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ISC Class XII Board Exam 2019 : Biotechnology Paper 2 (Practical)

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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BIOTECHNOLOGY PAPER 2 (PRACTICAL) (M*vimum Marks:30) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates' are alktwed additionul I5 minutes _for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) Answer ctll questions. The intended marks.for questions or parts ctf'questions are given in bruckets Question (a) [ /. I You are provided with an explant (a small piece of leafl labelled E, a Petri plate labelled G and metallic forceps labelled M. Using appropriate method(s), sterilise each of these samples. You may use autoclave / hot air oven / chemicals provided to you, as required. Answer the following questions: (i) Which sample / samples can be sterilised by applying dry heat as well as wet sterilisation method? (ii) Which sample (iii) (b) / samples cannot be sterilisecl sterilisation method? Give a reason. heat tU by applying dry heat or wet heat I1l Name the method by which, the sample / samples mentioned by you in (ii) above, be sterilised. can tU You are provided with a Petri plate labelled L. containing bacterial colonies isolated from curd. Using this sample, perform the follorving experiment: Pick up a bacterial colony with the help of a needle clean glass slide and make a thin smear. / inoculation loop and spread it on a Next. add a few drops of crystal violet stain to the smear and spread it evenly on the slide. Wait for 30 seconds. Add a few drops of iodine solution to the smear and keep it for 2 minutes. Rinse the smear r,vith distilled water to remove extra stain. Ncw, wash the smear with ethanol. This paper consists of 3 printed pages and t2t9-8788 @Copyrighl reserved. I blank page. Turn over 1 I Counterstain the smear rvith saffranin. Again, rinse otTthe excess stain with distilled water. Leave the slide to dry for 2 minutes. Examine the slide under the microscope. Based on your observations, answer the following: (i) (ii) (iii) experiment Name the bacteria present in the culture labelled L. Name the technique used in this Based on the technique used under the microscope. IU IU in this experiment, categorise the bacteria observed lU Question 2 You are given an extract of germinating pea I gramseeds labelled P. a 100 ml beaker and label it as B. Into this beaker, pour 7%o CuSO+ solution, 2% NaOH and 4%o sodium potassium tartrate solution in the ratio of 1:3:3 and mix it thoroughly to make it a 70 ml solution,. T'ake Take 3 test tubes and label them as X,Y andZ. (a) Take 5 ml of extract P in the test tube labelled into it. Observe the colour change. (b) Take test tube labelled Y. Pour 2 ml of extract P in the test tube. To it, add2 ml of Millon's reagent. Observe the change carefully. Heat the test tube over the flame for a few minutes. Observe the colour change. (c) Take test tube labelled Z. Pour 2 ml of extract P in the test tube. To it, add 5 drops of conc. HNOI and 1 ml of conc.NHaOH. Observe the change. Heat the test tube over the flame for a few minutes. Observe the colour change. X. Add 5 ml of mixture labelled B Show the colour changes in the test tubes X, Y and Z, to the Visiting Examiner. Ansrver the following questions: (i) Write your observations in test tubes X, Y and 7. in a tabular form, as shown Test tube below: Il%l Observation X Y Z (ii) Name the tests performed in each of the test tubes. l2l9-8788 X,Y and Z. $%t (iii) What is the name given to the mixture prepared in beaker B? (iv) Based on the tests perfbrmed above, identify the biomolecule present in extract p. tU IU Question 3 ldentify the displayed instruments / photographs of the instruments labelled For each instrument write: (a) (b) The name of the instrument I to 4. tzl One specific use of the instrument. Izt Question 4 Show the following to the Visiting Examiner for assessment: (a) (b) Project Il0I Biotechnology Practical File tsl 3 l2l9-8788

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