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ISC Class XII Sample / Model Paper 2025 : Computer Science : Monthly test

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Santhiya Ak
Idhayam Rajendran Residential School, Madurai
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IDHAYAM RAJENDRAN SCHOOL Monthly Test 1(2024-2025) STD: XII SUB: COMPUTER SCIENCE Marks :70 Duration: rs Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. _______________________________________________________________________________ Answer all questions in Part I and Part-II (compulsory), All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. _________________________________________________________________________ PART I 20 MARKS Answer all questions. While answering questions in this Part, indicate briefly your working and reasoning, wherever required. Question 1 (i) The Boolean equation which holds true for the Involution Law is: [ ] (a) A +1=1 (b) ((A+B) ) =A+B (c) (A+B) =A .B (d) A.(B+C)=(A+B).C (ii) Given the proposition A B , then the inverse of the proposition is [ ] (a) A B (b)B A (c) A B (d) B A (iii) The reduced expression of the Boolean function F=A(B+C(AB+AC) ) is [ ] (a) 1 (b) 0 (c) A C+AB (d) AB (iv) The logic of objects is called as[ ] (a) Propositional Logic (b) Uncertainity Logic (c) Predicate Logic (d) Temporal Logic (v) Propositions are also called as [ ] (a) Statements (b)Sentences (c)Both (a) & (b) (d) None (vi) The basic elements of circuits are called as [ ] (a) Logics (b)Gates (c)Boolean (d) Adders (vii) Which of the following are used to keep abstraction and modularity in hardware design? [ ] (a) Encoders (b) Decoders (c) Multiplexer (d) Half Adder (viii) Write the Boolean expression for NAND gate. [ ] (ix) The expression for Sum of Full Adder is [ ] (a) (a+b ).(b+c ).(a+c ) (b) a b (c) a b c (d) a b+ab +a c (x) Which of the following is not a valid jump statement? [ ] (a) break (b) return (c) continue (d) go to Page 1 of 6 XII / Monthly I / Comp/ AJS (xi) Draw a truth table of XNOR gate [1] (xii) Assertion: when A=1, B=0 and 1 only gate 6 will activate to produce a high output in a decoder. [1] Reason: The decoder is a logic circuit that converts a number from the binary form into a number in any required base. (xiii)Assertion: The complement of the expression A+(B C+ABC) is (A B+A C )(A +B +C ) [1] Reason: The complement of the above mentioned expression can be found by using De-Morgan s theorem and distributive law. (xiv) Assertion: A local variable can t use any access specifier. [1] Reason: Local variable is declared in method, constructor or block. (xv) Assertion: A mathematical expression is formed by using boolean variables boolean valued quantities and logical operators. [1] Reason: Boolean algebra deals with only three types of logical operators such as NOT, AND and OR. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion. (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. (d) Assertion is false but Reason is true. Question 2 (i) Show that the dual of P QR +PQ R+P Q R is equal to the complement of PQ R+Q(P R +PR ) [2] (ii) Derive a Boolean expression for the logic circuit given below and reduce the derived expression using the Boolean laws. [2] (iii) Differentiate Half Adder with Full Adder. Page 2 of 6 [2] XII / Monthly I / Comp/ AJS (iv) State the final value of q at the end of the following programming snippet. Show the dry/run working. [2] int m,n,p,q=0; for(m=2;m<=3;++m) { for(n=1;n<=m;++n) { p=m+n-1; if(p%3==0) q+=p; else q+=p+4; } } (v) The following function is a part of some class which computes and returns greatest common divisor of any two numbers. There are some places in the code marked by ?1? , ?2? , ?3?, ?4? which must be replaced by an expression / a statement so that the function works correctly. int gcd( int a, int b ) { int r; while(?1?) { r=?2?; b=?3?; a=?4?; } if(a==0) { return b; } } What is the expression or value at each of the following? (a) ?1? (b) ?2? (c) ?3? (d) ?4? Page 3 of 6 [2] XII / Monthly I / Comp/ AJS PART II 50 MARKS SECTION A (20 MARKS) Answer all questions. Question 3 (i) Given the Boolean function F(U,V,W,X)= (1,3,4,6,9,11,12,14). (a) Reduce the above expression by using 4-variable Karnaugh map, showing the various groups (i.e.octals, quads and pairs). [4] (b) Draw logic gate diagram for the reduced expression using NAND gate only. Assume that the variables & their complements are available as inputs.[1] (ii) Given the Boolean function F(x,y,z,w)= (0,1,4,5,8,9,11,12,13). (a) Reduce the above expression by using 4-variable Karnaugh map, showing the various groups (i.e.octals, quads and pairs). [4] (b) Draw the logic gate diagram for the reduced expression with AND & OR gates. Assume that the variables and their complements are available as inputs. [1] Question 4 (i) In a Home Delivery Store, it was observed that the sales were more if any one of the following conditions were true [5] There was rain and the time was after 8 PM OR The season was summer and the year-end sale was on. OR The year-end sale was not on but there was rain. OR The time was not after 8 PM and the year-end sale was not on. The inputs are: Inputs R S T Y There was rain The season was summer The time was after 8 PM The year-end sale was not on (In all the above cases 1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no). Output: M The sales were more. (1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no). Draw the truth table for the inputs and outputs given above and write the SOP Page 4 of 6 XII / Monthly I / Comp/ AJS expression for W(R, S, T, Y). (ii) What is multiplexer? State an application of a Multiplexer. Also draw the logic diagram of a 4:1 multiplexer. [3] (iii) Simplify the following expression using Boolean laws: [2] F(P,Q) = PQ + (P + Q) . (P + PR ) + Q SECTION B (20 MARKS) Answer all questions. Question 5 [6] A Hamming number is a positive integer whose prime factors include 2, 3, and 5 only.Design a program to accept any positive integer number and check if it is a Hamming number or not. Display the result with an appropriate message in the format specified below. The program should also generate error message if a negative number is entered. Sample Input: Enter any number: 5832 Sample Output: 5832 = 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 5832 is a Hamming number Sample Input: Enter any number: 7854 Sample Output: 7854 = 2 3 7 11 17 7854 is not a Hamming number Question 6 [7] Write a program to accept a sentence which may be terminated by either '.', '?' or '!' only. The words may be separated by more than one blank space and are in UPPER CASE.Perform the following tasks: 1. Find the number of words beginning and ending with a vowel. 2. Place the words which begin and end with a vowel at the beginning, followed by the remaining words as they occur in the sentence. Sample Input: YOU MUST AIM TO BE A BETTER PERSON TOMORROW THAN YOU ARE TODAY. Sample Output: NUMBER OF WORDS BEGINNING AND ENDING WITH A VOWEL = 2 A ARE YOU MUST AIM TO BE BETTER PERSON TOMORROW THAN YOU TODAY Question 7 [7] Write a menu driven program to perform the given task as per the user s choice. Page 5 of 6 XII / Monthly I / Comp/ AJS (i)To accept a Binary number (base 2) and convert it into its Decimal equivalent (base 10). Sample Input: (11010)2 Sample Output: (26)10 (ii)To input a decimal number (base 10) and convert it into its Binary equivalent. Sample Input: (67)10 Sample Output: (1000011)2 SECTION C (10 MARKS) Answer all questions. Question 8 [5] Write a program in Java to accept limits m and n and print all prime palindrome numbers between those limits. Sample Input: Enter the value of m: 100 Enter the value of n: 1000 Sample Output: Prime Palindrome numbers between 100 and 1000 are: 101,131,151,181,191,313,353,373,383,727,757,787,797,919,929 Question 9 [5] Write a program to enter a token / word in a mixed case and display the new token after deleting all the vowels. Finally arrange the new token in alphabetical order of letters. Sample Input: Idhayam Sample Output: dhmy Page 6 of 6 XII / Monthly I / Comp/ AJS

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