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ISC Class XII Prelims 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Mansur Habibullah Memorial School, Kolkata)

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Arpita Pal
Mansur Habibullah Memorial School, Kolkata
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Mansur Habibullah MemorialSchool Ist Terminal Examination - 2024-25 Class - XII Subject : English Literature Time: 3 hrs. EM.:80 There are five questions in all. Answer all questions. While answering question 1in Section A, you are required to write only ONE option as the correct answer. Internal choice has been given in the long answer questions on Drama, Prose and Poetry. Do not exceedthe prescribed word limit write answering the questions in Section B. Section A (20 Marks Question l: [10] Choose the correct options for the following questions i) What does Macbeth in Act 3 sc i, refer toas 'grave and prosperous.' a) Banquo's presence at the banquet b) Banquo's advice c) Banquo's countenance ) Banquo's murder ii) Macbeth refers to whom in Act - III scii, by saying that they have'scotch'd the snake, not killed it'? a) Duncan b) Macduff c) Malcolm d) Banquo ii) According to Lady Macbeth in Act II sc iv, the feast seem to be 'sold' when a) the host does not welcome the guests politely. (1) (Turn Over) b) the dishes are not prepared with love c) the food is served reluctantly d) the host does not apologise to the guests asked for help iv) In Act III sc vi, from whom has Macduff against Macbeth? b) Macbeth a) Duncan c) Donalbain d) King Edward v) Why didGrandpa's shoes fit so tight? a) They were old and worn b) They were small in size c) They were stuffed with money d) They were stuffed with medicines vi) How are the two statements related? I) The five spots of paint remained and the rest was a thin charcoaled layer. I) Atnight the ruined city gave off aradioactive glow which could be seen for miles a) Iis the cause ofII b) Iis the result ofII c) Iand II are same d) Iand IIare unrelated. vii) What were Charushashi's initial feelings for Tarapada? a) Envy and Jealousy b) Handsome and Headstrong c) Inquisitive and Intelligent (2) Contd. d) Rude and Robust vii) In the poem "Telephone Conversation', the potent metaphor "Stench ofrancid breath" is used to a) evoke a strong sense ofreputation and disgust b) describe bad odour in the telephone booth c) create a toxic atmosphere d) create a mental image of lady with bad breath ix) How is Death personified in the opening links of the poem, "Death be Not Proud'? a) As a desperate man b) Asa gentle agent ofFate c) As a mighty conquerer d) As a reaper of souls x) For whom does Beethoven get down on his knees? a) Father b) Self respect c) Music d) His audience Question2 Complete the following sentences by providing a reason for each in brief. Do not write the question [10] i) InAct II sc v,Hecate feels it is pointless to help Macbeth because - ii) Macbeth was deeply worried after meeting the First murderer in Act II sc iv because - 111) InAct IV sc i, Macbeth says that he need not have to fear (3) (Turn Over) Macduffbecause - iv) Accroding to Act III sc vi, Macduff has gone to king because v) In the story,The Medicinc Bag, Martin's Lakota Grandpa came to visit him because - vi) Darts of fire stabbed Charulata because vii) The robot mile inthe story, There WillCome Soft Rains, were angrywhen the dog entered the house because - vii) Inthe poem, Telephone Conversation, the speaker tells the landlady that he hates a wasted journey because ix) The poem Beethoven begins and ends with the same word 'Listen' because x) The speaker in the poem Death Be Not Proud calls Death 'poor' because Section B-60 Marks MACBETH- WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Question3 ,i) Banquo like Macbeth is abrave gevoral. Duncan refers to both as'our captains. Justify how different is Banquo from Macbeth. Incorporate the following details and write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100-150 words. a) Banquo's modesty and courage b) Banquo's different way of dealing with the witches and their prophecy. i) Macbeth in ActIII sc isays, 'Upon my they placeda fruitless crown Andput a barren sceptrehead in my gripe'. Do you think Macbeth and were dissatisfied after getting the throneLadyMacbeth of Scotland? Incorporate the following details and write your answer in ashort paragraph of about 100- 150 words. (4) Contd. a) Macbeth's thoughts after ascending the throne of Scotland b) Lady Macbeth's evaluation of thesitutation. ii) a) Explain the symbolic significance of each prophecy of the apparitions as shown in Act 4 sc i and state Macbeth's reaction to them. [10] Or b) Analyse the Banquet scene and discuss its importance (Act IIIsc iv). What light does it throw on the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? [10] PRISM -ACOLLECTION OF SHORTSTORIES Question4 i) In the story, The Medicine Bag, compare and contrast Martin's behaviour with that of sister Cheryl's when Grandpa unexpectedly visited thier home. Write your answer in about 100 - 150 words. a) Martin's odd feeling after seeing his Grandpa b) Cheryl's happiness in seeing him ii) Tarapada, the central character in theshort story, Atithi, was influenced by his travels. Referring closely to the short story, explore the effects his travels have on him. Answer in100 - 150 words incorporating the following details. a) Tarapada being adept in different chores b) Tarapada's satisfaction with trifles. iii) a) In the story, The Medicine Bag, describe Martin's relationship with his Grandpa. How did it change over the course of the story? [10] Or b With the help of supportingevidence from the short XI-Eng. Lit (5) (Turn Over) story. There will come soft Rains, explain how the house tries to putout the fire? How does it reflect the theme of Natue vs Technology? RHAPSODY:POETRY Question 5 i)) Inwhat ways does the Speaker's cultural background clash with the landlady's expectations in the poem Telephone Conversation? Writeyour answer in 100 - 150 words incorporating the following details. a) The Speaker's conversation with the landlady b) The undertones of racial and colour bias in the conversation. ii) In the poem 'Beethoven' we are exposed to the relationship between Beethoven and his father as well as the consequences of it in his life. Write your evaluation about the father son relationship in 100-150 words incorporating the following details. a) Attitude of Beethouen's father towards him. b) Impact of his father on Beethoven iii) a) Analyse the comparison between death and sleep in the poem, Death Be Not Proud. How does this mataphor contribute to the overall message of the sonnet? Write your answer in about 200 -250 words. Or [10] , by The poem Beethoven explores the role of pain and suffering in the process of artistic creativity and excellence. Justify this statement in 200-250 Words. [10] X (6)

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