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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Computer Applications (Gopalan National School (GNS), Bangalore)

9 pages, 38 questions, 38 questions with responses, 38 total responses,    2    0
Mukund V
Gopalan National School (GNS), Bangalore
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GOPALAN NATIONAL SCHOOL WHITEFIELD, BENGALURU FIRST PREB0ARD- DECEMBER 2024 SUBJECT: COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Date: 14/12/2024 Class: X Maximum Marks: 100 Time Allowed: Two hours Ans wers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. Thetime given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This question paper consists of 9 pages. Attemptall questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets |J. SECTION A (40 Marks) (Auempt all questions from this section) [20] Question 1 Choose the correct answer and write the correct option. () Object orientcd programming allows you to derive new classes from existing classes. This is called a) Inheritance b) Encapsulation c) Modularity d) Generalization (ii) Which of the following method in String class is used to join two Strings? a) join(0 b) concatenate) c) concatenation() d) concat() (i) The advantage/s of user-de fined methods is/are: 1. Modularity 2. Reusability 3. Complexity a) Onlv I b) Onlv2 c) 1and 2 d) All of the above Page 1 of 9 (iv) Consider the following String array and give the output: String a[I-"RED", "YELLOw","BLUE", "ULTRA MARINE": System.out.print (a[0].lcngth()>a[2].length()); System.out.print (a[3].substring(4); a) trucA MARINE b) falseA MARINE c) false MARINE d) true MARINE (v) The output of System.out.printIn(28/8) is : a) 3 b) 3.5 c) 3.0 d) 3.50 (vi) The function which changes the state of the object is known as: a) impure function b) pure function c) main function d) replace function (vii) Predict the output: int a[]={5,6,8,4,3, I0,-1.-2}; System.out.printIn( Math. min(Math.pow(a|7].a| 4), Math.cbrt(a[2): a) -2 b) -2.0 c) -8.0 d) 8.0 (vii) Amethod that converts a String to a primitive integer datatype is: a) parseInt() b) IntegerParse() ) integerParse() d) Parselnt() (ix) State the retuIn type of isLowerCase(char ) nethod: a) boolean b) int C) char ) String Page 2 of 9 The expression Math. <x) a) 6.0 b) 2.0 min(Math.abs(Math.ceil(-5.8)), Math.floor(2.3))evaluates to c) -5 d) -5.0 A class has three variables, one int, one char and one double. HoW many bytes willbe (xi) occupied by an object of the class? a) 12 b) 14 c) 16 d) 18 (xii) Multiple branching statement of Java is: a) b) c) d) for while switch do...while (xiii) Which of the access specifier provides the most accessibility? a) default b) private C) protected d) public (xiv) The output for "Computer".substring( 3,4) is a) pute b) pu c) mpu d) p (XV) How many times will the inner loop be eNecuted? for(int a=1;a!=5;att) for(int b=1;b<=a;b+=2); a) 4 times b) 6 times c) 8 times d) 10 times Page 3 of 9 (Xx) (xvi) Predict the output: int i; for(i-0;i<3;i++); System.out.print(); a) 012 b) 4 c) 0123 d) 3 (xvii) What does the following code print? int a,b; for(a=1;a<=3;a++) for(b-(70ta);b<=71;btt) System.out.printin(char)b); a) g b) G c) f d) F (xviii) Assertion: Abstraction is the process of exposing the implementation details of an object. Reason: Abstraction allows you to focus on what the object does rather than how it does it It helps in managing complexity. a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A) b) Both Assertion (A) and ReasOn (R) are true and Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A) c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true (xix) Predict the output for the code: System.out.println("GREAT" indexOf('e); a) 3 b) 2 c) ) d) -] Page 4 of 9 (xx) How many parameters can a default constructor takc? a) 0 b) 1 c) any number ofparameters d) 2 Question 2 () Kanmal wants to display only the alphabets stored in a character array. While compiling the code, errors were displayed. Check for the statements with error and write the correct statements. (2] char arr[={4, '&, 'a', 'w', 'd'}; int i; for(i-0;i<arr.length();i++) if(Character. isLetter(arr)) System.out. printIn(arr); (iil) Define autoboxing. In the following code, identify the statement where autoboxing is taking Integer myinteger = 20; place : [2] int myint = myinteger; (iii) Write an expression in Java for (a+b)4 V la-b| (iv) Evaluate the following expression and find the value of a (Show working). int a=50,x=10; [2) [2] a/=x++ %9-++x/ (7+3) + x--; (v) What is the value of x? (Show working) int n[]= {2,5,7,8.9, 11,3}: int x= Math. (vi) [2| min(n[4],n{6]) +n[n.length-2]* 10: Write Java statements for the following: i. Check if the second character of the String instance str is a number. ii. Find the posit ion of last 'o from the word "Tokyo". (2] (vii) the What willbe the output for many times following code segment? How willthe loop be [2] executed? int x=1,i=3; do x*=itt; }while(i<=6); System.out.println(x); [2] the following: (viii) Name the keyword used in Java to do call method i. Send the control back to the ii. Used to declare a class variable (ix) code segment? How What willbe the output for the following many times will the loop be (2] executed? int a[]={2,4,12,6,10,14}; int m-0,n=0,p=0; for(int k-0; k<2;kt+) m-a[2]++; n-a[3]++t; p=a<4]: if(m==12) break; System.out.println(m+ntp): (x) Differentiate between Primitive and Composite data types in Java (2] 2 SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt ANY FOUR questions from this Section TheansWers in this section should consist of the programs in either Bluel environnent Ol any progran environment with Java as a base. bach proNAM should be written using variable description/ mnemonic codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flowcharts and algorithms are not required. [15] Question 3 andarr2]. The Write a program in Java to accept values into two single dimensional arrays, arrl[0elements of both Join the array arTI||stores 6 elements in it and array arr2[] stores 4 elements in it. followed by elements of arr2[]. these arTays into athirdarray arr3[] where arr 1[] elements are Example: Input Arrl|| 67 45 69 32 11 56 Input Arr2|| Output Arr3|| 4 67 45 69 32 89 91 55 56 4 89 91 55 [15] Question 4 4 the is broken into two equal halves, then number the If digits. of number number, A Tech number has even itself. Write a program to input a number the to equal is halves square of the sum of these Number or not. check and print whether it is a Tech Example: 3025 is Tech number (30+25) =3025 Square ofsum of halves of3025= [15] Question 5 . descending order USing 10. Sort them in an size of array integer in Define a class to avvept values selection sort technique. Display the sorted array. Page 7 of 9 Question 6 [1S) Design a class with the following specifications: Class name: Student Member variables: name age mks stream name of student age of student marks obtained stream allocated (Declare the variables using appropriate data types) Member methods: Void accept() Accept name, age and marks using methods of Scanner class. void allocation() Allocate the stream as per following criteria: mks stream >=300 >=200 and <300 >75 and <200 Science and Computer Commerce and computer <75 Try again void print() Arts and Animation Display student name, age, mks and strcam allocated. Call all the above methods in main method using an object. Question 7+ Define aclass to overload a method print()) as follows: void print()to print the format (u l (i (@@@@s void print (int n) - to check and display whether the number is prime palindrome number or not A number which is prime as well as palindrome is said to be 'Prime Palindrome' number. For example: 11, 101, 131, 151are Prime Palindrome numbers. Page 8 of 9 Question 8. [15] present in the string are repeated. Write a program letters the of none if Unique' be to said is String A The program displays a message not. or Unique is string the whether check to accept a string and accordingly. Sample Input: COMPUTER Sample Output: Unique String Sample Input: KERALA String Sample Output: Not a Unique

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