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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2024 : Psychology

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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PSYCHOLOGY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Marks: 70 Time Allowed: Three Hours (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer all questions in Section A, Section B and Section C. Section A consists of objective / very short answer questions. Section B consists of short answer questions. Section C consists of long answer questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A 14 MARKS Question 1 (i) With reference to Sternberg s Componential form of Intelligence, mention any one point on how performance components contribute to problem-solving abilities. [1] (ii) Define cognitive dissonance. [1] (iii) Name any one projective technique that helps in eliciting deep-rooted conflicts in adults. [1] (iv) According to J.P. Guilford s theory of Structure of Intellect Model, which dimension of intelligence makes use of memorisation and cognition techniques? [1] (v) According to Jean Piaget, what is meant by object permanence in infancy? [1] (vi) Samarth is the captain of a football team that lost a match. He blamed his team members for the defeat rather than taking the responsibility for some of his wrong decisions. [1] Samarth showed _______________ bias. (vii) During prolonged stress, the white blood cells (lymphocytes) attack the antigens (foreign bodies) and disrupts the _____________ system. [1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 1 (viii) Given below are two statements marked as Assertion and Reason. Read the statements and choose the correct option. [1] Assertion: Commitment is an essential aspect of personality development. Reason: Commitment reflects an individual s dedication and engagement towards their goals, values, and activities. (ix) (x) (xi) (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion. (c) Assertion is true and Reason is false. (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false. State whether the following are True or False. (a) The superego helps individuals strike a balance between their real self and ideal self. (b) The firm grasping of an object that touches the palm of an infant is known as rooting reflex. (c) Counselling involves an individual seeking help for a problem from a professionally trained person who gives help in a formal setting. Which one of the following statements describes temperament? (a) It refers only to the emotional changes experienced during adolescence. (b) It refers to the cognitive tendencies that emerge during childhood. (c) It signifies stable emotional reactivity and self-regulation. (d) It includes mood, activity level and emotion which are relatively unstable in nature. Sarah is walking alone at night in a dark lane when she hears footsteps behind her. Her heart begins to pound, breathing becomes fast, and she experiences a surge of energy. [3] [1] [1] Which stage of stress response is Sarah experiencing? (a) Exhaustion Stage (b) Resistance Stage (c) Recovery Stage (d) Alarm Stage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 2 (xii) Aamir participated in a swimming competition and finished in second place. [1] Which one of the following scenarios represents counterfactual thinking? (a) Aamir thinks, If only I had practiced more, I would have won the race. (b) Aamir celebrates his achievement and feels proud of his second-place finish. (c) Aamir thinks, I finished in second place because the other swimmers were not as good as I am. (d) Aamir believes that the other participant was faster and there was nothing he could have done to finish in the first place. SECTION B 28 MARKS Question 2 (i) [4] Which theorist proposed the concepts of Crystallised and Fluid intelligence? Discuss any three differences between these two types of intelligence. OR (ii) Which theorist proposed the Primary Mental Abilities of intelligence? Discuss any three Primary Mental Abilities of intelligence. Question 3 [4] Costa and McCrae s model of Personality has contributed to our understanding of human behaviour and individual differences. Explain this statement by giving any four dimensions of this model of Personality. Question 4 Read the statement given below and answer the questions that follow. Attachment is a strong emotional bond that develops between children and their primary caregiver in their early years. (i) Who developed the Strange Situation Test? [1] (ii) Briefly explain any three types of attachment in relation to the Strange Situation Test. [3] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 3 Question 5 [4] As a student, you often feel overwhelmed and anxious by the pressure to complete and submit the projects within deadlines. According to Lazarus Cognitive Appraisal Theory, describe the two key components that would be involved in your response to this stressful situation. Question 6 (i) Hardeep: My family has been plotting against me for the past few months. Doctor : What are they planning against you? Hardeep: I feel that they are planning to kill me and take away everything I own. (a) Identify the disorder displayed by Hardeep. Provide a brief explanation of the symptom demonstrated by him. [2] (b) Briefly discuss any two types of this disorder. [2] OR (ii) Mamta has had a fear of large birds since childhood. During a therapy session, her therapist asks her to take deep breaths and practice some relaxation techniques. As she begins to feel at ease, he asks her to talk about the large birds in detail. The therapist then asks Mamta to look at the photographs of such birds. (a) Identify and explain the technique being used by the therapist. [1] (b) Provide a brief explanation of any one behaviour modification technique based on Operant Conditioning. [3] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 4 Question 7 [4] Observe the image given below and discuss any four possible factors contributing to discriminative behaviour. Question 8 (i) A twelve-year old boy s intelligence quotient was calculated to be 110. What will be his mental age? [1] (ii) State any three levels of intelligence of individuals with IQ below 70. Explain any two characteristics of each of the three levels. [3] SECTION C 28 MARKS Question 9 [7] With the help of suitable examples, discuss the structure of Personality as proposed by Sigmund Freud in his theory. Question 10 (i) Alex owns a business company. He avoids recruiting men who wear jeans and keep long hair. Due to this attitude, he loses out on employing good candidates, which eventually impacts his business. (a) What is meant by attitude? [2] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 5 (b) (ii) Briefly explain any five ways in which Alex s attitude can be changed to reduce / resist his prejudice. [5] OR We make inferences about a person s behaviour because we are interested in the cause of that behaviour. For example, when a person is late for a meeting, we want to know if the individual simply did not care about the meeting or if something had happened that caused the delay. If people act in conventional ways in given situations, we are not surprised as their behaviour is dictated by social norms. For example, when people are introduced, they are expected to look at each other, smile and say, How do you do? Those who do not follow norms are labelled as rude, odd or deviant. (a) Name the process through which we make inferences about a person s behaviour. [1] (b) What are social norms? Briefly explain any three reasons for conformity to social norms and any two reasons for digression from social norms. [6] Question 11 (i) Differentiate between deprivation and poverty. [2] (ii) Explain any five adverse effects of Poverty. [5] Question 12 Read the conversation given below and answer the questions that follow. Therapist : Can you please shut the door behind you? Client : I can't do it. I can't touch the door. Therapist : Why? What has happened? Client : The door seems to have germs on it; so many people must have touched it. Therapist: How is that a problem? Client: It makes me highly anxious. (i) Elaborate on any three symptoms of the disorder displayed by the Client. [3] (ii) Briefly explain how these symptoms can impact the Client's thoughts, behaviour and overall functioning. [3] (ii) Which form of psychotherapy would be suitable for this psychological disorder? [1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 6

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