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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2020 : Physical Education

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and two questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (50 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section. Question 1 (a) What are the various career options in Physical Education? [2] (b) What do you mean by Growth? [2] (c) State any three objectives of sports training. [3] (d) Enlist the six components of physical fitness. [3] Question 2 (a) Write the full form of ACL and MCL. [2] (b) What is flexibility? [2] (c) Write any three reasons to stress the importance of physical fitness. [3] (d) What are the preventive measures to avoid injuries in sports? [3] This Paper consists of 10 printed pages. T20 721 Copyright reserved. Turn over Question 3 (a) What is a balanced diet? [2] (b) What is agility? [2] (c) Write any three differences between growth and development. [3] (d) What is sprained ankle? [3] Question 4 (a) What is the difference between Balance and Accuracy? [2] (b) Write any four objectives of Physical Education. [2] (c) State the importance of Health education. [3] (d) What do you mean by speed? [3] Question 5 (a) Enlist all the body types. [2] (b) Define the term nutrition. [2] (c) Explain the progression and overload as a principle of sports training. [3] (d) What is a tennis elbow injury? [3] What form of first aid can be given to a person suffering from a tennis elbow injury? T20 721 2 SECTION B (50 Marks) Attempt two questions from this Section. You must attempt one question on each of the two games of your choice. CRICKET Question 6 (a) Explain the following terms in Cricket: (i) [8] Bump ball (ii) Dead ball (iii) Batting order (iv) A night watchman (b) (i) Explain a declaration in a test match. [9] (ii) State the duties of the Match referee. (iii) Explain the term Danger area. (c) (i) Explain the terms boundary for four and boundary for six. [8] (ii) Mention any four instances when the umpire calls for a No ball. Question 7 (a) Briefly explain the following terms in Cricket: [8] (i) A tie match (ii) A golden duck (iii) A hook shot (iv) A scorer T20 721 3 Turn Over (b) (i) State any three conditions when runs are added to the team s total score [9] and not to the batsman s total runs. (ii) Name the different types of matches played in cricket. (iii) Mention three situations when a team s innings is said to be complete. (c) (i) What is meant by the term Timed out ? [8] (ii) Name any two National tournaments in the game of Cricket. (iii) Explain the term run out . (iv) Name any two international tournaments in the game of Cricket. FOOTBALL Question 8 (a) Explain the following terms in Football: [8] (i) A chest trap (ii) A nutmeg (iii) Quarter circle (iv) Wall Pass (b) (i) Write down the rules related to kicks from the penalty mark. [9] (ii) Mention any three circumstances when time is lost or wasted during the course of play and that is added at the end of each playing session. (iii) What is a Technical area in Football? State the importance of technical area. (c) Draw a diagram of a Football field and mark the following with measurements: (i) A touch line (ii) A goal line (iii) A goal area (iv) A penalty area (v) T20 721 A centre circle 4 [8] (vi) A corner arc (vii) A penalty mark and penalty arc (viii) Optional mark Question 9 (a) Briefly explain the following terms in Football. [8] (i) Added time (ii) Attacker (iii) Goal-line technology (iv) Man to man. (b) (i) State the three methods of restarting a game in football. [9] (ii) Name any three national tournaments in Football. (iii) Explain the terms Cross and Chip. (c) (i) Explain the term Step over in Football. [8] (ii) Give the full form of AIFF and IFAB. (iii) What is meant by the term advantage in Football? (iv) What are the basic skills of football? HOCKEY Question 10 (a) Explain the following terms in Hockey: [8] (i) A penalty spot (ii) A reverse flick (iii) A 16 yard hit (iv) Tackle T20 721 5 Turn Over (b) (i) List any six basic equipment worn by a hockey goalkeeper. [9] (ii) What is meant by centre pass in Hockey? (iii) Give three instances when the ball is declared out of play in a game of Hockey. (c) (i) State any four situations when a penalty corner is said to be complete. [8] (ii) Mention four situations when a penalty stroke is awarded. Question 11 (a) Briefly explain the following terms in Hockey. [8] (i) Trapping (ii) Under cutting (iii) High stick (iv) Through Pass (b) (i) State any three qualities of a goalkeeper in the game of Hockey. [9] (ii) State the three responsibilities of an umpire in a game of hockey. (iii) Mention six important positions of a player on the field. (c) (i) What signals are given by the umpire for the following situations? 1. A goal scored 2. A free hit 3. A stick obstruction 4. A foot fault (ii) Write the full form of FIH and IHF. T20 721 6 [8] BASKETBALL Question 12 (a) Explain the following terms in Basketball: [8] (i) A back court (ii) Airball (iii) One hand push pass (iv) A fake (b) (i) What is understood by the term Dunk shot in Basketball? [9] (ii) State the three different points that can be scored after a basket. What are the conditions for each of these points? (iii) What is unsportsmanlike foul? What is the penalty for it? (c) (i) Explain the term charge. [8] (ii) Write the full form of FIBA and BFI. (iii) What is a free throw? (iv) Write the weight and circumference of the basketball. Question 13 (a) Briefly explain the following terms in Basketball: [8] (i) A double dribble (ii) A post player (iii) A rebounding. (iv) A fast break. (b) (i) When is the clock stopped during a game of basketball? [9] (ii) Explain the procedure of jump ball in Basketball. (iii) Write any three duties of the Time keeper in Basketball. T20 721 7 Turn Over (c) Explain the following terms: [8] (i) Dribbling (ii) Board shot (iii) Blocking (iv) Time out VOLLEYBALL Question 14 (a) Explain the following terms in Volleyball: [8] (i) A serving zone (ii) A ball in (iii) A joust (iv) A libero (b) (i) Is hand passing over the net a fault? Explain. [9] (ii) List any three blocking faults in Volleyball. (iii) List any three faults that a player is likely to commit while playing the ball. (c) (i) State any four duties of the second referee. [8] (ii) Write the full form of FIVB and VFI. (iii) List the officials appointed to conduct a Volleyball match. Question 15 (a) Briefly explain the following terms in Volleyball: (i) Cross court attack (ii) Two set (iii) Trap set (iv) Over lapping T20 721 8 [8] (b) Enumerate the duties of: [9] (i) A First referee (ii) Assistant referee. (iii) A Captain on the court. (c) (i) Explain how a set and a match is won by a team. [8] (ii) Explain the following rules in Volleyball: 1. The ball in the net (Other than a service ball). 2. The ball sent into the opponent s court. BADMINTON Question 16 (a) Explain the following terms in Badminton: [8] (i) A carry (ii) A deuce (iii) Rubber (iv) A centre line (b) (i) Mention any three skills of a badminton player. [9] (ii) When is a shuttle not in play? (iii) What are the types of games in badminton? (c) (i) Explain the term short serve in Badminton. [8] (ii) Explain the back hand grip in Badminton. (iii) Write the full form of BWF and BAI. (iv) Explain the term lobbing in Badminton. T20 721 9 Turn Over Question 17 (a) Briefly explain the following terms in Badminton: [8] (i) A half smash (ii) A net kill (iii) A clear lob (iv) A lunge (b) (i) State any three duties of the referee in Badminton. [9] (ii) What is forecourt and backcourt in Badminton? (iii) When do the players change the court in a Badminton game? (c) Explain the following terms: [8] (i) Fallow throng (ii) Service order (iii) Alley (iv) Flick T20 721 10

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