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Class 10 Exam 2013 : Geography (Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana)

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Jasraj Nanda
Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana
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jasraj.nanda Sat Paul Mittat School Final Examination-2013-14 Class T.imeAllowed:-2hrs '/ '/ ,/ '/ IX Geography -4nnvers to this Paper must bb written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during thefiist'r5 iiniates This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of thti paper is the allo*"dfor writing the answers Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory. Atiempt onvhve questions Max. Marks: - 80 fi*i from part II. Part I (30 Marks) Study the extract bf The Survey. of India Map Sheet no. 45D17 @astings 77-g5 and Northingsgg^Q^ 00) and answer the following euestions:a) Give the four-figure grid reference of the followine:_ e i) Kuchewada ii) Rampura (Panswala) iii) Open Scrub in the north east iv) Tank near Mohudi Moti l b) Give the six-figure grid reference of the following:_ i) Lime Kiln in 8294 ii) Lakhnasar iii)'208 in7796 iv) Telnple in Santerwada (4) (4) c) Give the meaning of each of the following:Dd:|in 829Q ii)ein 8189 @ iii) Doaed black line in 7994 iv) Broken red line in 8494 lz) d) Give the directions of the following:i) Mohudi Moti from Ganeshpura ii) Kuchewada from Panthawada (2) e) Give the settlement pattern in :i) $id square 8199 ii) In grid square 8189 (2) f) Give the drainage patterns in the following:i) In grid square 8194 ii) in grid square 7995 iii in grid square 8399 iv) in grid square g49g (4) g) Define:i) Scale ii) Contours Q 2 On an outline map of India, I. lz) - ? *- ef,e arci iabel the highest peak Laate and label niu"r-fviifrunuoi of India =.Shade and. label Chhotana;ur plateau _:_ {i i rtlXl"ill,ll'^:':" ";;;"'i".T:g jii:ii:Tiffi: 4:;;;;;:1 g. Locate and label fontun _ \{ \-' ;; ff":; ill?l 6ourt 9. Shade and tabel Crta;iM;;;. i0' Shade and raber u r,u*^r""1;uing in NE rndia rainfa, from temperate cycrones C. C,,. a) i) what makes rhe trrlarks) r'' Q 3 z season from Dec-F"o J#iit^(50 South India? ,il ilru:f iffi coasr during this ; ff il:'Jftl|;,toromandar ii) What do S-[ M"";;;;, O"iuia, into fwo branches? c) i) Why 0,": y?*"*ig.,,"re season . Q) rainfall than Allahabad? Q) ai;l)i#l|1",:;fj,:[ffi;jie'ir"uuv;;i"r'rb'cril"i*l,.u,on, (1+2) ii) Why do:: Jlu, Desert receive scanty rainfall? iii) whv is shimla o- ""rJ"tirt"" tdiiHiil:,?:t::'h:t r"onl""l#; ril;rn both lie on the same ratitude? (3) rertiritv orsoir. t"':'*inethe ;iffi i#ffi1;',1i#ff:y::'inr:J,""'ff #yi:tr,heseqsi,s? ,. lii) Wny are mountain soils coarse? d) State thrce causes oi:erosion uy nafure and srrs by L/J human ! "u.r, t "J, ;] [ :#'J;yffif::tl[ ::l::j'"". !:t tffi'f iJ,:T, [? ;!:H:T#ati req uired on pop u r G i Q) ', activities. ror wer r i rri gation ar? (2) i (3) ? ve th ree reason (2) (2) (3) (3) s a 6. 3] Why should we eonserve minerals? b) i) Name two oilfields;" lie"l';d'il. ii) What are the ad.van,ug", o?iu*t ',y#H:tffi ::*.'*" ii) Name ;;;; (2) gas? tr,e 6rrowing:- 3] Lnat is the significance of e5'TIUUILUTe vr agricult tn the Indi - --" Indian economy? b) Give three tnr."."i"ons reion;;,why whv intercropping *^--,lT,t-n,th" is better th c) i) whor rn ,,^r, _cropping. .mixed ;fi ffi?,;:ffiT ##,il; :*j:::lY;q Ti,Ti: is ourLcr'4Dte sustainabi; ' il?,y,lT agrlcu.lture Aj.j##i ? J Y,lxl :: li:*:l'"':*#F9 bv indian agricu't "' ii)whatarethe'charJ.'r.i"'";ff ff ,?I.iili?lff ru (2) *",tIty iro^n ore producing states. Why is it rmporrant for India?s economic ,. .il? development? d) i)what ur. tro'main uses of coal? ii)What are the *uin O.urariurf i"oanelds in India? 0Z 3) _c. : :'.r$" (3) (1+) t : - _ . :_ . -:- :: __::j- :-- --_: -_=-_.iS.lSrNfS.\fr\fa. __:_..___ ^f. - : _: -\.> ul,- -=>,=7r7q-/1./1-aVa/1? spread vegetation type found -c.s ofthe -most wide_

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