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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2025 : Computer Science

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Rakesh Sarkar
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ICSE 2023 EXAMINATION 3rd MOCK TEST QUESTION PAPER COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Maximum Marks: 100 Time allowed. Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This Paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[]. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Choose the correct answer and write the correct option. [20] 1.The parameter list in a function definition is called: a) Function prototype b) Function signature c) Both a and b d) None of these 2. Which of these method of String class can be used to test to strings for equality? a) isequal() b) isequals() c) equal() d) equals() 3. What is the process of defining more than one method in a class differentiated by parameters? a) Function overriding b) Function overloadingc) Function doubling d) None of the mentioned 4.Which of the following declaration of the array contains the error? A) int x[ ]= int[10]; B) int [ ] y=new int[5]; C) float d[ ]= [1,2,3]; 5.Which of the following classes are available in the java.lang package? i) Stack ii) Object iii) Math iv) Random A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) ii and iv only D) i and iv only 6. Which of the following method call gives the position of X that occurs after n^th position in the string S1. A) S1.indexOf( X ) B) S1.indexOf( X , n) C) S1.index( X , 1) D) S1. index( X , n) 7.What is the size of a long datatype in java? a) 32 bits b) 48 bits c) 64 bits c) long data type is not supported in java 8. A set of instructions written in a high level programming language is called. a) object code b) Byte code c) Source code d) all of these 9. ASCII is _________ a) 6 bit set of codes b) 7 bit set of codes c) 8 bit set of codes d) 1 bit set of codes 10.choose the odd one a) byte b) long c) int ix)char 11. What is the result stored in x, after evaluating the following expression? int x=5, x=x+*2 =3*--x; a) 30 b) 40 c) 25 d) 51 12. Arrange the following primitive data types in the ascending order of their size Rakesh Sir _ MOCK TEST PART 2/4 i)char, ii)byte, iii)double, iv)int a) ii-i-iv-iii b) ii-iv-i-iii c) i-iv-ii-iii d) iii-iv-i-ii 13. what is the extension of a java source code file a).java b).class c) .txt d) .blj 14. which of these are selection statement in java a) if b) for c) continue d) break 15. Which method can be defined only once in a program a) main method b) finalize method c) private method d) unique method 16. Which of these can be overloaded a) Method b) constructors c) All of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned. 17. A constructor a) Always public b) Never returns a value c) Never has the same name as the class d) both a and b. 18. What is the value return by the following line in java a) 8.0 b)9.0 c) 7.0 d) 5.0 19. ( 5>6 || 7>4) return a) true b) false 20.This function return only first character present 0th index of any string a) next() b) charAt() c) charAt(0) d)next(0) Question 2 1. If String x = Computer ; [2] String y = Applications ; What do the following functions return? (i) System.out.println(x.substring(1, 5)); (ii) System.out.println(x.indexOf(x.charAt(4))); (iii) System.out.println(y + x.substring(5)); (iv) System.out.println(x.equals(y)); 2. If a = 5, b = 9 calculate the value of a += a++ ++b + a; [2] a=6 3. Analyse the following program segment and determine how many times the loop will be executed and what will be the output of the program segment. int k=1, i=2; while (++i<6) k*=i; System.out.println(k); [2] 4. What will the following functions return when executed? [2] (i) Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.max(-25, -16))) (ii) Math.ceil(7.8)+ Math.floor(7.8) 5. State the total size in bytes, of the arrays a [3] of float data type and p [4] of char data type. [2] 6. (i) Name the package that contains String class. (ii) Which unit of the class gets called, when the object of the class is created? [2] 7. Name the search or sort algorithm that: [2] (i) Makes several passes through the array, selecting the next smallest item in the array each time and placing it where it belongs in the array. (ii) At each stage, compares the sought key value with the key value of the middle element of the array. Rakesh Sir _ MOCK TEST PART 2/4 8. State the method that: (i) Converts a string to a primitive float data type (ii) Determines if the specified character is an uppercase character [2] 9. Give a difference between constructor and method. [2] 10. How many times will the following loop execute? What value will be returned? [2] int x = 2, y = 50; do{ ++x; y-=x++; }while(x<=10); return y; SECTION B (Answer any four questions from this Section.) The answers in this section should consist of the programs in either BlueJ environment or any program environment with java as the base. Each program should be written using variable description / mnemonic codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flowcharts and algorithms are not required. Question 3: [15] Design a class name ShowRoom with the following description: Instance variables / Data members: String name To store the name of the customer long mobno To store the mobile number of the customer double cost To store the cost of the items purchased double dis To store the discount amount double amount To store the amount to be paid after discount Member methods: ShowRoom() default constructor to initialize data members void input() To input customer name, mobile number, cost void calculate() To calculate discount on the cost of purchased items, based on following criteria Cost Discount (in percentage) Less than or equal to 10000 5% More than 10000 and less than or equal to 20000 10% More than 20000 and less than or equal to 35000 15% More than 35000 20% void display() To display customer name, mobile number, amount to be paid after discount. Rakesh Sir _ MOCK TEST PART 2/4 Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods. Question 4: [15] Design a class to overload a function series( ) as follows: (a) void series (int x, int n) To display the sum of the series given below: x1 + x2 + x3 + .......... xn terms (b) void series (int p) To display the following series: 0, 7, 26, 63 .......... p terms (c) void series () To display the sum of the series given below: 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + .......... 1/10 Question 5: Write a menu driven program to display the pattern as per user s choice. Pattern 1 Pattern 2 ABCDE ABCD ABC AB A B LL UUU EEEE [15] For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be displayed. Question 6: Write a program to input a sentence. Count and display the frequency of consecutive vowel character. [15] Question 7: [15] Write a program to input Name and weight of ten people. Sort and display them in descending order using the bubble sort technique. Question 8: [15] WAP to input a number and check number is Strontio numbers or not. (Strontio numbers are those four digits numbers when multiplied by 2 give the same digit at the hundreds and tens place. Remember that the input number must be a four-digit number.) Rakesh Sir _ MOCK TEST PART 2/4

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