horse impatiently shakes the bells of its harness. The speaker outlines the beauty and allure of the woods as "lovely, dark, and deep," but reminds himself that he must not remain there, for he has "promises to keep," and a long journey ahead of him. He has a long way to travel before he rests. Here, the traveller, the journey and the sleep have symbolic meanings. The traveller is any individual on his/her great journey of life and sleep is the end of life or death, the eternal sleep. The moral of the poem is that we should not be distracted by the temptations of life but complete all our duties and responsibilities before we end the journey of our life. Extract 1 Whose woods these are I think I know His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here. To watch his woods fill up with snow. (a) Who is 'I' in this poem? Why is he unable to move from the place? The poet as a traveller is the 'I' referred to here. He is returning home on his horse from far away. It is getting late. He has come to a place where there is a wood with an alluring charm. He is very much attracted by the beauty of the woods as it gets filled up with snow in a dark winter evening. Enchanted by the scenic splendour of the woods he finds himself rooted at the spot, unable to move away from the magnificent spectacle. (b) Who is the owner of wood? What is his significance here? The poet thinks that the woods is owned by someone he knows who lives in a house in village. The poet feels that the owner is unaware of the beauty of his woods. The house and the village signify civilisation and the owner of the woods living in a house in a village suggests the alienation of man from nature. The woods, a symbol of nature, is contrasted with the house and the village, symbols of civilisation. (c) Though a lover of nature, the traveller is conscious of his obligations of his life. Substantiate. We can definitely assert that the traveller is a lover of the nature. Being spellbound by the stunning sight of the woods filling with snow and the pristine white frozen lake, he momentarily buries his family and social obligations. The traveller is clearly conscious of his obligations and responsibilities of his life. Although he is excited to take pleasure in the beauteous grandeur of the place for a longer time; he considers his responsibilities and this presses him to go forward in his journey. (d) What is the theme and philosophy of the poem? Frost has employed a simple incident to present a profound philosophical reflection. The journey in the poem is a metaphor of the life journey. Even though the traveller is greatly attracted by the beauty of the woods, he cannot stand and stare for a long time. He has many promises to keep and many duties and responsibilities to complete. The speaker outlines the beauty and allure of the woods as "lovely, dark, and deep," but reminds himself that he must not remain there, for he has "promises to keep," and a long journey ahead of him. He has a long way to travel before he rests. Here, the traveller, the journey and the sleep hold symbolic significances. The traveller is a man on his great journey of life and sleep is the end of life or death, the eternal sleep. The moral of the poem is that we should not be distracted by the temptations of life but complete all our duties and responsibilities before we end the journey of our life. Extract 2 My little horse must think it queer. To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. (a) What does 'must' mean here? Is the "little horse" a part of his occupation? What is the role of the horse in the poem? The speaker, probably the poet himself, who is riding his horse, stops by a lovely, mysterious and deep wood. The poet is tempted to stay more at this beautiful place. However, the thought of his responsibilities urges him to continue his journey. The speaker is almost certainly a farmer, returning home in a hurry. The horse further suggests the total alienation of man from nature, The horse is so domesticated that it thinks like man. The horse thinks that the traveller has made a mistake to stop at a place where there is no source for rest and food. The horse is impatient to carry on the journey whereas the traveller desires to stop and absorb the beauty of nature. The horse shakes it harness bells and the chiming of the bells brings back the poet to the reality of life. Thus, the horse, in a way, acts as the intermediary vehicle that makes the speaker conscious that he has a long way to go before he gets home to sleep and that he has many promises to keep and many duties and responsibilities to complete. (b) Which season of the year is being described? Support your answer from the stanza. What does the darkest night imply? The winter season of the year is being described. The falling of snow, the freezing of lake are the features of winter season. Moreover, the darkest night suggests the winter solstice (22 December). As the whole poem is a metaphor for a man's journey through his life, the darkest night probably implies a critically despondent juncture in the poet's life when he is caught with the temptation to escape from the harsh realities of life that overawe him. Extract 3 He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake (a) What does "he" stands for? Why does he think there is some mistake? The horse is referred to as He here. The horse feels there is some mistake since he finds there no farmhouse nearby which can provide food and rest. The poet has used here the figure of speech of personification. The horse further suggests the total alienation of man from nature, The horse is so domesticated that it thinks like a man. The horse thinks that the traveller has made a mistake to stop at a place where there is no source for rest and food. The horse is impatient to carry on the journey whereas the traveller desires to stop and soak up the beauty of nature. (b) It is very quiet all around. What lines emphases this? What are the three sounds that the poet mentions? The place attracts the poet too much but is very all around. The sound of wind and snowfall emphasizes the quiet of the wilderness. Though the place seems attractive, there seems no sign of liveliness all around. In the stanza only there sounds are mentioned. In this dark-deep forest one can hear the sound of wind, sound of snowfall and the sound of harness of the horse. (c) Explain: Of easy wind and downy flake The sweep of the wind provides ease and comfort and the soft caress of the downy flake provides pleasure. The immense pleasure that the poet experiences in the solitude of the woods is suggested by Of easy wind and downy flake Extract 4 The woods are lovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go to before I sleep. The woods are lovely, dark and deep (a) Explain: The woods are lovely, dark and deep The speaker in the poem, probably the poet himself, is a traveller by horse on the darkest night of the year. He stops to gaze at a woods filling up with snow. He is captivated by the loveliness of the woods, The word lovely suggests the beauty and allure of the place; dark and deep suggest the mysterious attraction of the dark deep wood. Life is also like the woods- lovely dark and deep; life too has its charm, mystery and depth. (b) What is the significance of the word 'But' in the second line? Why he has to move from that attractive place? 'But' in the second line reminds the poet that he must not remain there, for he has "promises to keep," and a long journey ahead of him. He has a long way to travel before he rests. Here, the traveller, the journey and the sleep take symbolic implications. The traveller is a man on his great journey of life and sleep is the end of life or death, the eternal sleep. Hence, much against his keenness to stay there to indulge in the soothing sensation of the solitude, the poet carries on as he has to cover long distance in order to keep his promise. (c) Why is you opinion, does the poet repeat the line "And miles to go before I sleep"? The poet repeats the line "And miles to go before I sleep" as a sign of his resolve to move on his journey and not be bewitched by the splendour of the beautiful scene. He recognises that he has to travel long and has promises to keep. Frost has employed a simple incident to present a profound philosophical reflection. The journey in the poem is a metaphor of the life journey. Even though the traveller is greatly attracted by the beauty of the woods, he cannot stand and stare for a long time. He has many promises to keep and many duties and responsibilities to complete. The speaker outlines the beauty and allure of the woods but reminds himself that he must not remain there, for he has "promises to keep," and a long journey ahead of him. Here, the traveller, the journey and the sleep have symbolic meanings. The traveller is a man on his great journey of life and sleep is the end of life or death, the eternal sleep. The Inchcape Rock Robert Southey Introduction The poem Inchcape Rock by Robert Southey is a popular ballad based on the famous legend of the Inchcape Rock. The Rock is a dangerous reef or a submerged rock in the east coast of Scotland. The Rock was notorious as it caused the wreck of many ships resulting in the loss of scores of lives and a great deal of valuable cargo. To save the seafarers from the deadly perilous Rock, an abbot devised a contraption called the Inchcape Bell. The Inchcape Bell was a bell floating on a buoy and attached with a rope to the Inchcape Rock. When the sea was stormy and rough, the wild movement of the buoy caused the Bell to ring loud. The ringing of the Bell alerted the sailors to the proximity of the Inchcape Rock so that they could navigate away to safety. As the warning ring of the Bell saved many lives, the sailors were grateful towards the good Abbot and blessed him. However, a pirate captain, named Sir Ralph the Rover, was jealous of the Abbot's fame and. on one black day, the evil pirate captain cut off the ropes fixing the Bell to the Rock. The Bell sank to the depths of the sea. There were to be no more warning bells for the seafarers. After a few days, while returning to Scotland, the pirate captain had to pass the Inchcape Rock. The sea was rough and tempestuous. There was poor visibility and his ship crashed against the Inchcape Rock and sank to the depths of the sea causing the death of the pirate captain and his crew. The evil captain became a victim of his own evil deed. The Theme Evil brings forth suffering; crime brings forth punishment. The poem supports the proverb in the Bible; the wages of sin is death. The poem introduces the theme of conflict between the Good and the Evil; the Good symbolised by the Abbot and the Evil symbolised by the Rover. All good actions are bestowed with good rewards and all evil actions are penalised with evil punishments. A man who commits a sin or does a bad deed becomes the prey of his bad intentions. The compassionate and caring Abbot of Aberbrothok, anxious of the danger of the seafarers positioned, a bell on the Inchcape Rock in an attempt to save the lives of the sailors; the envious and spiteful pirate Sir Ralph the Rover, because of his malice and jealousy towards the Abbot's fame, cuts the Bell down exposing the seamen to danger and death. However, the bad pirate becomes the victim of his own evil intentions and has to face danger and death as a retribution. The Form The poem The Inchcape Rock is a ballad. A ballad is a narrative poem which tells a story and is intended to be sung. A ballad generally begins abruptly. Most of the ballads have four-line stanzas with a specific rhyme scheme. The internal rhyme and alliterations add to the feel of the ballad. They can be put to music because of its folksy nature. In general, a ballad carries a moral or a message. The poem the Inchcape Rock consists of 17 stanzas of 4 lines each. In each stanza, the first line and second line rhyme each other and the third line and the fourth line rhyme each other, that is, aa bb is the rhyme scheme of each stanza of the poem. The Plot There was no movement in the atmosphere and no motion in the ocean. The ship of Sir Ralph, the sea pirate, remained still since there was no wind to move its sails. Even the keel of the ship was steady in the ocean. The waves coursed over the Inchcape Rock quietly without affecting the Inchcape Bell. The bell had been positioned on a buoy and attached to the Inchcape Rock by the Abbot of Aberbrothok. On tempestuous days, the buoy rocked and swung the bell and the warning bell rang aloud. When the sailors heard the peal of the Bell, they realised the proximity of the perilous Rock. With great gratitude, they blessed the Abbot of Aberbrothok for his compassion to save them from this grievous Rock. The Sun was shining radiantly and everything looked bright and sparkling on that day. The sea birds were screeching in glee. The buoy of the Inchcape Bell could be seen in the distance like a dark spot on the green ocean. Sir Ralph the Rover, the sea pirate, observed the Bell from his ship s deck. The spring-time weather had the power to cheer his mood and he whistled and sang in gaiety. Yet, his joy was an evil glee; a spiteful pleasure over the disaster that was to occur on the Abbot of Aberbrothok and his noble deed. Overcome with jealousy, he had resolved to distress the Abbot of Aberbrothok He ordered his seamen to launch a boat and row him to the Inchcape Rock. On his orders, his sailors rowed towards the Inchcape rock. When he reached the Inchcape Bell, Sir Ralph gleefully cut the bell off from the Inchcape float. The bell sank down in the sea with a gurgling sound making bubbles all over. Sir Ralph exultantly said that the next man who came to the rock would not live to bless the Abbot of Aberbrothok. After this wicked act Sir Ralph sailed away in search of ships to loot and plunder. After a few days, with his plundered wealth, he returned to Scotland. While passing along the Inchcape Rock, abruptly a dense haze spread over the sky and the sun was not visible . Wild winds blew the whole day, but it became calm again in the evening. It was the calm before the storm. Sir Ralph stood on the deck and observed the sea. Visibility was so poor that he could not see the land. He comforted his crew that shortly it would be a clear day and dawn would come with the rising moon. One of his crew wondered whether anybody could hear the noise of the waves and said that the ship ought to be drawing near the shore. He mournfully wished that he could hear the Inchcape Bell. However, there was no pealing of the bell amongst the huge waves tormenting the ship and her crew. All of a sudden, the ship jarred with an abrupt fierce shock. Sir Ralph was shaken and realised that they had crashed against the Inchcape Rock. He was filled with remorse of his earlier evil act of cutting the Bell off the Rock. He was powerless when the ship sank underneath the deluge. Knowing that his death was imminent, he felt he could hear the awful sound of the Inchcape Bell as though it was the Devil below ringing his death knell.

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