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ICSE Class X Board Specimen 2024 : Commercial Applications

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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ICSE 2024 EXAMINATION SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS Maximum Marks: 100 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ]. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 [20] Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) (i) (ii) Identify which of the following does not have an opening balance. (a) Balance sheet (b) Income and Expenditure (c) Receipts and Payment account (d) Profit and Loss account The power and value of a brand which adds to the product is called __________. (a) Brand loyalty (b) Brand quality (c) Brand equity (d) Brand publicity T24 881 SPECIMEN 1 of 9 (iii) (iv) Inventory control is a part of ___________. (a) Place mix (b) Product Mix (c) Promotion Mix (d) Price Mix The products bought after comparing quality, price etc. of different brands are known as ___________. (v) (vi) (a) Shopping Products (b) Industrial Products (c) Convenience Products (d) Specialty Products Identify an example of Nationalized Bank __________. (a) Union Bank of India and State Bank of India. (b) Citi Bank and HDFC Bank (c) ICICI Bank and Axis Bank (d) American Express Bank and Yes Bank With reference to steps in personal selling, which statement is (are) correct? 1. Prospecting means locating and identifying the potential buyers for sales. 2. Prospecting means to make face to face contact with buyers. 3. Prospecting means after meeting buyers, display the product. 4. Prospecting makes well trained sales force (a) 2. & 3. (b) 1. & 4. (c) Only 4. (d) Only 1. T24 881 SPECIMEN 2 of 9 (vii) The traditional channel employed in the distribution of consumer goods is __________. (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (a) Manufacturer - Consumer (b) Manufacturer Retailer (c) Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer (d) Manufacturer - Agent - Wholesaler Retailer Consumer In __________ stage there was a mass production, supply exceeds demand. (a) Production-oriented stage (b) Marketing-oriented stage (c) Sales-oriented stage (d) Societal Marketing stage Sacrifice made to acquire something is called as __________. (a) Cost (b) Price (c) Revenue (d) Expense __________ is a summary of cash transactions. (a) Income and Expenditure Account (b) Balance Sheet (c) Profit and Loss Account (d) Receipts and Payment Account Private Banks are the banks which are _________. (a) owned and controlled by government. (b) owned and controlled by private businessmen. (c) owned and controlled by foreign banks. (d) owned by central Bank and managed by government. T24 881 SPECIMEN 3 of 9 (xii) In __________ stage, the business marketing focus is changed from buy my product to buy my brand. (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (a) Maturity Stage (b) Decline Stage (c) Introduction Stage (d) Growth Stage Accounting means __________. (a) Keeping an account of money received (b) Keeping an account of money spent (c) Keeping an account of Money spent and loan received. (d) Keeping an account of money received and money spent. Time Deposit account is also known as __________. (a) Recurring Deposit account (b) Current account (c) Saving Deposit account (d) Fixed Deposit account There are two statements given below, marked as Assertion(A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option. Assertion: Central Bank and Commercial Banks have distinct roles in economy Reasoning: Central Bank controls money supply and sets policy. Commercial Banks take deposits and make loans to customers. (a) A is true but R is false. (b) A is false but R is true (c) Both A and R are true and R explains A (d) Both A and R are true but R does not explain A. T24 881 SPECIMEN 4 of 9 (xvi) __________ means assigning suitable jobs to the selected candidates in the organisation and choosing the most appropriate people. (xvii) (xviii) (a) Selection (b) Recruitment (c) Placement (d) Orientation The vertical movement or advancement of an employee is known as: (a) Promotion (b) Demotion (c) Transfer (d) Inbreeding Identify which of the following concept is NOT required to avoid excessive consumption? (xix) (a) Reduce (b) Reuse (c) Refuse (d) Remember Which of the following helps to reduce prejudice and builds up mutual confidence between two persons? (xx) (a) Empathy (b) Persuasion (c) Dialogue (d) Ethics The following passage is excerpted from the High-Tech High-Touch Recruiting written by Barbara Bruno, president of Good as Gold Training and HR Search. In her latest book, Bruno provides recruiters with an end-to-end process for recruiting in-demand talent, selecting the right candidates and engaging them to become long-term employees. T24 881 SPECIMEN 5 of 9 Based on the information provided in the passage, which of the following statements best describes the difference between Recruitment and Selection? (a) Recruitment is the second stage of hiring and selection is the first stage of hiring. (b) Recruitment is the first stage of hiring and selection is the second stage of hiring. (c) Both Recruitment and Selection start and end together. (d) Both Recruitment and Selection are involved in choosing the right candidates for the job. Question 2 (i) (ii) [10] Distinguish between: (a) Cheque and Overdraft (b) Geo-Thermal energy and Ocean thermal energy Justify the following sentences for or against and give a reason: (a) The objective of advertising is to support dealers. (b) Internal source of recruitment is not economical. (c) Consumer education encourages critical thinking so that the consumer can function more independently while buying goods. Question 3 Answer the following questions: (i) State any two types of markets on the basis of subject of exchange. (ii) What do you mean by the term labelling? (iii) Define the term GAAP. (iv) Name and explain any two types of Overheads. (v) Explain any two uses of Receipts and Payments Account. T24 881 SPECIMEN [10] 6 of 9 SECTION B (Answer any four questions from this Section.) Question 4 (i) Distinguish between Sales Promotion and Advertising. [5] (ii) Examine the various features of Services. [5] (iii) Briefly explain any five reasons required for the increasing need of consumer [5] education. Question 5 (i) What do you mean by personal selling? Explain any three features of personal [5] selling. (ii) What are the uses of Balance Sheet? [5] (iii) Mention any five ways as to how good public relations helps to maintain good [5] relationship with employees of an organisation. Question 6 (i) Advertising is a social waste. Give reasons to support this statement. [5] (ii) Explain any five qualities of a Human Resource Manager. [5] (iii) Discuss any two external sources of recruitment. [5] Question 7 (i) ABC company is introducing new soap in the market. Which pricing strategy [5] would be more appropriate? Give any four reasons. (ii) Describe cost on the basis of behaviour. [5] (iii) A new company wants to train its employees on latest development in work [5] method and procedures. Explain any two types of training suitable for existing employees. T24 881 SPECIMEN 7 of 9 Question 8 (i) A company has one product whose sales is going down rapidly. [5] Name the stage the company is undergoing and explain the marketing strategies suggested to avoid loss. (ii) With reference to the basic principles of accounting, explain any two principles. [5] (iii) What are the advantages of payment by cheque? [5] Question 9 CASE STUDY Julian Richer (born 1959) is the Managing Director and founder of Richer Sounds, a hi-fi and home cinema retailer specialising in audio equipment such as LCD televisions, DVD players and amplifiers. In 1978, aged just nineteen, Richer opened his first store in London Bridge. The company has 53 retail outlets throughout UK. In 1994, his flagship store in London Bridge set a new Guinness World Record for the highest sales per square meter of any retail outlets in the world- a staggering 195426 ($322450) per square meter- a record held for over two decades. Richer Sounds has also won many awards, including Which? magazine s Best Retailer Award and Sunday Times award for Britain best employer. The company is also one of the UKs most generous donors, allocating 15% of its annual profits to charitable organisations. Richer believes it is vital that his staff have fun and enjoy their work. He is renowned for empowering staff to make a difference to the company. Each week, he looks at employee suggestions and awards up to 20,000($ 33,000) for an idea. Each month, the top three sales people get to use his personal Bentley or Rolls-Royce for a weekend. He only promotes people internally. Richer argues that businesses with demotivated staff face lower productivity due to higher absenteeism, labour turnover, theft and customer complaints. [Sources:, and The Richer Way, By Julian Richer] T24 881 SPECIMEN 8 of 9 With reference to above case study answer the following questions: (i) Examine how motivation can lead to improved productivity of his Organisation. [5] (ii) With reference to features of Human Resource Management, explain: [5] (iii) (a) Staff function (b) Pervasive function What are the advantages of internal sources of recruitment? T24 881 SPECIMEN [5] 9 of 9

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