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ISC Class XII Prelims 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (St. Xavier's Institution (SXI), Panihati, Kolkata)

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Ritankar Ghosh
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St. Xavier's Institution, Panihati Rehearsal Test Class:xrr Subject: EnglishIl [Literature) Session: 2023-2024 3 Hrs. allowed: Tirne Maximum Marks: 80 [ J. in brackets given are parts The intended marks for questions orthree printed pages. This question paper has Section: A 120MarksJ I. Choose the correct options ror the i. i}. : following questions [10] Scene 1? Miranda in Act 111, for become to What is Ferdinand willing a. King of Naples. Her beloved. u c. A patient log man. d. A traitor to Prospero. whom does Iris tell Ceres not to be afraid of? In the Masque scene, a. Dis b. Cupid c. uno Venus iii. What,according to Prospero was 'rarer' action than 'vengeance'? a. Having pity b. Repenting for the misdeeds Forgetting the past d:' Waiting for the appropriate time to strike iv. What are we told about Louise Mallard at the beginning of the short story, The story of an Hour? a. She is proud. b. She loves her independence. he is intolerant to noise. She has a weak heart. What is not true, among the following options, about the narrator of the story, B. Wordsworth? a, He was quite an obedient son. b. He was sensible to human emotions. c. He remained indifferent to B. Wordsworth. d. He had a childish simplicityin him vi. Which of the following traits best adheres to describe the Gessler brothers? a. Simplicity in life Pride in their craft c. Adaptability with time d. Competitive attitude in business vii. after cutting short their visit to the Bundi While Jayanta and Shankar were returning, was Jayanta in? Fort, what kind of a mental condition a. He was calm and composed. b. He was tensed and nervous. He was afraid and angry. d. He was irritated and helpless. viii. Which of the following is not true about Miss Meadows? a. She was quite self-conscious b. S adored her fianc . Basil c She was indifferent to her pupils in general d. She was quite confident and independent with herself ix. Which of the following statement is not true regarding the poem, John e poem reflects the futility of war. The poem portrays heroism of the soldiers. c. The poem criticizcs people who romanticize war. d. The poem was composed as a protest against war. In the poem, Dover Beach, the poet is sccptic about. .. a. The loyalty of his beloved His religious faith c. Victorian way of life days ahead d. Promises shown by the coming 2. Complete the followingsentences by providing a reason for each. i. [JOJ Prospero asked Ariel to conjure the lesser spirits under his command, to present the sque to Ferdinand because unng the masque Ferdinand expressedhis feeling to stay in that island forever because In Act IV, scene 1 of an, are in vain The Tempest, Prospero feels that the efforts taken by him to civilize because 1 In the short story, The Mallard's death to Mrs. story ofan Hour, Richardshurried to give the news of Bently Mallard because In the short story, Quality, Gessler's competitorwas more successfulthanhim because In the short story, Fritz, Jayanta chose to visit Bundi, leaving other places in Rajasthan The captive dolphins, in the poem, The Dolphins, believe that they would die there in the At the end of the poem, John Brown, John Brown droppedhis medalsdownto her mother's hand because In the poem, The Darkling Thrush, all humankindhad sought their householdfires ause x. In the poem, Birches, the poet often dreams of going back to his childhoodbecause Section: B 160Marksl The Tempest: William Shakespeare What are Prospero's reasons for presenting the masque? Why does it end abruptly? Write your answer within 100-150words. about Prosperoand B. Describe within 100 - 150 words what Caliban had told Stephano his daughter in his conspiracy to kill Prospero, in Act Ill, Scene Il? C. Answer any one the following [101 questions. reconciliation With supporting details from Act V, describe what Prospero's about his character. enemies and renunciation oc his magical powers indicate Write your answer within 200-250 words. ii. Miranda, explain the purpose of words. masque. Write Echoes: Prose short 4. 150 words how the Discuss within 100 v supernatural. story that deals with something B. Discuss within 100 she receives the telegram C. Answer any one i. story, Fritz, your Ferdinand and for within 200-250 ends in an unusual climax for a Miss Meadows undergoes a change immediately after 150 words how the office of Miss Wyatt, in the Singing Lesson. [5] from Basil in of the following questions. Write within 200-250 words how the short story, B. Wordsworth,describes an Of unusual bond friendship between two individuals of dissimilar age. OR 1 'When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease of joy that kills.' Bring out the irony of this line referring closely to the text of The story of an Hour. Write your answer within 200-250 words. Reverie: Poems 5. A. Describe within 100-150 words how the poet describes the birch trees as a portal between reality and fantasy, in the poem, Birches. [51 B. Discuss within 800 150 words how the nature plays an important role in the poem, The Darkling Thrush, in creating a mood of despair and despondency. C. Answer any one of the following questions. i. The poem, Dover Beach, brings out the sense of loss of faith in the contemporary world. Discuss with close reference to the poem within 200-250 words. OR ii Describe within 200-250 words how the poem, John Brown, brings out the theme of futility of war.

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