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ICSE Class X Prelims 2018 : Geography (Sharada Mandir School ICSE, Miramar Panaji, Goa)

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SHARADA MANDIR SCHOOL STD.10 GEOGRAPHY FIRST TERM EXAM - AUG 2017 MARKS: 80 TIME: 2 HRS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Attempt seven questions in all. Part1 is compulsory. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II Part I (30 marks) er z. co m Question 1 (20) Study the extract of the Survey of India map sheet No. 45 D/10and answer the following questions: a) What is the compass direction of Pamera (1622), from Gulabganj (1920)? [1] b) In what way does the pattern of drainage in grid square 2118 differ from that in grid square1723? [1] c) Name the types of vegetation found in the map extract? [1] d) What does the brown line in grid square 1718 represent? What does the figure written along the line indicate? [1] e) What is the R.F. shown in the map extract? Interpret the ratio. [1] f) Calculate the total area of the map extract. [1] g) Identify the landform in grid square 2315. [1] h) What does the term brackish in grid square 1621 mean? [1] i) State the nature of the canal. [1] j) What is the general pattern of settlements in the map extract? What is the main form of transport connecting the settlements? [2] k) Give a six figure grid reference of: [2] 1. The 20 kilometer stone 2. The highest peak l) On which bank of the Sipu Nadi is the village Gulabganj (1920) situated? Where does the village get its supply of water throughout the year? [2] m) Which is the most important settlement in the map extract? Justify your answer. [2] n) What does 10r in grid square 2221 represent? [1] o) Measure the length of the Sipu Nadi from where it is dammed to the causeway in grid square 1820. [2] (10) Te st Pa p Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: a) Name and shade the coastal plain in Tamil Nadu. b) Name and shade a region of alluvial soil above the tropic of Cancer. c) Mark and shade the lake that freezes in winter. d) Indicate with arrows and name the summer monsoon winds over the Lakshadweep islands. e) Mark and shade Kanchenjunga. f) Mark Chandigarh. g) Mark and label the important longitude passing through Allahabad. h) Name and shade a state with high population density in south India. i) Mark and name a centre for iron ore. j) River Ravi PART II (50 marks) Attempt any five questions Question 3 a) The cricket match at Mohalli Stadium, Punjab, on the 16th of January, had to be cancelled due to bad weather. Give an explanation for the weather condition. b) Give an important reason for the following: 1. The fishermen on the Coromandel Coast are warned not to venture out into the Bay, in November. 2. The north-east monsoon brings almost no rain to most of India. 3. Western Rajasthan does not receive any rainfall from the Arabian Sea branch of the south west monsoons. 4. India experiences cold season in the months of December and January. c) State a benefit of the Kalbaisakhi to the agricultural sector in West Bengal. d) What is meant by Monsoon Burst ? [1] [4] [1] [1] Cont d .. 1 Page 2 Geography Std 10 (e) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow: Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Station A Station B Temp. ( C) Rainfall cm Temp. ( C) Rainfall cm 21.0 0.1 24.4 0.2 22.6 0.1 24.5 0.3 26.3 0.5 26.7 0.3 29.2 1.5 28.3 1.7 29.7 2.7 30.0 1.9 25.1 11.4 28.9 50.2 24.5 16.7 27.2 61.0 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 25.4 9.0 27.2 37.0 24.8 13.5 27.2 27.0 25.5 9.0 28.3 4.8 22.5 2.7 27.2 1.4 20.5 0.3 25.0 0.3 1. Calculate the annual range of temperature of Station B. [1] 2. Calculate the annual rainfall of Station A. [1] 3. Presuming that both the stations are located in West India, state giving a reason as to which of the two stations, lies on the windward side of the Western Ghats. [1] er z. co m Question 4 a. Name the soil: 1. Soil formed due to weathering of crystalline rocks 2. Soil which has high clay content 3. Soil that is found in the Malwa Plateau b. Explain the occurrence of the following: 1. Leaching in the upper summits of the Western Ghats. 2. Gully erosion in the Chambal Valley. c. State why: 1. Khadar soil is called new alluvium. 2. Large tracts of Maharashtra are covered with black soil. d. With what aim did the central government introduce and sponsor the following? 1. The Integrated Watershed Management scheme 2. The scheme to control shifting cultivation in Arunachal Pradesh e. How do farmers prevent soil erosion by wind? Te st Pa p Question 5 a) With reference to the vegetation in the Sunder ban answer the following: 1. State why the Sundari tree is used to build boats. 2. State an adaptation of the Sundari tree to survive the tidal movement. b) What are the climatic conditions required for the good growth of the Gurjan tree? c) State two important characteristics of the vegetation found in the Thar Desert. d) What specific type of vegetation is found just below the snow line? Name two species. e) What is meant by the term deciduous ? State an important use of the Palas tree. f) With reference to conservation of forest answer the following: 1. What is Social Forestry? 2. Why should corridors between different reserved forests be established? [3] [2] [2] [2] [1] [2] [1] [1] [2] [2] [1] [1] Question 6 a) With reference to conservation of water answer the following questions. 1. Give traditional ways by which water is stored in Ladakh and Rajasthan. [1] 2. State an advantage of Rain Water Harvesting. [1] b) Name two states where tank irrigation is widely used. Why is it the main form of irrigation in those states? [2] c) Give an important reason for the following: [2] 1. Tamil Nadu enjoys the benefit of canal irrigation. 2. Coconut plantation owners in Goa use the modern drip irrigation method. d) What is irrigation? Why is it necessary in India? [2] e) Observe the picture and answer the following questions: 1. Identify the method of irrigation. 2. State an advantage of this method. [1] [1] Cont d .. 2 Page 3 Geography Std 10 Question 7 a) With reference to disposal of waste: [2] 1. Name the methods of disposal of biomedical waste and kitchen waste. 2. The open dumping of garbage under the Mandovi Bridge should be converted to sanitary landfills. State an advantage of landfills. b) State how: [3] 1. Thermal pollution leads to eutrophication in water bodies. 2. The New Plastic Waste Management Rules will lead to reduction of plastic pollutant. 3. You, as a citizen of the world, can reduce the quantity of CFCs in the atmosphere. c) Give two examples of how waste can be recycled. [1] d) Why are radioactive wastes more hazardous than any other waste? [1] e) Name the following: [3] 1. The disease caused by mercury poisoning in Japan 2. The phenomenon occurring due to the presence of excessive acids in rain water 3. Device used to purify air from particulate matter Te st Pa p er z. co m ********* End ********* 3

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