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CBSE Pre Board Class 10 2021 : Social Science - Prelim 1 (Matushri Kashiben Vrajlal Valia International Vidyalaya (MKVV), Borivli, Mumbai)

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Matushri Kashiben Vrajlal Valia International Vidyalaya Class:X. Prelim-1 (2020-2021) Sub: Social science Date: 21/12/2020. Time: 3.00 hrs. General instructions I) Question paper comprises 5 sections-A,B,C,D and E. There are 32 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory. ii) Section A-Question no. 1 to 16 objective type of questions of one mark each. iii) Section B-Question no.17 to 22 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each answer to each question should not exceed 80 words. IV) Section C-Question no 23 to 26 questions, carrying 4 marks each. V) Section D-Question no 27 to 31 long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words. Vi) Section-E Question number 32 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 32.1 from history (2 marks) and 32.2 from geography (3 marks). Vii) There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, internal choice has been provided in few questions. Only one of the choice in such questions have to be attempted. Viii) In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, where ever necessary. (Section- A). (16 marks) 1) Which of the following statement is true regarding "Zollverein"? a) It was created to restore democracy. b) It was created to unify Germany. C) It was created to abolish tariff barriers. d) It was created to abolish autocracy. 2) What does a blindfolded woman carrying a pair of weighing scale symbolise? a) Equality. b) Justice. c) Liberty. d) Harmony 3) In which of the following regions was dalit participation limited in civil disobedience movement? a) Awadh and Maharashtra. b) Bengal and Punjab c) Maharashtra and Nagpur. d) none of the these 4) According to Gandhiji what was the root cause of resource depletion at global level? a) Greedy and selfish individuals. b) Exploitative nature of modern technology. c) Mass production. d) all of these 5) Assertion (A) India is a native place of sugarcane. Reason (R) It requires hot and humid climate. a) Both (A) and (R) true, and(R) is the correct explanation of (A) b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but(R) is not the correct explanation of (A) C) (A) correct, but (R) is wrong. d) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct. 6)______________ industry is used for manufacturing aircraft, utensils and wires. 7) Name the two countries with which Belgium shares its boundaries. 8) Rural local government is popularly known as ____________________ . 9) United States of America and UK are examples of---a) One party system. b) Two party system C) Three party system. d) Multi-party system. 10) Name the alliance formed by congress party, which ruled the country from2004 to 2014. 11) What is political equality? 12) What is the rank of India as per HDI report of 2018? 13) In India task of measuring gross domestic product is undertaken by______________________. a) central government. b) State government c) Ministry of industry. d) ministry of Agriculture. 14) Which among the following workers are not very productive in tertiary sector? a) Educated and trained professional. b) Repair person and daily wage workers. c) People in defense services. d) People working in health center and hospitals. 15) There is a restriction of withdrawing money in a _______________________ . a) Saving account. b) Current account c) Fixed deposit account. d) None of these 16) Define the term Barter system? (Section-B). (18 marks) 17) What is conservatism? Enumerate its main features. (1+2=3) 18) What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas? (3) 19) Give three features of Zaid crops. (3) 20) Explain any three consequences of majoritarian policies adopted by the Sri Lankan Government. (3) OR Explain the Horizontal distribution of power sharing. (3) 21) Enumerate various causes of rural unemployment in India. (3) 22) What are the advantages of bank deposits? (3) (Section-C). (16 marks) 23) What is HDI? Which organisation measures the HDI? Explain two major indicators of the HDI? 24) Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of citizen explain. 25) Read the text given below and answer the following questions. (1+1+2=4) (4) (4 1=4) The textile industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy, because it contributes significantly to industrial production (14%), employment generation (35 million persons directly-the second largest after agriculture) and foreign exchange earnings (about24.6 %). It contributes 4% towards GDP. It is the only industry in the country, which is self-Reliant and complete in the value chain i.e., from raw material to the highest value added products. Cotton textile, in ancient India cotton textile were produced with hand spinning and handloom weaving techniques. After the 18th century, power loom came into use. Our traditional industries suffered a setback during the colonial period because they could not compete with the mill made cloth from England. The first successful textile mill was established in Mumbai in 1854. The two world wars were fought in Europe, India was a British colony. There was a demand for cloth in UK hence; they gave a boost to the development of the cotton textile industry. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option I) which of the following industry is self-Reliant? a) Cement industry. b) Coal industry c) Sugar industry. d) Textile industry ii) What facts interpret textile industry of India occupies a unique position? a) Large amount of cotton is exported significantly adding to the inflow of foreign capital. b) India is one of the largest exporter of cotton textile in the world. c) Both a and b. d) None of these iii) In ancient India,_________________ textile were produced with the hand spinning and handloom weaving techniques. a) Silk. b) Jute. c) Cotton. d) Polyester iv) The first successful textile mill was established in _________________ in 1854. a) Mumbai. b) Surat. c) Goa. d) Del. 26) Read the given extract and answer the following questions. Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in January 1915.He had come from South Africa where he had successfully fought the racist regime with a novel method of mass agitation, which he called Satyagraha. The idea of Satyagraha emphasised the power of truth and the need to search for truth. It suggested that, if the cause was true, if the struggle was against injustice, then physical force was not necessary to fight the oppressor. Without seeking vengeance or being aggressive, a satyagrahi could win the battle through nonviolence. This could be done by appealing to the conscience of the oppressor. Peopleincluding the oppressors- had to be persuaded to see the truth instead of being forced to accept truth with violence by this struggle truth was bound to ultimately triumph, Mahatma Gandhi believed that dharma of nonviolence could unite all Indians. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option. I) which traits should a Satyagrahi win the battle? a) Without being aggressive. b) Without seeking vengeance c) Nonviolence. d) All of these ii) Which method was used by Mahatma Gandhi to fight the racist regime? a) Mass Agitation. b) Satyagraha c) Violence. d) All of these iii) Which of the following statement correctly describe the ideology of Satyagraha? a) Struggle. b) Vengeance and being aggressive c) The power and search of truth. d) None of these iv) According to Mahatma Gandhi, what could be achieved by the non-violence? a) Unity in all Indians. b) Division of all Indians c) Both (A) and (B). d) None of these (Section-D). (25 marks) 27) What was Mazzini's contribution in creating a nation state? ,. (5) 28) Describe the main features of Poona pact? (5) 29) What are the challenges faced by farmers today? (5) 30) Discuss the functions of SHG's. (5) 31) Describe Democracy is Accountable Responsive and Legitimate government. (5) OR Democracy is better than any other form of Government justify. (Section-E). (5 (5 marks) MAP SKILL BASED QUESTIONS. (2+3=5) 32.1) Two places A and B have been marked on the given outline map of India. Identify them with the help of the following information and write their correct name on the lines drawn near them. A) The place known for Indigo plantation movement. B) The place where session of Indian National Congress held in December 1920. 32.2) On the same outline map of India political locate and label any three of the following with suitable symbol. i) Singrauli-- Thermal power plant ii) Tuticorin-- Seaport iii) Indore-- Cotton textile Industry iv) Hyderabad-- Rajiv Gandhi international Airport v) Noida--Software Technology Park Q.32.1

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