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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Euroschool Airoli, Mumbai)

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EuroSchool Discover Yourself LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (ENGLISH PAPER 2) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION-2 Max Marks- 80 Time- 2 Hours Grade- X Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. Youwill not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. Thetime given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The paper has four Sections. Section A is compulsory - All questions in Section A must be answered. other question from You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one any Section of your choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [). (SECTION A) (ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) Question1 Choosc the corrcct answer to the qucstions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only.) () [16] What does Antony prcdict after Cacesar's death? (a) Civil War (b) Death of the Conspirators (c) A transition of power (d) A time of pcacc (ii) In Act 3 scene 1of the play what is the climax that occurs? KCSE This paper consists of 5 printed pages 1 (a) The plan of conspiracy against Caesar. (b) The murder of Caesar. (c) The name of the conspirators is revealed by Artemidorus. (d) Antony requests to speak at Caesar's funeral. (ii) How docs Octavius fecl about Lepidus? (a) He is trustworthy. (b) He is a nobleman and a scasoned warrior. (c) He is very cunning. (d) He is full ofjealousy. (iv) (v) In Act 5 who is captured in the battle by the new Triumvirate army? (a) Brutus (b) Cassius (c) Octavius (d) Titinus How did Cassius react when Antony asked Brutus's permission to speak at Caesar's funeral? (a) Brutus refuses, but Cassius permits Antony to speak. (b) Cassius thinks that it will be dangerous to let Antony speak. (c) Brutus and Cassius allow Antony to speak at Caesar's funeral. (d) Both Cassius and Brutus refuse the permission. (vi) Select the option that shows the correct relationship between statenments (1) and (2) from the play Julius Caesar. Statements 1. Lepidus will be considered as one of the triumvirates. Statements 2. The presence of Lepidus will serve to upload slanderous blame. (a) Statement 1 is true, and Statement 2 is false. (b) Statement 2 is true, and Statement l is false. (c) Statement 1 is the cause for Statement 2. (d) Statement 1 and Statement 2 are independent of cach other. KCSE This paper consists of 8 printed pages 2 (Vin) In Maya Angelou's pocm, "When Grcat Trees Fall'", what is suggested by the plhrase 'we breatlhe bricfly"? (a) The bereaved do not want to live (b) The bereaved take shallow breaths (c) The bercaved fall sick () The bereaved miss their loved one directly (vii) ln the poenm, "The Gloves and the Lions", why did De Lorge leap 'among the lions wild'? (a) To prove his love for the lady (b) To prove that he was as brave (c) To save his face in front of the royal audience (d) To earn an accolade from King Francis (a) In the poem, "A Considerable Speck", how did the mite show it did not want to die? (a) It gave up to its fate (b) It ran about in terror (c) It drank or sImelt the ink (d) It faltered (x) According to Sukumar Ray, which crash is referred to in the line, You hear the crash a mile hence (a) The tree collapsing (b) The overturming of the bullock carts (c) The sound of Bhisma Lochan's singing (d) The horse stomping their feet (xi) Which of the following lines contain the same literary device as the one in the following line of the poem " When Great Trees Fall" 'after a period peace blooms? (a) It sounds to him like her mother's voice (b) Peace comes dropping slow (c) And evening fullof linnet's wings (d) o Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells. ICSE This paper consists of 5 printed pages 3 (xii) Which floor did Martin live on? (a) Third (b) Fourteenth (c) Sevenh Severteenth (d) (xiii) (xiv) Th rtecnth In the prose, "The Girl Who Can" Which of the following statements is NOT correct? (a) Adjoa could not express her thoughts freely (b) Adjoa had to take a bath in the bathhouse (c) Adjoa complained about the long distance to school (d) Adjoa had long thin legs In the prose The Pedestrian', what does the author want to convey by referring to people in the homes as 'gray phantoms'? (a) (b) They are old and haggard They have grey hair (c) They are lifeless (d) (xv) They have no colour in their lives Chose the option that lists the sequence of events in the correct order. 1. The news M. Hamel gave the class seemed like thunderclap for Franz. 2. Franz thought of skipping his class and spending the day outdoors. 3. Franz saw the back benches in his class occupied by the 4. In his school that day, (a) 2,1,4,3 village people. everything was quiet as a Sunday moming. (b) 4,1,2,3 (c) 2,4,1,3 (d) 2,4,3,1 (xvi) In the story "The Pedestrian" what does he vanishing of cement on the sidewalks' (a) Absence of people to check on it. indicate? ICSE This paper consists of 8 printed pages 4 (b) Referring to the 'gray phantoms' (c) City is physically decaying (d) City is destroyed by the Pedestrian. SECTION B (Answer one or nore questions fron this section) DRAMA (Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Q2. Brutus: Let me tell you, Cassius, you yourself Are much condemned to huve an itchingpulm, To sell and mart your offices for gold To undeservers. 1. 2. What does Brutus mean by an itching palm? To whom did Cassius sell a post? What was Cassius's petition to Brutus regarding the accused? 3 palm? How does Cassius react to being accused of having an itching What is Brutus's response to this? 3 Julius Caesar bled to for 3 Why does Brutus refer to the Ides of March and say that 3. justice's sake? 4. Caesar's corruption? 3 What comparison does Brutus make between their actions and reputation? According to Brutus, how does their acceptance of bribes affect their 5 moon, 4 What does Brutus mean when he says, "I'd rather be a dog, howling at the than be thatkind of Roman"? How does Cassius reacted to these accusations? Doyou think Brutus was being fair to Cassius? OR Cassius: Messala, Q3. This is my birthday, as this very day Was Cassius born. Give me thy hand, Messala. Be thou my witness that against my will, As Pompey was, am I compelled to set Upon one battle all our liberties. 1. What philosophy had Cassius followed earlier? Why does he discard this philosophy? What does this show of Cassius? ICSE This paper consists of 5 printed pages 3 3 2. What were the twocontradicting sights narrated by Cassius? 3 lose 3 How docs Brutus respond when Cassius asks what he would do if they were to What docs he fell the sight symbolizes? the battle? 3 What docs Cassius ask Brutus about the possibility of losing the battle? 4 How does he challenge Brutus' stance on defcat? What is Brutus's response? How do Brutus and Cassius differ in their attitudes towards the impending war in 4 S this scene? SECTION C (Answer one or more questions fromthis section) PROSE-SHORT STORIES (Treasure Trove- A Collection of ICSE Short Stories and Poems) Q4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Stop", I said with emotion but, I think, with dignity. "This face is my face. Itis not yours; it is mine. I've lived with it for fortyyears and I know its faults. I know it's out of drawing. I know it wasn't made for me, but it's my face, the only one I have" 1 Who is the speaker here? Who is he talking to? 3 What is the occasion? 2. What prompted the speaker to say "It is not yours, it is mine"? 3 3. Which other features did the speaker ask the man to improve upon? 3 4 Why was the speaker pleased? 3 photpgaphes What was the man's tone? photogua har When was he called again by the speake? S. phetegsapher What traits of the speaker and the narator do you gather from this extract? 4 OR QS Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. For long ago he had wisely changed to sneakers when strolling at night, because the dogs in intermittent squads, would parallel his journey with barkings ifhe wore hard heels, and lights light click on and faces appear and an entire street be startled by the passing ofa lone figure, himsel, in the early November evening. ICSE This paper consists of 8 printed pages 6 1. 3 Who is walking on the street? At what time? In which year? 2. Why does the man make adeliberate attempt not to produce any sound walking? 3. State the vords or phrases through which the author is trying to create an eerie 3 feeling in the reader's mind. How docs the man describe the strcct he was walking on? 4. Give two instances to prove that the man was living a loner. The Pedestrian" is set in a dystopian future where even going for a walk is seen as 4 S. an aberration, Elaborate. SECTION D (Answer one or more questions from this section) POETRY (Treasure Trove- A Collection of ICSE Short Stories and Poemns) Q6. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Ihave a mind myself andrecognize Mind when I meet with it in any guise No one can know how glad I am to find On any sheet the least display of mind 1. 3 Wher does the speaker find "the mind"? In which 'guise' does he find it? How does he recognise it? 2. How does the speaker reward it for displaying its mind? Why does the speaker not punish it for trespassing on his sheet of paper? What does the speaker want to convey by saying he has a mind? 3 4 What is the reason for the speaker's feeling of gladness? 3 S. Explain the central theme of the poem. How is an inconsequential mite used to justify the theme of the poem? A 3. Which characteristic trait of the speaker is conveyed by this assertion? Give the symbolic meaning of the line- On any sheet the least display of mind'. OR Q7. Read the cxtract given below and answer the questions that follow. They 're tranpled in the panic rout or languish Pale and sickly ICSE This paper consists of 5 printed pages 7 And plead, 'My friend, w're near our end, oh Stop yours singing quickly!" 1. Who are 'they' referred to in the first line of the extract? 3 What happens to them? 2. Towhom do they plead and why? 3 3. What is the effect of their pleading? What does it suggest about the man whom they plead for? 3 4. What is the effect of his singing on animals and plants? 3 5 Which poetic device is used by the poet in this extract? Why? Give reasons to support your answer. 4

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