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ICSE Prelims 2016 : History and Civics (Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane)

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Ritika Kanchi
Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane
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SMT. SULOCHANADEVI SINGHANIA SCHOOL, THANE. Class Subject 10 History/Civi cs Exam Prelims 2 Date Marks Time No. of Printed sides 80 2hrs 3 21.1.16 *Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. *You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. *This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. *The time given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. *Attempt all questions from Part I (compulsory). *A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. *Two out of three questions from section A and three out of five questions from section B. *The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. PART I (30 Marks) CIVICS ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 a) Write the other name of Lok sabha and Rajya sabha. [1] b) What is parliament? c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) [1] What is a federal system of government? [1] State any two unitary features of our constitution? [1] When can a seat of a member of the parliament remain vacant? [1] Explain the term Quorum. [1] How is a Civil case different from a Criminal case. ( Give one example each) [1] Give the composition of the Supreme Court in India. [1] What is the term of office of a judge of the Supreme Court and the High court? [1] Name two high courts of India whose jurisdiction extends to more than two states. [1] QUESTION 2 HISTORY a) What was the main provision of the General Service Enlistment Act of b) c) d) e) f) g) 1856? [2] Name the two ways adopted by the British for expanding their territories in India? [2] What was the immediate cause of the first war of independence? [2] How the rediscovery of India s past helped the Indians? [2] Why did Gandhiji renew the Civil Disobedience movement? [2] Write any two repressive measures of the government during Quit India movement? [2] Why is Tilak called the forerunner of Gandhiji? [2] h) Which tragic incident prompted Gandhiji to launch the Non Cooperation Movement? Which incident led to the withdrawal of this movement? [2] i) State any two clauses of the Rowlatt Act. [2] j) State any two administrative demands of the early nationalist. [2] PART II SECTION A CIVICS [ATTEMPT ANY TWO] QUESTION 3 With reference to the Union Legislature answer the following questions:a) ) Conditions of Anti-Defection (3) b) With reference to the relationship between the two houses of the Parliament highlight three differences between the two houses. [3] c) Explain any two exclusive powers of the Rajya Sabha. [4] QUESTION 4 Our Constitution provides for the establishment of an independent, integrated judiciary with the Supreme Court as the final tribunal in the country. In this context, explain; a) The meaning and scope of Original Jurisdiction. [3] b) The term Judicial Review. Why is the Supreme Court described as a court of Record? [3] c) The Independence of the judiciary from the control of the executive. [4] QUESTION 5 With reference to the Indian Executive answer the following: a) Explain the term Breakdown of Constitutional Machinery [3] What are the effects of such an emergency? b) The President represents the Nation but does not rule the nation , Explain? [3] c) a. What is a cabinet? [4] b. Who appoints the cabinet? c. Who administers the oath to the cabinet? d) State any one function of the cabinet. SECTION B HISTORY [Attempt any three questions] QUESTION 6 Although the First war of independence of 1857 failed it had important consequences for India. In this context, answer the following questions; a) How did the uprising give rise to nationalism in India? [3] b) Highlight the changes British Government adopted towards i) Indians religious practices ii) The princely states [3] c) How did the end of company s rule bring in grave economic perils in India? [4] QUESTION 7 Various factors led to the rise and growth of nationalism in India in the 19th century. In this context explain the role of each of the following; a) Role of Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Jyotiba Phule. [3] b) The press [3] c) The repressive colonial policies. [4] QUESTION 8 a) Identify and name the personality in this picture. Name two methods adopted by him. [2] b) Name the movement started by him in 1942. Write any two causes of this movement. [3] c) Write briefly the programme of the movement [2] d) Significance of the movement. [3] QUESTION 9 With reference to Indian Independence answer the following: 1. a. Identify the personality. [3] b..Name the plan put forward by him. c.. Why was it accepted? 2. State any three clauses of the Indian Independence Act. [3] 3. What was the reaction of the congress and Muslim league towards the cabinet mission plan? [4] Question 10. With reference to world events answer the following: 1. What were the causes of the first world war? [3] 2. Explain the effects of the second world war with reference to cold war? [3] 3. Name an agency of the UN which works in collaboration with the countries of the world, what role does it play in preservation of our heritage? [4]

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