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ICSE Class IX Sample / Model Paper 2021 : History and Civics St Francis school kormangala bangalore

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Jash Patel
St. Francis School ICSE, Bangalore
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1 St Francis School ICSE Koramangala, Bengaluru-34 History and Civics Model Examination- December 2020 Class= IX Total=100 marks Date-16/12/2020 Marks-80 marks Time- 2 hrs Project-10 marks Instructions Attempt all the questions in part I, part II Civics Section -attempt any TWO out of three in Section A and attempt any THREE out of four questions in Section B. Ensure that you write page numbers and tag your sheets well for submission. Part- A (Compulsory section) I Answer the Following question briefly: 10X1=10 marks 1. When was the Indian Constitution adopted? When was it enforced? 2. Mention any two Fundamental Rights. 3. Mention any two Fundamental Duties. 4. What is the meaning of Welfare State? 5. What is the meaning of Directive Principles of State Policy. 6. What is meant by Mid-term elections. 7. What is the one development that you would like to see in your Bengaluru district which is ignored by the city corporation. 8. Write on the composition of Election Commission. 9. What is meant by Universal Adult Franchise? 10. What is the meaning of Single Citizenship? II Answer the following questions as per the marks allotted: 10x2=20 1. Mention the four reasons or probabilities behind the decline of Indus Valley civilization. 2. Write in detail about Sama Veda. 3. Mention any four causes for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism. 4. Give a brief note on Arthashastra. 5. What does the term Tirukkural mean? 6. Give a brief account of Brihadeshwara temple. 7. Who do you think was a better king, Alauddin Khilji or Muhammad Bin Tughlaq? Why? 2 8. What is the meaning of the term Capitalism? 9. Define Socialism. 10. What is meant by Counter Reformation? Part II Civics Section A (20 marks) Attempt any two out of three Question 1 Elections are very important for a Democratic country like India. Keeping this in mind answer the following questions: a) Write in detail about the General Elections. (3 marks) b) Write in detail about By-Elections. (3 marks) c) Differentiate between Direct and Indirect Elections. (4 marks) Question 2 (10 marks) With regard to the Rural Local Self Government, answer the following questions: a) Write in detail about the functions of Gram Panchayat. (3 marks) b) Detailed description of the functions of Panchayat Samiti. (3 marks) c) Write about the functions of Zilla Parishad. (4 marks) Question 3 ( 10 marks) With regard to the Urban Local Self Government, answer the following questions: a) Write about the functions of Municipal Committees. (3 marks) b) Mention any four to five functions of Municipal Corporation. (4 marks) c) Do you think that the Municipal Corporation in your city has dealt with the Pandemic situation in a responsible way? Reason your opinion. (3 marks) 3 Question 4 History Section B ( 30 marks) Answer any three of the following (10 marks) a) Identify the person and write about his contributions. (3 marks) b) List the contributions of Leonardo da Vinci towards art and science. (4 marks) c) List the contributions of Nicolaus Copernicus. (3 marks) Question 5 (10 marks) With regard to the Mughal Empire, answer the following questions: a) Write in detail about the famous Taj Mahal. (3 marks) b) Write in detail about the Red Fort. (3 marks) C) Write in detail about the Mansabdari system of Akbar. (4 marks) Question 6 (10 marks) The Age of Guptas has been a golden period of Indian history. Give a detail description of the following aspects of the same time. a) Contributions of Aryabhatta. (3 marks) b) Work of Kalidasa (3 marks) c) Details of Nalanda University. (4 marks) Question 7 (10 marks) Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka were the greatest emperors of their times. Answer the following questions with respect to their rule. a) Principles of Ashoka s Dhamma. (3 marks) b) Details of Ashokan Edicts. (3 marks) c) Central administration under Ashoka. (4 marks) ************************GOOD LUCK*********************

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