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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2019 : Gujarati

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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GUJARATI (Maximum Marks: 100) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes/or only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) Answer questions 1. 2 and 3 in Section A andfour other questions from Section B on at least three ofthe prescribed textbooks. The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets [ }. SECTION A Language - 50 Marks 1. Write a composition in approximately 400 words in Gujarati on anyone of the topics given below :-- [20] "{l~ :otL"Y.C-ll ret"ttttLlti2.l.1 ~"'L8tt~L ~h ret"tttt tt~ :ott~L~ 000 ~Lc..SLlti ;)LOHLct.llti Mc.i.'<t C{utL : '" (9.) '>t~"tt~L :otL"6'i.L ~ltttlti iL2.l.lltLcl ~lt~L 0' ct.'i.L ~L~~U, ct. ~~ ~~qL'i.L OttLl{L ct.2.l.L CiL~06P! lct. ltL2 ct.ltL ~L ret:<.tL ~L S~LL qL. (~) ~"'L8 ~~ :ot1{;)L c.l{Gct'i.lltCiL~Lct. - q~Lql. '" (-3) '2stLC{LW~ <>tL~ct.-1. ~81cCN ~lLU{ 0' retq~~L ~iL (0) ' ''i.L~l "6;)Llti lteL'i. '" 0'. - ~ltL"6 '" t{~ct.~, :<.t~Lct.~:ot-1. GT2.I.L'i.ltl 'i.L~l'i.L WILL :ot"ll1.~ - S~~'i.L Gc<iut ~~rtL Mc.i.'<t C{utL. (tt) ;)Lltct.L .1L8 ~~ G('~q-ct.~qL~'i.1G"Ifq~(l, lte-n.L ~l-1. ti.s~Li :otLc{bt'i. ~~L. (~) 'i.l~ :otL"Y.C{ ret"ttl{Llti2.l.1 ~"'L8 ~h tt~ l{LR{~ qLct.L C{btL : ') (i) 'It'i.'''4 ~L "6 (ii) .... .. .:ot-1. '" i 0~ It'i.'''4-1. ~Llt C{L~l.' '" C>t:<.tl ;)L8....... . Read the following passage and answer in Gujarati the questions that follow, using your own words : 'i.1~ :otL"Y.C{ ttR~S-1. \l{L'i.2.l.l qi:<.tl ct.'i.l 'i.l~ :otL"Y.CiL WiL'i.L G-n.~ ;)L"6~Lct.llti ct.ltL~L ~Lc..SLlti '" Cil.J{L :- ~L~ ;)l:O~u\'lti t{~LL C>t'<tL ret~L2.l.1~L ~l~L~ ~~ct.L ect.l. ~L8 ~lltl~ ect.L, ~"'L8 ~LltL~ ect.L rtL ~L8 ;)L~lC>t tt~L ect.l. :otL~ ~l~m.-tL [lq~ ect.L. C>t'<tL ret~L2.l.1~L ttLct.L'i.L t{~ "6qL ltL2 O('~~ '" 1 ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER - 2019 6 fOG - ~3dV d NOLLS3110 N3WI:J3dS :JSI z [t1 ~ 01(>lt ~\.1<) !Ii ~1~h1l<t 1c1~ te (E:) \.rn1tJ l~llil1<) ch rn1tJ 1-)~1'\lt 1?-)0 (.R) ~ 'fo1l<t !Ii ltll~tJh ~n~lch ltllJ!<t !Ii ~ltJ te l-)'31<) 1bb1l<t 15'1,!-t ~ ~1l<t l~cW [t] (v1 ~ 1hl~ znt m (h) ~ ~hli 11i~1l<t 1~1i te lc ~lt12 ~ Jl-lH l-Hlwl<t \.rnltJ 1bt ~lt1n9 lc ('6) [t] '~~~b ~ LP~ 1bt 1c~lc (c) (t] -: ll~K \.. ' 0 ~hW ~b~ 1bH 11c~ 1clr te cl<1~l<1 P~h l~m 1hlv 1lt~l<1h 1b~ 1bH llc~ c'l6ah ~lv ~\.li1.[) UIol}<l ~hW ~B~1i U~bllv~lli 1bte hl16 ~ ~19,,11<) 15'lh LP5'h ~l~hll<t 'te1~ @c ~16 cHCh 116~lt1c~lc U~19"llt ~l<t 1c1~~ 1h ~b@ l~h 19h1l<t ,,'1P~ 2~ 1cllt te Zllt l~ltJ 1c1lt 11nlbl~b1lv lJ-'lbcli '3'3lt ~19,,11<) 'Jl-l~ ]l-)~wt ~hJ.lIa ~ \.l<t1cU'l te 'LP~ n~lch 1c1ltlJ .lIa 1l<t" '~Ii ~l~ltJ 1~llJ1f1. te lc 'Jl-l~ 1!tlc1~ P~h lr~ c'l6ah te t1~cW lhlc 1)h ~ltr'tl;-ll<t 1~1<) .lIa 1lJ~ \.c'l6ah 'l~lli c1~1<) \.c'l6ah ~1l<1~~ 161~ ~ltnt1l<1 1~rn1tJ ,,'b1lJ1<) lc.lla ~ 0 ~M \.c'l6ah te" '~~h te@ lc ,,'l~lP 1)lhE) l~'l6ah te ll-)~h ~lt1lJtc ~ (llt 12 hl16 ~ 15'lh ~~1tllCllt '~16 15'lh l~h ~te ~l<t ~1clb 1c-.h ~'\<.ltl UIol1<) 1lJb1l<t 1n~lh 1c1lt \.c'l6ah ll<t t ~ncl(] ~ ~2te Ucll-) 1b1615'lh 1<)l<t ~llt l~clb c'l6ah c1'3c1~ 1Y->~h ~lt1lJtc ~lt 'l.Y~ 1n1c1l<t 1161Jt ~ '0llcHt lJ1b lJ-'ltte @ lc 1~" '~Ii l~te 1~ ~~h ~l(] 1l<t ~rn1tJ 1l-)l(1l-tt 15'1,!-t ]l-)~ te@ lc ,,'lyl"l l~c UC'll? l~'l6ah ll-)~h ~ltlc~R te '\.h1c l~c 1n~lh l,161Jt te ~1P ~llt~l<1h lJ-'te l~h 1.Y~ 1n1c1l<t l161JC 116m~ 1.[)l(1l<t lJ\.lt ll<t @ lc" '~Ii llJh1l<t 1<)lb.lla tern1tJ lite 1~ ~~h l~cW ~lbl-t~ te@ lc 'lhc1l-) 1bl-t'1"l ch 1~12 1~1<) '\.lv1l-tt c1~1<) 1~UIo1bc'3 l~1c~lc rn1tJ lite ~hJ 1P~ })llc lJ1lclJ1b 1l-tt 'llJ~ 1Mc 1H lJ1b lJ-'blvt.l<t lih1'3l5'lh l~llJ\.hlJ\.h 1~1<) 'Jl-l~ @c 1~h. ~l(] blvl:.l-tt l~1c~lc 1l<t ~1~1<) 'lhnlilJ-' c1~1<) Jl-l15'1c'f.> @ lc llJl5'lc~) 116~lbB 19,,1}<l l~1c~R ~lH lt12lt~ 1~1<) .?~ ?1nlilr 1C'lh lrl~) ~ltkh ~l-tt 1}J~ LP16 15'l,h 1<)l<t 'lhc]l-) lb1c1b c'l6ah c1'3c1~ ll-)Z,h ~1~ ~lt1ch 1~1~1<) 1.Y ~hJ 1h1c 1n1clllt 15'\.16 ' llJ~ 1Mc 1}:Ib 1n1c1l-tt tZ tZ 1~1<) ~~ 1C'lh ~1,!-t ~UIol1<)lite .?~ ?:l~~ c1~ B~ 'lh16 l-)l<11'3 ~h1c~R l~1<).lIa llJ16 ltli~ '?1!~ ?1!i11i 1111i 11i~1l<t ~1~1<) l,!--lbH 1lil(K ~lt1c~lc ~l<t lh1c ~l-) ~lh 19"lbB l~1c~R ~1~1<) @ lc ,,'lli~~ ~lc 1c1ltlJ Z,0 19,,1,1<) l~1c~lc ~ '0 ~lb1nlil-:J cl~1<) 1~~0 19,,11<) ~l<t 0 r~lbli! cHCh 116~lt1c~R 1c1~~ lite .lIa clcb 01~lP l!tl~lch UC'lh 1c1ltlJ 1l<t '\.rn ltJ It ~h~h ~71lt1ch te1~1<) ~lltlJ '0l?~ m1ch ltl2J1lt lite ~l~ ~lhltlc'3 l-tll(t)l<t 1clltlJ '0 l-tb~ 1~:B~ l~lltlJ ~l~ ~lt1n9 lc 1l-)1~ 1c1lt" '~Ii ~ l<t 1hli lJ~}litc 1(> ~ lite ~ 1!t116ml(] .lIa 1~ 1<) te@ lc 'llJ'l"l 3. (a) Use the following phrases and idioms in sentences of your own to illustrate their meaning: [4] (Any-4) :- 'il~ :UU~(1. ~~)t~l;)Ll :ut-t (Jt{ttl;)l ~~1 ~l~3 ql { Cti.'ilciL (3"h)"\{~l ~U~): (9.) ~l 'i3 ~-sq1 ( ~) q l21 "\{-S et '" (.J) o (-({l JUl ~ <l ell ("(() qlUl. ql~'l 'i ~ell ("\{) 1.tl2 1-tl-sq1 (s) 1-tl~ ~~llq~ [4] (b) Give one word for the following (Any-4) :'i1:4'il ~l(,l(,~~~ 1-tl2 ~~ ~l(,l(, :UU"\{l (3'le"\{~l ~U~ ) : (9.) ~;)l~[l~ 'i~?l (~) "Hltt "l~l ct~ (c) [2] Give opposites ofany fourwords: (9.) ~liRt (~) C3\~l~l ("(() r;mfC1.t1-tl'i1 (s) ;)l~1Cti.1 3 ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER - 2019 - -- -- - - - -- -- -----~ 6 lOG - N3dVd NOIlS3f10 N3Jt\1I:J3dS :JSI f7 [~] '~'C11 ?<tM 12 te9~ ~1~ )"lhl ~~ ~lt)l"llt~ ~12 1:1<t ll-l)"l~lt 1}-"L'C1~ lP16 PJfh:> 1'C1!3 ~1<J16 ,1h.Q"hL~ 'C~ 1}61,'C1~, (2) 'l~l-) l-lb'tl1 I1te 'Ch ) Lc1~ ~ 16 ~2te 12111'\ lrl-Llc Lc1~ (c) ~ ] '~l)I"lt~ Lhl1<t 1tl'C~1'3 ) I1te l-llb 12 hm6 lr'\<) l,lnll6htlh 1,161b1Wh (2) [ ] [Vd] Z~ hl16 1:tl1 lp1Wh 19h~lltm Z !6 ~21~ l,?lWh ("6) ,:~llt~ '31~'K blS; ~ 1tl1l'\ 1}-"l-Llc Lc1~ 'lh.Q"hlr C).. L16Lc1~ ~ tl'3~ ).. 1,'311 Lc1~" !tlC~ l-)hl2j l,?lWh 1~" '~ ~l-l1D L161chl 1:9'3 LI1l<)~ ~lt12 Lh1h '~ 1:'\<) l,lJ)ll6htlh 'L (AVHJNVSVAHOVd) hlc:1C ~h [~Z I] '1'?116 '3 L91m~ 1}-"~l2j ~bCkD UAh1~ @m '~cs PJfh:> 1c1'l1Hh:l2j L~12 lP16 PJfh:> W!3 1~'K l-)~h 1:'C1b'3~ ) 1C:l-) 1~111~1~ l1~ll!Cl-) ~lt ,'l1~hr 1'l:, '9 'lH ~c 1ltl1<J16 1c1ltl-l c1'l111'l: ~ll-llb ." ,,' [~Zl] ' ) 12 ~ lPl-)lt 12L'C 9 11 ~l'\~ tl-l 1b ~'l: ,~ ~)'tc ~lt1b1Wh 1~9nv 1~1~ I1Hhl ~l'\ ~ll-lllt ~ltbW1b, [~] 'l~l1<t ~~lt~ t'\<)lb)l" 1c1ltl-l 12 1~12 !6 Z ~h:>11<t ~lt1bcl1 lt~ 9cl-lCl<1 L16~ltLcfj'D-' 1:12 Z lYH ltll1 f6 12 Z ln~ 'S; LHD-' ~ 1tl~11 ~2te ~h~ (2) Z1Y~ [ J th:>l1<t 1blnlt t1h~ 19CW 1M ~11<t 12 Z 1y~ !6lt~hJ~ l:-)I,,~~ )l,,1~ 1~12 ~~11 Lhl1<t hl?:t]h D-'b1c I1h1)..l2j (2) Z ?~ [ J [~\] ~~ !tllc~1<t ~cb l~lh~ (c) Z lP'CI1!6]6 ~hJ t1h~ 12 Z Ll-l~ 1tl~11 Lcl1~~ lr~b ~'3-911<t ("6) ,,'~ hi 119tl1 1Y c1~,\<) i 1'31'3 1h~, : ~11 t1h~ 1: 9k c'3~ L~lh It'3l1tt t9~_t'blCl1h1~l2j Llnl1lr c1~'\<) Lc111~ lJ-"~b ~'3 - 911'l: I1te L16~ltcb 11~lh~ ~ltll-)2te" 'r (AVHJNVSVAOV~) hlc:1C ~1c TM,'/-) 7<;7bJ?o 7J..l7&'lf 1M:: '/-)f 7J..lf~h7C.97h ~lk 7f1h J1lf 'SJfooqlxal paq!.I:Jsiud alf I Jo iJaJlfl Isoa/lo uo u0!lJas S!lfl Ul.loJ suo!lsanb Jno! 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Tags : ISC Board, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, ISC 2021 - 2022 Examination, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, ISC Solved Specimen Question Papers 2021 - 2022, ISC Solved Mock Guess Exam Papers, ISC Board Model Paper with Answers, Detailed Solutions & Explanations, isc sample question bank, past / old / last year online test papers, syllabus, online coaching.  

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