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ICSE Class X Question Bank 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

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Question 1. (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) Write a composition (300 - 350 words) on any one of the following () Write an original story that begins with the words: "He was the funniest boy Ihad ever met. He would make everyone laugh..." i) You had booked a ticket on an early mornipg train. However, you woke up late and missed it. You then decided to run to catch abus to the next station, where you hoped to catch up with the train. Narrate the entire event, including how you felt, the effort you made, and how you finally caught the train. What did you learn from this stresstulexperience? (ii) All Girls or all. Boys Schools provide a better learning environment than co-educationalschools. Express your views either foror against the statement. (iv) You had been waiting outside the examination hall. Describe what you saw and the sounds you heard when you arrived at the place. What were your feelings? Describe how the scene changed once you entered the hall and the examination started. (v) Study the picture given below. Writea short story, description, or account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture, or you may take suggestions from it however, your composition must have a clear connection with the picture. 1 TURN OVER Question 2 following: (Do not spend more than 20 min:as on this question.) Select ar;; orc of the school telling him / () You have changed your school recently. Write aletter to your friend of your old school. old her what you like about your new school but also what youmiss about your of your school. i) Anumber of loose electric wires are hanging from alamp post nearthe main gate it poses and Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner explaining the problem, the danger suggests a quick solution. Question 3 (0 YOur school is organizinga charitydrive for the underprivileged children of the nearby locdty Write out a notice to be put up in your school informing students about the event and nvtns them to participate in the charity drive. () Write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighbouring school requesting him/herto allow the st of his / her school to participate in the event. Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Billy Weaver hadtravelled down from London and by thetime he arrived it was nine o'clock in the night and the moon was coming up. "Excuse me' he asked a porter, "but is there a cheap hotel nearby?" "Try The Bell Hotel," the porter answered, pointing down the road. Billy thanked him, picked up his suitcase and set out to walkthe distance to 'the Bell Hotel. He hadnever been to Richmond before. But the man at the Office had told him it was a splendid city. Billy was seventeen years old. He was wearing a new navy-blue overcoat, a new brown hat, anda newbrown suit, and he was feeling fine. Hewalked briskly down the street. He was trying to d everything briskly these days. The bigshots up at the Head Office were fantastically briskall the time. They were amazing. The road was lonely and dark with afew scattered houses. Suddenly,in, a downstairs window Billy saw a printed notice propped up against the window glass, It said Bed and Breakfast'. He moved a bit closer and peered through the window into the roomandthe first thing he saw was a bright fire burning in the hearth. On the carpet in front of the fire, a little dog was curled up asleep with its nose tucked into its belly. The room in half-darkness was filled with pleasant furniture. There was a piano and a big sofa and several plump armchairs; and in one corner he spotted a large parrot in a cage. Animals were usually agood sign in a place like this Billy told himself and it looked to him as though it would be a pretty decent house to stay in. Then a queer thing happened to him. He was in the act of stepping back and going away from the window when he felt a strange urge to ring the bell! He pressed the bell. He heard it ringing, and then at once the door swung open and a woman was standing there. She gave him a warm welcoming smile. "Please come in," she said pleasantly. Billy found himself automatical moving forward into the house. "Isaw the notice in the window," he said, holding himself back. "Yes, Iknow." "Iwas wondering about a room". "It's allready for you, my dear," she said. She had a round pink face and very gentle blue eyes. "How much do your charge?" "Five dollars a night, including breakfast." It was fantastically cheap. He could easily afford it. (i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: 12]) 1. splendid (line 6) a. impressive b. expensive c. extravagant d. ordinary 2. spotted (line 15) a. dotted b. notice c. stain d. allow TOI 2 HO Which word in the passage means the opposite of the word strange. a peculiar b. unnatural c creepy d. USual (iif) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. (a) How did the porter assist Billy ? (b) Why did Billy want to doeverything briskly ? (c) Why did Billy think animals were a good sign in a place like this ? (d) How much did the room cost? What strange urge di wcn sentence telis you that something strange happened to Billy? 12] have? glass? What s them (V) Despite the dark street, what did Bily see propped up against the window fifty words not more than Tirst thing he noticed, and what was in front of it? Answer in Question 5 correct form of the word given in the brackets. () Fll in each of the numbered blanks with the order the word or phrase appropriate to Donot copy the passage but write in correct serial the blank space. Example : (0) roamed (roam) the land, there (1) Once upon a time, in the days when genies and giants (0) little village by the (name) Baba Ayutb. He lived with his family in a (live) a farmer (2) .... to feed, Baba Ayub (3) ...see) his days name of Maidan Sabz. Because he had a large family 12 (labour) from dawn to (tend) to his (4)(consume) by hard work. Every day, he (5) (turn) the soitand (8) field and (7) sundown (6) .......(plow) his meagre pistachio trees. (ii) Fill in each blank with an appropriate word: (a) The puppy was hiding .....the sofa. (b) Stop worrying . . . . . . your future. the lift, Ifound ituhadstopped working. (c) When I stepped (d) We had to use abridge to go . . . . .the river. (e) I have lived in this town .......ten years. all lights andfans when you leave the room. (f) Please switch (g) Ronnie is married ... y. cousin. a birthday card. without using and, but or so : [4 (i) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence (h)The gift came () He plays cricket. He plays tennis. a. He plays cricket and also tennis. b. He plays either cricket or tennis. C. He playsnot only cricket but also tennis. d. He plays neither cricket nor tennis. (i) Submit your project. Only then can you appear for the test. a. Until you submit your project, you can appear for the test. b. Until you appear for the test,you cannot submit your project. c. Unless you submit your project, you can appear for the test. d. Unless you submit your project, you cannot appear for the test. (ii) The man was running fast. The police caught him. a. Although the man was running fast, the police caught him. The police caught the man in spite he was running fast. Despite his running fast the man caught the police. d. The man was running fast although the police caught him. 3 TURN OVER (iv) Sheena drew a picture. Her mother put it up on the fridge. a. Her mother put a picture on he fridge that Sheena drew. b. Sheena drewa picture that her mother put on the fridge. He mother drew a picture that Sheena put on the fridge. d. Her mother put on the picture that Sheena drew. (iv) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. 1. He was tired, but he finished his work. (Begin with "Despite...") a) Despite he was tired, he finished his work. b)Despite being tired, he finished his work. c) Despite of being tired, he finished his work. d) Despite with tiredness, he finished his work. 2. He tried very hard to succeed. (End with "....his best. ") a) He tried his bestvery hard. b)He tried very hard to do his best. c) He tried his bestvery hard to succeed. d) He tried very hard, doing his best. 3. Itwas raining, they went for a walk. (Begin with "Although.. ") a) Althoughthey went for a walk, it was rain ing. b) Although raining, they went for a walk. c) Although they went for a walk, it kept raining. d) Although it was raining, they went for awalk. 4. The doctor is examining the patient now, (Begin: The patient...) a) The patient is being examined by the doctor rigbt now. b) The patient examines the doctor now. The patient isexamining the doctofat the moment. The patient was examined by the doctor now. 5. Only a very rich man can expect to live such a luxurious life like Tom. (Begin: None ..) a) None except Tom can expectsuch atuxurious life unless they are very rich. b) None other than avery rlch man can live such a luxurious life like Tom. None who is very rich can expect such a luxurious life like Tom. d) None can live sucha luxurious life as Tom without being very rich. 6. He failed the exam as he didn't study hard. (Begin with "Because of") a) Because of his failure, he didn't study hard. b) Because of not studying hard, he failed the exam. c) Because of the exam, he didn't study hard. d) Because of he didn't study hard, he failed the exam. 7. "We had no extra battery, sowe couldn't start the car." (Begin with "If we had"...) OIf we had had an extra battery, we could have started the car. b) If we had an extra battery, we wouldn't have started the car. o If we had extra batteries, we wouldn't be able to start the car. d) If we had an extra battery, we could start the car. 8. They always comeon time. (End with a question tag) a) They always come on time, isn't it? o) They always come on time, don't they? ) They always come on time, don't we? ) They always come on time, didn't they? [8]

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