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ICSE Class X Board Specimen 2022 : Commercial Applications [Semester 2]

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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ICSE SEMESTER 2 EXAMINATION SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS Maximum Marks: 50 Time allowed: One and a half hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (Attempt all questions.) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, Write the correct answer only.) (i) (ii) [10] Income and Expenditure account is a __________ account. (a) Nominal (b) Real (c) Personal (d) Recurring __________ is a revolving credit arrangement. (a) Overdraft (b) Discounting of Bills (c) Cash credit (d) Loans and Advances T22 881 S2 SPECIMEN 1 of 5 (iii) Job Evaluation is one of the __________ functions of Human Resource Department. (a) Procurement (b) Development (c) Training (d) Compensation (iv) __________ is a negative process. (v) (a) Education (b) Selection (c) Training (d) Recruitment ___________ is one of the elements of Public Relation. (a) Sympathy (b) Human relation (c) Monologue (d) Media relation (vi) Consumer education benefits __________ by increasing sales. (a) Businesses (b) People (c) Region (d) Environment (vii) Deliberate mixing of low quality, undesirable, inedible and even toxic materials in food items is known as __________. (a) Food Pollution (b) Mixing of food items (c) Food adulteration (d) Quality degradation T22 881 S2 SPECIMEN 2 of 5 (viii) __________ is the first stage in hiring. (a) Selection (b) Recruitment (c) Development (d) Training (ix) The objective of preparing __________ account is to find out the cash position of the organization. (x) (a) Receipts and Payment Account (b) Balance Sheet Account (c) Trading Account (d) Trial balance account Income and expenditure contain only __________ items. (a) Capital (b) Capital and Revenue (c) Revenue (d) Outstanding SECTION B (Answer any four questions from this Section.) Question 2 (i) State one point of difference between Cash Credit and Overdraft. [2] (ii) State one point of difference between Dexterity Test and Intelligence Test. [2] (iii) What is a Balance Sheet? Write any two uses of it. [3] (iv) Consumer education is beneficial to the society. Give any three reasons. [3] T22 881 S2 SPECIMEN 3 of 5 Question 3 (i) Write any two features of Receipt and Payment account. [2] (ii) What is Public Relations? [2] (iii) Write about any three general utility functions of Commercial Bank. [3] (iv) One must follow environmental values and ethic. Explain giving any three points. [3] Question 4 (i) Write a short note on Field Recruitment. [2] (ii) Why Stockholder Relation important for an organization? [2] (iii) Explain in short, any three functions of Central Bank. [3] (iv) Write any three features of Human Resource. [3] Question 5 (i) Justify either for or against by giving a reason for the following statement. Income and Expenditure account shows the opening and closing balances of cash in hand and cash at bank. (ii) [2] Justify either for or against by giving a reason for the following statement. Central Bank is a Banker to the Government. [2] (iii) State any three points of difference between Receipts and Payment Account and Income and Expenditure Account . (iv) Write any three disadvantages of payment through cheques. [3] [3] Question 6 (i) Write a short note on Automated Teller Machine. [2] (ii) Mention the elements of Public Relations. [2] (iii) Write about any three activities of procurement function of Human Resource Department. (iv) Explain any three consumer rights provided by Consumer Protection Act. T22 881 S2 SPECIMEN [3] [3] 4 of 5 Question 7 Case Study Nokia, a leading mobile phones company has a supervisor, Mr. Ansari, at the Surat Branch. His workers respond well to his leadership and try to come up to his expectations. However, Mr. Ansari takes a tough stand when workers are unable to meet their targets. In the past Mr. Ansari punished two workers for not being able to reach their targets and this led to much resentment. The workers felt that they should have been consulted in determining work targets. Later Mr. Ansari realised this and arranged for a special motivational program for the employees to achieve targets. Since then, he has had a good relationship with his employees. In reference to the above case answer the following questions: (i) What type of bank account should Mr. Ansari open for new hires in Nokia? (ii) Mr. Ansari likes to promote some of the employees as supervisors. Which program shall he undertake? [2] [2] (iii) There is a vacancy in the Ahmedabad Branch of Nokia. Which source of recruitment should be used to fill the vacancy? Justify your answer by giving two reasons. [3] (iv) What type of interview is most appropriate to fill this vacancy? Give two reasons? [3] T22 881 S2 SPECIMEN 5 of 5

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