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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Computer Applications

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Hari Priya
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MIDTERM EXAMINATION (2023-24] Total Marks : 100 Std : X COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Theory) Time allowed: Two hours Answers tothis Paper mustbe written on the paper provided separately. You willnot be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This Paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all questions from Section Aand any four from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets 0. SECTION A (Attempt all questions fromthis Section) Question l Choose the correct answer and write the correct option: (i) is the technique of binding both data and methods together to keep them safe from unauthorised access and misuse. (a) Abstraction (b) Encapsulation (d) Polymorphism (c) Inheritance (ii) The package which is used toimplement GUIis (a) java.awt (c) (b) java.lang (d) (iii) Given the following statements: int min=1, max=F10; int range=max-min+1; int num-(int)(range*Math.random()+min); The value of num will be (a) 1<=num<10 (c) 1<num<10 (b) 1<num<=10 (d) 1<=num<=10 (iv) Which component is responsible for converting bytecode into machine specific code? (a) JIT eIVM (v) (b) JDK (d) JRE ASCIl code of upper case letters ranges from (a) 60-85 (by 65-90 (d) 97-122 (c) 65-91. [20] (vi) What is the output of Math.ceil(-46.6); (b) -46.5 (d) -46.0 (a) -46.6 (c) -47.0 (Vin) How many times the loop, for (i-l; itt), willexecute? (b) 1 (d)infinite (a) 0 (c) 2 (Vin) Which one of the following operators has the highest precedence in Java? (a) + + (b) % (d) <<= (c)| (ix) The expression 4+8%2 gives thec (a)6 (c) 8 as the output. (b) 4 (d) 3 (x) What is the value of d in the following snippet? double d-Math.round(2.5+Math.random(); (a) 2.5 (c) 3 (b) 2 (d) 4.2 (xi) A method can return (a) 2 values (b) any number of values (c) 3 values (d) only one value (xii) The size of an array that signifies the number of elements it can store is given using (a) [) (c) ) brackets. (b) () (d) > (xiii) The return type of thecquals() method is (b)char (a) String (d) int (c) boolean (xiv) The method that changes the state of an object is known as (b) impure method (a) pure method (c) perfect method (d) imperfect method (xv) The trim() method of theString class removes (b) spaces in between words (a) leading space only (c) Trailing space only (d) leading and trailing spaces (xvi) A default constructor has (a) no parameter (c) lparameter (b) 3 parameter (d) any number of parameters (xvii) The charAt() method returns the (a) int (c) char (b) String (d) boolean (xvi) Given array int z[]={15, 16, 17}; It will occupy memory. (a) 1 (c) 12 bytes in (b) 24 (d) 64 (xix) A constructor is invoked when an object is (b) created (a) destructed (d)concreted (c) abstracted (xx) Which element is num[4] of the array num? (b) 4 (a) 3 (d) 5 (c) 6 Question 2 (i) (ii) (iii) Java is called platform independent. Give reason. Differentiate between = and ==. Analyse the given program andsegment and answer the following [2] [2] [2] questions: a. Write the output of the following program segment. b. How many times does the body of the loop gets executed? for(int m=5; m<=20; m+=5) if(m%3--0) break; else if(m%5=-0) System.out.printin(m); continue; (iv) Convert the following for loop statement into while loop. for(int i=10, j=5; i>-1; i-) System.out.println(ij): [2] (v) Write a valid java statement for the following. [2) a +b+2ab Y2rah (vi) Differentiate between call by value and callby reference. (vii) Explain the significance of this keyword with an example. (viii) Ifint arr[]={55, 67, 40, 3, 33, 72, 45, 23}; [2] (2] [2] Find the array values after the 4h pass in bubble sort. (ix) (x) Differentiate between .length and .length(). Predict the output for the following. String n = omputer:Knowiedo. String m= conomic Applications"; [2] [2] System.out.println(n.substring(0,8).concat(m.substring(9))); System.out.println(n.endsWith("e"); SECTION B (Attempt any four question from this Section) Each program should be written using variable description/ mnemonic codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Question 3 Define a class BookFair with the following descriptions: cnna to store the customer name [15] phno -to store the customer's phone number. ad-to store the address ctype - to store the type of book nob- to store the number of books bought. rate - to calculat the book bill. fbill to calculate the fbillwith tax. Constructor: Default constructor - to store the default values of the instance variables. Parameterizedconstructor - toinitialize the instance variable " BookFair(String name, long ph, String add) Member Methods: compute()- To calculate the book bill based on the conditions given below: No. of Books Rate/book Type Educational Non Educational 1-20 21-50 S1-75 76-100 Above 100 150 140 130 110 100 1-20 21-50 51-75 120 110 100 90 80 76-100 Above 100 Calculate the tax of 4% on thetotal purchase. display() - to display all the above details. Write a main methods. method to create an obiect of the class and invoke all the Question 4 Write a Java program to overload the method as given: above MethodOverload and perform [15] MethodOverload(): 5432* 432* 32* 2* MethodOverload(int n) :2, -4, 6, -8, 10, -12,. MethodOverload(int a, int l) : t a + a'3 -+ a . n terms n terms 1 Question 5 [15] Write a Java program to read a sentence, count the number of words present in the sentence and display all the words beginning with vowel in a sentence. Question 6 [15] Write aJava program to declare an aray of size 10,input the array elements and sort the array using selectionsort technique. Question 7 Write aJava program to enter a sentence, find the shortest word in a sentence [15] and count the number of vowels present in it. Question 8 Write a Java program to declare an array of size 10, input the array elements and display all the spy numbers in a user given array. Hint: Spy number is anumber whose sumof digitsis equal to the product of the digits. Ex: 321 - Sum =3+2+1 =6 Product = 3*2*1 =6 [15]

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