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JANKIDEVI 25 EnUCATIoNAL EXCELLENCE FIRST PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2024-2025 PIIYSICS (SCIENCE PAPER ) STD.:X DATE: 26.11.2024 Macinunm Markr: 80 TinNe alloved: Two hours Answers this Paper mst be written an the paper provided separately You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minute. Th s time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time giwen at the head of this pesper is the time allowed for writing the anwers Section Ait compulsory. Atlempt any four questions fram Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brachs This question paper consistr ofseven printedpoges. Nohing should be writen on the question paper Continued on page 2 Seetion A (40 Marks) Attenpi all questiorns from this section. Question I Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only.) The energy conversion, when an oscilating pendulum moves from mean to extreme position is (a) kinetic to poterntial, (b) potential to kinetic. (c) potential to kinetic to potential. (d) kinctic to potential to kinetic. (ii) Calculate the monent of force F at O. m F3N F,SN (a) 10 N m clockwise. (b)) 10 Nm anticlockwise. (C) 12 N m clockwise. (d) 12 N m anticlockwise. (iii) kilowatt hour and kilowatt are: (a) S.l units of power and electric (b) Commercial units of power andenergy. (c) S.l units of electric energy and electric energy -(d) Comnmercial units of electric power.and energy (iv) power. Sl. unit of moment of force is : (a) kgf m. (b) Nm. () gfm. (d) N cm. (V) The magnitude of turning effect depends upon : (a) Force and pressure. (b) Perpendicular distance and force. (C) Perpendicular distance and energy. (d) Perpendicular force and point of application. (vi) The centre of gravity of triangular lamina lies at : (a) Midpoint. -(b) The midpoint of interaction of medians. (c) At 3/4th h. (d) At the 1/4th h of the median. Seetis it0 Marks Questaa4 Ahatery efemt sevnlies eincu huhacut in ahich estance car echangd Ahih resetce olwter i coected acs the butlery seteter reas 2.TV Fidthe internal rstace nsL3A ome eicit Fist the ratko ofefort aeelicd ty tem (hiWhut are Erced vibrates ( 14 A bck and tackke system has VRS Ouestiom 5 Draw aHeat labelled diagram ofa swseas indicating the directk of is koad and effort (a) Stale the order of specific resistance of(l) a metal (2) an insulator (b) In the daiam below. ur coves are denicted, cach with a height of 12em The pusition oftte senter of aravky is indkcated by dots located at Scm, Bcm, 4cm. and Jcm from the apex ofeach cone Whichi ofthese conesis coinpletely solid Observe the electric circuit given below and answer the questions that ollow. Cell Switeh (a) Ifwe increase the current in the above circuit asing a rheostat, will he reading ofthe imeter decrese or ncease (b) Give a reason for your answet rin n ta Aperson standing between fwo vertical clits hears two sounds ene atter 3s and another PI after 6s, Find the distance between two clifs if velocity of sound Continned on page6 Ouestion6 The diagram given belsw shows an obserser sees the image ofan object OatL (a) Nam me the pieno menon responaible () (iD Late the efifect on X when: () Y increases. (2)Ydecreases (a) Nane two factors on which reslstance ofa wire depends (b) Two wires A and B are made ofcopper. Wire As long and thin, while the wire Bia short and thick. Which will have more specific resistance? Calculate the equivalent resistance betweenP and Q from folowing diagram: 102 [4) 109 32 20 PWw 50 Question 7. (iH) Give difference between energy and power. (a) Sanjity welghing 60 kgfclimbs up a ladderofheight 10m in 15 mintes. Calculate incrense in his potential energy and the power spend by him. (Take | kgf 10 N) (a) State and explain two factors on which the hest produced in a wire depends wben curent is passed in it (b) Give two charscteristics ofhigh tension wire. (3 Duestion 8 (a) Define the term dsperskon of light. (b) What do you understand by the term spectrum? (c) Which ofthe colour ofthe spectrum of vwhite liaht deviates (31 (0) the most? (2) the least? () The diagrum given below shows athree pin socket maked as 1,2,3. (31 Continued on page7 ) ldeniity and write live (L\ netrai (N) and earti (E) againi the correct mumte Ih) Ta wtiich part ofapplances is the trrminal I conected (d To which wire jained so 2or3.kise consecied cm high in 10 sad a gilef g 40 kgfelims g the 15 steps, each 15 41 Sane in 3Compare (aj tie work done. aod bj the po wer developed by thern Takeg 10Ng Question 9 Wiut is sSoNAR7State the princigle on which is based Study the diagram and snswer the guestions given below 10 oad noNabl nat u rabe or kwer the load? ln the diagram, is the worker attenpting oaner to (a) wih theiecessary calcalation lens passes Ay ofigle incidest ata polnt on the principat axis ofa conses i t shough the let on the principal axi What special nuc is givea to this paint (a) (b) Draw a labelled diagra to suppon the aiswer in pat seesessssssesses. 41