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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Physics (St. Gregorios High School, Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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ST. GREGORIOS HIGH SCHOOL PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION STD : X DATE: 13.01.2023 The first J5 SUBJECT: PHYSICS NO. OF PAGES: 16 MARKS: 80 TIME: 2hrs minutes arc for readi ng on ly . No writin g work to be done during this time. The writing time is excluding th is readin g time. Attempt all questions-from Sedion A and any four que.~ions fmm Section B. A ll working, including rough work, must he clearly shown, and must be done on t.hesame shed a.s the re5t of the answer. Omission of essential working will result in u,-ss of marks. The intended mark'S for the questions r;r part of question,; are given in brackets { J SECTION-A (Attempt ALL questions from this section) Question 1: Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: (i) llSl Edmond, Tracy and Jessy are sitting on a see-saw in a park as shown in the figure below. The distance "d" of Jessie, from the pivot when the see - saw is balanced is: 400N SOON (a) 1.51 m (b) 2.3m (c) 1.3 m (d) 0.7m :___:_- Page 1 of 16 ( ii ) 1\ falli11 1_-'. r:1ind r(1 p h:1s: c cnero O nh by . kineti ( b) Only potential energy (c) Both kinet ic and potential energy (d) (iii) Zero energy as it is in dynamic equilibrium. ons, A body is acted upon by two unequal forces in oppo~itedirecti - but not in the same line. The effect is that: (a) The body will only have rotational motion (b) The body will only have translationafmotion ( c) The body will have neither rotational nor translational motion n ( d) The body will have rotational as well as translational motio (iv) is: The descending order of penetrating power of the radiations (b) a__ .~-+ Y (c) ~-+ y-+ a Page 2 of 16 (v) Which amongst the given figures below correctly depicts the dispersion of white light by a glass prism? R V (a) V R (c) (d) (vi) The wavelength of white ligqt is: (a) 4000 run to 8000 rij'n (b) 40 nm to 80 rifn : . (d) ' 4 mnto 8 nm The sound produced by two tuning forks A and B in air have same amplitude and same waveform, but the frequency of A is three times more than B. In such a case: (vii) )<._(a) . Quality of sound of A differs from B v {i5) Note produced by A is shriller than B (c) Note produced by Bis shriller than A (d) Note produced by A has more speed than B ti Page 3 of 16 l-he shows thl'. c1 tsp1ac cI r1 c 11t- time graph of a wave vc 1oc1ty 20 11~s ' t ra \ c llrn r: 111 :1 s1ri11,1 with From the graph shown belt),, . thl vnlu,.: of frequency is: d 1a11r :\l11 ' 0 is 0 0.1S t(in s)-+ (a) 5 Hz (b) lOHz (c) 15 Hz (d) 20 Hz ( ix) A stude nt carries out an experimen t and plots the 1-V graph of three samples of nichrome wire with resistances R1, Ri and R, respective ly . Which of the following is true? ~ Cl) 0 E ro V (volt) (a) R.1 = R.2 = R_, (b) R1 > R2 > R, (c) R3 > R2 > R1 (d) R2 > R3 > R1 Page 4 of 16 (\ l (x i) B. cq 11:1 I an1 0 11!11 o f he.i i energy is supp li ed to two bodi es A and A ri ses by 6 c and that of B bY 40c . 'J"h e ratio T c 11 1pcr:1111n.: o f body I I . Bis: t o t 1c nw 1 capac 1t1es of bodies A and 1\11 (u) 2 :3 (b) 3 :2 (c) 1: 1 (d) 3 :4 The directi on of force acting on the current carrying conductor, pl aced normally in a magne tic field , as shown in the diagram below will be: Direction of electric current (I) ____.,______ ..._ Direction of magnetic field (B) (a) p erpend icular and inwar ds to plane of paper (b) perpen dicula r and outwa rds from plane of paper (c) parall el to magne tic field (d) no force will act on the condu ctor as the magne tic field and electr ic field are placed norma lly and cancel out each other Page 5 of 16 (xii) An electric heater of power 1000 W raises the temperature of 5 kg of a liquid from 25 c to 31. 0c in two minutes. The heat capacity of the liquid is: (a) v--(b) 2xl0- 4 JK- 1 2 X IO 4 JK-1 (c) 333.33 JK-1 (d) 2 X 10 4 JKg-1 \: (xiii) The below diagram shows a three-pin socket Choose the correct option: tri~k~~ias 1, 2 and 3. (a) >1 ~ Live, 2- Neutral, 3- Earth ,~ f6) 1 - Earth, 2- Neutral, 3- Live (c) I - Neutral, 2- Earth, 3-Live ( d) 1 - Earth, 2- Live, 3- Neutral Page 6 of 16 :\ doul1 k \' nnvt;x lrns, made or a materia l or refractiv e index , is 1 11 1:,0.:d i11~idc two liquids of refractiv e indices 2 and 3a5 shown. A wide, parallel beam of light is incident on the lens from the left. Given 2 > 1 > 1-13, the lens will give rise to: - - - . .2 - - (a) A single converge nt beam (b) Two different converge nt beams ( c) Two different divergen t bean. ;_'<::;/ " _:... : F -,~ . ~-; : -.: < (d) w . ,, .. ; A converge nt and a dif~e~geriti~eam ,--~. ..:. (xv) ln the diagram bel~oyr/ tg~ effec tive resistanc e between A and B is: -> 10 ,. . , .A B (a) 1.2 Q (b) 2n (c) ]Q (d) 5 Q Page 7 of 16 Question 2: (i) (a) The heart of a deer chased by a tiger beats 200 times in a minute and does a work of 1.6 joules per beat. What is the power of [3] the heart? (b) (ii) (iii) Is it possible for a hydrogen atom nucleus to emit an alpha particle? Give reason. The wheel shown in the diagram below has a fixed axl~ passing thr~ugh 'O'. The wheel is kept stationary under th~)ctiori of a honzontal force F1 at 'A' and a vertical force F2 at "B' . (a) Copy the diagram 'ii:nd show the direction of force F2. (b) Find the ~tio between the forces F 1 and F2, Given: AO = 2.5 cm, BX -:- l.5-cm, XO= 2.0 cm is -meaning of the term 'centre of gravity of a body'? Give an [2] (2) example where the centre of gravity of a body is situated outside its material. (iv) (v) {2) Define specific resistance and give its S.I . unit. A simple pendulum, while oscillating, rises to a maximum vertical height of 5cm from its rest position when it reaches to its extreme position on one side. If the mass of the bob of the simple pendulum is 250g, calculate the velocity of the bob at its mean position. (Given: g = 10 ms-2 ) 12] Page 8 of 16 (v i) (vii) The di agram shows three di ffcrc11t modes of vibration p Q , and R of ,. th e same strn1g o 1cngth 'I' . (a) Which one will produce a louder sound and ~hy? (b) State the ratio of wavelength of P and R. Three resistors Rt = 12 0, R2 = 15 0 and RJ = 20 0 are joined together as shown below. Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit between points A and B. .._,./\MIit---.--- R1 = 12 0 [21 [2} B R2 = 15 0 Question 3: (i) Name the radiations: (a) That are used for photography at night (b) Which can be detected by a thermopile [2] Page 9 of 16 (ii) (iii) [2] (a) G ive on e cx::i mpl c o f a superconductor. (b) Wri~e tlic energy conversion in a headphone while listening to music. A Gem1an silver wire of resistance 4 ,Q is stretched to four times its [2] length. What will be its new resistance? (iv) o c or I gm of water at Which of the two, I gm ofice at more heat? Give a reason for your answer. o 9 c'bi~s [2] \.;~~'~: (v) What is radioactive carbon dating? Name the is9\9;tthat forms the basis of this technique. [2] Question 4: (i) \/ A ray of light is pajsjpgJro m a rarer medium to a denser medium. (3] How do the fol}ow tg}:{iiantities change? (a) W ave~~gth . (b) Ftequeiicy . ' . (o) Amplitude (ii) An object is placed between 2F1 and F1 on the principal axis of a lens. Using 3 rays, obtain the image of the object formed by the convex lens. [3] (iii) An object of height 4 cm is placed at a distance of 16 cm from a concave lens of focal length 10 cm. Find the position, size and nature of the image formed. [4] Page 10 of 16 Qucs fion 5: (i) \ com plete the path f th e ray AB through th " Copy the diag n1111 nnd o .. . e J)Q - . of"th e g l ass == 42". le ang cal criti the en Giv R. 111 Qlns~ pn!- f3] ~ p JO" 90' R Q (ii) er t h e Obs erve the fol lowing diagram and answ questions given below: f3J Position ~ 'A' lP f ----- ----- ----- . Real I 1 Heig ht : Posit ion 'B' : (a) ~ ~ Actu~I posit ion 'O' of t_he bfrd in the sky Air Rare r sky. To the fish in ' 0 ' is the actual position of the bird in the at position 'A ' or the rive r view ing obliquely, will the bird be 'B'? (b) of the image (as What is the distance betw een the position object termed as? viewed by the fish) and the actual position of (c) r wat er affect the How does the refractive inde x of the rive di stan ce mentioned by you in part b? Page 11 of 16 (iii) (a) _wh a t is the freq uency of a light beam in glass of refractive md ex 1.5, if its wavelength in air is 600 nm? Given that the speed of light in air = 3 x 10 8 ms- 1. (b) In an experiment with an equilateral prism, Rita found that for an angle ofincidenceLi = 40 , the angle of emergence Le= 62 . Calculate the angle of deviation suffered by the light ray. l4) Question 6: (i) (ii) (iii) 13] (a) State the work- energy theorem. (b) In the game of tug of war, what is the sign of the work done by the losing team? Justify your answer. (a) State the value of kilowatt hour in S.I. unit. (b) For the same.J<inetic energy of a body, what should be the change in. its velocity if its mass is increased by 4 times? (31 A block anc;Itackle pulley system with a velocity ratio 4 is used to lift a ''ioadof300 kgfthrough a vertical height of 10 m by applying 2 an effort of 100 kgf downwards. (Given: g = 10 ms- ) (a) Draw the arrangement of pulley showing the load (L), effort (E) and tension (T) in each strand. (b) Find the efficiency of the pulley systen1 and the work done by the effort. (4] Page 12 of 16 Que stio n 7: - (i) r ll ~r 11uc lc11s i ~~X . is fl>rm ed afte r an a c.:miss, ion 10 owe d by l f daught . . b n s mas the is um er and at om1 c a ~ c1111 ss1011 :is sho wn belo w ' wha t ' lllllllbcr or X'? X (ii) ~ a f3J 206 x 82 2 ng fork s A and .B of the The belo w figu re sho ws two iden tica l tuni sou nd box es p and Q sam e ~eq uen cy mou nted on two sepa rate ~ k thei r ope n end s face each othe r. Tun i ng 1or such that resp ecti vely .b . . . A 1s set into v 1 ratio ns. [3] {( Sound A p (iii) Box\ ...------B Q (a) d box P? Wh at sort of vibr atio ns are set up in the soun (b) B? Wh at is you r obse rvat ion abo ut tuni ng fork ( c) box es? Wh at is the role play ed by the two soun d (a) reas on for the sam e. Nam e the wav e used in SON AR. Giv e a (b) [4] in a sea. Fro m the The re is a sunk en ship at a dep th of 50 m . Find the time whe n surf ace, wav es are sent to loca te the ship Stat e whe ther an the wav e refl ecti on will reac h the surf ace. ech o is hear d or not? Giv e a reas on. 1 ) (Ta ke spee d of soun d in wat er = 140 0 ms- Page 13 of 16 Quc.s tion ( 1) )'I : . below and calculate the C:,r-,t.ully ~tudy the circui.t diagr am given fdknv ing: [3) E=6V + 0.4A 120 X 20 p (ii) (a) The total resistance of the circuit. (b) The value of unknown resistqrX: (c) The p .d. across 6 n resistor. An electric heater rated 4.4 kW-220V is operated for two hours . Calculate: [3] (a) The safe limit of the current which can pass through it. (b) 1l1c cost of electricity consumed at a rate of Rs 5.20 per unit. (iii) (a) Of the three connecting wires in a household circuit whic h two of the three wires are at the same potential? (b) Give a reason why electrical gadgets such as bulbs , fans, heaters etc. are connected in parallel. (c) Name the material used for maki ng a fuse wire and explain prope rly why this material is a good choice for the same. [4] Page 14 of 16 Que s tion 9: ( i) the variatio /\ s11bs t:111c c is healed at a cons tant rate and grap h below. n 1rmp cr:1turc vvith tin11.: or hea ting is show n in the In 13 J F t 78 C ,-------./E -----------------------. D ~ ::i ....., QJ a. B ~ -115 C I- A (a) (b) (ii) (iii) Time (s) --+ d phas e of Wh at part of the grap h show s whe re solid and liqui the subs tanc e co-e xist? tic ener gy is Nam e any part of the grap h-wh ere aver age kine a stea dy rate. cons tant altho ugh the subs tanc e is bein g heat ed at tant? Exp lain brief ly why aver qge kine tic ener gy is cons of mas s 400 g at 200 kJ of heat ener gy is supp lied to an ice bloc k temp eratu re of -10 C. The ice is com plete ly melt ed. Find the final wale r form ed. Give n that: 10 1 Spec ific heat capa city of ice = 2060 J kg- c- , 1 3 Late nt heat of fusio n of ice = 3 3 6 x 10 J kg- and, 1 0 1. Spec ific heat capa city of wat er= 4200 J kg- c- (3] duct ing cylin der. Two coil s C1 and C2 are wrap ped arou nd anon -con and coil C2 with Coil C 1 is conn ecte d to a batte ry and a key belo w answ er the galv anom eter . With refe renc e to the figu re follo wing ques tion s: [4] Page 15 of 16 ( a) (b) en the key 'K' S ta te y o11r obs erv atio ns in the ga] van o1n eter wh is pre ssed on. n the cur ren t ~ta te you r obs erv atio ns in the gal van om eter whe 1s pas sed con tinu ous ly thro ugh coil C1 ( c) obs erv atio ns. Na me the phe non 1en on resp ons ible for the abo ve (d) det erm ine the Wr ite the nam e of the rule tha t is use d to eno n. dire ctio n of the cur ren t pro duc ed in the phe nom

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