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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2023 : Psychology

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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PSYCHOLOGY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Marks: 70 Time Allowed: Three hours (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer all questions in Section A, Section B and Section C. Section A consists of objective / very short answer questions. Section B consists of short answer questions. Section C consists of long answer questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A 14 MARKS Question 1 (i) What is the formula for measuring IQ? [1] (ii) Define prejudice. [1] (iii) Name the theory of Intelligence proposed by Howard Gardner. [1] (iv) Give the full form of TAT. [1] (v) What is the term used to define the level of stress in an individual that helps in motivating, achieving peak success and managing minor crisis? [1] (vi) Rules indicating how individuals ought to behave in specific situations are known as ____________. [1] (vii) A state of physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress is known as ___________. [1] (viii) Children who show marked difficulties in social interaction and communication, desire for routine and have limited interests are diagnosed with ____________. [1] (ix) [3] State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. (a) Individuals with phlegmatic type of personality are calm, slow moving and unexcitable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 1 (x) (xi) (xii) (b) Flooding is a form of therapy in which patients in a rehabilitation institution earn tokens for displaying desirable behaviour, which they can exchange for various rewards. (c) Maturation is a cultural process. A newborn baby throws out her arms and fans fingers, extends her neck and cries in response to a sudden loud noise. Name this reflex shown by the newborn. (a) Rooting (b) Babinski (c) Moro (d) Grasping Which one of the following secretes cortisol into the blood stream? (a) Hypothalamus (b) Pituitary gland (c) Adrenal cortex (d) Pineal gland Which one of the following is NOT a personality trait of hardiness? (a) Control (b) Commitment (c) Challenge (d) Calculative [1] [1] [1] SECTION B 28 MARKS Question 2 (i) [4] Explain the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. OR (ii) Explain the Two Factor Theory of Intelligence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 2 Question 3 [4] Explain Abraham Maslow s theory of Needs Hierarchy in the context of Personality. Question 4 [4] The social context in which we live, determines when various events are supposed to occur in our lives. Explain this statement by relating it to microsystem and mesosystem of Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Systems Theory. Question 5 [4] Briefly discuss any two effects of stress on health. Suggest any two life skills that help an individual in coping with stress. Question 6 (i) Tina washes her hands each time she touches anything. She repeatedly checks the locks of the cupboard at home. She counts the currency notes many a times before she goes out to buy something. (a) Identify and briefly discuss the disorder that Tina is suffering from. [2] (b) Give any two causes of this disorder. [2] OR (ii) Jennifer was disappointed on not being selected for the school choir. She thought that she had a terrible voice and would never be selected for any show in future. Her parents took her to a therapist who suggested RET to help her. (a) What is Jennifer s irrational belief about herself? [1] (b) Briefly discuss the RET therapy that the therapist suggested to help Jennifer overcome her disappointment. [3] Question 7 [4] What is persuasion? Explain any three ways of changing attitudes through persuasion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 3 Question 8 [4] Explain Automatic Vigilance and Self-Serving Bias with the help of a suitable example for each. SECTION C 28 MARKS Question 9 [7] Define intelligence. Explain WAIS-3 as a test of Intelligence. Question 10 (i) [7] Explain the terms libido and fixation. Briefly describe the stages of psychosexual development. OR (ii) Differentiate between Type approach and Trait approach of personality. Explain the Five Factor Model of Personality. Question 11 Read the case given below and answer the questions that follow. Gopal, aged 4 years, enjoys playing with his pencil box. He uses it like a truck and pushes it across the room. He also likes to play with clay. He is given two identical lumps of clay and one is flattened in front of him. When asked which lump has more clay, he points to the flattened one. (i) According to Piaget s theory of cognitive development, which stage is Gopal in? [1] (ii) Name and explain the three shifts in cognitive development as demonstrated by Gopal using the pencil box. [4] (iii) Explain why Gopal is unable to understand that both the shapes have equal amounts of clay. [2] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 4 Question 12 Read the conversation given below and answer the questions that follow. Therapist : How long have you been at this place? Patient : I cannot say the exact time because we are absorbed by the air at night and they bring back people. Therapist : Why are you absorbed by the air? Patient : They said it was heaven. I am sure this is the same place. (i) Identify the mental disorder that the patient is suffering from. [1] (ii) Explain any three positive symptoms and any three negative symptoms of this mental disorder. [6] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 5

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