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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School (CNM), Mumbai)

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Shikhar Karmakar
Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai
1st to 10th science
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I C.N.M: &~D. PAAlKH STD Sbri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's c.N.M, School & N.D. Parekh Pre-Primary School SECOND TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 -24 HISTORY &CIVICS DATE TIME MAX MARKS 80 2 hours 22.11.2023 Number of printed pages -o paper must be written on the paper provided separ,ately. Answers to this You will not be allowed to write during the first minutes. ; This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the annre~.. . X , Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). Section A from questions three of A total of five questions are to be attempted from _Part II, two out and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given iQ,prackets [] I PART --- --~-. ------Attempt all questions from this section. 'J ( h t (J a Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) (i) The Upper House of the Parliament can exercise an exclusive power during the following situation. (a) Vote ofNo Confidence Motion (b) Creation of new all India Services. (c) Adjournment otion (d) Motions of Censure (ii) The Ministe~s are individually responsible to the (a) Parliain~nf : . ' (b)_Lok Sabha (cillajya Sabha (d) President (iii) Met}i~d of Elec~ion of the President of India includes the following. (a) Dite'.tiqy by Electoral College (b) Indirectly by the Lok Sabha members (c) By the members of the Rajya Sabha through proportional representation. (d) Indirectly by an Electoral College. (iv) Given below are the details of candidates for the Lok Sabha election in India. (16) an Candidate w X y z Age 25 30 40 35 Other det~ils Holds an office of profit under the Government of India. a scientist An insolvent Name is not included in the electoral rolls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Std. X - History & Civics Second Tenninal Examination -2023-24 Pagel of 6 ' , member of the Lok Select the person who fulfils the eligibility criteria to become a Sabha. (a) W ~c' ~x ~y ~)Z (v) Mr. S. Jaishankar is the Minister for External Affairs in Jndia. Which of the following category Of (;j:11 ministers can he be placed? (a) Council of Ministers (b) Ministers of State (c) Cabinet Minister (d) Deputy Ministers (vi) The power of Judicial Review relates to which of the following action? (a) Advise President on Constitutional rnattcrs (b) Declare the laws passed by Parlianlcnt that arc against the Constitution as unconstitutional (c) Review the organization of Judiciary (d) Prepare laws to preserve the rule of law (vii) Read the two statements given below about the formation of the Lucknow Pact of 1916 and select the option that shows the correct relationship between (A) and B) Assertion (A): The Lucknow Pact sy1nbolised Hindu-Muslim Unity. Reason (R): Both the Congress and the Muslim League agreed to co romise in some areas for the common good. (a) Both A and Rare true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is false but R is true (d) A is true but R is false (viii) Who had introduced the policy of Non-Aligrunent? I. Marsha] Tito 2. Jawaharlal Nehru 3. KB Iyer 4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad (a) Option 1 & 2 (b) Option 1 (c) Option 2 (d) Option 3 & 4 (ix) h of the following is one of the impacts o_f t~e above incident? . . i ts started swadesh1 tnov ft . . The Assertive Nattona ts . ement a er this incident. ) (a 1 Nationalists Leaders were expelled. (b) The Ear. y k d the national movement. ) The Spht wea ene . (c The British adopted a policy of concession to the Assertive Nationalists. (d) tr' and their allies were called (x}GermanY, Aus ta (a) Allied Powers (b) Central Powers (c) Triple Entente (d) Imperial Powers . . . . SI .. .. (xi) Rajat, a student of Std X part1cipat~ ogan -Writtng,compettt1on. He has,~n highly motivated by the slogans raised durmg freedom struggle Do or Die'. Rajat is &'b t}ikely inspired by which national leader? ., \:~_ (a) Mahatma Gandhi ; . - _ >--~-- , (b) Lokmanya Tilak ,, (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (d) Bipin Chandta Pal. (xii) _ _ _ _ was the reason for the renewal of Civil Disobedience Movement. (a) Failure of Cripps Mission (b) Opposition to Simon Commission (c) Threat of Japanese invasion (d) Failure of Second Round Table Conference. (xiii) Where was the first session of the Indian National Congress held? Who presided over it? (a) Mumbai: W.C. Bonnerjee (b) Surat: Rashbehari Ghosh . (c) Kolkata: Dadabhai Naoroji (d) Lahore: Jawaharlal Nehru (xiv) The General Service Enlistment'Act passed by the British inl 856 stated _ __ (a) Withdrawal of pn~lfeg~ ~f:free postage eAjoyed by sepoys. (b) Indian soldiers_ could: be serit o.v~rseas on duty (c) Additional Bhatta and extra payment would be paid to the soldiers (d) Sol9ie~:~~~~i,t~J1. .hr.t e amiy could not rise above the rank of a Subedar. (xv) Whi~~ f the '.foll~wi ~g"i~NOT a clause of the Cabinet Mission Plan? ;~fi) Separate rJpr~sentation would be given to -Muslims and Sikhs :Jb) An Interim Gow-e rnment would be formed at the Centre with 14 members t~) The treaties with the Princely States would come to an end. (d~/1):ansfe .<5f Power (xvi) Motto ofthe Indian National Army was ---(a) Unity, integrity and fraternity (b) Service, sacrifice .and sarvodaya (c) Unity, faith and sacrifice (d) Faith, fraternity and power. Whic fll , . . , (' -~ ( : ' 1" ,,\ ~,, -~- Question 2 Read the given news carefully and answer the question (i) that follows: (14] d in Rajya Sabha on August , . B 11 The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization tion 1 , 2019 was introduce . . ro-vides for reorganiza 5, 2019 by the Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Amit 1 Shah. Th~ Bil p and Kashmir and of the state of Jammu and Kashmir into- the .-. Union Terri.tory 0 f Jammu Union Territory of Ladakh. Source: The Indian Express August 6, 2019 . . tioned union terntones7 When does an Ordinance (i) Who has the power to administer the above-men ll"' 1 lapse? . usurp ed by Mr. Ravi. (ii) Mr. Shekhar approached the Supreme Court direct ly since hts office wa~ , ase l21 (a)Name the jurisdiction used by the Supreme Court to accept Mr. Shek ar s c (b)Which writ will be issued by the Supreme t to Mr. Ravi? . . l'st over the issue of l21 (iii)What was the difference of opinion between Cour the Early and Assertive Nattona 1 s swadeshi before the Surat session of1907? (iv)State two objectives of the Forward Bloc. (21 ' ,,. (v) What was the impact of the Revolt of 1857 on Princ [2) ely States? (vi) Give two reasons for the acceptance of Mountbatte n Plan by the Congress. [21 (vii) Mention the composition of the International Cour t of Justice. [21 , r. PART II SECTION A Attempt any two questions from this Secti~n. Question 3 ...:. . The Union Legislature of India is not only.the lawm a~ng body, but the center ~fal l democratic political process. With reference to the Parliament, answ~r tbe following questions: (i) Discuss the meaning and importance of No Confi denc~ Motion. When can this motion be moved.:in the Lok Sabha? (ii) State the role and functions of th~ Presiding Offic er of the Lower house in maintaining discipline and order in the House. (iii) With reference to the-powers of the Parli amen ! explain the following: (two each) i. Financial pow~ ~ , . ii. Law making power on the subjects listed in the concu rrent List {10] [3] [3] [4] . . "' ,/ = , ,_, , ' Questl on 4 The Pr~ident:-is the::nominal head of the executive, the first citizen of the country. With r~ference to this, ~p~wer the following quest ions: . - - # ,I.. - " - ,-:: : ., {10] :,, (i) Dis~~ -~he discr~tionary powers of the President. (any three) (ii) Who has:ttFapptove the proclamation of an emer gency issued by the President? When can the President declare emergency on any state of the India n Unio n? Why is that emergency also calle d Presi dent' s Rule? (iii) State the following: i. Any two reasons for the Indirect election of the Presi dent. ii. Two qualifications required for a person to be elect ed to the post of the Vice President. (3] (3] [41 Question 5 The Constitution of India provides for a High Cour t for each State. In light of this statement, answer the following: (lOJ [3] (i) Who appoints the Chief Justice oftbe Hig.h Court? What happens when a pennanentjudge is temporarily absent or unable to perfo~ his duties? (ii) What is 'Revisory Jwisdiction'? Mention any-two cases under which the Revisory Jurisdiction is (3] applicable. (iii) What is Lok Adalat? State its three advantages. [4] SECTIONB Attempt any three questions from this Section. Question 6 Nationalism refers to the feeling of oneness t~at emerges when people conside_r_ themselves as one nation. With reference to the growth of nationalism, answet:fl;l~ following: [10) [3] [3] . ;: ,~ ... .,,:' (i) State the objectives of the Indian National Congress. (ii) What is Ilbert Bill Controversy? Explain . ., . (iii) Discuss the following: (a) Contributions of Jyotiba Phule in reforming the lnd~an society. (any two} .. (b) Role played by the Press in uniting the people of India. . .. ,, [4] Question 7 The Assertive Nationalists added a glorious chapter to the history of the national movement. They were the young leaders who did not agree with the m thods and ideologies of the Early Nationalists leaders. With reference to the Early and Assertive Nationalists, answer the following. (10] [3] (i) Who was called as the forerunner 6f Gandhiji and why? (ii) Name the leader who 1 41 demonstration against the Simon Commission. State his contributions [3] to the freedom struggle ofJndia.(any two) (iii) State any two meth<?ds used by the Early Nationalists; Explain the method of National Education as propagated by the.Assertive Nationalists. [4] Question 8.,,.,.;~. . ., Read t~lexcerpt given below and answer the questions that follow. The Btitish govemment-"s lack of genuine interest in giving Dominion Status was evident to the natiori~t leaders. In an emergency meeting held in Lahore in December 1929, Jawaharlal Nehru w~,-ipade the President of the Congress. ' ' .~ , ..; [10) . .. (i) State any three programmes set by the Congress Working Committee soon after the declaration of (3] Pooma Swaraj in Lahore Session. (ii) Discuss in brief the Second Round Table Conference held in 1931. Why did it fail? [3] (iii) With reference to the Non-Cooperation movement of 1920, answer the following: i. Objectives ofNon -Cooperation Movement. (any two) [4] ii. Reason for its suspension Std. X - illstory & Civics Second Tenninal Examination -2023-24 ------- ---;;~e 5 ; 6 Question 9 W Id w The Treaty of Versailles was harsh and sowed the seeds for the Second or ar. In this context, briefly describe the following: (i) How did the failure of League of Nations become a cause for the Second World War? (ii) What is meant 'Cold War'? Name the blocs formed after the Second ~orld War. (iii) State any tbur similarities between the ideologies of fascism and Nazism. Question 10 The United Nations Organisation was established to maintain peace. The has s~veraJ specialized agencies through which it operates. In this context, answer the following questions: llOj (i) Identify and name the logo given above (full fonn) and mention any two of its functions. [3] (ii) India was the first country to initiate the policy of Non-Alignment, under the leadership of the first [3] Prime Minister of India. State any three of his contributions towards Non-Alignment Movement. (iii) List any four functions of the executive body of the u nited Nations. [4] ************************************************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Std. X - History & Civics Second Terminal Examination -2023-24 Page 6 of 6

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