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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2022 : Computer Science [Semester 2]

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ISC SEMESTER 2 EXAMINATION SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1 (THEORY) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Marks: 35 Time allowed: One and a half hour Candidates are allowed an additional 10 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer all questions in Section A, Section B and Section C. While answering questions in Sections A and B, working and reasoning may be indicated briefly. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets. [ ] All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A -7 MARKS Question 1 (i) (ii) The keyword used by a class to acquire the properties of an interface is: (a) import (b) implements (c) extends (d) include The ability of an object to take many forms is known as: (a) inheritance (b) data abstraction (c) overriding (d) polymorphism [1] [1] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 (iii) int Toy(int n) { return (n<=0)? 1: n%10 + Toy(n/10); } [1] With reference to the program code given above, what will the function Toy() return when the value of n=56 ? (a) 65 (b) 12 (c) 651 (d) 11 (iv) Write the statement in Java to extract the word MISS from the word SUBMISSION . [1] (v) State the principle by which the stack data structure works. [1] (vi) What is the output of the statement given below? System.out.print("FAN" + ("AUTOMATIC".charAt(5) ) ); [1] (vii) Give one reason, why iteration is better than recursion. [1] SECTION B - 8 MARKS Question 2 [2] Differentiate between direct recursion and indirect recursion. Question 3 [2] Convert the following infix notation to postfix notation: A * (B + C / D ) E / F Question 4 Answer the following questions on the diagram of a Binary Tree given below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 (i) State the degree of the nodes C and G. Also, state the level of these nodes when the root is at level 0. [2] (ii) Write the pre order and post order traversal of the above tree structure. [2] SECTION C - 20 MARKS Each program should be written in such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of the problem. This can be achieved by using mnemonic names and comments in the program. (Flowcharts and Algorithms are not required.) The programs must be written in Java. Question 5 (i) [6] Design a class Check which checks whether a word is a palindrome or not. (Palindrome words are those which spell the same from either ends). Example: MADAM, LEVEL etc. The details of the members of the class are given below: Class name : Check Data members/instance variables: wrd : stores a word len : to store the length of the word Methods/Member functions: Check( ) : default constructor void acceptword( ) : to accept the word boolean palindrome ( ) : checks and returns true if the word is a palindrome otherwise returns false void display( ) : displays the word along with an appropriate message Specify the class Check giving details of the constructor, void acceptword( ), boolean palindrome( ) and void display( ). Define the main( ) function to create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task. OR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 (ii) Design a class Toggle which toggles a word by converting all upper case alphabets to lower case and vice versa. Example: The word mOTivATe becomes MotIVatE The details of the members of the class are given below: Class name : Toggle Data members/instance variables: str : stores a word newstr : stores the toggled word len : to store the length of the word Methods/Member functions: Toggle( ) : default constructor void readword( ) : to accept the word void toggle ( ) : converts the upper case alphabets to lower case and all lower case alphabets to upper case and stores it in newstr void display( ) : displays the original word along with the toggled word Specify the class Toggle giving details of the constructor, void readword( ), void toggle( ) and void display( ). Define the main( ) function to create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Question 6 (i) [6] A class Fibo has been defined to generate the Fibonacci series 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . (Fibonacci series are those in which the sum of the previous two terms is equal to the next term). Some of the members of the class are given below: Class name : Fibo start : integer to store the start value end : integer to store the end value Fibo( ) : void read( ) int fibo(int n) : default constructor to accept the numbers : return the nth term of a Fibonacci series using recursive technique void display( ) : displays the Fibonacci series from start to end by invoking the function fibo() Data member/instance variable: Member functions/methods: Specify the class Fibo, giving details of the Constructor, void read( ), int fibo(int), and void display( ). Define the main() function to create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task. OR (ii) A class Gcd has been defined to find the Greatest Common Divisor of two integer numbers. Some of the members of the class are given below: Class name : Gcd num1 : integer to store the first number num2 : integer to store the second number Gcd( ) : default constructor void accept( ) : to accept the numbers int gcd(int x,int y) : return the GCD of the two number x and y using recursive technique void display( ) : displays the result with an appropriate message Data member/instance variable: Member functions/methods: Specify the class Gcd, giving details of the Constructor, void accept( ), int gcd(int,int), and void display( ). Define the main() function to create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Question 7 [4] A super class Godown has been defined to store the details of the stock of a retail store. Define a subclass Update to store the details of the items purchased with the new rate and update the stock. Some of the members of both the classes are given below: Class name : Godown Data members/instance variables: item : to store the name of the item qty : to store the quantity of an item in stock rate : to store the unit price of an item amt : to store the net value of the item in stock Member functions/methods: Godown( ) : parameterized constructor to assign value to the data members void display( ) : to display the stock details Class name : Update Data members/instance variables: pur_qty : to store the purchase quantity pur_rate : to store the unit price of the purchased item Member functions / methods Update( ) : parameterized constructor to assign values to the data members of both the classes void update( ) : to update the stock by adding the previous quantity by the purchased quantity and replace the rate of the item if there is a difference in the purchase rate. Also update the current stock value as: (quantity * unit price ) void display( ) : to display the stock details before and after updating Assume that the super class Godown has been defined. Using the concept of inheritance, specify the class Update giving details of the constructor, void update ( ) and void display( ). The super class, main function and algorithm need NOT be written. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Question 8 [4] A Queue is a linear data structure in which the operations are performed based on FIFO (First In First Out). Define a class Queue with the following details: Class name : Queue dat[ ] : array to hold the integer elements cap : stores the maximum capacity of the queue front : to point the index of the front rear : to point the index of the rear. Queue(int max) : constructor to initialize the data member cap = max, front = rear = 0 and create the integer array void add_dat(int v) : to add integers from the rear index if possible else display the message( Queue full ) int pop_dat( ) : to remove and return elements from front, if any, else returns -999 void display() : to display elements of the queue Data member/instance variable: Member functions/methods: Specify the class Queue giving the details of void add_dat(int) and int pop_dat( ). Assume that the other functions have been defined. The main( ) function and algorithm need NOT be written. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

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Tags : ISC Board, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, ISC 2021 - 2022 Examination, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, ISC Solved Specimen Question Papers 2021 - 2022, ISC Solved Mock Guess Exam Papers, ISC Board Model Paper with Answers, Detailed Solutions & Explanations, isc sample question bank, past / old / last year online test papers, syllabus, online coaching.  

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