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ICSE Class X Question Bank 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

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Sample Question Paper 1 (Specimen Paper issued by CISCE dated 12th July, 2022) ENGLISH LANGUAGE (PAPER-1) Class 10th SOLVED . Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the top of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all five questions. The intended marks for the questions or parts of the questions are given in brackets []. You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1. and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question) 1. Write a composition (300 350 words) on any one of the following: [20] (i) Write an original short story entitled: Lost and Found . (ii) Imagine a situation where your mother has been unwell and you had to help her. Explain what you did to help. What did you learn from the experience? (iii) Democracy cannot survive without education . Express your views either for or against this statement. (iv) You are a regular traveler in your school bus. Describe what you see on your way home from school each afternoon. Give details of the familiar sights and sounds you experience each day. (v) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. To know about more useful books Click Here Sample Question Papers 9 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question) 2. 3. 4. Select any one of the following: [10] (i) Your friend has been unwell and unable to attend school for two weeks. An inter-school drama competition took place during this period. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about the event and your role in it. (ii) Break time at your school is only for a duration of fifteen minutes. Write a letter to your principal requesting for an extension in the break time from fifteen minutes to half an hour. Give reasons for your request and explain in what way an extended break would make a difference to you as a student. (i) Your school is hosting an inter-school music competition. Write a notice informing your school about the event. [5] (ii) Write an E mail to the principal of a neighbouring school informing him/her of the event and requesting him/her to send a team to participate. [5] Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: He would have gone on worrying and worrying in this way if an unexpected distraction had not arrived in the form of a heavily loaded car bumping over the grassy bank, dodging between the coconut trees and raising a cloud of dust in the narrow path before it came to a standstill in front of Mon Repos, the white bungalow that stood empty most of the year. It was the de Silvas, the family that came from Bombay to spend an occasional holiday in it and bring it suddenly to life for a few days. They had bought Mon Repos a year ago from the Vakils who had been one of the first Bombay families to build holiday cottages on the Thul beach. But they had grown too old and frail to come often and after the house has stood empty for several years, sold it to the de Silvas who were young and energetic and seemed heartily to enjoy life on the beach. Whenever they came life changed for the family and the little hut, too. Immediately there was a hubbub, all kinds of excitement and expectations and of course work to be done, employment to be had and wages. [10] Hari, Bela and Kamal stood by their door under the frangipani tree tense with excitement watching and holding Pinto back as he barked at the unfamiliar sight of a car and stranger till his voice was quite hoarse. There was a commotion in the marshy creek that separated the hut from the house, too herons, egrets, kingfishers and moorhens all flapping into the dense greenery of the pandanus, the casuarina and the bhindi trees for shelter. [14] Do you think they have come here for good? Bela whispered. Hunh who would live here if he had a house in Bombay? Hari scoffed. But look how much luggage they ve brought it cannot be just for a few days, Bela said and it was true that an unbelievable number of boxes and bags and baskets were being taken out of the car, out of the boot and off the luggage carrier so that anyone would have thought they had come to stay forever. Village by the Sea Anita Desai (i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: [3] 1. distraction (line 1) (a) something that stops you from thinking about something else (b) something that helps you to think about something else (c) something that you use for weight training (d) something that helps you to not be distracted 2. frail (line 7) (a) strong (b) funny (c) fast (d) weak 3. dense (line 14) (a) stupid (b) very thick (c) a kind of tree (d) sparse (ii) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. (a) Who were the Vakils? [2] (b) Why was the house more suited to the de Silvas? [2] 10 OSWAAL ICSE Sample Question Papers, English Paper 1 (Language), Class X (c) Who was Pinto? [1] (d) What effect did the noise have on the natural surroundings? [2] (e) From Hari s answer to Bela s question what opinion does Hari have of Bombay? [2] (iii) In not more than 50 words describe how the arrival of the de Silvas changed life for the family in the little hut. [8] 5. (i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4] Example: (0) I _____________ (slow) the car as I saw the new house. Answer: slowed I _____________ (1) (pull) up into the driveway _____________ (2) (observe) the way they had _____________ (3) (build) up the balcony. I _____________ (4) (forgot) that the bricks of the house _____________ (5) (be) chocolate brown. The new people _____________ (6) (make) the tiny balcony into a study room. I _____________ (7) (stare) at this house, _____________ (8) (remember) my childhood there. (ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (a) Please wash _____________the curry stain from your dress. (b) She turned _____________ the offer to work at the factory. (c) The burglars broke _____________ the house when the family was away. (d) I shall compete _____________ him. (e) She agreed _____________ my proposal. (f) She would like to come _____________ foot. (g) The Vishwas group of companies has taken _____________ the cosmetic market completely. (h) He agreed to carry _____________ the manager s orders. [4] (iii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the correct option. [4] 1. The delegates arrived. The meeting started immediately. (a) No sooner did the delegates arrive than the meeting started. (b) No sooner did the delegates arrive, the meeting started. (c) No sooner the delegates arrived than the meeting started. (d) The delegates arriving, the meeting started. 2. We lost our ticket. We lost our luggage. (a) We lose our ticket as well as our luggage. (b) Having lost our ticket we lost our luggage. (c) We lost our ticket as well as our luggage. (d) We lost our ticket and we lost our luggage. 3. He cultivates orchids. He displays them at the flower show. (a) He cultivates orchids to display at the flower show. (b) He cultivates orchids for displayed at the flower show. (c) He cultivates orchids to play with at the flower show. (d) He cultivates orchids, but displays them only at the flower show. 4. He ran away. He had seen the Principal coming. (a) No sooner did he see the Principal coming, he ran away. (b) He ran to see the Principal coming. (c) By seeing the Principal coming, he ran away. (d) Seeing the Principal coming, he ran away. (iv) Re write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary but do not change the meaning of each sentence. Choose the correct options. [8] 1. The captain said, It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening . (Begin: The captain......) (a) The captain said that it was giving him great pleasure to be there that evening. (b) The captain said that it gives me great pleasure to be there this evening. (c) The captain said that it gave him great pleasure to be here this evening. (d) The captain said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening. Sample Question Papers 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 11 Unless the train arrives on time, we shall miss the concert. (Begin: If......) (a) If the train arrives on time, we shall miss the concert. (b) If the train does not arrive on time, we shall miss the concert. (c) If the train arrived on time, we shall miss the concert. (d) If the train does not arrive on time, we shall not miss the concert. He has applied many times. He has never been selected. (Begin: In spite ... ...) (a) In spite of applying many times, he had never been selected. (b) In spite applying many times, he has never been selected. (c) In spite of applying many times, he has never been selected. (d) In spite never being selected, he has applied many times. Very few managers are as honest as James. (End: ...... managers) (a) James is more honest than other managers. (b) James is more honest than most other managers. (c) James is honest than many other managers. (d) James is most honest among other managers. I accept your offer. (Use: acceptable) (a) Your offer is acceptable to me. (b) Your offer was acceptable to me. (c) Your offer is acceptable. (d) Your acceptable offer came to me As soon as he finishes his work, he starts playing. (Begin: Hardly ......) (a) Hardly his work is finished, he starts playing. (b) Hardly he finishes his work, he starts playing. (c) Hardly he has finished his work and he starts playing. (d) Hardly does he finish his work, when he starts playing. My father gave me a pen. (Begin: A pen ... ...) (a) A pen had been given to me by my father. (b) A pen was given to me by my father. (c) My father was gave me a pen. (d) A pen was given by me to my father. I have never seen Mr. Joe lose his temper. (Begin: Never ......) (a) Never I have seen Mr. Joe lose his temper. (b) Never did I see Mr. Joe lose his temper. (c) Never have I seen Mr. Joe losing his temper. (d) Never ever did I see Mr. Joe lose his temper. SOLUTIONS Sample Question Paper 1 ENGLISH PAPER-1 (LANGUAGE) 1. [20] (i) Lost and found I was just about seven years old and rarely ever accompanied my mother to the market. We lived in a joint family. One fine afternoon, one of my aunt had to buy some dress material for her college uniform. She forced my mother to go with her. I was very small and did not want to stay with my granny, so I started crying. At last, they took me to the market. On the way, I kept demanding sweets and toys from my mother who kept on saying that she would buy everything for me at the end. Then my aunt and my mother entered a cloth shop. They were busy choosing material, colour and design. I took advantage of the situation and demanded some money for buying chocolates. My mom was so busy that without realising she handed me some money and told me to buy one chocolate by myself and instructed me to buy from the shop which was close to the cloth shop. I agreed happily and went looking for that shop but instead of walking straight I took a right turn and landed in some unknown street. There I started looking for the cloth shop where my mom and my aunt were shopping. I kept crying, Mumma, Mumma . Quite a few people stopped me on the way asking me, where my mother was? What was my name? Where I lived? I did not reply anybody and went on crying continuously. Then all of a sudden a young man of about 20 21 years came and gave me 2 3 toffees to eat and took me to his home. He offered me water and juice till I calmed down, then that man s mother made me sit in her lap and slowly asked me my name, my family name, my parent s name, and my address. I went on telling the details to her one by one. The young man noted the address. He and his sister made me sit on their scooter and dropped me home. When my grandfather opened the door he was really shocked seeing me with the strangers. The young man then explained (ii) him the whole situation. Meanwhile, my mom and aunt came running home enquiring about me. They wanted to file a report of I being lost but before that they wanted to inform my grandfather about the situation. When they saw me, my mom really burst out loud and hugged me and kissed me and same was my aunt s reaction. Suddenly, they started shouting at me. But the strangers presence stopped them abruptly. The strangers then patted my cheek and left advising everybody at home not to shout at me or punish me. Mothers play a crucial role in a family be it keeping the family together or helping everyone in their work. We often do not understand how hard they work for us. I got an opportunity to understand the responsibilities my mother has on her shoulders when she was sick. It was during my Class 5 mid term examinations that my mother got sick and could not go to work or do household chores. It was then that my father and I took over her responsibilities. My father took leave from office during those days. Our daily routine included: my father cooked breakfast for us in the morning. I used to get up early, revise for some time and mop the house. Then I would get ready by myself and would give medicines to my mom before going to school. After coming back from school, we three had lunch together. In evening I studied on my own and also helped dad with cooking. I made sure that mom was taking her medicines on time. My mother who is very bubbly was dull then and I did not like that. She had become so weak that she could not sit up for long. She is a teacher so reading and checking examination papers would make her feel strained. I would, at times, used to read answers from the examination papers for her. I kept everything in their proper place because my mom does not like the house being messy. My mom was overwhelmed to see us doing so much for her. She got emotional and thanked us for helping her. Sample Question Papers Fortunately, she got better on the fourth day and started going to work and doing all the household chores. Now I make sure that I do all my work by myself and be more organised. I think that lessens half of her work. My dad and I both are now trying to be less dependent on her so that she gets time to rest. She is not just a wife, a mother or a teacher. She has also her own individuality and she deserves her me time alone. On holidays I try to help my mom with nearly everything. She is happy that we are helping her now. Mothers deserve all the love, kindness and respect. I would like to end by saying that God cannot be everywhere so he created mothers. No one can replace a mother so appreciate them for being in your lives until it is too late. (iii) Democracy cannot survive without education For the statement: Modern people worship a number of idols : private property, freedom of choice, entertainment, the global economy and many other domains of life. Perhaps the most powerful of these idols is democracy; though people worship democracy as a valuable phenomenon that can protect them from all evils, this form of government is useless without the efforts and responsibility of its people. Democracy is believed to be the best way for realising human rights. Democracy is a form of government which implies that citizens are given the power to propose, develop and create laws either directly or through representatives. Unfortunately, democracy can be fairly called Utopia suitable only for a perfect world. The former President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education. The total adult literacy rate around the world in 2010 was 84.1%. This means that nearly 785 million illiterate adults can be found all over the world. Considering the words spoken by President John F. Kennedy that in democracy, the ignorance of one voter impairs the security of all, imagine what the ignorance of 785 million voters could do. For instance, let us take a look at plebiscites. For example, it asks the voters only one question that can be answered only yes or no . Would all voters be aware of the possible consequences for the whole 13 nation? How do they make decisions? Only when every single voter is properly educated will democracy succeed. We push for democracy as they believe all other options are worse. This is commonly not true; a society is not a rigid and conservative structure unable to adapt to changes and find new ways of development. On the contrary, it is highly fluid and flexible and forms of social organisation that seemed impossible several decades ago are now the part of everyday reality. For example, one needs to look no further than the Arab Spring: a sequence of revolutionary transformation that had its origin in online social network. What people need to understand is that voting, elections, freedom of speech and other highly valued idols of every Democratic society are useless and even harmful if not used properly. Modern democracies sometimes look like ignorant crowds ruled by a minority competent enough to make everyone believe, it is the common people who run everything. Granting the educated representatives, the right to rule is an act of idleness: people become educated themselves so they can be responsible for the life of their society and personal community. The key to a rich progressive country is not democracy by itself but education. An ignorant crowd which has a right to choose from a number of options can inflict more damage to the state than a well educated Monarch or Dictator. Only when people are totally prepared to be responsible for their actions, democracy will prove itself as the most efficient way of running a nation. Until then it remains a false Utopia. Against the statement: In today s era just recall the ancient Greek democracy which only considered its citizens to be Athenian men of age (thus excluding women, children, slaves and anyone who was not Athenian). And compare it with today s democracy where everyone has a right to vote and get represented in the political party as a candidate to fight in elections. During olden days great philosophers and thinkers like Aristotle and Plato thought about educating the masses by educating their minds and by giving them the power through education. For that, they had to democratise the governments. Democracy is a process which is not immediately achieved but we are now closer to this goal where everyone could be represented equally and for that, we have to be educated to understand the political 14 OSWAAL ICSE Sample Question Papers, English Paper 1 (Language), Class X structure of our government. But this does not apply to Indian democracy where literacy matters but not education. much traffic. But the scenario completely changes when we return home in the afternoon by school bus. Curiously, some of my bus mates still remain super energetic. They keep on talking and shouting in the bus. Some fight, some relate their cooked-up ghost stories to create terror and others are busy relating their whole day s school experience with others. The climate and temperature inside and outside the bus is too hot. The smaller children seem very irritated, exhausted, tired; they all are fighting for seats near the window because of the heat. They perspire, sweat and look very dirty. How can we judge a politician by his or her educational qualifications? There have been many great leaders who were uneducated but did fantastic work for the country. Our Prime Minister, Modi, himself is not highly educated but today he is our great Ambassador to the world. He is the person India chose for the period of five years as their Prime Minister. Does he not work hard? Does he not dream high? Does he not have a far sighted vision to improve Indian economic growth globally? Take another example of late Ms. Jayalalitha (former C.M. of Tamil Nadu) she was not only loved but was respected as Amma (mother) of Tamil Nadu s people. She was a leader who only got basic education till X standard. She was a leader who had not only made an unrepeatable history in India but also became a true model for millions of women to realise their power in public service. She was like the legendary bird, Phoenix; she bounced back from every challenge, worked on her dreams and vision to make them a reality . She was an exemplary and extraordinary leader for the poor and middle-class people. She worked for the welfare programs and a legacy of the Dravidian Parties. Her charisma and connection to people enabled her to achieve this. According to me, democracy can survive without education. If a person is hardworking, simple, honest, devoted to his service and who also dreams high and has a far-sighted vision of the future then also democracy will outshine without education. (iv) I am a regular traveler on my school bus service from nursery to Class 10th in the same school. My bus route is the same but every year the bus number, driver and conductor keep on changing. Even children keep on changing every year. Travelling by school bus is sometimes interesting, sometimes boring and extremely tedious at times. In my bus no. 9, about 40 students travel at the same time. The bus halts at 10 stops, picking up and dropping off children. It does seem tedious after a busy day at school. In the morning my mind is always fresh taking in oxygen and enjoying morning scenes. Everything seems peaceful except busmates of nursery, unwilling to go to school. Even the roads remain clear without Outside the bus streets are overcrowded with a lot of dirt, dust and smoke emitted by vehicles and worsened by pollution. Since these are office hours, we find traffic jams every now and then. People honk their horns unnecessarily. While waiting at the signals people keep on staring at our school bus. Some of us make funny remarks at people or we make funny faces and they smile back to us. There is a lot of noise pollution outside and within the bus. At times we run short of drinking water, which we borrow from each other. While passing through the vegetables sellers, some of us keep on asking the rates of vegetables to irritate them. Then all of us laugh together. Sometimes, we play Antakshari and Atlas to entertain ourselves. Travelling from school in the afternoon is a mixture of many fun experiences. (v) Each youngster in India is allowed the option to get training. India s public authority has been presenting various projects and plans for the government assistance of individuals of India. Mid day meal scheme is likewise a piece of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. It is an unusual activity taken by India s public authority to encourage instruction and improve kids wellbeing status in the country. The late morning feast is a focal financed conspire in India dispatched on 15 August 1995. The offsprings of Class 1st to 8th are given free lunch under this plan except for the year s special times. The plan was executed in government, government helped schools and other instructive establishments. The lunch gave to the understudies contains the fundamental supplements for a great wellbeing. Uncooked proportion rather than Sample Question Papers 15 to practice in the evenings. My role of Portia was highly appreciated specially the dialogues on, Mercy . People applauded a lot. prepared lunch is given to understudies by numerous states. The plan means to satisfy the craving and empower the offspring of the helpless segment for examining. The plan guarantees that the food should be cooked in the legitimate clean conditions in schools. This plan is directed by the National Food Security Act, 2013. Not withstanding the achievement of the program kid hunger keeps on being a significant issue in the country. As per Global Hunger Index, India positions 100th out of 119 nations on the worldwide appetite file behind North Korea, Bangladesh and Iraq. But the great news is that our school won the competition. I got the award for the best actress from Mr Amol Palekar, a trophy and a certificate, which I will show you once you are back to school. I wish you were there on that very moment. Give my regards to uncle and aunty and love to Ananya. Waiting to see you in the school soon. Yours lovingly, The country s serious hunger level is driven by high youngster unhealthiness and underlines the need for the more grounded obligation to the social area. The Supreme Court on 28 November 2001 arranged all the State Governments to execute a noontime supper plot in grade schools. The noontime feast plot passes on the message of equity in schools. 2. Prerna (ii) Worli, Mumbai 53 28 March, 20xx The Principal St. Xavier s College Worli, Mumbai 53 [10] (i) 208, Tulip Apartments Kailashpuri Agra 281001 27th February, 20XX Dear Rashi, Hope you are feeling better now. It is nearly 10 days you have not been to school. During these days you missed the inter school drama competition, which took place in our school auditorium on 16th Feb. Nearly six top schools of Agra took part in it. Hindi film actor Mr Amol Palekar was the chief guest from Mumbai. Three dramas in English and three dramas in Hindi were played altogether. Each school was given one drama to play. Our school had to act on Shakespeare play, The Merchant of Venice . I was lucky enough to get the role of Portia, the main character. Suresh acted as Antonio, Rahul acted as Bassanio and the top negative character of Shylock was acted by Jeetu. Only the court scene was acted. Our English teacher, Mr Ramnath Prabhakar took all the credit for the success of the play. He worked nearly 6 8 hours every day to practice the scene along with dialogues with each one of us. We also went to Sir s house 302, Surya Residency Subject: Request for the extension in break time (recess). Sir, I want to bring to your notice that majority of the students feel that there is an urgent need of an extension in the break time of mere 15 minutes to at least half an hour. This short time of 15 minutes is just not enough to finish off our lunch or snacks properly. The school canteen is always crowded. Sometimes, we have to stay hungry if we are unable to buy any snack from there. Even toilets and washrooms are overcrowded. Recess is the only time in which we relax for a while and interact with our peers on some problems and issues. For example, I am in X std, our class is on the 2nd floor, and by the time we come down from the crowded stairs and reach the canteen, the bell rings announcing the resumption of the class. We cannot remain hungry always. Even our parents are worried when they see our unfinished lunch boxes. It will be a big relief to the students if this short break time is extended by another 15 minutes to atleast half an hour. We hope you will consider this genuine problem of the students sympathetically and do what is most required. Thanking You. Yours faithfully, Lavisha Singh 16 OSWAAL ICSE Sample Question Papers, English Paper 1 (Language), Class X 3. after the competition. Thanking You. [5 + 5] (i) St. HILDA s School, Kanpur NOTICE 25th July, 20XX Yours faithfully, Neelima Jain (MID Department) Let s Groove Inter School Music Competition Date: 8th August, 20XX Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Venue: Centenary Hall, St. Hildas School All pupils from Classes IX and X who wish to participate must give their names to Mrs. T. Baker on or before 1st August 20XX. 4. [20] (i) (ii) Neelima Jain (MID Department) 1. (a) 2. (d) weak something that stops you from thinking about something else. very thick 3. (b) (a) The Vakils were one of the first families to build holiday cottages on the Thul beach. (b) The house was more suited to the de Silvas as they were young and energetic and would come to the Thul Beach for an occasional holiday. (c) Pinto was a dog at the cottage who barked at the unfamiliar sight of a car and strangers when de Silva family arrived there. (d) There was a commotion in the marshy creek when the heavily loaded car bumped over the grassy bank, dodging between the coconut trees raising a cloud of dust in the narrow path with the result that Pinto started barking and all herons, egrets, kingfishers and moorhens flapped into the dense greenery of the pandanus, the casuarina and the bhindi trees for shelter. (e) Hari has a high opinion of the Bombay city and apparently has a dream to live there. He is flabbergasted by the fact that someone who has a house in Bombay would come to live at the Thul Beach. (ii) New Message To: Subject: Inter School Music competition Dear Madam, Our School is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. As part of the celebrations, we are hosting a series of competitions and we are beginning with Lets groove an inter-school music competition. It will be held on 8 August, 20XX from 9:00 a.m. till 12 p.m. in the centenary hall of St. Hildas School. Please do send your senior music team to participate in the event. Students are requested to be present one hour before the competition. Snacks and refreshment will be served (iii) 1 On arrival of De silvas, life 2 changed for the family in 3 little hut too. immediately there 4 was a Hubbub, all kinds 5 of excitement and expectations, and 6 of course work to be done, 7 employment to be had and 8 wages offered Hari, Bela and Sample Question Papers 17 9 Kamal stood by their door 10 to hold barking Pinto and 11 to welcome De Silvas. 5. [4] (i) (ii) 1. pulled 2. observed 3. built 4. forgot 5. were 6. made 7. stared 8. remembering (a) off (b) down (c) into (d) against (e) to (f) on (g) over (h) along (iii) 1. (a) No sooner did the delegates arrive than the meeting started. (53 Words) 2. (c) We lost our ticket as well as our luggage. 3. (a) He cultivates orchids to display at the flower show 4. (d) Seeing the Principal coming, he ran away (iv) 1. (d) The captain said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening. 2. (b) If the train does not arrive on time, we shall miss the concert. 3. (c) In spite of applying many times, he has never been selected. 4. (b) James is more honest than most other managers. 5. (a) Your offer is acceptable to me. 6. (d) Hardly does he finish his work, when he starts playing. 7. (b) A pen was given to me by my father. 8. (c) Never have I seen Mr. Joe losing his temper.

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