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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Computer Applications

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Supratick Roy
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Class-X A AUXILIUM CONVENT SCHOOL Pre-Board Examination 2024 -2025 Computer Applications (Two hours) ~' ;.--- F.M. 100 nswer to this Pa . y: . per must be wntten on the paper provided separately. ou will not be all d . . . owe to write during the first 15 minutes Th1s time is to b . . The tin . e spent zn readmg the question paper. th ?e iven at e head o this Pa er is the time allowed or writin the answers. This Paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all qu r Ji . Th . es ions rom Section A and any four from the Section B. e mte nded marks for the questions or parts are given in the brackets []. SECTION - A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 Choose the correct . . . answer and write the correct option: 1) Give the output: [l x20=20) ~tri_n~ s[]={ "cat" ,"dog", "eel" ,"bird"}; mt 1,J=0; for(i=0; i<s.length; i++) System.out. print(s[i] .charAt(j ++ )); a) cdrb b) cold c) corb d) catd ii) Study the code fragment written underneath and write the error message flashed on the status of the Bluej terminal when the snippet is executed by the compiler: int a[]=new int[5]; a[5]=26; System.out. println (a[S]); a) Type mismatch b) String Index Out of Bounds g.,) Array Index Out of Bounds d) Variable might not have been declared . . ij)Corresponding wrapper class of float data type 1s a) Float b) FLOAT c) float ~ d) Folaht . ble declared outside the body of the method and is accessible to all i.J?.) Name t e van a P' parts of the program a.Y Local variable b) Global variable c) Instance variable within a const~uctor d) Instance variable at object creat1o_n. J akes its elements v1s1ble everywhere thrg v) A class 10 ava m a) private b) protected _,e) public d) friendly , i) Give the output string c;tr Tom '-t rk String s.c:. I s str sub Iring( s I c;tr substrrn l s,stem.out p tn \: th. t ( J ) 3 8 P, b ark , tart n d arko 1 \\ hen c; , "r ,a \:Ontp le autom.lt1calh comerts a prim1t1vc type into corrc pond n ss b1 e~t then 1ts called t, ~ C unb d autobox g :'l me e retun data \ t) pe of String functions methods such as starts\\ 1th and ends\\ th a nt b boo ean C char d b~te x Cons der a <:ingle dimen:-..fon array a[} as int type initialized with 5 elements int a = 1 .20 . .30.40.60}: \\ hat \\ il1 be the result of a[ I] - a[3 l ? a b 60 ~ 50 d 80 In Ja-.,,a. classes like Scanner. Calendar. Currency are available under ___ class a java.uu b java io XI c) ava.lang d) ja~a.av.rt Name the eyword useful rn returning the object (address) of ,,hich the func member a) new f),1 ta tic J th I d) final ) r he par m ter in a function call statement arc kno\\ n as a-1 A tu I b) r ormal c) Dat.i d) R fer n (.,ivc lht output Sy ter , ut println(Matli rnund(l 49) O 1) 111) 1l 2 1 b) l I a) I .50 d) I 59 c) 100 s ") (~h ,. th, 011t1tul ~ \ llld d, qil11, ( \ Ill I I II I 11 I I I I I II I I II I \ I \ I 11 11 \ I \ I" I II I l \ 1 I I ( I \ I I I I Ill I I I I I) 1 II Iq [I) ") i I l l I ' l \ 1 d) I \ I i V l' t h ,. 0 11 t p II t ' ,11iil 111 ,1111() X \ ) ( ; St1i11p sl1 I "S 111,1I "; St1i11~ SIi' "1)1,1111111111" . S \ :, l l' 111 . n II I . p I i II t l 11 ( s I I I , stdi s I I i 11 1:, ( (). 2 ) , Co Ill' :II ( s I 1 2 s ll h s Ir i II g ( 1, 5))); fl) Su, 11w11 h) S1111111 c) d) S111 a1111111d S,1111011 ( ; i V l' th l' Cl II. p II t : , nid di s pl:t ) ( l t,X \ i ) l int a 1>7 ; dwr opn ( l'hn r)a : sw itch(op11) c11sc'11': Systc111.011l.println("Bl11c sky"): l'asc ' b': Systc111,1111l.println("Birds rty") : break: case 'c': Systcrn.011t.printl11("l'lz comply"): u) Birds fl) h) Blue sky c) Blue sky BirdH lly d) Plz comply th C O II t p II t: Muth .pow((,25, 1/2) I M,ith .sqrt(l44) a) 17.0 h) 11.0 )<.XV j i) (; i V C c, n.o d) 13 -.:,iii) l'lh' :11'111) inl ,11011l('l'llpil s: a) IO b) I 1.'" h) 20 b, 11.~s ") 40 h) tcs d) SO b, It's J :\.I\) \J :1 ll\ C. t h I.' t) pl' 11 I' l' I r II I th, I I l h' (' 111':,; fo I t Ii I.! II l 11 11 \\ j II)-' ::111 II l: 111 r.: 11 I , "i\ st1.'m.1,ut.println(l\lalh,s q1t( '<i l '1)); a) S)nta, b) Runtimt c) l o~ kal d) No 1. rror :xx) l he func1i1)t1 that 1. h.1ngl''- the st:it1. nl' its p111n111t tcr'l is t'1tlkd a) Purl.' l'unction b) lmptir1. fu1h'tit111 1.') Super d) Dai, cd Question 2 Do the folio" iug qtH'Stions: i) Define ahs1rac1io11. ii) Dift\ rcntiatc bct\\,CCn a ch:/i111/t and /)(tl'a11wterizcd co11s1ruclor, iii) Con\'ert the follo,,ing i/-efac -if construcl into swit, li , a.1('; j2xJO 201 if(,ar =\) S) stem.out .println("Kolkata"); else if( \'ar==2) S) stem.out.prindn("Knight "): else if(, ar==3) S)stem.out.prindn( "Ri(krs"); else System .o ut. pri ndn("'I 11, al id Cho ice"); What type of internal conversion (Autoboxing/Unboxing) takes phtct: in the l!odcs written below: a) char ch 'a' ; b) Integer i I 00 : Character obj =- ch : System.out.print In( i); (Note: The output of this code is 100 when t:xecutcd) v) Give the output: void print() { int i j for(i--=l ;i<=4;i++) { forU=-1 :j<=4;j I ) { if (j%2==0) continue; clse Systcm.out.prinl((i System. out.print I11(); fj)): vi) Zvrite a Javu expression jiJ1 the matltcmatical equation: x= -b + ../b 2 - 4ac 2a vii)What is the signif'icancc of a hreah statement in a switch bl ,,i1)Rcwritc th1. following program sc.:g, 11 1.!nt u:,i 11 l' tlii;; ,j, '"' ,tut, nwnf Slring [!rad<.: (u1a1k 1)0)? "A": 111nrk 80 '/ "Ir' if' x 10 x x x x ix) Fv.1luak: x) Give th~ prototyp<.: ol' ti l\111c.:Lio11 11:i1:1cd display() ilwt re, civc a char.a<t~r th , a r g\l me n t a n d rct II rn :,; t rn <.: o , !'a I :H} v a I uc . SECTION - H (<,O M:arl<'I) ,llte11111t any/our <J11<'sl1or1s.from thi\' ,",'1 clf(Jl'l 1 l'lll answer in lhi:,; sec.:tio11 should cow;i<1t of fht l'ro,:ram /11 /Jiu, 1 e11vironnw11t or ,my program e11viro11mntl witlt .lava (I.\ tltt ba'>t' Fach program should he writ kn using Variabl" d, -.criptiom I M1wmonlc ( o<f,,~ t,Uch that the \t)gic of the program is clearly depicted. l low,( h.irh and Algon1hrni; art: not required, 1 1151 Question3 find then Write a program to input nine numbers in a 3x3 matrix using \'<'unner c/a,H and out the transpose of the matrix. In a transposed matrix, thu numbet8 in the row arc found in the column and vice versa. For e.g. 25 3 19 36 27 0091 58 70 47 ~2 5 36 91 I3 27 ss I 91 70 47 fl 5 I Question 4 ' Design a class to overload a function area() as follows: i) doubk area (doub le a, doub le b, doub le c) with tl1tec double argumL:nts, returns the.: area of a sc,uenc triangle using the formu la: area = s(s - a)(s - b)(s c) where, al bl c s=-2 ii) double area (int a, int b, int height) with three i ntegcr arguments, returns thl! areci c,f a trapezium using the form u la: area= 1 2 heigh t(a + b) iii) double area (doubl e diagonal l , do u ble diagonal2) with two double arguments, returns t he area of a rho m bus using t h e formula: 1 area= (diagonal! X diagonal2) 2 Note : W rite on e program with three method s ha v ing the s am e na me area() Qu es tion 5 1 Wr ite a me nu -driven program us in g swit c h -case sta te m en t t o do the fo ll owing: ii) i) 9 xn x6 xz x4 87 +-+ +--s =-+(n 1) ! 5! 1! 3! <,54 1151 3210 (151 Question 6 W ri te a p rog ram to s tore a se nte nce in a s trin g type of variable and count the number of THE presen t in it a fte r co n ve rtin g it into uppercase. E xample 1 : Input: T he gre at s o cce r playe r ni<.: knamed The Black P1ar.l wa1 named after the American inventor T ho mas Ediso n Output: Tota l numb e r of T HE in these II Example 2: Input: The allied forces defeated the Germans in the World War II Output: Total number of THE in the sentence= 3 [1s I Question 7 Define a clas~ called Library with the following description: Instance variables/data members : stores the accession number of the book int acc_num stores the title of the book String title stores the name of the author String author Member methods: To input & store the accession number, title and author (i) void input ( ) To accept the number of days late, calculate & display (ii) void compute () the fine charged at the rate of Rs. 2 per day. To display the details in the following format: (iii) void display() Fine Title Author Accession Number Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods. [15) Question 8' Using scanner class, write a program to input five decimal numbers in a single dime11sio11 array and do the following operations: (i) Calculate and print the sum of the largest and the smallest values in the array. (ii) Calculate and print the average of the integer parts of all the numbers. For e.g. I 9.2s 8.78 For e.g. Largest value Smallest value Total 4.96 6.66 5.25 = 9.25 = 4.96 = 14.21 Sum of the int part= 9+8+4+6+5 = 32 = 32-;-5 Average = 6.4 The End Best Of Luck

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