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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (Welland Gouldsmith School (WGS), Patuli, Kolkata)

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Basundhara Dutta
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WELLAND GOULDSMITH SCHOOL, PATULI THIRD REHEARSAL EXAMINATION 2024-25 SUBJECT: HISTORY AND CIVICS CLASS -X TOTAL MARKS: 80 DURATION: 2 HOURS Attempt all questions from Part I(Complsory). A total offive questions are to be attempted from Part Il, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ 1 PART I Atempt all questions from this Part i. ii, Question 1 [16] A House has 350members. On a aiven day. 25 members are present. For which of the tollowing reasons does the speaker adjourn the session of the day? a. Indiscipline in the house C. Business of the day is over b. Lack of quorum d. There is no question to admit Match the columns: Column A a. Memberof Rajya Sabha b. Member of Lok Sabha C. The President of India d. The Voter a. a-i,b-i,c-iv,d-ii b. a-i,b-i,c-iv,d-ii iii. Column B i. 25 yrss ii. 18 yrs ii. 30 yrs iv. 35 yrs C. a-i, b-ii,c-iv,d-i da. a-iv,b-i,c-ii,d-ii The Vice- President of India takes over the office of the Prsident under the following situations 1. Death of the President 2. Resignation of the President 3. Removal of impeachment of the President a. Only 1 b, 1 and 2 iv. Complete the analogy: President: Nominal Head :: Prime Minister : a. real head b. commanding head V. C. Only 2 d. 1,2and 3 C. main head d. legal head Which court is said to be the quardian of the Constitution? a. Supreme Court b. High Court C. District Court d. Lok Adalat given followed by a is (A) Assertion a statement of correct answer. Inthe following, the District. statement of reason. Select Judge is the principal Court of the District Record. (A)-The cOurt of theDistrict Judge is a Court of C. (A)is true but (R) is false. (R)-The court of a Corresponding vi. vi. true and (R) is false a. Both (A)and (R) are of (A) (As true but (R) is faatse the correct explanation d. is b. Both (A) and (R) are true butof(R) not the corect explanation (A) to the war of 1857? Which of the following is true with regard the rise of the national movement. resist for way the paved 1857 of Uprising (1) The objectives, it inspired the Indians to (2) Although the Uprisingfailed to achieve its the British rule. a. (2) contradicts (1) b. (2) is the reason for (1) C. (1) is true but (2)is false d. (1) and (2) are independent of each other vii. ix. ldentify the Earty Nationalist Leader. a. Gopal Krishna Gokhale b. Bipin Chandra Pal C. Lala Lajpat Rai d. Bal Gangadhar Tilak Arrange the following in chronological order 1. Split in Congress 3. Partition of Bengal 2. Lucknow Pact 4. Muslim League a. 1,2,4,3 b. 3,4,1,2 C. 2,3,1,4 d. 4,1,3,2 X. xi. Which of the following was not a cause for the non-cooperation movement? a. Rowlatt Act C. Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy b. Sepoy Mutiny d. Khilafat Movement Identify the person featuredalongside Gandhiji? a. Lord Mountbatten b. Lord Curzon The gi a. Nazi Party b. Fascist Party xii. German Invasion on a. Poland C. Lord Wavell d. Lord Dalhousie represents - C. Communist Party d. Socialist Party became the immediate cause of the Second Worid War. b. Japan C. Russia d. Austria Which of the following nations were divided into West and East after the Second World Xiv. War? a. Japan b. Italy XV. C. Germany d. France The negative vote,a permanent member of the UN is called a. election C. procedure b. veto xvi. d. abstain Which of the following was not a founder member of the Non-Aligned Movement a. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Joseph Tito b. Winston Churchill d. Sukamo Question 2 Why is the Rajya Sabha called a "Permanent House? (i) (ii) t On what two grounds can a Supreme Court Judge be removed from office? 2) (ii) Why did Mahatma Gandhi start the historic March to Dandi? (2] (iv) What was the proposal of the Cripps Mission regarding the defense of India? 2) (v) How was Nazism different from Fascism? 2 (vi) How did USA enter the Second World War? Why? 2) (vii) Who appoints the Secretary General of the UN? (uii) her-and where was the first sumnit eftheNon-Aligned Mevement held? PART II 2] SECTION A Question 3 Attempt any two questions from this Section. The powers and functions of the Indian Parliament are wide ranging. In this context, answer the following: en a. Explain three ways by which the Legislature exercises control over the Executive. b. Mention any three special powers of the Rajya Sabha? (3] (3] c. the TheLok Speaker plays akey role in maintaining order and ensuring the smooth funcioning of Sabha. Mention any forur functions of the Speaker to support this statement. 14] Question 4 The Union Executive which consists of the President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers is a powerful body in a Parliamentary Democracy. In this context, answer the following: a. State any three powers of the Prime Minister in relation to the President. b. C. Discuss the three categories of ministers in order of their rank and status. Discuss any 2 legislative powers of the Cabinet. [3] (3] (4] Question 5 An independent Judiciary is a feature of a Federal Government. With reference to the Supreme Court, answer the following a. Who appoints the judges of th Supreme Court? What is the composition of the Supreme Court? b Mention any 3 cases which come under the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. C. Explain the terms 'Revisory Jurisdiction' and 'Advisory Jurisdiction'. (3] [3] (4] SECTIONB Attempt any three questions from this Section. Question6 With reference to the First war of Independence, 1857 use the following points to explain the important causes which led to the Revolt: (3] [3] (4] The British policy of political expansion. Economic exploitation. Interference in the social and religious life of the Indians. Question 7 One of LordCurzon's Administrative measures that resulted in strong resentment from the masses was the Partition of Bengal in 1905. In this context, answer the following a. b. C. What was Lord Curson's argument in favour of the partition? Mention any 3 ways the Nationalists interpreted it? What was the impact of the Swadeshi movement on Indian industries? (3] (3] [4] Question 8 "By the end of 1930, thousands of Indians, including Jawaharlal Nehru, were in jail. The movement had generated worldwide publicity, and the British Viceroy was looking for a way to end it. Gandhiji was released from custody in January 1931, and the two men began negotiating the terms of the pact which was signed in March, 1931." Source: The Hindu Who was the Viceroy who negotiated with Gandhiji? Stot Name any 2 causes of the movement being discussed above. 3 b Mention any three impacts of this movement. C As a consequence of this meeting, apact was signed. Mention any 4 conditions that the Congresand British government agreed to acoording to this pact. [4] [3] Question 9 Inontext to the picture given below, answer the following: b. C. The event in the picture brought an end to which War? Discuss any 2 causes that led to the outbreakof this War? (3] Who comprised the two rival blocs that fought against each other in this war? (3 Name the event in the picture. State any 3 results of this War. (4] Question 10 In context to the period after the Second Worid War, answer the following questions War. State a. Name the peace keeping organization established after the Second World (3] any 2 of its objectives. b. State any 3 objectives of the Non-Aligned Movement. C. Mention any 4 principles of Peaceful Coexistence proppounded by NAM. 3 (41

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