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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai)

9 pages, 100 questions, 41 questions with responses, 43 total responses,    2    0
Shikhar Karmakar
Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai
1st to 10th science
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GOKULDHAM HIGH SCHO0L &JUNIOR COLLEGE SECONDARY SECTION(2023-2024) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY (H.C.G. PAPER-2) GRADE: 10 DATE: 12.01.2024 MARKS:80 TIME:2 hours Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The timegiven at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Part I iscompulsory. Allquestions from Part I are to be attempted. A totalof five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ J This paper consists of 9 pages and an outline map of India. Tobe supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No.G43S7 PART I (30Marks) (Attempt all questivns from this Part) Question 1 Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No G43S7 and answer the following questions: (i) (i) (a) What is the verbalscale of the given map extract? (b) Givethe six-figure grid reference of the Triangulatcd height 208. (2) (a) Mention the major occupation of the map extract. Give an evidence for your answer. (b)What is the drainage pattern of grid square 2606? (2) (iii) (a) Give two evidence to show that this region receives seasonal rainfall. (b)What does 200 in grid square 2707 mean? (2) (iv) (a) What does the tem 'aqueduct mean in grid square 2402? (b) What is the main mode of transportation in this map extract? (2) (a) Calculate the area between the Eastings 31 and 25 and the Northings (v) 10and 07. (b) What does 10r in grid square 2709 mean? (2) 1 2 west east the sea over are the exXisting (10) in winds. (HCG-Paper-2) Geographv Sub: e(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) India. options: to over the questions of the the the the the India tahe Hyderabad. the Tropic River Aravali. densely Palk Nathu-Laoff-shore Black Northeast provided: Strait. Yamuna. populated of soil. oi l pass. Cancer. Monsoon field. having South Rain Snow answers anand and with and and and and and and area label labellabellabel labellabel label map label arrows blowing condition FloodingRoln Tlbet Ro the correct the given Vengal Boy of Raln nges Rerndos (x) (ix)(viii) (vii) (vi) (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) i) Question 2 OnGrade:10 the ShadeShade Mark Mark MarkMarkMark MarkMark Markoutline region to rislng Hot ai DserlThar Choose Question 3 from winds diagram, the above reference With and the the pressurewinds weak high strong low Monsoon, Monsoon, Disturbances, Cyclones, (d) (c) (b) (a) WesternSouthNorth Tropical landcalled is the (i) Sub: Geography (HCG-Paper-2) Grade: 10 (ii) The type of soil erosion which continues for a long time and forms many finger-shaped grooves over a large area is known as (a) Sheet erosion (b)Gully erosion (c) Rill erosion (d)Leaching (iii) The most widespread forests in India are the (a) Tropical Evergreen forests (b) Tropical Deciduous forests (c)Tropical Desert forests (d) Littoral forests (iv)A paved or unpaved area which receives rainfall directly is called the (a)Catchment (b)Conduit (c) Storage facility (d) Recharge facility (v) is reddish in colour and is known as the 'Red Ore'. (a) Siderite (b) Limonite (c) Magnetite (d) Haematite (vi) India is the largest producer and consumer of (a) Rice (b) Sugarcane (c) Pulses (d) Millets 3 Sub: Geography(HCG-Paper-2) Grade:10 (vi) "Indian steel output jumps 18.2% in September amidst a drop in global production" Updated - October 25, 2023 at 05:36 PM. Source: The Hindu Which is the first shore-based steel plant in India? (a) Tata Iron and Steel Company (b)Bhilai Iron and Steel Plant (c) Rourkela Steel Plant (d) Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant (vii) The constitute the principal mode of transportation for freight and passengers. (a) roadways (b) railways (c) airways (d) waterways (ix) The phenomenon of concentrated toxic deposition at the higher trophic level is known as (a) biomagnification (b) bio-accumulation (c) eutrophication (d) biodegradation forms the second largest soil group in India. (x) (a) Alluvial soil (h) Red soil (c) Black soil (d) Laterite soil 4 Sub: Geography(HCG-Paper-2) Grade: 10 PART II (50 Marks) (Answer any five questions) Question 4 (i) (a) Name the type of climate experienced in India. (2) (b) Mention any two factors responsible for it. Warm, moist alr is forcod to riso ovor high aroas Aircools and condensos, foming clouds RRain shadow See Alr doB onds, Wams and becomos drlor Itralns (ii) With referencc to thc abovc diagram give a suitable example from India to (2) explain how relief features affect the rainfall of a place. (iii) Give reasons for the following: (a)Tropical cyclones bring heavy rainfall but temperate cyclones bring light rainfall. (b) Chcrry Blossoms are beneficial local winds. EE (c) The North East Monsoon winds bring almost no rain to most parts of (3) India. (iv)Study the climatic data and answer the following questions: Jul Feb Mar Apr May Jun Aug Sep Oct Month Jan Rain(cm)0 1.1 1.5 2.1 Nov Dec 25.5 45.3 46.5 45.4 43.3 20.1 3.0 Temp C 23.8 25.0 27.7| 28.3 30.230.3 30.4 30.3 30.0 30.3 242 (a) Calculate the annual range of temperature. (b) What is the total rainfallduring the monsoon season? (c) On which coast is the station located? Give a rcason for your (3) answer. 5 Grade:10 Sub: Geography(HCG-Paper-2) Question5 () Rohit had gone to Prayagraj(Allahabad) during his Diwali vacation and found the soil very fertile there. Name the soil. Why is it so fertile? (ii) With reference to soilerosion in India answer the following (2) questions: (a) State any two human activities that have led to soil erosion in India. (b) Mention any twoagricultural techniques that can help to prevent soil erosion. (ii)Name the following: (a) Soil which develops on old crystalline rocks. (2) (b) Soil which is dark in colour and suitable for cotton cultivation. (c) Riverine soil. (iv)Give a geographicalreason for the following: (a) Laterite soil has low fertility. (b) Khadar is more fertile than bhangar soil. (c) Red soil is ideal for dry farming. (3) (3) Question 6 (i) (a) Identify the type of forest shown in the above picture. (b) What are the climatic conditions required for this type of vegetation? (2) (ii)Name the following: (a) A forest conservation method that involves the local community. 6 Sub: Geography(HCG-Paper-2) Grade:10 (b)The process which involves planting trees in an area from which forest vegetation has been removed. (2) (iii) With reference to Tidal forests answer the following: (a) Name a region in India where these forests occur. (3) (b) Mention two characteristic features of these forests. (iv) Give a geographical reason for cach of the following: (a) Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit for commercial purposes. (b) Acacia has long roots. (c) The trees in the Deciduous forests shed their leaves for six to eight (3) weeks. Question 7 (2) (2) (i)) Mention four methods of recharging groundwater aquifers. (ii)Give two ways in which rainwater harvesting is imporlunt for India? (iii) (a) Identify the typeof irrigation shown in the above picture. (b) Mention two advantages of this type of irrigation. (3) (a) Modern means of irrigation are gaining popularity. (b) Tubewell irrigation is quiteexpensive. wells. (3) (iv) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: (c) Many farmers in India still use Question 8 Which variety of coal is regarded as 'brown coal'? Where is its largest (i) (ii) (iii) deposit found in India? Mention two advantages of natural gas. (a) Name the oxide of aluminium. (b) Where is the largest aluminium plant located? 7 (2) (2) Sub: Geography (HCG-Paper-2) Grade:10 (3) (c) Why is copper used for making electric wires? (iv) Give a reason for each of the following: (a) India is at an advantageous position in terms of solar energy. (0) Wind energy can generate additional income for land oWners. (3) (c) Biogas provides twin benefits to the farmers. Question 9 (i) Why is agriculture said to be the backbone of the Indian economy? (2) (i) (a) Why iswheat grown in the cold weather season? (b) Name the state which is the leading producer of groundnut in India.(2) (iii) (a) What are millets? (b) Why are millets known as dry crops? (c) Why does coffee estates have coffee interplanted with orange trees, cardamom and pepper vines. (3) (iv) Amit is a farmer. He asked his friend to help him get some labourers for Ginning'. (a) Which crop do you think isgrown by Amit? (b) Mention any two climatic conditions suitable for this crop. (3) Question 10 (i) Classify industries on the basis of the nature of producls. Give one example of each. (ii) (2) 3 weeks intocrushing season, mills produce only 50% sugar. Source: Times of India. November 23, 2023. Mention two problems of thesugar industry. (2) (ii) (a) Name the iron and steel plant set up in collaboration with the (then) U.S.S.R Government. (b)In which state and district is it located? (c) Name the mines supplying iron ore to this plant. (3) (iv) Give reasons for the following: (a) Traditional raw materials are being replaced by petrochemical products. (b)Ahmedabad is known as the 'Manchester of India'. (c) The Silk industry has a small market. 8 (3) Sub: Geographv (HCG-Paper-2) Grade: 10 Question 11 (i) What is North-South and East-West Corridor? Mention the terminal points of this corridor. (2) (ii) Amazon to use inland waterways for delivery.' Source: Times of India November 23, 2023 Give twO reasons to prove that it would be advantageous to use inland waterways. (111) List two advantages and one disadvantage of air transport in India. (iv) Givereasons for the following: (2) (3) (a) Awell-developed transport network is important for industrial progress. (b) Railways are not common in North-East India. (c) North India is better suited for railways and roadways. (3) Question 12 (i) What is the impact of waste generation on the following: (a)Surface water (b) Landscape (ii) (ii) Mention two advantages of sanitary landfill. (a) Name the method of waste disposal shown in the above picture? (b) Mention two advantages of this method of waste disposal. (iv) Mention three ways to reuse waste that is generated at home. 9 (2) (2) (3) (3)

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