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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata)

7 pages, 46 questions, 16 questions with responses, 16 total responses,    0    0
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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' I LA MARTINIERE FOR GIRLS REHEARSAL EXAMINATION-2023 ENGLISH LITERATURE CLAssx ---------=---------Time : 2 Hours + 15 mins. reading time Full Marks-SO This paper consists of seven printed pages & 1 blank page. Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. YOI! will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time will be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed tor writing the answers. The paper has four Sections. Section A is compulsory - All questions in Section A must be answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections 8, C and D and one other question from any Section of your choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ J S~CTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section) 1. Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below. (Please do not copy the question - simply write out the appropriate word or phrase, In correct serial order.) (16] (i) In the cold, the little girl's naked feet had turned _ _ _ and ---- (a) blue and green. (b) red and blue. (c) blue and black. (d) red and black. [Tum Over J X ENG LIT-1 (ii) Where does the tree bird in .Maya ~ngelou) poem, dip its wings? (a) in the orange rays of the sun (b) in the b_Iue river .- (c) in the green meadows (d) in the dark lake (iii) What was Margot's biggest ~rime of all ? (a) she refused to shower in the school shower (b) she barely spoke to anyone (c) she had come to Venus oniy five years ago (d) she had left Earth when she was two (iv) What frightens crocodiles? (a) noise (b) water (c) heat . (d) light (v) What, in David Roth's poem, 'Nine Gold Medals', signalled the beginning of the final event of .the day? (at a whistle wai' biown (b) a judge clapped ,, . . (cF apisfofexploded (d) a rifle was shot (vi) What marked the end of friendship between Luz Long and Jesse Owens? 0 (a) a quarrel over skin colour (b) Hitler and his plotting (c) Jesse did not want to continue (d) Long's death in World War II (vii) Which of the following is NOT addressed -in Browning's poem. "The Patriot"? (a) Faith in God (b) Rise and fall of glory (c) A carefully concealed secret (d) Fickle-mindedness of the public X ENG LIT-2 (viii) T~ugh the character of Mrs. Jane Thompson, T.S. Arthur focusses on which of the following? (a) transformative power of selfless love (b) transformative power of nature (c) transformative power of acceptance (d) transformative power of self-control (ix) Which other word does Leigh Hunt use to refer to th e angel? (a) cherub (b) saint (c)' spirit (d) vision (x) The poet, Wordsworth, compares his lonely movement to that of a _ _ __ (a) star (b) cloud (c) sun (d) snail (xi) What does Bassanio refer to in the following lines- '... thou pale and common drudge/ 'Tween man and man ... ' (a) the silver casket (b) the lead casket (c) the golden casket (d) Portia's portrait (xii) Where is Balthazar supposed to meet Portia, and with what? (a) at the monastery with flowers (b) at the tranect with notes and garments (c) at the court with notes (d) at the monastery with legal documents and garments (xiii) As Act IV opens, how does the Duke feel about Antonio's predicament? (a) he feels sorry for him (b) he does not seem to care (c) he is angr:y with Antonio (d) he thinks Antonio should never engage in business with Shylock [Turn pvar] X ENG LIT-3 . _(xiv) Why did Portia sen d Nerissa to Shy)oc_k~s house? (a) to pay a courteo - -- us visit (b) to get his signature on the deed (c) to deliver some presents (d) to check on his health (xv) What does Lorenzo-think of people who have no sense of music? (a) they are stubborn (b) they are modest and receptive (c) they are fit for treachery, trickery and ruin (d) they are trustworthy and honest (xvi) What does Antonio risk to guarantee that Bassanio would never again break a promise made to his wife? (a) his flesh (b) his soul (c) "'his ships that had miraculously returned (d) hjs estate SECTION B (Attempt one or more questiop~rom this Section.) DRAMA (The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare) 2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : Portia : You press me far, and therefore I will yield. .. [To Antonio] Give me your gloves, I'll wear them for your sake; [To Bassanio] And, for your love, I'll take this ring from you: Do not draw back your hand; I'll take no more, And you in love shall not deny me this. (i) What does Portia say about the payment for her services? What services did Portia provide? [3] (ii) How does Bassanio insist that Portia should take something as a token of gratitude? [3)X ENG UH {iii) What shows that Bassan, o Was h _ rt with the _ring? What does he offer t to pa .- es,tan -- - (3] to do instead? {iv) How does Portia react to Ba . . n? [3] ssanfo's hes1tat10 (v) What makes Bassanio part with . h t does it say about his character? . the nng? W a [3] 3. Read the extract given below and uestlons that follow : the q Lorenzo: How s~eet th~ moonlight sleeps upon this bank! 8 nswer Here will we sit, and Jet the sounds of music Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night Become the touches of sweet harmony. Sit, Jessica. j (i) What does Lorenzo go on to say about the music of the planets? 3 (ii) According to Lorenzo,_what effect does music have on animals? j (iii) What effect did the music played by Orpheus have .9 1\ on objects in nature? (iv) What comparison does Portia draw a little later, in order to prove that the music from her house sounded much sweeter by night than it did by day time? (v) Do you agree that music affects our senses? Give instances from your life to justify your opinion. SECTION C (Attempt one or more questions from this Section.) PROSE - SHORT STORIES (Treasure Trove - A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) 4. Read the extract given below and answer.the questions that follow : Walking a few yards from the pit, I kicked disgustedly at the dirt. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look into the friendly blue eyes of the tall German broad jumper. He had easily qualified for the finals on his first attempt. He ottered me a firm handshake. (i) How did the German broad jumper perfectly look like a _ member of his 'master race'? [3] (ii) How did the speaker perform during his trial jumps? What was the reason for his unexpected performance? X ENG UT-5 [Tum [3] Over J Jii11 What advice was given to the speaker to qualify for the finals? [3] J!>1Where did the speaker go the night he qualified for the finals? What did he do (v) What, according to Pierre de Coubertin, is the true spirit of Olympics? State its 4 significance with relevance to the story. [ ] 5 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : 7ih - t as raining hard. ey stood in the doorway of the underground for a moment unt,1. ' 1w,rng in tons and 18 1 7ih en they closed the door and heard the gigantic sound of the ram avalanches, everywhere and forever. "Will it be seven more years? Yes. Seven. Then one of them gave a little cry. HMargotl" ./tr Who are 'they'? Where-do 1hey live? How old are 'they'?- I )if) Describe Margot's physical appearance. (3] [3] Uir'Which incident emphasises the .fact that Margot was different from the others? Cite one example from the story to show that she was bullied. ~tate three reasons why the others hated Margot. [3] [3] !/{ Do you think the appearance of the sun impacted the other children in any way? Justify your opinion. [4] SECTION D (Attempt one or more questions from this Section.) POETRY (Treasure Trove - A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) 6. Read the extract given below and answer thctquestions that follow : All round the field spectat'?rs were gathered Cheering on all the young women and men Then the final event of the day was approaching.. _ The last race about to begin. (i) How maAy athlet~s participated in "the final even! of the day'? What unfortunate incident took place just as the race had begun? X ENG LIT-6 [3] (ii) How was the one hundred O'letf t a. walk? es race reduced O [3] (iii) In what ways did it truly turn out . mpics'? [3] .. to be 'Special 01y . . (iv) Mention three quaht1es that the . d through their actions. [3] athtetes manifeste (v) How do you think the spectator . d to the result of this event? . s lllight have reacte . Mention an incident from Your l'f the same lesson that this ' e that has taug ht you poem tries to convey. [4] tlons that follow : 7 Read the extract given below and an JWer the ques 1go in ths rain, and, more than needs, A rope cuts both my wrists behind; And I think, by the feel, my forehead bleecJs For they fling, whoever has a mind, ' Stones at m~ for my year's misd_eeds. (i) Describe how the patriot was welcomed a year ago. [3] (ii) Who has caused the patriot's present condition and what does it tell us about them? [3] (iii) Where was the patriot being taken to now? Who bore witness to this journey? [3] (iv) Mention the mythological reference cited by the p_ oet when he mentions that the patriot had 'leaped at the sun'. Why ~o you think he draws the comparison? [3] ~ (v) Do you think the poem ---endsron a note-of optimism? Justify your opinion. X ENG UT-7 [4]

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