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ICSE Board Exam 2016 : Physical Education

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Jasraj Nanda
Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana
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PHYSICAL EDUCATION An: hoy!') Answers to this Paper must be writtenon the paperprof,ided sepatrately. You will not be allowed to write during the first IS minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Papr is the time allowedfor writing the answers. Attempt all questionsfrom sectiolA and two questionsfrom section B. The intended marl<s for questions or ports of questions are given in brackets I J. SECTION A (50 Marks) *y Anemp( all questibnsfrom this Section. t{) Write any two advantages of health education. s| Npme any twodiseases caused due to lack of oral (c) State any three anti-mosquito measures. (d) Mention any tlreecauses of tuberculosis. t2) hyg"n".Stdff t2) t3l t3l Question 2 (a) Name anyfourcommon sports injuries. (!} (c) What is nutrition? Mention any three factors to have healthy hair. ... (d) What is pneumonia? Write arry two sympoms of pne;moni9. t21 I2l " t3l t, f,4)4^ T16 72r @ Copyright resemed. This Paper consists of 12 printed pages. 4 Turn over r llmut t3I Question 3 (a) State (b) State anyfour advantages anyfour advurtages of correct posture. of recreat[on. (Qt . (d) 121 I2l .Mention anytwosymptoms. What is Immunity? Name the types of Immunity. t3l t3l Question 4 (a) ' Defne disinfectants. I2l ft) )-' . What is meant by the term'vecTor Infection? (c) What is the full form of (d) State the sleep requirement for the following age groups: (i) (ii) HIV? Mention any twosymptoms. Infants and children from 6 monthsto 2 years 2yearsto t2l 12 years (iii) Adults with normal routine t3l \1 'f t3l \ 1,^{ ,\$ Question 5 (a) gt (c) Name any two diseases spread by Fungi. I2l Write the tull form of ABC and FMI. tzl Suggest three precautions that should be taken to avoid accidents caused by cooking gas. t3I t3l Tt6 721 SECTION B (S0 Marks) Attempt two questions from this Section. You must attempt one question on each of the two games of your choice. CRICKET Question 6 (a) Explain the following terrns: (i) Timed our (ii) t8l Catch out (iii) Intentional Disturbance (iv) Double Hit (b) (i) List any three Protective Equipmenr used b1 the batsman. tel (ii) Write down any three fielding positions of on side. (iii) what is the imporrance of 30 y'ard circle in rhe ganie of cricket? (c) Write the follou'ing: t8l (i) \\-eighr a:c ci:c:::::i:-te :: = .-:crg rall. . -r--;= rc ii-*bsi:g1 .-i3;ciig ba. --- :ir:F. sN. gE ;i.-i** *trnF. tir t Dr-*arce f,sEeelt srumF?5 and distance of inner circle from the wickets. t'o'rI ,r, 8/ Question 7 (a) Explain the following terrns: (i) A sight screen (ii) t8l How's That? (iii) A googly (iv) A china-man Tt6 721 Turn Over (b) (i) Draw a diagram of a Crieket Pitch and mark the following: l. 2. The Popping Crease 3. (ii) The Bowling Crease The Return Crease What do you mean (iii) What do you mean bydrurirrftre? (c) Explain the following (i) AShe (iD A Full Tms (iii) A Runrp (iv) A Sweep Shot F(X}TBAII \ues\un\ Draw a diagram of a football field showing all tIrc dirnensions. - (i) I State three procedures that will be followed during a kick off. (ii) What is the procedure of taking a throw in? (c) (D (ii) When is the corner kick awarded and from where is it taken? Explain the following: 1. A Substitution 2. Tt672r a :tb. tel State any three duties of an Assistant Referee. (iii) t&I A Through-Pass 4 t8l State any four offences committed by a player within his own penalty t8I area, which wanants the award of a penalty kick. (ii) What is the circumference and weight of a standard football? State its minimum and maximum size. (b) (i) How is a goal scored in the game of football? (ii) As a Referee what decisions would you take if the following occur during a match: l. A player intentionally pushes an oppg.ngAt 2. A defending player intentionally handles )'JZ \:|f -{ ,".r the ball in the penalty "-r"bP 3. A player indulges in misconduct even after receiving-ayellow ruhf (iii) In a knockout tournament if the match ends'in a draw, what will be the procedures followed to determine the winner of the match? (c) Explain the following: t8l (i) An offside (ii) a Free-kic! (iii) Headjtg (iv) Pa;sing \- IIANDBALL Question 10 (a) Explain the following: (i) (ii) Goal area (iii) Duration of the extra tirne (iv) t8l Free space area Tt672r Free throw line Turn Over o) (i) tel Mention any three duties of time keeper. Mention any three instances when (ii) a referee grves a two-mlnute suspension to a player. (ii i) Write qny three privileges of the goal keeper. (c) (i) Write six situations where a penalty (ii) Write ony two situations where Question t8l throw is awarded. a warning is given. 11 (a) (i) Mention the two throws for which the referee must always blow the t8l whistle to restart the game. (ii) What is the restraining line meant for? (iii) Explain the term 'throw off.' (iv) Explain the term 'free throw' in handball. (b) (i) (ii) . What is meant by a referee throw? tel When is a player excluded from the game? (iii) What is the purpose of the substitution line? (c) Define the following terms: (i) A suspension (ii) An exclusion (iii) A goal scored (iv) Afast-break Tt6 721 t8l HOCKEY Question 12 (a) Explain the following terms: (i) A Goal Line (ii) t8l A Playing Distance (iii) Dribbting I (iv) An Obstruction (b) In the event of the ball going over a back line, how does the game resume: (i) When an attacker knocks the ball out of play? (ii) when a defender unintentionailyv,nocksthe bail out of pray? (iii) tel when a defender intentionailyknocks the bail out of pray? (c) (i) Write any four occasions when the umpire blows the whistle during t8l game. (ii) Explain the following terms: l. A penalty corner 2. Dangerous play. Question 13 (a) Explain the following: (i) Carried (ii) t8l A R^olling- substitution (i;i) A Bulty (iv) A Corner Tt6 721 7 Turn Over (b) (i) Mention three procedures to be followed whiletaking a 'Penalty Stroke' (ii) List three instances (iii) (c) tel wherein 'Penalty Corner' is awarded. State the importance of the shooting circle. Explain the following: (i) t8l A Corner Push (ii) A Dodge (iii) A Tapping (iv) A Shin Gaurd BASKET BALL Question 14 (a) Explain the following: (i) An alternating possession indicator (ii) t8l A double foul (iii) A violation' (iv) Three point successful shot (b) (i) Explain the following terms: tel l. A ten, second rule 2. Acut in 3. A clean shot (ii) What do you mean by Man-to-Man marking? (iii) (c) Define the term Zpls-De&ryg Write the following: (i) t8l An illegal screening (ii) A live-ball (iii) A dead-ball (iv) A lay-up-shot T16 721 /av'b't""t Question l5 (a) . Explain the following: (i) A time out (ii) A disqualifuing foul t8l (iii) Rebounding (iv) e closely guarded player (b) What do you understand by the following terms? (i) Blocking (ii) tel Holding (iii) A Hetd_bail (c) Explain the following terms: (i) Dribbling t8l (ii) A board-shot (iii) A three point_shor (iv) Team Fouls. VOLLEY BALL { Explain the following: t8l Y )^rtconduct W Alassisted hit (b) Enurnerate any threeduties of each of the following: (i) A First referee (ii) An Assistant referee tel (iii) A Captain on the court. T16 721 Turn Over (c) t8l Briefly explain the following: (i) A rotation (ii) A collectiygllg[_ (iii) A screening (iv) A technical time-out. Question 17 (a) (i) List the officials appointed to conduct the match' t8l (ii) What is a rallY Point? (iii) Who requests the referee fot a substitution? (iv) When is the service changed during a match? (b) (i) (ii) List threeServices Faults which leads to a change of service. tel Mention three types of Delays which prolongs the game' (iii) Explain the procedure of substitution during play' (c) Draw a neat diagram of a Volley Ball court and mark the following: (i) /.i r/ side line (ii) service line (iii) attack line (iv) front zone (v) back zone (vi) rotation position (vii)height of the net (men) from the ground (viii) size of the net Tt672l 10 t8l SOFTBALL Question 18 (a) t8l ExPlain the following terms: (i) A choPPed ball (ii) A batter (iii) A tagging (iv) An illegallY caught ball (b) (i) tel List three instances of a Trapped Ball' (ii) State three duties of a plate umpire' (iii)Mentionthreeinstanceswhentheballisdeadandnotinplay. (c) (i) soft ball? What is the procedure of scoring in the in the game of softball? . (ii) What is the procedure of substitution (iii)Listanythreeconditionswhenabatterbecomeabatterrunner. Question 19 (a) (i) (ii) Name any two miscellaneous' What is the distance between the bases? boxes? (iii) What is the length and breadth of the catcher's (iv) Which team is called a defensive team? (b)(i)Underwhatcircumstancesisthebaserunnerentitledformorethanone tel base? (ii) What do you mean by an interference? (iii) What is a foul tiP? T1672l 11 Turn Over (c) ExPiain: (i) A stealing (ii) An altered Bat (iii) An innings' (iv) Circumference ; and weight of the ball'

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