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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Biology (Vibgyor High School, Pune (NIBM Road))

11 pages, 102 questions, 27 questions with responses, 30 total responses,    2    0
Deep Shah
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VIBGYOR HIGH Third Preliminary Examination AY 2020-2021 BIOLOGY SCIENCE Paper 3 Grade: X Max. Marks : 80 Date : 19/03/2021 Time Allowed: 2 hours Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. ____________________________________________________________________ Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. This paper contains 11 printed pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION I (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this section) Question 1 (a) Name the following: i. [5] The category of organisms that can be called natural purifiers of the air. ii. The apparatus to record the water uptake by the cut shoot. iii. The branch of renal artery which enters into the Bowman s capsule. iv. The membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord. v. A condition which results in abnormally long bones and long lower jaw bones due to hypersecretion of hormone produced by pituitary gland. 1 (b) Choose the correct answer from the four options given for each below: i. Part of cell associated with formation of spindle fibers are: a. Microtubules b. Golgi bodies c. Centrioles d. Microbodies ii. Increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere over 0.03 % will have the following effect on rate of transpiration: a. Transpiration rate will increase b. Transpiration rate will decrease c. Transpiration rate will remain same d. None of the above iii. A de-starched plant is the one whose: a. Leaves are free from chlorophyll b. Leaves are free from starch c. Aerial parts are free from starch d. Plant is free from starch. iv. Cranial nerves and spinal nerves are part of: a. Somatic nervous system b. Autonomic nervous system c. Parasympathetic nervous system d. Sympathetic nervous system v. Contraction of uterus during child birth is due to which hormone a. TSH b. Glucagon c. Oxytocin d. FSH 2 [5] (c) The following paragraph is related to absorption of water from [5] the soil. Complete the following paragraph by selecting the correct word from those given below. You may use a term only once. More, lower, active, higher, passive, ADP, ATP, less, facilitated Mineral nutrients, salts or ions required by plants are absorbed from the soil by roots only. The concentration of these nutrient ions is (i)__________ inside the root cells as compared to the soil in order to develop osmotic pressure for absorbing water. Therefore, to obtain these ions from region of their (ii) _________ concentration to the region of their (iii) _____________ concentration, energy is supplied by the cell in the form of (iv)____________. This type of transport is called as (v) ______________ transport. (d) (e) Give the exact location of each of the following structures: i. Pancreas ii. Oval window iii. Loop of Henle iv. Chordae tendinae v. Sunken stomata Given below are five sets of terms. In each case arrange and rewrite each set so as to be in a logical sequence. i. Bundle of HIS, Wall of the ventricle, Atrio-ventricular node, Sino-atrial node, Purkinje fibres. ii. Impulse carried via auditory nerve, Ear ossicles vibrate, Cochlear fluid vibrates, Membrane of oval window vibrates, Tympanum vibrates. iii. Urinary bladder, Urethra, Renal Pelvis, Collecting duct, Ureter. iv. Destarched plant, iodine added, washed in water, a leaf boiled in alcohol, placed in sunlight. 3 [5] [5] v. Synthesis of Cytokinesis, more RNA and Chromosomes are proteins takes duplicated, place, Volume of cytoplasm increases, Karyokinesis. (f) Identify the odd term in each set and name the category to [5] which the remaining terms belong: E.g.: Ovary, Fallopian Tube, Ureter, Uterus. Odd Term: Ureter Category: Parts of female reproductive system. i. Centrioles move towards opposite poles, nuclear membrane reappears, chromosomes become distinct, spindle fibres are formed, nucleolus disappear. ii. Hypoglycemia, weight loss, frequent thirst, glycosuria, frequent hunger. iii. Myopia, Cataract, Hypermetropia, Squint, Cretinism. iv. Blinking, knitting without looking, Knee-jerk, Blushing, Sneezing. v. Glomerulus, Bowman s capsule, Proximal convoluted tubule, Loop of Henle, Renal pelvis. (g) Given below is a diagram of a human blood smear. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: i. Label the parts 3 and 4. ii. Mention any two structural differences between the parts labelled 1 and 2 . iii. What is the main function of parts labelled 2 and 3 respectively? iv. What is the life span of part labelled 1 ? 4 [5] (h) Match the items of Column A with those in Column B and [5] rewrite the correct matching pairs: Column A Column B 1. Thyroxine a. Glycogen breakdown 2. Somatotropin b. Body growth 3. Glucagon c. Increases heart beat 4. Epinephrine d. Skin pigmentation 5. Addison s Disease e. Adrenocorticotropic hormone f. Glycogen synthesis g. Decreases heart beat h. Dwarfism and mental retardation Section II (40 Marks) (Attempt any four questions from this section) Question 2 (a) The figure given below represents an experiment set-up to study a physiological process in plants. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: i. Mention the aim of the experiment. ii. Why do we use a water plant for this experiment and not a terrestrial plant? iii. Write down your observation in the following conditions: 1. A pinch of sodium bicarbonate is added to water in the beaker. 2. A snail is introduced into the beaker. 5 [5] iv. How will you test the gas that is getting released in the form of bubbles? v. (b) Why is the plant used in the experiment not destarched? Give one difference between each of the following pairs on the [5] basis of what is given in brackets: i. Mitosis in plant cell and Mitosis in Animal cell. (Aster formation) ii. Cuticular transpiration and lenticular transpiration. (Meaning) iii. Photophosphorylation and Polymerisation steps in photosynthesis. (Definition) iv. Nerves of Sympathetic nervous system and nerves of Parasympathetic nervous system (location) v. Aqueous humour and Vitreous humour. (Function) Question 3 (a) Given below is the figure of certain organs and associated parts in the human body. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: i. Name all the organ systems shown completely or even partially in the above diagram. ii. Why is part lablled 6 at a slightly lower level than the part labelled as 1? iii. Define the following terms: 1. Micturition 2. Osmoregulation 6 [5] iv. Name any two organic constituents found in the fluid stored in structure 4. (b) Study the posture of this man who is reading a book and [5] answer the questions that follow: i. Name the eye defect that he has. ii. Draw a labelled diagram to show the above mentioned defect. iii. State two reasons for this defect of the eye in human being. iv. What kind of reading glasses does he need? v. What is meant by power of accomodation of eye? Question 4 (a) Give the biological / technical terms for the following: i. Extremely thin fibre of long DNA molecule associated with many proteins. ii. The type of bond which joins the complementary nitrogenous bases. iii. The measure of the tendency of a solution to take in water by osmosis. iv. The state of the cell when it is fully distended. v. The filtrate left after reabsorption and tubular secretion. vi. The hormone which increases blood pressure. vii. Phenomenon by which monkeys, apes and humans can perceive depth or the relative distance of the objects. viii. Condition in which a person feels difficulty in seeing in dim light due to non-formation of visual purple. ix. The fluid present in the vestibular canal of cochlea. x. The ear ossicle attached to tympanum. 7 [5] (b) The given figure represents a certain phenomenon that occurs [5] during meiosis. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: i. Identify and define the phenomenon shown in the diagram given above. ii. State the difference between: 1. Chromosome and chromatid. (Definition) 2. Aster and spindle fibres. (Meaning) iii. Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the Anaphase of mitosis in animal cell having 4 chromosomes. Question 5 (a) Given below is the diagram of an experimental setup to study the process of transpiration. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: i. What is the colour of dry cobalt chloride paper? ii. Why are glass slides placed over the dry cobalt chloride papers? iii. Is the experimental leaf a monocot or a dicot? iv. After about half an hour what changes, if any, would you expect to find in the cobalt chloride paper placed on the dorsal and ventral sides of the leaf? Give a reason to support 8 [5] your answer. v. (b) Define the term transpiration . Answer the following questions briefly: i. [5] Water transpired is the water absorbed. Give suitable explanation to justify this statement. ii. What is tubular secretion? iii. Explain why brain and spinal cord are considered as the parts of central nervous system. iv. How does body maintain a normal level of thyroxine hormone? v. Give any two symptoms of Exophthalmic goitre. Question 6 (a) Observe the picture depicting an experiment conducted by Pavlov to study a phenomenon. Study the picture and answer the questions that follow: i. What is the aim of the experiment? ii. Differentiate between the experiment 1 and the experiment 4 based on the type of response given by the dog. iii. All reflex actions are involuntary actions but all involuntary actions are not reflex actions. Give reason. iv. What are mixed nerves? Give an example. v. Schematically arrange the following so as to be in a logical 9 [5] sequence depicting a particular phenomenon: Salivary gland, Brain or Spinal Cord, Salivation, Motor neuron, Sound of the ringing bell, Sensory neuron, Receptors of the Ear. (b) Give scientific reasons for the following statements: i. Gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes. ii. Herbaceous plants growing in well-watered soil are found to [5] wilt on a hot day. iii. All living things must excrete. iv. While reading a line from a printed page you have to move your eyes from word to word. v. A mature woman develops male characteristics like beard, moustache and deep male voice. Question 7 (a) The diagram given below shows part of the capillary bed in an [5] organ of the human body. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: i. Name the fluid present in vessel X and the fluid found in region A. ii. State any two important functions performed in our body by the fluid present in the vessel X. (b) iii. Give the exact location of tonsil and spleen in the body. iv. List any two important functions of spleen. v. How is fluid present in vessel X formed? Answer the following questions briefly: i. How root hair is structurally adapted for absorption of water 10 [5] from the soil? ii. Root hairs become flaccid, when fertilizers are added to the moist soil around it. Explain. iii. Define the Cohesive and Adhesive forces. iv. Draw a neat and well labeled diagram of the structure of a single root hair when it is in a fully turgid state. ***** 11

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