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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (The Bishops Co - Ed. School, Kalyaninagar, Pune)

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The Bishop's Co - Ed. School, Kalyaninagar, Pune
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:tSHQP'S CO ED SCHOOL KALYANI NAJiAR, pYNE RST PREUMINARY EXAMINATION <2024-2025) ENGLISH LITERATURE CLASS: 10 READING TIME: 15 MINUTES DATE: 22.11.2024 TOTAL MARKS: 80 WRMNG TIME: 2 Hours Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first JS minutes. This time Is to be spent In reading the question paper. The time glt1e11 at the head of this paper Is the time allowed for writing the answers. '111e paper has four Sections. Section A Is compulsory-A ll questions In Section A must be answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one other question from any Section ofyour choice. The Intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given In brackets [ J. SECTION A {Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) (16] (i) What is the main concern that Octavius and Antony discuss at the end of Act 4 Scene 1? (a) The need to find a new ally (b) The need to disclose covert matters (c) The need to strengthen their army (d) The need to eliminate their enemies (ii) In Act 3 Scene 2, Brutus killed Caesar because _ __ (a) he loved Rome more than he loved Caesar (b) he wanted to become the new ruler of Rome {cJ caesar was his enemy - (d) he was jealous of Caesar's power (iii) In Act 3 Scene 1, who speaks to Caesar last before the conspirators approach him? (a) Cinna (b) Brutus (c) Cassius (d) Decius Brutus ' I I (iv) Why does Antony want to cut off some charge in legacies? (a) To save money (b) To punish someone (c) To distribute the wealth more fairly (d) To increase his own power (v) How did Cassius receive Lucilius? (a) He was cold and distant. (b) He was friendly and had a long conversation with him. (c) He was respectful, but not as friendly as before. (d) He did not meet with Lucilius. (vi) Brutus accuses cassius of having an 'itching pal',:1' because _ __ (a) Cassius has been taking bribes from the Sard1ans (b) Cassius refused to sell his offic~ for go!d (c) Brutus has been unjustly accusing Cassius (d) Brutus is jealous of Cassius's wealth and power (vii) In the poem, 'lhe Gloves and the Lions', why does the lady smile after dropping her glove in the arena? (a) To show her love for de Lorge . (b) To suggest that de_L?rge w?uld do as she wants him to do (c) To grab King Franas attention (d) that she was really happy 1 (viii) What is suggested by the phrase, 'hold In mortmaln' In the poem 'Haunted Houses'? (a) Possession on rent (b) Inherited possession (c) Inalienable possession (d) Temporary ownership (ix) Which of the following lines contain the same literary device as the one in the title 'When Great Trees Fall? ' (a) Were gathered there for vengeance and I knew That if I dipped my hand the spawn would clutch It. (b) The woods decay, the woods decay and fall. The vapours weep their burden to the ground. (c) Admit impediments, love ls not love Which alters when it alteration find, Or bends with the remover to remove. ( d) In small towns by the river We all want to walk with the gods. (x) According to the speaker in the poem, 'A Considerable Speck' the modern world is swept by which of the following? ' {a) Individualism (b) collectivism (c) selfishness (d) Alliteration (xi) What is suggested by the line: "Our minds, formed and Informed" in the poem 'When Great Trees Fall? ' (a) The great souls remain in our mind. (b) The great souls shape the way people think. (c) The great souls have great minds. (d) The great souls cannot touch the minds of people. (xii) Select the option that shows the eorrect relatlonshlp between statements (1) and (2) from the story 'The Girl Who can'. Statement 1: "Legs that have meat on them with good calves to support solid hips be able to have children." Statement 2: "So I wished one day I would see, for myself, the legs of any woman who had children. (a) (1) is the cause for (2). (b) (1) is true and (2) is false. (c) (1) is independent of (2). (d) (1) is a contradiction to (2). (xiii) "Hello, in there," he whispered to every house on every side as he moved. Which of the following words best describes Leonard Mead's tone? (a) deep sense of annoyance (b) a melancholic note (c) a forced cheerful tone ( d) a sense of disgust (xiv) Where was Leonard Mead taken towards the end of the story, 'The Pedestrian'.? (a) to the Psychiatric Centre for Research on Progressive Tendencies. (b) to the Psychiatric Asylum for Research on Progressive Tendencies. (c) to the Psychiatric Asylum for Research on Regressive Tendencies. ( d) to the Psychiatric Centre for Research on Regressive Tendencies. (xv) In the story, 'With the Photographer' the narrator narrates the story in: (a) third person (b) second person (c) first person ( d) switches between second and third person (xvi) Choose the option that lists the sequence of :vents in the corre~ o~der. 1) Martin watched the door slide open, revealing a green goat, p1gg1sh face and the blue eyes which were already staring at him as if she knew he would be there. 2) Martin stood there, unable to move, then backed away. As she saw him, her expression changed. She smiled as the door slammed. 2 1 r 3) One morning the elevator stopped at th fi 4) The door closed and the elevator beganetoourteent~ floor, an~ a!at lady got on. and pushed the stop button. move. Hello Martin, she said and laughed a. 4, 2, 3, 1 b. 3, 1, 2, 4 c. 3, 2, 1, 4 d. 1, 3, 2, 4 SECTION B (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) DRAMA (Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare) Question 2 '---Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: BRUTllS: He g_reets me well. Your master, Pindaros, In his ?Wn change, or by ill officers, Hath given me some worthy cause to wish "1ings done, undone: but if he be at hand, I shall be Siltisfied. PINDARUS: I do not doubt But that my noble master will appear Such as he is, full ofregard and honour. (i) Who is 'He' in the first line of the extract? Where are the speakers presently? What is meant by the phrase 'if he be at hand'? (ii) Who is Pindarus? From Pindarus's response, what can you infer about his master's character? . (iii) What is Brutus saying about Pindarus's master in the first line of the extract? How does Brutus feel about the actions taken by Pindarus's master? (iv) Why does Brutus mention that he will be satisfied "if he be at hand''? What does this tell you about Brutus's intentions or feelings towards the man talked about? (v) What does Brutus mean when he says," in his own change, or by ill officers''? What does it suggest about the cause of the misunderstanding between Brutus and cassius? How does this affect their relationship? . ----------......--""2' . -" ~.-.~._;;.,- . 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Brutus: Remember Marrh, the Ides tdMarrh remember: Did not great Julius bleed forJustice'sake? What villain touch'd his body, that did stab, And not forJustice? . (l) Who ls Brutus talking to in the extract? Where are the characters presently? Where do they plan to go next? (ii) What does Brutus mean by "Remember March, the ides o,Matr:h remember"? What does Brutus Imply about the reason for Julius Caesar's death? (iii) Why does Brutus question the motives of the others who stabbed Caesar? Explain {iv) What does the term "great Julius" reveal about Brutus's feelings towards Caesar? How does Brutus justify the assassination of caesar in this extract? (v) What does Brutus accuse the listener of? How does Brutus differentiate between justice and villainy in this extract? Why is the distinction important to Brutus? ~ I ~~ LIL ,'. .. - .... ....._.,. . . , [16) [3] (3] [3] (31 l41 r [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] SECTION C {Answer one or more questions from this Section.} PROSE - SHORT STORIES (Treasure Chest - A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 4 [16] Read the following extract from Arna Ata Aidoo's short story, 'The Girl Who can', and answer the questioo_s that follow: I have always wanted to tell them not to wony. I mean Nana and my mother. It did not have to be an Issue for my two favourite people to Rght over. I didnt want to be told not to repeat it or for It to be considered so funny that anyone would laugh at me until they afed. Alter alt they were my legs. .. When I think back on It no~ those ow,, Nana and my mother, must have been discussing my legs from the day I was born. What I am sure ofis when I came out of the land ofthe sweee soft silence into the world ofnoise and c o m ~ , the first topic I met was my legs. ,. ~- (I) Who Is the narrator? Identify the mode of narration. Who Is 'Nana' here? 3 r [3] r F r not to wony? nt to tell her Nana and mothe Wh their views on the issue? favourite people? What are (iii) Who are the narrator's twolaugh at her and why? uld wo o wh y' her 'the (iv) Who are have been discussing l that Nana and_ mother would the two women? (v) Why does the narrator fee ut abo t What does ,t sugges n? bor s wa she e sinc r eve legs r wa {Ii) \AJhy does the narrato narrator? at does it suggest about the [3] [3] [3] [4] (16 ] the r we ans and ', rian \ est 5 Ped 'The Question Ray Bradbury's short story, Read the following extract from ~ his feet making no questions that follow: l1eiJd, listen, look, and ma rch his k ax se, pau uld wo ad ftfe to sneakers when strolling at ftfr Leonard ago, he had wisely changed g lon r he Fo k. wal py lum the noise on el hisjoumey witll batting if nnittent sqwds would parall d by inte rtle in s sta dog be et the e stre aus "re bec enb night, faces appear and an d an on k dic ht mig ts ligh Kt? re hard heels, and evening. himself, in tlle early November ' the passing ofa lone figure, this information? f3J w kno you do how and tus What is his marital sta (i) Who is Leonard Mead? beginning of the story? f3J love to do as suggested Jn the rly dea d (ii) What did Leonar activity? this ng sui 31 C pur n bee g? he lkin wa had ile g sound wh For how lon attempt not to produce any rate ibe del a g ke arin ma we ad of Me act s s doe ad' ugh Me (iii) Why [3] the society and the people thro (iv) What is suggested about ing sneakers? in this extract by provid [41 stics of Leonard as reflected (v) Mention any two characteri see as the future of your current world in 2053? fore you do at Wh n. atio Justific . SECTION D this Section.) RY ET PO Short Stories) tion of ICSE Poems and llec Co A (16 } est Ch ure (Treas . wer ans and ou gel An ya ,. Ma Question 6 Great Trees Fall' by en 'wh m poe the from t Read the following extrac ns from {Answer one or more questio : the questions tha t follow When gf'e ilt tre es fall, r, rocks on distant hill s shudde n dow ker hun s lion in tall grasses, and even elephants lumber after Silfety. r to in the title and state the om does 'the great trees' refe [3] wh or at Wh r? ake spe the is (i) Who [3] it. In ed figure of speech involv s fn the forest. tree at gre of fall the of cts '? (ii) State three effe How do they react to 'the fall [3] (iii)What do 'rocks' stands for? ction? rea ir the by ted ir ges the sug to is rily at Wh cting contra predators are said to be rea (iv) Lions being the fearsome do they react the way ft ls y Wh ry? icto trad ions con f3J constitution. How are their act their action symbolise? s 4J [ doe at Wh .' m? ety poe saf er the in aft suggested elephants lumber n eve and .... ' line the of ng {v) Explain briefly the meani (16 ] the r we ans and st Fro t ber \ Ro 7 Question erable Speck' by nsid Co 'A m, poe the from ow Read the extract bel questions that follow: n benelJth my sight A spe d( that would have bee ile wh so et she er pap a t On any bu t11e1e. et, ..,M d Set offaaoss wh at r ha t.l1derstand about the you can at Wh ck'. spe 'a word tl'ldeistarA.,_ (i) Give the meaning of the (3] les .1ff e one word thatjus ~ -~ Giv r? ake spe the of sion fes pro ? eck 'sp a ice not r (II) When did the speake f3] e been beneath his sight? Why did he feel ft would hav se his pen In the air? What (3] r? afte poi y n 'fdl soo r do ake ~ spe ~ the e did h (JR) Why ck' lnltialy? spe 'the ut this abo k ut thin abo r e ake WIS -.a .,g (Iv) What did the spe (3) aker's attention speck' In really? speck that atbac.t d the spe 'the s wa ~ ~ and ow bel s (v) E>cplain the One w:;5 n :i ; 'But ur.mlstaltably a IMng mite own.. With lndlnatlon t could cal Is 4)

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