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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2023 : Computer Science

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Chandra Sekhar Sahu
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MODEL EXAMINATION-2023 COMPUTER APPLICATION Maximum MarkS-80 Time allowed : Two hours Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be alowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for Attempt all questions from Section A and any four All working. writing the answers. questions from Section B. Including rough work, must be clearly shown, and On the same sheet as the rest of the answer. Omission of essential working will result in loss of saeeemeet must be done marks. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. if needed Mathematical tables may MToVided be I. Choose the correct option 1. It is an act of using a a Polymorphism rInheritance from a, b, c and d: function for more than one purpose b. Encapsulation d. Abstraction 2. It is a collection of objects. a. variable b. method . 3. Each [20] class data individual character used in a statement is termed a. Literal as - C Separator b. Punctuator d Token 4. The range of int data type is a. -128 to 127 -32768 to 32767 b. -263 to 263_1 d. -211 to 211-1 5. Which one of the following is odd 3 Mehods C. Literals b. Identifiers d. Operators 6. Which of the following can be performed by the array? a. Sorting b. b. Merging 7. C Searching dAll of them Which one of the following is a correct a. int n =sc.nextLine); b. int n= statement to accept integers from the user? Integer.parselnt(ob.readLine(); C. int n = sc.nextInt); d Bothe b and c 8. What is the total number of iterations if five different numbers are to be sorted by bubble sort technique a. 120 b. 50 C. 100 operator is used for dynamic allocation of an object. 9. A a. int 10. d. void C. char b. new What will be the following function return when executed? Math.floor(23.55) a. 24.00 b. 23.00 c. 23.5O 11. Which one is the odd one a. public b. private C. protected is 12.What the size of char date type in bits? a. 8 b. 18 Gr16 13.Which one of the following is not an escape sequence? a. \a b\k C. \t 14. a. 2 d. None of these d. data d. 32 d. \f How many OOP principles are there? b. 3 C. 5 15.How many types of searching are there in array? a. 1 b.2 16. What will be the =integer.parselnt); *= d.4 statement to convert a character ch to lowercase? a. Int ch b. float ch= sc.nextFloat); 17. Which one of the following is an a. C. 3 b cchar ch= Character.toLowerCase(ch); d. char ch= sc.nextLine(); assignment operator? C. ++ d. 18. Which keyword is used to define the package? a. void b. break 19. Write the statement C. continue d. import to assign the value of pie (3.142) to a variable with requisite data type. a. int p=3.142 c. long x=3.142 b. double p = 3.142 d. short t= 3.142 20. Name a package which provides utility programs. a. java. Lang bjava.util c. II. 1. Distinguish between data types and wrapper classes. 2. What is an Exception? 3. Name the function to perform the following tasks: i. To check whether character is a digit or not. ii. To check whether the two strings are equal. 4. Define Single Dimensional Array. 5. Differentiate betwe n String p[5] and String p[l. d. None of these [2] (2] [2] [2] 2] 1. Find the output: 2 int pl]l={10,22,33,44,55); p [3]=20; [2] 20 P (2]-p[4); int n= p[ij*p[3]+24; int m= p[4]-p[2); System.out.println("The difference:" +m); System.out.printin ("The sum:" +n); 2. Rewrite the program by using for statement: public class change [2] public static void main (String args |) int i, b=0; String word="Computer Applications"; System.out.println("The output is :"); do { Sycot (tisrd System.out.println("word"); ) b=b+l; while (b<=4); 3. Giveoutput: Int s=1, p=0; for(int j-1ij<=10;j++) [2] { ifj<=4) s*=j; | =2 else p+j; 4 |2 System.out.printin(+" *+p); 4. What is the similarity between while and do while loop? 5. What is default constructor? Give an example. [2] [2] Section B (Any 4) (60 Marks) IV. WAP to accept a string and display only those characters which are consecutives. Sample Input- UNDERSTANDING COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Sample Output- D,E RE S, T are consecutive characters. y/ Define a class Electricity described as below: Data Members: Name, Consumer Number, Units Consumed. Member Methods: I. To accept the name, Consumer number, Units Consumed. II. Tocompute the electricity changes accordingly: Up to 100 Units: 80 Paise per unit. For next 100 Units: Re 1per unit. For more than 200 units: Rs. 1.25 per unit. Write a main method to create object of a class and call the above member method. WAP in java to enter a set of 20 integers in aaSingle Dimensional Array (SDA). Sort the numbers in ascending order by using Bubble sores technique. Display the sorted array. yIt. WAP to store 20 different names along with corresponding Telephone numbers. Enter a name from the console and search whether the name is present or not. If the name is present then display the name along with the phone number, otherwise display an appropriate message 'Linear Search' technique. VIII. Write a program to find the sum of the following series. a. s= 1+(1*2)+(1*2*3)+. .+(1*2*3*...... "20) b. s= 1/2-3/4+5/6-.. ..-10/20 IX. WAP to input a number and verify whether it is a Abundant number or not. (It is a number whose sum of the factors excluding the number is greater than number it self) Sample Input: 12 Sum Factors = 1+2+3+4+6=16

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